BSM at the LHC Dirk Zerwas LAL Orsay • Lecture I: • LHC and the Detectors • Standard Model • Lecture II: • The standard model Higgs boson • The supersymmetric Higgs bosons • Lecture III: • Supersymmetry • Exotics LHC LHC • proton-proton collisions ILC • E beam=7TeV • s = 14TeV • 0.15-20*s effective • tunnel circumference: ~27km 2 Multi-purpose detectors: ATLAS, CMS B-Physics: LHCb Heavy-ion physics: ALICE Totem LHC R=p/(B q c) B=8-9T supraconducting P=7TeV c=3*108m/s R=2.7km LHC: 4.3km Straight sections ALL Dipoles installed 1600 superconducting magnets…. Preparations started in 1990… Installation started in 2001… standard refrigerator: 276K LHC: a 27 km fridge at 1.9K 37000 tons of equipment 1 year of cooldown 120 tons of Helium (1 truckload=5t)! • energy in beams: a Boeing 737 at landing speed • 60 kg of TNT (beam dump) LHC: 2008/2009 Stage I 2008 Hardware commissioning 5TeV Machine checkout 5TeV No beam Beam commissioning 5TeV II 43 bunch operatio n 75ns ops III 25ns ops I Shutdown Beam We are here III 2009 Shutdown No beam Machine checkout 7TeV Beam setup 25ns ops I Shutdown Beam 2008: • Goal 5TeV (Magnets) • 43/156 bunches per beam (of 2800) • 75ns (13.3MHz) • 25ns (nominal: 40MHz) LHC: integrated Luminosity kb N * 1,5 (m) IBeam proton Luminosity (cm-2s-1) Events/ BC 43 4 1010 11 1.7 1012 7 1028 << 1 156 9 1010 2 1.4 1013 1.1 1032 3.9 2808 5 1010 0.55 1.4 1014 of nominal 1.9 1033 ~ 45% I 3.6 Evolution of beam levels and luminosity 180 2.50E+33 43/156 Bunches 60 Stage III 0.55m, 25ns, 5 10 1.00E+33 25ns PhaseI End 2008 40 1.50E+33 Luminosity 10 1m, 25ns, 5 10 10 75ns 2007/2008 10 10 L=1032cm-2s-1 1fb-1 p.a. L=1033cm-2s-1 10fb-1 p.a. 2.00E+33 1m, 75ns, 9 10 2m, 75ns, 6 10 10 10 2m, 75ns, 4 10 11m, 75ns, 4 10 10 10 2m, 156 bunch, 9 10 2m, 156 bunch, 4 10 10 2m, 43 bunch, 4 10 10 80 11m, 43 bunch, 4 10 10 ~ 25% of nominal I 100 Luminosity Stage II 140 120 Event pileup 11m, 25ns, 4 10 12 • bunch 1011 protons • every 8m • 40Mhz • reality ~ 32MHz (empty bunches) Stage I 160 Intensity(10 ), stored energy(MJ), event pileupx10 L: luminosity N=σ∫Ldt t typically 107s Stored energy 2m, 25ns, 4 10 10 Beam intensity 5.00E+32 20 1.00E+32 0 0.00E+00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Operational phase 8 9 10 11 12 LHC: comparison to other Machines (L=1034, 1011 Beam 1.1x p/bunch) • 60 kg TNT • fully loaded Airbus 320 at landing speed Rule of thumb: • around 2010 ~10fb-1 p.a. • well after 2010 ~100fb-1 p.a. ATLAS and CMS Length: 45m Radius: 12m Weight: 7000Tonnen Readout Channels: 108 3000km cables Track reconstruction (|η|<2.5, B=4T) • Si Pixels and Strips Calorimeter (|η|<5) • EM: PbWO4 2%/E0.7% • HAD: Brass/Scint., Fe/Quartz (fwd) Muon chambers (|η|<2.7): • Solenoid Return Yoke instrumented with Muon chambers Length: 22m Radius: 7m Weight: 12500Tonnen Track Reconstruction (|η|<2.5, B=2T) • Si Pixels and Strips • Detector for Transition Radiation (TRT) for PID Calorimeter (|η|<5) • EM: Pb-LArgon 10%/E0.7%, long. Segm. • HAD: Fe/Scintillator (central), Cu-W-Lar (fwd) Muon chambers (|η|<2.7): • Toroids with Muon chambers (MDT) CMS = Compact Muon Solenoid Length: 22m Radius: 7m Weight: 12500 tons Length: 45m Radius: 12m Weight: 7000tons = 100 Boeing 747 Readout channels: 100Million 3000 km cables ATLAS= A Toroidal Lhc ApparatuS building 40 at CERN 6 stories Event reconstruction Muons: InnerDetector and muon detectors Electrons/photons: EM Calorimeter Jets: Calorimeters Tracks: InnerDetector (with lifetime information for b-tagging) Electrons and Photons: Before Physics: Calibration Events per Second 1033 cm-2s-1 108 107 105 Events for 10fb-1: W eν, μν Z ee, μμ, ττ tt Jets (>200GeV pT) 150 je 15 8 1000 M M M M Trigger 103 10 10-1 10-3 JES: 1% LES: 0.1% ETmiss: (0.5-1)/ET Calibration and Alignment of the detectors: Electronic Calibration In situ Calibration and Alignment: • Zee, Z μμ : Alignment, Calibration ECAL (Z mass), Particle-ID, muon chambers • W lν : Energy/Momentum Calorimeter/Tracker • tt bWbW blν bjj : Reconstruction W from hadronic decay • Z ττ: tau-Lepton Reconstruction (Z mass, Efficiency), ETmiss • γ+Jets, Z(ll) +Jets: Jet Calibration (Recoil against Z,γ) Particle Reconstruction: electrons/photons The reconstruction sequence for electrons and photons: • Calibration of Electronics and Alignment • Clustering (Sliding Window) • Corrections at the cluster level: • position corrections • correction of local response variations • corrections for losses in upstream (Inner detector) material and longitudinal leakage • Matching with Tracks • Identification • 2nd stage reco: • Refinement of corrections depending on the particle type (e/γ) • Bremfit/Gaussian Sum Filter • uniformity 0.7% with a local uniformity in ΔηXΔφ=0.2x0.4 better than 0.5% • inter-calibrate region with Zee Energy calibration for electrons and photons Optimize Energy resolution AND linearity! 100GeV Systematics at low energy ~0.1 % Testbeam: Achieved better than 0.1 % over 20-180 GeV 0.1%-0.2% spread from 10GeV to 1TeV over all eta! Essential to mesure particle masses correctly with the best precision Vis Vis E rec (a( E ) b( E ).EPS c( E )( EPS .E1vis ) 0.5 d ( E ).i 1,3 Eicalo ).(1 f leak (depth)). f brem ( E ). f cell impact E loss upstream of PS E loss PS and calo calo sampling fraction+ lateral leakage E dependent Longitudinal leakage Uniformity and Identification rms 0.62% 0.45% 0.49% Uniformity: ensure same energy response Higgs (later) Identification: differentiate electrons from jets Large QCD cross section Jets and ETmiss Calibration e/pi response Jet clustering Jet resolution: 60%/E 3% Jet energy scale: 1% ETmiss Typical signature of SUSY compensation for dead matter etc ETMiss at 2000GeV: ATLAS σ=20GeV CMS σ=40GeV Trigger@LHC Trigger@LHC: Example of a typical menu Luminosity Measurements at the LHC 100fb-1 25 interactions per beam crossing Instantaneous luminosity decreases with beam lifetime Integrated Luminosity: N = σ * L (every rate/Xsection measurement depends on it) 1.Online measure events in 3<|η|<5 Counting zero ET towers (ET<0.5GeV): 2. Measure elastic cross section at small angles TOTEM at 150m, 200m Use optical theorem to relate total Xsection to elastic cross section extrapolated to 0 Measurements done at 1028cm-2s-1 Extrapolation of beam optics necessary Precision on σtot ~1% Deviation at High Luminosity 3.Standard Candles: W production: 300Hz Z production: 30Hz (PDF uncertainty) Minimum Bias A glossary: Minimum Bias: Trigger thresholds “minimal”, measures the total Xsection Underlying event:= “rest” when subtracting “hard process”, e.g. production Z Minimum Bias: Large uncertainties for the extrapolation from TeVatron to LHC Parton collisions (ex quark): 1 1 s 2 3 1 E pz yW ln 2 E pz Pseudo-rapidity: -ln (tan θ/2) (polar angle) Masses neglected x1, 2 MW exp yW s MRST2002-NLO LHC 4 (nb) Rapidity: 5 dW/dyW . Bl s x1 = 0.12 x2 = 0.0003 x1 = 0.006 x2 = 0.006 x1 = 0.0003 x2 = 0.12 3 2 W± 1 0 -6 -4 -2 0 yW 2 4 6 Q2: square of momentum transfer Standard Model: W production x: fraction of proton momentum gluon pdf The LHC is a gluon-collider! Standard Model: QCD CMS Jet-Production • with 10fb-1 • compare with NLO BUT: • E-Calibration • prediction for PT >1TeV CMS large errors above 1TeV • energy scale • PDFs The Standard Model: W Mass Sensitivity to mW (leptonic decays, hadronic case hopeless) The Standard Model: W Mass 10fb-1 Selection: PT(lepton)>25GeV ETmiss> 25GeV Jet Veto PT>30GeV Statistics 15 Tot. Exp. <20 Scale Method: Treat Z as W and shift spectra muon electron BSM: Di-boson Production TripleGaugeCouplings (TGC): WW+γ ou WZ(ll) 300fb for PT(γ)>100GeV Selection: • PT(γ)>100GeV • PT(Lepton)>40GeV • mT>35GeV • isolation of Photon and Lepton • Jet Veto Wγ frame W rest frame λγ=0.01 D0 (2005) (162pb-1): -0.93<Δκγ<0.97 |λγ|<0.22 LEP: g1Z=0.984±0.02 κγ=0.973±0.045 λγ=-0.028 ±0.021 The top quark Indirect sensitivity to the Higgs boson mass TeVatron 2008: 172.4 ± 1.2 GeV (0.7%) Production and decay of top quarks g t q t t q t g g au Tevatron: 10% 90% au LHC: 90% 10% Decay (before hadronization): • short lifetime : top ~ 410-25 s • decay channels: – t W+b because mtop > MW – with W+ e+e, + (, +) – or: – W+ ud, us, cs σLHC = 833 pb = 100σTeV Final states (classified according to W decays, excluding taus): • fully leptonic channel 5% 450000evts/year low bg • semi-leptonic channel 30% 2,700,000evts/year good sg/bg • fully hadronic channel 44% 4,000,000evts/year large bg QCD ttb+jjb in ATLAS muon Hadronic jets Missing energy Hadronic jet Measurement of the top quark mass: semi-leptonic channel σ = 7.4 GeV Nbtag = 2 • • Reconstruct the W bosons – select (jj) minimizing |mjj – mW| – W purity: 66% – efficiency : ~80% Light jet calibration of W – Energy calibration 1-2% Measurement of the top quark mass: semi-leptonic channel • • • Reconstruction of hadronic top quark top – association of b jets with W boson: – largest pTtop – maximize ∆R(l,b) – minimize ∆R(b,Wjj) purity top : 69% efficiency : 1.2% Number of events • ~30K (80K) events in 2 b-tag (≥1b-tag) • physics background ~ 100 events ! resolution : σ ≈ 11 GeV σ = 10.6 GeV Measurement of the top quark mass • • fully hadronic channel: – 6 central jets (high pT) 2 b – ~ 100,000 evts in 10 fb-1 combinations and selections: – W jj (2W) – t Wb (2t) – 130 < |mjjb| < 200 – pTtop ≥ 200 GeV/c – resolution 13 GeV/c^2 – S/B: 18/1 Δm (GeV) t fully leptonic performance with 10 fb-1 – Evt/evt: mt solve system weight – all evts: mean weight per m – mtfit = mt w/ highest <weight> σ ≈ 13 GeV/c2 δmt light jet energy scale 0.8 b-jet energy scale 0.7 Initial State Radiation 0.4 b-jet energy scale (1%) 0.6 Final State Radiation 2.8 b-quark fragmentation 0.7 b-quark fragmentation 0.3 ISR / FSR modeling 0.6 Background 0.4 Parton Distr. function 1.2 Total SYSTEMATIC 3.1 Total SYSTEMATIC 1.6 Total STATISTICAL 0.2 STATISTICS & method 0.3 W Polarisation and the Wtb coupling • Polarisation of the W boson in top decays: search for deviations from the standard model – Decay t W+b – 3 helicity states possible for a W boson: -1,0,+1 “Left” “Longitudinal” W b W t t W FL=mt2/(mt2+2mW2) = 0.703 “Right” lepton: sign and direction wrt W reco of decay angle possible t b b F0=2mW2/(mt2+2mW2) = 0.297 FR= 0.00 = 0.00 (standard model: f1L = Vtb1 , f1R = f2L = f2R=0) L g W b ( f1L PL f1R PR )t 2 g W b ( f 2L PL f 2R PR )t h.c. 2 Coupling Determine FL, F0, FR and translate to fiL,R Limit 2 (statsyst) f1R 0.31 f 2L 0.14 f 2R 0.07 The final standard model topic: single top production mecanisms: t channel NLO= 231± 9 pb • s channel NLO= 10.1 ± 0.7 pb Backgrounds: tt, W+jets, QCD-jets Clear signal W+t channel LO= 60 ± 15 pb