Bee Venom Therapy

Montpellier, France
LA I Bee
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Highlights of Apimondia 2009
2009 December 06
Th. Cherbuliez, MD
Papers offered
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Papers/Posters offered
Total for Apimondia: ≈ 700 oral and posters
Apitherapy Commission: 46 oral communications; 38 presented
Apitherapy Commission: 48 Posters
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
10 Papers presented here
Reconciliation between Empirism and the Traditional Scientific
model; between two models of thinking about “scientific”
New findings: LAB, Propolis for Plasmodium, RJ & Propolis for
type 2 diabetes, new wound dressing
Developments: Cancer, Alcoholism, Anaphylaxis and Psoriasis
General developments: Propolis in China.
Apitherapy basics
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Basic clinical concepts in Green Medicine
Author: Roch Domerego, from Belgium
Based on 3 dimensions: 1) Multi molecular
2) Energetic
Relation psyche-pathology-therapeutic forces
Respect for all components
Interaction person-environment
3) Therapeutic Alliance
State-treatment consciousness
Mutual adaptability-harmony.
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Linking Empirism of Apitherapy
with modern Biomolecular Medecine
Author: Eberhard Bengsch, from Germany
The major pathologies of mankind remain unsolved by conventional
Biomolecular medicine has developed much knowledge about origin, evolution
and metabolic details of many diseases, biomolecular medicine explains but does
not heal. Apitherapy heals but does not explain
Some 800 conditions belonging to the groups of Tumors, Cardio-vascular
and Neuro-vegetative diseases, Autoimmune and Psychiatric disorders can
be touched by Apitherapy products, by mechanisms poorly elucidated.
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
LA Bacilus
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Bee
Authors: Tobias Olofsson & Alejandra Vasquez, from Sweden
They have identified a large and unique lactic acid bacterial flora composed
of thirteen novel bacterial species originating in the honey stomach. They
are potent inhibitors of human pathogens and food spoiling organisms.
(The bees inoculate the pollen with the bacteria as they harvest it. In vitro,
LAB inhibit the growth of bacteria in the human intestinal flora such as
salmonella and proteus vulgaris.)
These novel LAB most
probably play a key role regarding benefits when consuming bee products
as honey, bee pollen and bee bread.
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Propolis as anti-plasmodium medicine
Author: James Hutagalung, from Indonesia
Plasmodium-agent of malaria; resistance to antibiotics observed
from1950 on
Flavonoids in Propolis, a complex of tree sap, beeswax, sugars,
can destroy the parasite in its early developmental stage.
In early stages of testing.
RJ & Propolis for Insulin resistant diabetes
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Royal Jelly and Propolis
for insulin resistance in type 2 diabetics
Author: Hiromu Kawazaki, from Japan
Studies on insulin resistance (hyperinsulinemia) in fructose-drinking rats
RJ (100 and 300 mg/kg/day, p.o.) or PPL (Brazilian propolis extract; 100 and 300
mg/kg/day, p.o.) for 8 weeks
Results: some decrease of systolic blood pressure and significant decrease of insulin
serum level
Conclusion: RJ and PPL could be an effective functional food to prevent insulin
resistance associated with the development of hypertension.
Wound gafting
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Amnion Grafts for Wound
using Honey
Author: Nagi Marsit, from Libya
Ideal functions: available, inexpensive, not inflammatory to the wound,
not antigenic, prevents bacterial access to the wound, decreases
evaporation of body fluids and loss of electrolytes, good adherence to the
wound, fosters granulation and rapid healing.
This is realized with the production of honey impregnated human
amniotic membranes sterilized by gamma rays from cobalt-60 sources.
It keeps at room temperature without further irradiation for more than
four years.
Clinic of Cancer
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Clinical experience with Propolis
for Cancer patients
Author: Osamu Mizukami, from Japan
Used propolis from Brazil in more than 500 advanced cancer patients
over15 years. For most, quality of life improved
They show slow growth to no change to disappearance of tumors
Most patients have other treatment modalities concurrently
Ethical and legal objection to having propolis as only treatment.
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Clinical experience with Propolis
for Cancer patients
Propolis has
Direct anti-cancer effect: re-establishes apoptosis
Immune-enhancing effect
Anti-oxidant effect
Anti-angiogenic effect and anti cell-proliferation effect
Anti-inflammatory effect
Anti-viral and anti-bacterial effects
Tissue-regenerating effect
Chemo-protective and synergetic effects
Radio-protective and synergetic effects
Normalization of alcohol
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Normalization of alcohol
with Apitoxin
Author: Igor Krivopalov-Moscvin, from Russia
This is a program to get people with alcohol abuse or alcoholism, not to refrain from
alcohol completely but to rehabilitate destroyed functions
Apitoxins (bee venom extract) remove the primary and secondary longings for
alcohol, and normalize activity of detoxification enzymes
Results after 6 months (%) , after one year (%), after three years (%)
Allergy w. Bee products
Alcohol abuse :
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Treatment of allergy to bee products
with Apitherapy
Author: Stefan Stangaciu, from Romania
The classical, allopathic, treatment of allergies implies the use of
antihistaminic, corticosteroids and if necessary, adrenalin
The bioflavonoids (quercetine, chrysine, luteonin, etc.), present in propolis,
bee pollen/bee bread, honey, beeswax, play a very important and useful role
in the prevention and treatment of allergic reactions
With a correct diet (rich in bioflavonoids), a good life style (with enough
sleep), a healthy vertebral column, the regular practice of acupressure, honey
massage, Shiatsu, etc, the development of the allergic reactions may be
prevented or treated.
ttt of Psoriasis
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Treatment of Psoriasis
by api-reflexotherapy and bee products
Author: N.Z.Khismatullina, from Russia
Goal of the study: extension of the period between acute attacks
Use of Bee venom, bee bread, pollen load, royal jelly, propolis, beeswax and
apizan (extracted from chitin of bees)
complex treatment of bee stinging, some api-products and peloids, some kind of
balneological treatments, music- and psychotherapy
After a second course of treatment 83% of patients were free of attacks. They
had only common plaques. No other medication was used
ttt of mucositis
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Scientific Research in China
and Application of Propolis
Author: Lihong Chen. from China
Major increase of research on the functions of propolis, such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidation, anti-tumor and cell toxin,
softening blood vessels, improving blood microcirculation, enhancing
immunity, anaesthetization and promoting tissue regeneration
The past decade has witnessed a tremendous boom in the use of propolis in
health care products and folk medicine for treating diabetes, cardiovascular
diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and some cancers in China
The new Chinese Pharmacopoeia has included propolis in its descriptions of
Apitherapy medical applications.
Nougat & bees
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Nougat stand with bees
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Propolis and honey syrup as prophylaxis
of oro-pharyngeal mucositis in irradiated patients
Author: Barbara Boyd, from Italy
(prepared but not presented)
Three grades of mucositis; Grade 3 often leads to interruption of the cancer
Measure: take Honey-propolis syrup 5 ml 4 times a day
Results: No grade 3, milder grade 2, no treatment interruption
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Propolis formulation to treat burns
Author: Andrea Beretta-Silva, from Italy
A formulation providing sustained delivery of a standardized
propolis extract, a product that maintains its liquid state in low
temperatures and provides in situ gelling property
The proposed pharmaceutical form intends to enhance patient’s comfort
and acceptance, to obtain a histological well-organized skin tissue and to
reduce wound healing time.
Wound w. Amnion graft
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.
Probiotic effect of Lactic Acid Bacteria
from fresh bee pollen
Author: Patrick Percie du Sert, from France
Bees collecting pollen leave the hive with nectar in their honey stomachs that
contains Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB). On their return, the pellets of pollen contain
the same number of LAB as the nectar that was in their honey stomachs when
they set out. The bees inoculate the pollen with the bacteria as they harvest it.
LAB inhibit the growth in vitro of potentially pathogenic bacteria in the human
intestinal flora such as salmonella and proteus vulgaris.
LAB fresh or frozen pollen has probiotic effects which suggest possible benefits
for human health and well-being.
LA I Bee
© Th. Cherbuliez, M.D.