West Virginia University Matlab Site License

Statler College Matlab Research Consortium
Cost Recovery
Amendment to Program 12/3/2014
Update Matlab cost recovery model for Statler College IT use of the
WVU Matlab Site License
Matlab Classroom, Network, Concurrent:
Initial cost $100.00
Renewal cost $45.00 due June 30 each year
Funds collected by Statler College IT are directly transferred to WVU ITS SLIC
Device using license must be connected the Statler College IT wired network
authorizing license server is mrflex.statler.wvu.edu with backup of
Device using license must be limited to student instruction and non-research activities
Device must be WVU property, no personal devices allowed to use WVU Matlab Site
Use is limited by Mathworks for non-commercial and academic use only by WVU
authorized users
Mathworks Licensing:
For those who would like to use the software in classrooms or labs used solely for student
instruction. (Commercial and research use is strictly prohibited.)
Matlab Faculty Instruction preparation, Network, Concurrent:
Cost follows the “Matlab Classroom, Network, Concurrent” process
Faculty approval process
Create an official course syllabus that clearly indicates Matlab use as part of the
Submit a copy of the official course syllabus to the Associate Dean of Academic
Affairs for approval
The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs forwards approval to Statler College IT
The duration of the access will be limited to one semester prior to the semester the
course is to be taught plus the semester of the course
Renewal requires resubmission for a course taught during another future semester
Device using license must be connected the Statler College IT wired network
authorizing license server is mrflex.statler.wvu.edu with backup of
Device using license must be limited to student instruction and non-research activities
Device must be WVU property, no personal devices allowed to use WVU Matlab Site
Use is limited by Mathworks for non-commercial and academic use only by WVU
authorized users
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Mathworks Licensing:
For those who would like to use the software in classrooms or labs used solely for student
instruction. (Commercial and research use is strictly prohibited.)
Matlab Research, Network, Concurrent:
Initial cost $400.00 which is not prorated for partial year
a grace period is allowed up to 30 days prior to the WVU Matlab Site License
Renewal date of July 1 each year
Renewal cost $165.00 due June 30 each year
Funds collected by Statler College IT are directly transferred to WVU ITS SLIC
Device using license must be connected the Statler College IT wired network
authorizing license server is mrflex.statler.wvu.edu with backup of
Device using license may be used for research activities Device must be WVU property,
no personal devices allowed to use WVU Matlab Site License
Use is limited by Mathworks for non-commercial and academic use only by WVU
authorized users
Mathworks Licensing:
For organizations who would like to serve casual users in a network-only configuration.
This option may also be useful for those who need to impose strict limits on software use
for accounting or license management purposes. (Commercial use, including commercial
research, is strictly prohibited.)
Special consideration for a device that allows concurrent users to access the same
installation instance concurrently:
device administrator will limit the number of concurrent instances to the number
of authorized (purchased) memberships (provided by Statler College IT); an
activity log is to be provided to Statler College IT monthly to allow for a
compliance audit, the log is to contain at least start of instance use date/time,
username, associated researcher, end of instance use date/time, and seat
designator; non-compliance will result in additional fees being assessed to the
associated department
device administrator will only allow access to Matlab applications for WVU
affiliates with authenticated WVU Identity Management credentials; noncompliance will result in deactivation of device
off-campus “shell” access is limited to WVU Statler College faculty, staff, and
Matlab Research, Standalone:
Initial cost $500.00 which is not prorated for partial year
a grace period is allowed up to 30 days prior to the WVU Matlab Site License
Renewal date of July 1 each year
Renewal cost $140.00 due June 30 each year
Funds collected by Statler College IT are directly transferred to WVU ITS SLIC
Device using license must by setup by the Statler College IT staff
authorizing license server is mathworks.com
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device must connect to the internet once within six months while using Matlab to
refresh authorization
device needs to be re-activated by Statler College IT staff sometime between
June 1 and July 31 each year (typically less than 5 minutes)
Device using license may be used for research activities
Device must be WVU property, no personal devices allowed to use WVU Matlab Site
Use is limited by Mathworks for non-commercial and academic use only by WVU
authorized users
Mathworks Licensing:
For university faculty, staff, and researchers who will install, administer, and operate the
software themselves on university-owned machines. (Commercial use, including
commercial research, is strictly prohibited.
United States export control regulations apply
Matlab Research, Distributed Computing Server:
Initial cost which is not prorated for partial year
8 workers $2,000
16 workers $3,750
32 workers $6,750
64 workers $12,000
96 workers $16,000
128 workers $20,000
160 workers $25,000
192 workers $28,500
224 workers $33,500
256 workers $37,500
additional workers can be added to move to the next level
the cluster model uses one worker as the head node
the parallel computing toolbox available on the WVU Matlab Site license is
needed to prepare jobs and review results
License should align with the WVU fiscal year of July 1 to June 30
Renewal cost is 20% of the new purchase cost
Funds are collected by Statler College IT and directly transferred to Mathworks
Device using license must be setup by the Statler College IT staff
authorizing license server is mathworks.com
device needs to be re-activated by Statler College IT staff sometime between
June 1 and July 31 each year (typically less than 5 minutes)
Device must be WVU property, no personal devices allowed
Use is limited by Mathworks for non-commercial and academic use only by WVU
authorized users
Limited technical support is available from Statler College IT staff; primary support is
the responsibility of the research primary investigator
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General notes:
Software updates are available from Mathworks twice annually, approximately February
and September
Software updates can be requested from Statler College IT whenever available
Device transfer of membership is allowed, but limited to a reasonable rate of no more
than once a month
All requests for Matlab software are to be submitted electronically using
http://its.statler.wvu.edu then Request Service, Software, Matlab
This is the Matworks Licensing note:
MathWorks is pleased to offer MATLAB®, Simulink®, and other MathWorks products at
reduced prices to degree-granting educational institutions. The use of products licensed to
institutions at Academic License pricing is restricted to on-campus computing facilities that
are used solely in support of classroom instruction and research activities of students, faculty,
and staff.
Institutions cannot use the products for commercial purposes. Research and development
divisions and centers of universities, government agencies, and other not-for-profit
organizations do not qualify for Academic License pricing. MathWorks offers reduced prices
to degree-granting educational institutions as a service and asks your help in ensuring that the
practice is not abused.
Process of requesting software and the collection of membership fees
1. User requests using web form
http://its.statler.wvu.edu/ Request Service, Software, Matlab
2. Type of software license is determined:
- Matlab Classroom, Network, Concurrent
- Matlab Faculty Instruction preparation, Network, Concurrent
- Matlab Research, Network, Concurrent
- Matlab Research, Standalone
- Matlab Research, Distributed Computing Server
3. Cost of membership is applied as new, renewal, transfer, or instructional
- Statler College IT fee schedule is followed
- Funding or instructional approval may be needed before proceeding
4. Software is installed by Statler College IT staff or designee
5. WVU ITS SLIC fee transaction
- WVU ITS SLIC fee schedule is followed
6. Statler College IT staff authorizes the software installation for use
- up to two years allowed with appropriate funding
- up to two semesters allowed with appropriate instructional approval
- standalone installations must be re-activated each year
- a renewal notice will be sent 30 days prior to expiration of access
Currently 55 seats are shared among all Statler College researchers
Memberships are CPU Bound, which means an instance of Matlab on one core
represents one seat, two instances of Matlab across two cores would be two seats
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Sample notification for funding transfer
Paul Kritschgau (Statler College IT Matlab Coordinator)
Kerns, Alice (Statler College EBO Accountant)
{account manager}
{primary researcher/advisor}
slic@mail.wvu.edu (WVU OIT SLIC)
Matlab Research Funding Transfer ({primary researcher/advisor}) ...
#1 Please transfer funding from {primary researcher/advisor} account "{funding source}" to
Statler College Matlab Research Consortium for the amount of {$.00} broken done as indicated
{four (4)} at {$.00} each {new/renewal} membership for {6/6/2012-6/30/2013} ... type of seat:
{(research, network), (research, standalone), (other)}
Total: {$.00}
{NEW version:} This covers Matlab software licensing new membership between {6/6/20126/30/2013}. This membership is not eligible for prorating because this is the initial membership
purchase price.
{RENEWAL version:} This covers Matlab software licensing renewal membership between
{6/6/2012-6/30/2013}. This membership is eligible for prorating through the ending term of the
(Repeat the following section as needed)
ref STATLER IT HELPDESK: {ticket#}
Wired: {MAC/Physical Address}
Wireless: {MAC/Physical Address} … standalone only
Bluetooth: {MAC/Physical Address} … standalone only
IP= {EX: 157.182.x.x}
Hostname: {device name}
DiskID: {xxxx-xxxx} … standalone only
Loc: {EX: ESB G40A}
Type: {(research, network), (research, standalone), (other)}
Special notes: {EX: Specific WVU-AD user account access limited to: FiMiLast}
#2 Please reply to all when these transactions are completed.
Statler College IT Matlab Coordinator
Statler College IT Help Desk (304)293-0090 website: its.statler.wvu.edu
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West Virginia University Matlab Site License
WVU licenses the basic Matlab and Simulink products with 50 toolboxes which currently
includes the following:
Standard Tools:
Standard Toolboxes:
 Bioinformatics Toolbox.
 Control System Toolbox.
 Curve Fitting Toolbox.
 Data Acquisition Toolbox.
 DSP System Toolbox.
 Image Processing Toolbox.
 Instrument Control Toolbox.
 Optimization Toolbox.
 SimMechanics.
 Simscape.
 Stateflow.
 Statistics Toolbox.
 Symbolic Math Toolbox.
Add on Toolboxes:
 Aerospace Blockset.
 Aerospace Toolbox.
 Communications System Toolbox.
 Computer Vision System Toolbox.
 Database Toolbox.
 Econometrics Toolbox.
 Embedded Coder.
 Financial Toolbox.
 Financial Derivatives Toolbox (dropped by Mathworks)
 Financial Instruments Toolbox.
 Fixed-Point Designer.
 Fixed-Point Toolbox (dropped by Mathworks)
 Fuzzy Logic Toolbox.
 Global Optimization Toolbox.
 Image Acquisition Toolbox.
 Mapping Toolbox.
 MATLAB Builder JA.
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MATLAB Compiler.
MATLAB Report Generator.
Model Predictive Control Toolbox.
Neural Network Toolbox.
OPC Toolbox.
Parallel Computing Toolbox.
Partial Differential Equation Toolbox.
Real-Time Windows Target.
Robust Control Toolbox.
Signal Processing Toolbox.
Simulink 3D Animation.
Simulink Coder.
Simulink Control Design.
Simulink Design Optimization.
Simulink Fixed Point (dropped by Mathworks)
Simulink Real-Time.
Simulink Report Generator.
Spreadsheet Link EX.
System Identification Toolbox.
Wavelet Toolbox.
xPC Target (dropped by Mathworks)
Pricing (WVU ITS SLIC) All licenses include the above listed toolboxes.
Standalone installation
New Individual Subscriber = $500
Individual Subscriber renewal =$140/yr
Licensed by User or Device
Network installation
New Concurrent Academic Faculty Seat = $600
Concurrent Academic Faculty seat renewal = $165/yr
New Concurrent Lab/classroom Seat = $100
Concurrent Lab/classroom seat renewal = $45/yr
Installation on personally owned PC
WVU Employee Personal computer License = $700
WVU Employee Personal computer annual renewal = $165
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