Algebra 2 Delmar High School Syllabus and Outline 2015-2016 Faculty: Kristy Marshall Course Title: Algebra 2 Grade Level: 11th Method of Contacting Teacher: Preparation Period: 5th Phone: 302-846-9544 E-mail: Course Description Welcome to the wonderful world of Algebra!!! Algebra 2 is the third course in the math program at Delmar High School. The state of Delaware requires 4 years of math. This course is designed to build on algebraic and geometric concepts. It develops advanced algebra skills such as systems of equations, advanced polynomials, imaginary and complex numbers. Algebra 2 exposes students to multiple types of functions including: (1) linear, (2) quadratics, (3) exponential and logarithmic, (4) rational, (5) trigonometric. It also introduces matrices and their properties. Course Rationale/Objectives The student will learn to think critically and analytically. The student will achieve mastery in use of algebraic techniques. The student will learn how to apply mathematics to real world applications. The student will gain a greater understanding of algebraic concepts needed for future mathematics work. Major Learning Goals/Standards (Common Core Mathematics Practices) A. Different types of problem solving methods, their applications to the real world and other disciplines will be examined throughout the year. B. Students will progress from a concrete understanding of mathematics to a more abstract understanding of algebra. C. Students will become more proficient at communicating mathematical ideas orally, verbally, and in a written format. They will construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. D. Students will make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. E. Students will model with mathematics. F. Students will learn to strategically apply appropriate mathematical tools while attending to precision. G. Students will look for and make use of structure. They will express regularity in repeated reasoning. Learning Outcomes Page 1 of 4 A. B. C. D. E. The student will be able to solve equations and use them in real-world applications. The student will be able to solve systems of equations. The student will be able to work with the real number system and inequalities. The student will be able to solve functions and inequalities. The student will recognize and work with different types of functions. Primary Textbook Larson Algebra 2 publisher Holt McDougal References and Resource Materials Technology Scientific Calculators are available for each student’s classroom use. Misuse will result in loss of privilege. Course Outline/Curriculum Map: 1. Linear Functions 2. Systems and Matrices 3. Quadratic Functions 4. Polynomials 5. Rational Exponents and Radicals 6. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 7. Rational Functions 8. Sequences and Series Review topics include Data Analysis/Statistics and Trigonometry Ratios Learning Activities: May include but not limited to: 1. Individual assignments 2. Cooperative learning 3. Both large and small group discussions 4. Graphing calculator investigations 5. Problem solving investigations Teaching Methods: May include but not limited to: 1. Individual assignments 2. Cooperative learning 3. Both large and small group discussions 4. Graphing calculator investigations 5. Problem solving investigations 6. Oral and written communication. 7. Performance tasks 8. Math labs investigations 9. Assessment tasks or prompts 10. Correction of work 11. Computer lab 9. Note taking 10. Guided Practice 11. Constructivist Teaching 12. Video presentations 13. Multiple Intelligences 14. Dimensions of Learning Page 2 of 4 6. 7. 8. Oral and written communication Teacher lecture Teacher/student modeling 15. 16. 17. Math lab demonstrations Learning Focused Strategies Use of Manipulative Homework Policy: Homework will be assigned every class day with very few exceptions. Homework is due at the beginning of class and all your work should be shown for credit. Each day during the warm-up, I will go around the room checking that homework was completed, marking missed assignments. Next, we will go over the answers. I may collect the assignments after we go over it. Some mistakes on homework are okay. Assignments, projects, expectations: Tests & Quizzes A test will be given at the end of each unit of study. A quiz will be given to students every few lessons. It is your child’s responsibility to make up any missed assessments. Culminating Performance Task: Each lesson will be guided by an Essential Question. The ability to answer this question is a critical assessment of the student learning process. There will be several tasks that students will perform independently that are standards driven. They should reflect independent thought and response. Notebook: There will be a two pocket folder for each unit. This folder will be handed in and graded after each unit. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure their notebook is complete if they miss class for any reason. Activities: Activities refers to the level of engagement during the problem solving process as well as the student expectation being displayed during class time. Homework: Homework will be graded for valid attempt. Homework reflects either a continuation or extension of that day’s work. Whenever applicable, all steps taken toward finding a solution must be shown. Grading, Assessment, and Evaluation Procedures: Your grade will be based on the percentage of the total possible points you have earned. There are four different categories that are used when figuring your overall percentage. Total points are accumulated throughout each marking term. I will give you a computer printout of you grade standing throughout the marking term. a. Test and Quiz 60% b. Culminating Performance task / Checkups / Projects 15% c. Daily Evidence of Learning 15% Warm Ups Oral Responses Class Activities Observation Summarizers Notebook Checks d. Homework 10% Cheating results in zeros for ALL students involved Asking questions during checkups, quizzes, and tests is not allowed. Feel free to ask valid questions at other times by raising your hand and being called upon. Page 3 of 4 Make-Up Work: Absent students are responsible for making up work immediately after an absence. Any missed Test or Quiz can be made up afterschool. Delmar Middle & High School Grading Scale Grade A+ A A- Percents 98 – 100 95 – 97 92 – 94 Grade B+ B B- Percents 89 – 91 86 – 88 83 – 85 Grade C+ C C- Percents 80 – 82 77 – 79 74 – 76 Grade D+ D DF Percents 71 – 73 68 – 70 65 – 67 Below 65 Materials Needed Pencils 6 two pocket folders with prongs Dry erase marker Classroom Rules – At no time should cell phones, iPods, or other banned electronic devices be visible or used. 1) Use pencil for ALL assignments. Assignments done in pen will have 10% deducted from the grade. 2) Be respectful. Treating others the way you want to be treated Showing kindness and consideration Liking yourself enough to be yourself Accepting others for who they are 3) Be prompt and prepared (If you’re not in your seat at class time you’re late). 4) Be productive. Give 100% effort. Achieving goals through commitment and hard work Trying without giving up or giving in 5) Follow all school rules and policies. Extra Help: I am available on Tuesday and Thursdays after school from 2:56 – 3:50 p.m. I frequently stay for assistance on other days of the weeks when meetings and appointments have not been scheduled. The second Tuesday of the month is faculty meetings and I will not be available. Please seek extra help when needed and do not wait long. Page 4 of 4