Event Management Employee Manual

Event Management Employee Manual
Updated 10/19/14
This manual is for all potential employees of The Event Management Department. To work for the
department, you must read and understand this document.
If you have any questions about any of the material in the manual, please ask a full time staff.
Each semester you will be asked to read the manual and sign an agreement stating that you have read
and understand the manual. From semester to semester, the manual may be updated, so it is
important that it is read at the beginning of each semester.
If you need an extra copy of this manual, or would like to reread the manual, it is THE EMPLOYEES
RESPONSIBILITY to ask for one from one of the full time staff members.
You are held responsible to the responsibilities and expectations of the position you are assigned. A
complete listing of the positions available is listed in the table of contents.
If you are acting in the role of the multiple positions, such as House Manager and Tech, you are
responsible to follow the rules of both roles.
If you are promoted to a new position, please be sure to refresh yourself with the responsibilities and
expectations of the position as you will be held accountable to those.
All staff need to be familiar with the Event Management Disciplinary procedures listed on the back
sections as well.
Thank you and we look forward to working with you.
Kier Byrnes, Director of Operations, Event Management
EVENT MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEE MANUAL ....................................................................................................................... 1
LEVEL 1 EMPLOYEES: ENTRY LEVEL ..................................................................................................................................... 4
BLACKMAN AND FENWAY USHERS ............................................................................................................................. 4
CSC USHER ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
AFTERHOURS USHER ................................................................................................................................................. 6
CSC GAME ROOM ATTENDANT ................................................................................................................................... 7
CSC INFO DESK ATTENDANT ....................................................................................................................................... 8
GALLERY 360 ATTENDANTS ........................................................................................................................................ 9
EVENT MANAGEMENT OFFICE ASSISTANT ................................................................................................................ 10
LEVEL 2 EMPLOYEES: MID-LEVEL ...................................................................................................................................... 10
APPRENTICE - TECH IN TRAINING: ............................................................................................................................ 10
STAGE MANAGER .................................................................................................................................................... 12
CSC OPERATIONS DESK ATTENDANT......................................................................................................................... 14
APPRENTICE - CSC EVENT MANAGER ........................................................................................................................ 15
LEVEL 3 EMPLOYEES: ADVANCED ..................................................................................................................................... 17
MEDIA SERVICES TECHNICIAN (BLACKMAN/FENWAY): ............................................................................................. 17
AFTERHOURS TECHNICIAN: ...................................................................................................................................... 19
CSC EVENT MANAGER .............................................................................................................................................. 21
HOUSE MANAGER (BLACKMAN/FENWAY) ................................................................................................................ 23
AFTERHOURS EVENT MANAGER ............................................................................................................................... 25
CSC BUILDING MANAGER (BUMA) ............................................................................................................................ 27
LEVEL 4: PARA-PROFESSIONAL ......................................................................................................................................... 28
CLASSROOM TECHNICIAN (BLACKMAN): .................................................................................................................. 28
AFTERHOURS MANAGER .......................................................................................................................................... 32
ASSISTANT BUDGET COORDINATOR ......................................................................................................................... 33
APPENDIX B: EMERGENCY PROTOCOL ........................................................................................................... 35
APPENDIX D: PAYROLL & GETTING HIRED/PAID FOR THE FIRST TIME .............................................................. 39
APPENDIX E: EQUIPMENT POLICY .................................................................................................................................. 40
APPENDIX F: PAINTING/CONSTRUCTION POLICY ............................................................................................................ 40
APPENDIX G: EVENT MANAGEMENT DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES ................................................................................... 41
APPENDIX H: INFORMAL REVIEW OF EMPLOYMENT CONCERNS...................................................................................... 42
APPENDIX I: GENERAL PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................................ 42
APPENDIX J: EVENT MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEE AGREEMENT .......................................................................................... 44
Level 1 Employees: Entry Level
1. Blackman and Fenway Ushers
Dress code:
 Black closed-toe shoes, black dress pants (no jeans), white T-shirt. We will provide a red Blackman polo shirt
for you to wear for the show. Please wear an appropriate sized shirt. Look professional.
 Maintain a friendly and courteous demeanor with a high level of customer service at all times.
 Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
 If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
 Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure the event goes
smoothly. Do not get on headphones as you couldn’t hear if a problem was wrong. While there is down time,
make sure you aren’t in view of the customer on a computer doing non work related activities like checking
email, Facebook etc. Reading a book is OK.
Before the Event:
 Ushers typically arrive 1 hour before the start of the show (1.5 hours for seated shows). Come through the door
by the ticket booth and meet by the usher closet.
 Upon arrival, find the House Manager to check in and proceed to the usher closet to get a red polo shirt.
 When waiting for the doors to open do not stand or sit within eyesight of people outside the lobby unless the
House Manager tells you to. You may wait by the usher closet, and on the stairs going up to the balcony.
 Before the doors open, the House Manager will assign you a position.
During the Event:
 No usher should be making phone calls or texting during their shift.
 Ushers should stand at their positions, or in the back of the auditorium. If there is a need to do so, they may be
instructed by the House Manager to walk up and down the aisles making their presence known in order to
prevent photos/video and excessive chatter, and to enforce fire code. Ushers should always help patrons find
open seats.
 There should always be two or more ushers in the inner lobby during the performance.
 Ushers are responsible for the welfare of the patrons. They must be alert and make the performance enjoyable
for the patrons.
 Ushers should never talk during a performance while inside the auditorium and should not talk loudly when in
the inner lobby. Under no circumstance should ushers be allowed to sit on the stairs, or on the floor of the
 If you encounter a disruptive individual or group, please refer to the policy on “Instructions on Dealing with a
Disruptive Customer (or Group*)” in the back section of this manual for protocol on how to deal with that
During Intermission:
 Make sure the lobby and inner lobby doors are open. The side doors can stay closed; unless a handicapped
patron needs the handicapped door left open on the side.
 Make sure inner lobby lights are on.
 Be available to direct patrons to restrooms and answer any questions.
After the Event:
 During encores, the last number, curtain calls, etc., the lobby lights can be turned on if the house lights go up.
While the house lights are down, the lobby lights should only be on if there is an emergency.
 Once the performance ends the outer doors can be opened. An usher should be stationed at each set of doors
to prop them open when the house lights go up.
 For shows with risk of people trying to get back stage, as many ushers as possible should be lined up in front of
the stage. The ushers are to instruct patrons to exit the house, and that they are not allowed backstage.
Patrons must exit at the end of the performance.
 After all the patrons have left the auditorium, shut off the inner lobby lights and close the outer doors.
 Leave one usher in the lobby to help people who might have left something in the auditorium. They should not
be allowed back in the auditorium. The usher should get the location of their seat, what they left behind and
then go retrieve the item for the patron.
 The remaining usher staff should assist the House Manager in cleaning the auditorium and the inner lobby and
making sure all the seats are upright.
 Bring articles left behind to lost & found in the Curry Student Center if it is before 5PM. If it is after 5PM, store
items in usher closet and notify a full-time member of the Event Management staff.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming a House Manager, BUMA or Event Manager.
2. CSC Usher
Dress Code:
 Black “Event Management” shirt, pants (skirts fine for women)-- no jeans
 Arrive on time, ready to work
 Check in with CSC Event Manager
 Assist CSC Event Manager with all his/her responsibilities as listed above in the “CSC Event Manager” job
Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
Document hours on Usher Sheet
NO cell phone, laptop, or iPod use during a show (NO TEXTING)— unless work related
Be patient with the guests; we are there to serve THEM
Bring articles left behind to lost & found in the Curry Student Center if it is before 5PM. If it is after 5PM, store
items in office and notify a full-time member of the Event Management staff.
If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure the event goes
smoothly. Do not get on headphones as you couldn’t hear if a problem was wrong. While there is down time,
make sure you aren’t in view of the customer on a computer doing non work related activities like checking
email, Facebook etc. Reading a book is OK.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming a House Manager, BUMA or Event Manager
Dress Code:
 Event Management polo shirt or afterHOURS hooded sweatshirt
 Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
 Checks student IDs at the food court entrance or foot bridge entrance
 Signs in non-student guests
 Keeps record of how many people enter and leave afterHOURS
 Assists the event manager with arranging the room and clean-up
 Calls NUPD at (617) 373-3333 in case of emergency
 Enforces rules about smoking. Smoking is not allowed in any public area, including lobbies, corridors, stairwells,
bathrooms, and elevators.
 If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
 Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure the event goes
smoothly. Do not get on headphones as you couldn’t hear if a problem was wrong. While there is down time,
make sure you aren’t in view of the customer on a computer doing non work related activities like checking
email, Facebook etc. Reading a book is OK.
Before an event:
 Listens to the event manager who will communicate how to arrange the room
 Goes to assigned post 30 minutes before the start of the event
During an event:
 Checks IDs at the door, sign in guests, monitor and record attendance
 Monitors rooms and make sure patrons are upholding school policies
 If you encounter a disruptive individual or group, please refer to the policy on “Instructions on Dealing with a
Disruptive Customer (or Group*)” in the back section of this manual for protocol on how to deal with that
After an event:
 Rearrange the room to daytime Starbucks configuration, hand in sign-in sheets and periodic attendance records
to the event manager
 Checks in with the event manager
 Documents hours on sign in/sign out sheet before leaving
 Bring articles left behind to lost & found in the Curry Student Center if it is before 5PM. If it is after 5PM, store
items in office and notify full-time member of the Event Management staff.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming a House Manager, BUMA, afterHOURS Event Manager or
afterHOURS Tech.
4. CSC Game Room Attendant
Dress Code:
 Red Event Management Polo, pants or skirts (no shorts, sweatpants or ripped jeans); name tag.
 Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
 Assign equipment in the Game Room as requested, maintaining a wait list when necessary.
 Monitor playing time and enforce Game Room policies.
Maintain equipment by performing minor repairs and cleaning. Report all broken/damaged gear, and serious
equipment problems to the Operations Services Coop.
Keep the Game Room neat and clean at all times.
Attend Monthly Staff Meetings
If articles are left behind, call the Building Manager (x5429) to pick up lost & found.
Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure things go
smoothly. Earphones are not allowed. While there is down time, make sure you are not in view of the
customer while using a personal computer and doing non-work related activities like checking email, Facebook
etc. Reading a book is OK.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
This a good position if you are interested in becoming a BUMA or Event Manager.
5. CSC Info Desk Attendant
Dress Code:
 Red Event Management Polo, pants or skirts (no shorts, sweatpants or ripped jeans); name tag
 Greet customers, answer telephone, and handle a high volume of customer inquiries appropriately.
 Provide accurate directions to various campus locations and offices.
 Provide accurate information regarding the Student Center, University services, and all on-campus events.
Make referrals to appropriate sources when necessary.
 Serve as the primary contact person in the Student Center for visitors, students and staff.
 Approve Student Center postings according to guidelines. Remove unapproved/outdated postings.
 Keep all Student Center bulletin boards up-to-date and neat.
 If articles are turned in for lost and found, enter the articles in the computer log. If the item is expensive (cell
phone, computer, etc.) call the Building Manager (x5429) to pick up the item.
 If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
 Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure things go
smoothly. Earphones are not allowed. While there is down time, make sure you are not in view of the
customer while using a personal computer and doing non-work related activities like checking email, Facebook
etc. Reading a book is OK.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
 Marketing
This a good position if you are interested in becoming a BUMA or Event Manager.
6. Gallery 360 Attendants
Dress Code:
 Red Event Management Polo, pants or skirts (no shorts, sweatpants or ripped jeans); name tag
 Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
 Safeguards art against theft, vandalism or damage by observing visitors in Gallery 360.
 Greets visitors.
 Inspects art and annotates damages on appropriate forms.
 Reports suspicious activity to Public Safety, the Operation Design Coordinator or the Building Manager on Duty.
 Directs visitors to emergency exits during Gallery 360/CSC evacuations.
 Identifies visitors who require emergency medical treatment and follows procedures.
 Maintains crowd control in emergency situations.
 Diplomatically explains Gallery 360 policies and procedures.
 Performs other miscellaneous duties as assigned by supervisor.
 Maintains music ambience in Gallery 360.
 Bring articles left behind to lost & found in the Curry Student Center if it is before 5PM. If it is after 5PM, store
items in office and notify Jeremy.
 If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
 Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure things go
smoothly. Earphones are not allowed. While there is down time, make sure you are not in view of the
customer while using a personal computer and doing non-work related activities like checking email, facebook
etc. Reading a book is OK.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
 Marketing
This a good position if you are interested in becoming a BUMA or Event Manager.
7. Event Management Office Assistant
Dress Code:
 Business Casual
 Maintain the security and safety of the office; protect the venue as well as the physical resources (technology,
equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the office is kept up properly.
 Maintain a superb attitude
 Help with projects when asked
 File paperwork
 Laminate effectively
 Participate competitively in office activities
 If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Professionalism
 Marketing
 Creativity
 Graphic Design
 Marketing and Social Media Management
 Other computer programs that may be useful to outside employers such as Microsoft Office., Onity, EMS,
Adobe Creative Suites, Aerva Digital Signage Solutions.
This a good position if you are interested in becoming a House Manager, BUMA or Event Manager.
Level 2 Employees: Mid-Level
1. Apprentice - Tech in Training:
Dress Code:
 Black Event Management shirt, solid black shirt, jeans
Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
Turn on the lights (house and stage) and main power for the audio and theatrical lighting systems.
Turn on/control the projector and switcher and move the projector screen up/down
Connect and operate audio snake(s) (Blackman/Fenway)
Use wireless/corded microphones
Connect a computer to the proper port
Use the CD/DVD player
Set up and control an audio monitor
Set up and operate a DI (Direct Input) Box
Set up and operate the clear-com intercom system
Set up and operate portable PA and portable wireless
Operate the fly system/truss (Blackman/Fenway)
Keep all gear secure and return it to its proper location when finished
Operate the front of house audio console/lighting console (Blackman/Fenway/afterHOURS)
Be able to use both and switch between the Simple System and Front of House Systems (Blackman/Fenway)
Report any missing, broken or damaged gear to supervisor
Secure venue at the conclusion of the event
Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure the event goes
smoothly. Do not get on headphones as you couldn’t hear if a problem was wrong. While there is down time,
make sure you aren’t in view of the customer on a computer doing non work related activities like checking
email, Facebook etc. Reading a book is OK.
Make sure you know how to operate and that backup systems are in place (if high profile event). The Mipro
sound system must be set up EACH EVENT for all (non-class) events in Blackman as the venue’s backup audio
system. All Techs must know how to operate the dual projection system and have the backup projector
shuttered and ready for High Profile Events.
Before the Event:
 Arrive on time
 Establish contact with the customer
 Check EMS for AV/Tech notes
 Assist Senior Techs with setting up the necessary equipment (microphones, monitors, clear-com headsets,
backup systems, etc.); if Blackman, set up backup systems; if high profile event, set up back up system.
 Assist in the testing of everything you will be using (microphones, video, PowerPoint, etc.) including backup
 Tape down any loose cables that may cause tripping hazards.
During the Event:
 Make sure door to the AV room is locked
 Make sure one tech is present in the venue at all times
 If no stage manager is present, make sure one tech is back stage
During Intermission:
Make sure one tech is present in the venue at all times
After the Event:
 Breakdown and put away all equipment used
 Power down main system and lighting console (if required)
 Work with house manager to make sure all doors are closed and fire exits are clear
 Double check inventory lists to make sure all equipment has been returned
 Check to make sure all doors are locked and the building is secure
 If supplies (tape, batteries, cables) are low, please alert the professional staff via email.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Professionalism
 Creativity
Technical Event Management skills: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
 Event Planning techniques
 Theatrical grade lighting systems
 Professional grade concert amplification and studio-quality recording gear
 A wide array of AV Presentation systems including projectors, seamless switchers and wireless technology
 Stage Management and Event Production
 Other computer programs that may be useful to outside employers such as EMS, ProTools, Prezi, SlideRocket,
Luminair DMX Lighting Control, ETC Selador Toolkit, Yamaha M7CL & LS9 Stage Mix iPad applications
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming an Event Management Tech, AfterHOURS Tech or Classroom
2. Stage Manager
Dress Code:
 Black Event Management shirt or solid black shirt, jeans
 Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
 Controls all on stage operations
 Keeps stage orderly and clear
 Turn on the lights (house and stage)
Turn on the main power
Use the simple system
Basic familiarity with AV inventory (XLR, 1/4”, Monitors, etc.)
Know where the AV equipment is kept
Switch between the Simple System and Front of House System
Control the switcher
Turn on/control the projector
Move the projector screen up/down
Set up and operate the clear-com intercom system
Open and close stage curtains
If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure the event goes
smoothly. Do not get on headphones as you couldn’t hear if a problem was wrong. While there is down time,
make sure you aren’t in view of the customer on a computer doing non work related activities like checking
email, Facebook etc. Reading a book is OK.
Make sure you know how to operate and that backup systems are in place (if high profile event). The Mipro
sound system must be set up EACH EVENT for all (non-class) events in Blackman as the venue’s backup audio
system. All Techs must know how to operate the dual projection system and have the backup projector
shuttered and ready for High Profile Events.
Before the Event
 Arrive on time
 Consult EMS notes to determine the needs of the event
 Establish contact with the techs, assist with them (including set up of back up systems if required for that
venue; Blackman always requires a back up sound system)
 Confirm that clear-com headsets are set up and functional
 Establish contact with the client
 Make sure clear-com headphones are set up
 Assist with any rehearsals
 Tape down any loose cables that may cause tripping hazards.
During the Event
 Stay on headset throughout the show
 Call any cues (if necessary) for the show
 Maintain order on stage
After the Event
 Assist techs with breakdown of AV equipment
 Checks to make sure dressing rooms are empty and clean
 Cleans all debris from stage
 Bring articles left behind to lost & found in the Curry Student Center if it is before 5PM. If it is after 5PM, store
items in usher closet and notify a full-time member of the Event Management staff.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Professionalism
 Creativity
Technical Event Management skills: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
 Event Planning techniques
 Theatrical grade lighting systems
 Professional grade concert amplification and studio-quality recording gear
 Stage Management and Event Production
 A wide array of AV Presentation systems including projectors, seamless switchers and wireless technology
 Stage Management and Event Production
 Other computer programs that may be useful to outside employers such as EMS, ProTools, Prezi, SlideRocket,
Luminair DMX Lighting Control, ETC Selador Toolkit, Yamaha M7CL & LS9 Stage Mix iPad applications
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming an Event Management Tech, afterHOURS Tech, House
Manager or Event Manager.
3. CSC Operations Desk Attendant
Dress Code:
 Red Event Management Polo, pants or skirts (no shorts, sweatpants or ripped jeans); name tag
 Greet customers, answer telephones and handle a high volume of customer inquiries appropriately.
 Provide accurate directions to various campus locations and offices.
 Provide accurate information regarding the Student Center, University services, and on-campus events. Make
referrals to appropriate sources when necessary.
 Accepts items to be posted in 9 meeting room bulletin boards in the Student Center.
 Serve as the primary contact person in the Student Center for visitors, students and staff.
 Approve Student Center postings according to guidelines. Remove unapproved/outdated postings.
 If articles are turned in for lost and found, enter the articles in the computer log. If the item is expensive (cell
phone, computer), call NUPD to have them pick it up. All minor objects are brought to the Information Desk in
the Student Center.
 If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
 Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure things go
smoothly. Earphones are not allowed. While there is down time, make sure you are not in view of the
customer while using a personal computer and doing non-work related activities like checking email, Facebook
etc. Reading a book is OK.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Supervision
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Professionalism
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming a BUMA, Event Manager or House Manager.
4. Apprentice - CSC Event Manager
Dress Code:
 Black Event Management shirt, pants (skirts fine for women)
 Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
 Assist the Event Management with customer relations.
 Assist in Set-up and operate all A/V equipment and oversee CSC Ushers
 Address tech/venue issues. If unable to resolve immediately, alert Event Management or appropriate staff.
 Verbally enforce all Event Management policies as laid out in the Venue Information Packets (VIPs)
 Maintain fire safety: fire exits and paths to fire exits must be clear, capacity issues, etc.
 Call NUPD at (617) 373-3333 in the case of an emergency
 If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
 Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure the event goes
smoothly. Do not get on headphones as you couldn’t hear if a problem was wrong. While there is down time,
make sure you aren’t in view of the customer on a computer doing non work related activities like checking
email, Facebook etc. Reading a book is OK.
 Make sure you know how to operate and that backup systems are in place (if high profile event). The Mipro
sound system is the venue’s backup audio system. Know where a nearby projector cart/flat screen TV on
wheels is to serves as the backup projection system (if the house projector fails). For all high profile events,
these systems must be in place, ready to go.
Before the Event
 Arrive on time, ready to work
 Check in with Event Manager and learn assigned role for event.
 Check EMS for AV/Tech notes
 Assist the Set up and test all A/V equipment to be used as listed in EMS
o Microphones, projector, projector screen, DVD player, DI boxes, cables, etc.
 Establish contact with the customer and proactively inquire about set-up satisfaction
 Connect and test customer’s computer (including PowerPoint, Internet, audio, etc.)
 Set-up and test any additional A/V equipment requested by customer
 Contact Building Services for changes to furniture set-up requested by customer
Determine and establish desired lighting conditions
Coordinate with customer all sound/video/lighting cues for the event
Tape down any loose cables that may cause tripping hazards.
Setup any stanchions and signs
Close necessary drapes or shades and adjust lighting
During the Event
 Operate all audio/video/lighting equipment (mixer, video switcher, DVD player, etc.)
 Diagnose arising technical issues and take the necessary steps to resolve them
 Periodically check in with and/or be available to the customer
 Make sure one Event Management staff member is present at all times
 NO cell phone, laptop, or iPod use during a show (NO TEXTING)— unless work-related
 Be patient with the guests; we are there to serve THEM
 If you encounter a disruptive individual or group, please refer to the policy on “Instructions on Dealing with a
Disruptive Customer (or Group*)” in the back section of this manual for protocol on how to deal with that
After the Event
 Mute sound board, unplug microphones, shut down projector
 Return all A/V equipment to its proper storage place (including cables)
 Verify inventory and make sure the A/V tech closet is kept orderly and clean
 Open and shades or drapes and tie up correctly.
 Put away any event signage
 Mark and/or report to Erica any broken, damaged, or missing equipment or cables. If tape supplies are low,
please alert the Event Management professional staff via email.
 Deliver anything left behind by group to Building Services’ Lost & Found in the basement of the CSC
 Document hours on Usher Sheet
 Securely close the tech closet and lastly, shut off lights
 Bring articles left behind to lost & found in the Curry Student Center if it is before 5PM. If it is after 5PM, store
items in office and notify a full-time member of the Event Management staff.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Professionalism
 Creativity
Technical Event Management skills: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
 Event Planning techniques
 Introduction to theatrical grade lighting systems
Introduction to professional grade concert amplification and studio-quality recording gear
Train on and use wide array of AV Presentation systems including projectors, seamless switchers and wireless
Stage Management and Event Production
Other computer programs that may be useful to outside employers such as EMS, ProTools, Prezi, SlideRocket,
Luminair DMX Lighting Control, ETC Selador Toolkit and Crestron products.
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming an Event Manager, BUMA or Event Management Tech.
Level 3 Employees: Advanced
1. Media Services Technician (Blackman/Fenway):
Dress Code:
 Black Event Management shirt, solid black shirt, jeans
 Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
 Turn on the lights (house and stage) and main power for the audio and theatrical lighting systems.
 Turn on/control the projector and switcher and move the projector screen up/down
 Connect and operate audio snake(s) (Blackman/Fenway)
 Use wireless/corded microphones
 Connect a computer to the proper port
 Use the CD/DVD player
 Set up and control an audio monitor
 Eliminate feedback from all microphones
 Set up and operate a DI (Direct Input) Box
 Set up and operate the clear-com intercom system
 Set up and operate portable PA and portable wireless
 Operate the fly system/truss (Blackman/Fenway)
 Focus any lights to the areas of stage that need to be illuminated.
 Set up and operate a seamless switcher and all presentation media.
 Set up and operate the perfect cue system.
 Keep all gear secure and return it to its proper location when finished
 Operate the front of house audio console/lighting console (Blackman/Fenway/afterHOURS)
 Be able to use both and switch between the Simple System and Front of House Systems (Blackman/Fenway)
 Report any missing, broken or damaged gear to supervisor
 Secure venue at the conclusion of the event
Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure the event goes
smoothly. Do not get on headphones as you couldn’t hear if a problem was wrong. While there is down time,
make sure you aren’t in view of the customer on a computer doing non-work related activities like checking
email, Facebook etc. Reading a book is OK.
Make sure you know how to operate and that backup systems are in place (if high profile event). The Mipro
sound system must be set up EACH EVENT for all (non-class) events in Blackman as the venue’s backup audio
system. All Techs must know how to operate the dual projection system and have the backup projector
shuttered and ready for High Profile Events.
Before the Event:
 Arrive on time
 Establish contact with the customer
 Check EMS for AV/Tech notes
 Set up the necessary equipment (microphones, monitors, clear-com headsets, backup systems, etc.); if
Blackman, set up backup systems; if high profile event, set up back up system.
 Work with the client to prepare a lighting “look” for the show and record all lighting cues or changes.
 Test everything you will be using (microphones, video, PowerPoint, etc.) including backup systems
 Tape down any loose cables that may cause tripping hazards.
 Go over “run of show”.
 Go over all potential back up plans and make sure the client is aware of backup system.
During the Event:
 Make sure door to the AV room is locked
 Make sure one tech is present in the venue at all times
 If no stage manager is present, make sure one tech is back stage
During Intermission:
 Make sure one tech is present in the venue at all times
After the Event:
 Breakdown and put away all equipment used
 Power down main system and lighting console (if required)
 Work with house manager to make sure all doors are closed and fire exits are clear
 Double check inventory lists to make sure all equipment has been returned
 Check to make sure all doors are locked and the building is secure
 If tape supplies are low, please alert the professional staff via email.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Critical Thinking
 Operations & Logistics Management opportunities
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Creativity
 Supervision opportunities
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
Technical Event Management skills: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
 Event Planning techniques
 Theatrical grade lighting systems
 Professional grade concert amplification and studio-quality recording gear
 A wide array of AV Presentation systems including projectors, seamless switchers and wireless technology
 Stage Management and Event Production
 Other computer programs that may be useful to outside employers such as Microsoft Office, EMS, ProTools,
Prezi, SlideRocket, Luminair DMX Lighting Control, Aerva Digital Signage Solutions, ETC Selador Toolkit, Yamaha
M7CL & LS9 Stage Mix iPad applications
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming a Senior Event Manager, Classroom Tech or afterHOURS
2. afterHOURS Technician:
Dress Code:
 Event Management polo shirt or afterHOURS hooded sweat shirt.
 Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
 Runs sound, video, and lights
 During the Fall/Spring Semesters, (while school is in session), staffing requirements on Monday-Thursday are
that the aH part time and work-study staff work until the event is over and cleaned up; they can leave when
Starbucks closes up. Before heading out, the staff must call 617-373-5429, aka the Operations Desk in 325 CSC
and alert the Building Managers (BUMAs) to let them know they are leaving afterHOURS, as to remind the
BUMA’;s to check up on the space. On Fridays and Saturdays, all must punch out after the event; however 2
people must stay until 2am to close up afterHOURS (as well as the outside doors to the Koi pond). On these
nights, someone must watch the doors between 10-2 so to direct anyone coming in downstairs.
 Diagnoses any technical problems and takes the necessary steps to resolve them
 Maintains and verifies inventory in the tech closet and drawers of the office
 Calls NUPD at (617) 373-3333 in case of emergency
 Enforces rules about smoking. Smoking is not allowed in any public area, including lobbies, corridors, stairwells,
lavatories, and elevators.
 If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
 Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure the event goes
smoothly. Do not get on headphones as you couldn’t hear if a problem was wrong. While there is down time,
make sure you aren’t in view of the customer on a computer doing non work related activities like checking
email, Facebook etc. Reading a book is OK.
Before an event:
 Determines audio and visual needs for entire show
 Makes all necessary preparations so that everything is ready to go when the event starts
 Prepares and test all technical needs for the event
 Tape down any loose cables that may cause tripping hazards.
During an event:
 Makes sure one tech is near the Front of House board at all times during events
 Maintains a presence in the room at all times when the Simple System is in use
 Alerts event manager and/or professional staff member on duty if there is a problem with sound, video or
 DO NOT stand on furniture (particularly important for the lighting tech); if you need a better view of the stage,
move. Use common sense.
After an event:
 Returns all equipment to either the office or the tech closet
 Completes the microphone inventory sheet located in the afterHOURS office. Send an email notifying the
professional staff if anything is missing. Contacts the band or group that was using the equipment that night.
 Makes sure stage lights and master power are turned off
 Securely closes and alarms the tech closet
 Resets TVs for daytime Starbucks use
 Documents hours on sign in/sign out sheet before leaving
 Keeps track of what equipment is being used each night
 If tape supplies are low, please alert the professional staff via email.
 Bring articles left behind to lost & found in the Curry Student Center if it is before 5PM. If it is after 5PM, store
items in office and notify a full-time member of the Event Management staff.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Critical Thinking
 Operations & Logistics Management opportunities
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Creativity
 Supervision opportunities
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
 Teamwork
Technical Event Management skills: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
 Event Planning techniques
 Analog processing and mixing techniques
Theatrical grade lighting systems
Professional grade concert amplification and studio-quality recording gear
Stage Management and Event Production
Other computer programs that may be useful to outside employers such as Microsoft Office, EMS, ProTools,
Luminair DMX Lighting Control, ETC Selador Toolkit
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming a Senior Event Manager, Classroom Tech or afterHOURS
3. CSC Event Manager
Dress Code:
 Black Event Management shirt, pants (skirts fine for women)
 Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
 Act as Event Management liaison to customer
 Set-up and operate all A/V equipment and oversee CSC Ushers
 Address tech/venue issues. If unable to resolve immediately, alert Event Management or appropriate staff.
 Verbally enforce all Event Management policies as laid out in the Venue Information Packets (VIPs)
 Maintain fire safety: fire exits and paths to fire exits must be clear, capacity issues, etc.
 Call NUPD at (617) 373-3333 in the case of an emergency
 If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
 Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure the event goes
smoothly. Do not get on headphones as you couldn’t hear if a problem was wrong. While there is down time,
make sure you aren’t in view of the customer on a computer doing non work related activities like checking
email, Facebook etc. Reading a book is OK.
 Make sure you know how to operate and that backup systems are in place (if high profile event). The Mipro
sound system is the venue’s backup audio system. Know where a nearby projector cart/flat screen TV on
wheels is to serves as the backup projection system (if the house projector fails). For all high profile events,
these systems must be in place, ready to go.
Before the Event
 Arrive on time, ready to work
 Check in with CSC Usher and coordinate your responsibilities
 Check EMS for AV/Tech notes
 Set up and test all A/V equipment to be used as listed in EMS
o Microphones, projector, projector screen, DVD player, DI boxes, cables, etc.
 Establish contact with the customer and proactively inquire about set-up satisfaction
 Connect and test customer’s computer (including PowerPoint, Internet, audio, etc.)
 Set-up and test any additional A/V equipment requested by customer
 Contact Building Services for changes to furniture set-up requested by customer
 Determine and establish desired lighting conditions
 Coordinate with customer all sound/video/lighting cues for the event
Tape down any loose cables that may cause tripping hazards.
Setup any stanchions and signs
Close necessary drapes or shades and adjust lighting
During the Event
 Operate all audio/video/lighting equipment (mixer, video switcher, DVD player, etc.)
 Diagnose arising technical issues and take the necessary steps to resolve them
 Periodically check in with and/or be available to the customer
 Make sure one Event Management staff member is present at all times
 NO cell phone, laptop, or iPod use during a show (NO TEXTING)— unless work-related
 Be patient with the guests; we are there to serve THEM
 If you encounter a disruptive individual or group, please refer to the policy on “Instructions on Dealing with a
Disruptive Customer (or Group*)” in the back section of this manual for protocol on how to deal with that
After the Event
 Mute sound board, unplug microphones, shut down projector
 Return all A/V equipment to its proper storage place (including cables)
 Verify inventory and make sure the A/V tech closet is kept orderly and clean
 Open and shades or drapes and tie up correctly.
 Put away any event signage
 Mark and/or report to Erica any broken, damaged, or missing equipment or cables. If tape supplies are low,
please alert the Event Management professional staff via email.
 Deliver anything left behind by group to Building Services’ Lost & Found in the basement of the CSC
 Document hours on Usher Sheet
 Securely close the tech closet and lastly, shut off lights
 Bring articles left behind to lost & found in the Curry Student Center if it is before 5PM. If it is after 5PM, store
items in office and notify a full-time member of the Event Management staff.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Critical Thinking
 Operations & Logistics Management opportunities
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Creativity
 Supervision opportunities
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
 Teamwork
Technical Event Management skills: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
 Event Planning techniques
 A wide array of AV Presentation systems including projectors, seamless switchers and wireless technology
Stage Management and Event Production
Other computer programs that may be useful to outside employers such as Microsoft Office, EMS, Prezi,
SlideRocket, Yamaha M7CL & LS9 Stage Mix iPad applications
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming a Senior Event Manager, BUMA, Classroom Tech or
afterHOURS Manager
4. House Manager (Blackman/Fenway)
Dress code:
 Men should wear a shirt and tie. Women should wear either pants or a skirt and a dress shirt, or a dress.
 Acts as the liaison to the customer during events
 Communicates with costumers and handles any problems that may arise
 Supervise the front of house staff
 Calls NUPD at (617) 373-3333 in the case of an emergency
 Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
 If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
 Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure things go
smoothly. Do not get on headphones as you couldn’t hear if a problem was wrong. While there is down time,
make sure you aren’t in view of the customer on a computer doing non work related activities like checking
email, Facebook etc.
 If there is a customer that needs an Assisted Listening Device they are located in the Box Office. Your key card
will get you into this office. Please make sure they are on the right frequency and they are returned after the
Before the Event:
 Opens doors ½ hour before event after checking with stage manager and techs
 Check in ushers and assign them jobs.
 Cross off any ushers that are signed up for the shift, but did not show up.
 Pick up the scanners from the usher closet or office. Make sure they are set to the proper event.
 Have the ushers congregate by the stairs/usher closet. Do not have them in front of the glass doors until they
are ready to work.
 Makes sure all ushers have read and signed employee manual.
During the Event
 Seat latecomers at first possible break in show.
 If there are no more tickets available, the show is sold out. Do not let anyone else in.
 Move around, and check on every usher at least twice.
Do not let the ushers congregate. Spread them out across the venue because it looks bad to have ushers
clustered together socializing.
In Fenway Center, make sure ushers are not congregated at the front. Spread them out across the room.
Rotate ushers every 20 min or so. This will keep them fresh and attentive.
Do not assign yourself a station. Your job is to supervise and manage the ushers. You will need to be available
to float around the venue addressing any problems that arise.
Always sound the chime/flash lights in lobby 5 minutes before event.
Be patient with the guests. We are there to serve THEM.
NO CELL PHONES / Texting during a show.
If you encounter a disruptive individual or group, please refer to the policy on “Instructions on Dealing with a
Disruptive Customer (or Group*)” in the back section of this manual for protocol on how to deal with that
After the Event
 Have extra ushers spread out across the front of the stage to help people get out of the room
 Walk through the entire space and make sure all doors are closed and fire exits are clear.
 Bring articles left behind to lost & found in the Curry Student Center if it is before 5PM. If it is after 5PM, store
items in usher closet and notify a full-time member of the Event Management staff.
 Make sure to recycle all leftover programs.
 Make sure the usher closet is kept orderly and clean
Book Signing Protocol for House Managers and Ushers:
If you are House Managing an event with a book signing in the Gallery 360 concourse it is your responsibility to stay and
oversee this portion of the event. It is mandatory for at least 4 ushers to stay to help be a presence in the signing. At
the beginning of the shift you will need to select who is staying to help with the book signing. Please clearly indicate
this on the usher sheet as these ushers will receive more hours than the ushers work the event. Your job is to keep an
orderly line and make sure the hallway is passable at all times and no one is standing in or blocking the fire exits. You
should post ushers at the following spots:
1 near the book signing table. They need to make sure that no one is crowding the table, making it difficult to
pass through
1 on the ramp leading up to the table. They need to make sure everyone is behind the stanchions and the
hallway is passable.
1 near the wheel chair entrance to Blackman. They need to make sure the crowd isn’t blocking the fire exits.
1 near the end of the line. They also need to make sure that the hallway is passable
Facilities will set up the stanchions leading up the hallway from the wheelchair entrance of Blackman up to the top of
the ramp where the book signing table is. It is the job of the House Manager and Ushers to put away the stanchions at
the end of the night. They should be stored in the closet that is located near the entrance of Gallery 360 and Ell Lobby.
Please also include a report about the book signing or any issues with the stanchions on the usher sheet at the end of
the night.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Operations & Logistics Management opportunities
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Supervision opportunities
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
 Teamwork
Technical Event Management skills: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
 Event Planning techniques
 Event Production
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming a Senior Event Manager or afterHOURS Manager.
5. afterHOURS Event Manager
Dress Code: Event Management polo shirt or afterHOURS hooded sweat shirt.
 Acts as the liaison for afterHOURS during events
 Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
 During the Fall/Spring Semesters, (while school is in session), staffing requirements on Monday-Thursday are
that the aH part time and work-study staff work until the event is over and cleaned up; they can leave when
Starbucks closes up. Before heading out, the staff must call 617-373-5429, aka the Operations Desk in 325 CSC
and alert the Building Managers (BUMAs) to let them know they are leaving afterHOURS, as to remind the
BUMA’;s to check up on the space. On Fridays and Saturdays, all must punch out after the event; however 2
people must stay until 2am to close up afterHOURS (as well as the outside doors to the Koi pond). On these
nights, someone must watch the doors between 10-2 so to direct anyone coming in downstairs.
 Communicates with customers and handles any problems that may arise
 Supervises the security staff and techs on duty
 Calls NUPD at (617) 373-3333 in the case of an emergency
 Enforces rules about smoking. Smoking is not allowed in any public area, including lobbies, corridors, stairwells,
lavatories, elevators, and area doorways (including the doorway to the wooden bridge, right outside
afterHOURS.) Smokers are not allowed to congregate by the doorway; even if its outside the building, as it
blows smoke inside and disturbs patrons as they walk in and out the building.
 If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure the event goes
smoothly. Do not get on headphones as you couldn’t hear if a problem was wrong. While there is down time,
make sure you aren’t in view of the customer on a computer doing non work related activities like checking
email, Facebook etc. Reading a book is OK.
Before an event:
 Update afterHOURS white boards to reflect current events
 Make sure everyone (including you) is wearing the Event Mgmt. uniform (Event Mgmt. polo or ah Hoodie). If
someone isn’t wearing one, please record it on the usher sheet and email the afterHOURS manager.
 Makes sure all contracts are signed
 Establishes contact with the customer
 Arranges the room to match instructions from EMS or contacts Building Services when necessary
 Delegates responsibility to and positions security staff
 Communicates any sound, light and/or tech details needed from EMS to the techs
 Provides parking passes to performers if needed. Performers should park in the Snell loading docks. Make sure
to call NUPD at (617) 373-2121 to let them know the license plate number, make, and style of the vehicle.
During an event:
 Monitors the event and periodically checks in with event organizers and security staff
 Assists with security in events such as dance parties or concerts. This includes turning people away once
afterHOURS reaches capacity (276 people)
 If you encounter a disruptive individual or group, please refer to the policy on “Instructions on Dealing with a
Disruptive Customer (or Group*)” in the back section of this manual for protocol on how to deal with that
 Make sure that no one is standing on the furniture (or using improperly), sitting on the Starbucks wall, standing
on the window sills or blocking any egresses. If there are people doing these activities during a show please ask
them to move; if there is a continued problem, contact NUPD.
After an event:
 Updates dry erase board to show upcoming events
 Does not leave until after Starbucks closes
 Puts afterHOURS back to its daytime Starbucks configuration. Tables should be spaced evenly and lights need
to be turned back on.
 Leaves all TVs on; turns projectors and master power for the audio systems off.
 The CSC staff will lock the doors from afterHOURS to the West Addition.
 Locks the door leading to the bridge with the Hex key located in the office hanging above the computer door on
Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Sends his/her supervisor (the afterHOURS Graduate Assistant) an e-mail
confirming this is done.
 Make sure the wipe boards advertising the upcoming shows are up to date and accurate (AND NOT SMUDGED).
 If you are working a Monday Night or a Thursday night, please relist the upcoming 7days (or so) worth of
events on the wipe boards.
 Does a walk through to make sure all trash has been picked up and that there are no posters hanging outside of
designated poster-hanging areas.
 Makes sure all employees have recorded hours on sign in/sign out sheet.
Bring articles left behind to lost & found (located at the Info Desk on the ground floor of the Curry Student
Center) if it is before 5PM. If it is after 5PM, store items in office and notify a full-time member of the event
management staff. If the info desk is closed, alert the afterHOURS manager and store in the ah office and
he/she will give it to the info desk.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Operations & Logistics Management opportunities
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Supervision opportunities
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
 Teamwork
Technical Event Management skills: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
 Event Planning techniques
 Event Production
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming a Senior Event Manager or afterHOURS Manager.
6. CSC Building Manager (BUMA)
Dress Code:
 BUMA Track Jacket, pants or skirts (no shorts, sweatpants or ripped jeans); name tag
 Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
 The expectations of the BUMA are incorporated under three major areas: Teamwork, Administrative Functions,
and Customer Service/Community Leadership
 Oversee general operation of the Student Center at all times.
 Act as a host for organizations sponsoring events in and around the Student Center.
 Enforce University and Student Center policy, provide supervision and coverage of Student Center service
areas, open and secure facilities according to procedure, communicate with various campus constituencies and,
in general, are responsible for conducting the business of the Student Center in the absence of professional
 Bring articles left behind to lost & found in the Curry Student Center if it is before 5PM. If it is after 5PM, store
items in office and notify Jeremy.
 If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure things go
smoothly. Earphones are not allowed. While there is down time, make sure you are not in view of the
customer while using a personal computer and doing non-work related activities like checking email, Facebook
etc. Reading a book is OK.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following:
 Critical Thinking
 Operations & Logistics Management opportunities
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Supervision opportunities
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
 Teamwork
Technical Event Management skills: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
 Event Planning techniques
 A wide array of AV Presentation systems including projectors, seamless switchers and wireless technology
 Event Production
 Other computer programs that may be useful to outside employers such as Microsoft Office., Onity, EMS,
Adobe Creative Suites, Prezi, SlideRocket, Aerva Digital Signage Solutions.
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming a Senior Event Manager, Classroom Tech or afterHOURS
Level 4: Para-professional
1. Blackman Classroom Technician:
Dress Code:
 Black Event Management shirt, solid black shirt, jeans
 Collect and document each professor’s desired set up. Enter notes into EMS.
 Set up for class.
 Report any missing, broken or damaged equipment/inventory discrepancies to a full-time member of the Event
Management staff.
 Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
 If there is any broken/damaged gear, you must report it to your supervisor at first opportunity.
 Make sure the “Tech Cave” is neat and organized.
Act professionally at all times; you are being paid to be there and pay attention to make sure the event goes
smoothly. Do not get on headphones as you couldn’t hear if a problem was wrong. While there is down time,
make sure you aren’t in view of the customer on a computer doing non work related activities like checking
email, Facebook etc. Reading a book is OK.
Before Class
 Open doors at least 30 minutes before class starts
 Make sure temperature in room is suitable
 Tape down any loose cables that may cause tripping hazards.
During Class
 Remain onsite and attentive during class to address any problems
 Make sure door to AV room is locked
After Class
 Break down
 Secure building upon exit
 If tape supplies are low, please alert the professional staff via email.
 Bring articles left behind to lost & found in the Curry Student Center if it is before 5PM. If it is after 5PM, store
items in usher closet and notify a full-time member of the Event Management staff.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Operations & Logistics Management opportunities
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
 Teamwork
Technical Event Management skills: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
 Event Planning techniques
 Theatrical grade lighting systems
 Professional grade concert amplification and studio-quality recording gear
 A wide array of AV Presentation systems including projectors, seamless switchers and wireless technology
 Stage Management and Event Production
 Other computer programs that may be useful to outside employers such as Microsoft Office., EMS, Adobe
Creative Suites, ProTools, Prezi, SlideRocket, Luminair DMX Lighting Control, ETC Selador Toolkit, Yamaha M7CL
& LS9 Stage Mix iPad applications
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming a Senior Event Manager or afterHOURS Manager. Note: a
college degree is required for these positions
2. Fenway Center Classroom Technician
Hours (while school is in session): 40 Hours/week
Monday 5-11
Tuesday: 5-11 normally
Wednesday: 4-10
Thursday 5-11
Friday - off
Saturday – off
Sunday 4-11 (total 31 hours)*
+ one or two pick up shifts a week.
When school is not in session, this position shares top priority with the other Senior Event Managers for shifts, projects,
office work so that their hours per week is consistent.
Any time off requests or requests to deviate from the schedule must be given in advance and approved by Event
Management Tech/Ops Managers or Director.
Dress Code:
 Black Event Management shirt, solid black shirt, jeans
The duties include standard Event Manager and Tech responsibilities as stated in the Event Management Employee
Manual plus the additional responsibilities:
Make sure that the backstage of Fenway Center remains clean and that:
All Items backstage are set up in accordance with the posted grid; if not, Kier is alerted immediately via email
and things are corrected back to their proper place.
All Items in the Fenway Center Ticket Office are set up in accordance with the posted grid; if not, Kier is alerted
immediately via email and things are corrected back to their proper place.
All Items in the Fenway Center Sound Lab are set up in accordance with the posted grid; if not, Kier is alerted
immediately via email and things are corrected back to their proper place.
All Items in the Fenway Center Archives are set up in accordance with the posted grid; if not, Kier is alerted
immediately via email and things are corrected back to their proper place.\
All music items left backstage are left on the music dept. ramp for them to clean up and Kier is notified that
they improperly put things away.
All building service Items in the front of house/green room of the Fenway Center are set up in accordance with
the posted grid; if not, Kier is alerted immediately via email and things are corrected back to their proper place.
Any lost and found items are placed on the coat rack (expensive items go in closet). After 24 hours, items
should be brought to NUPD. Non-personal items left back stage after an event should be tossed, per policy
(unless otherwise noted). If a noted valuable item is found (such as a wallet, cell phone or computer), it should
be brought to NUPD. If unable to bring to NUPD, let Event Mgmt know asap.
Catering leftovers: Please call catering to coordinate a pickup of any leftover food/catering supplies, including
tablecloths, pots, pans, etc.
Make sure any old programs/posters/signage do not linger in the Fenway Center but make it into the trash or
get returned to the Music Dept.
Make sure inventory in drawers of AV cabinets matches inventory lists; Reports are due each Wednesday. If for
some reason the Wednesday is missed, it is to be filed the following day the FC Senior Event Manager is in.
The Fenway Center Sound Lab inventory log should be verified once a week; send report of any discrepancies
to Event Mgmt. Director with notifications of what was out of place; if everything was fine, please report that.
Reports are due each Monday. If for some reason the Monday is missed, it is to be filed the following day the
FC Senior Event Manager is in.
The Fenway Center key log should be verified once a week; send report of any discrepancies to Event Mgmt.
Director with notifications of what was out of place; if everything was fine, please report that. Reports are due
each Tuesday. If for some reason the Monday is missed, it is to be filed the following day the FC Senior Event
Manager is in.
Make sure that the light board cable is always taped down across the door way so it’s not a hazard (this
protects the cable as well as the employees)
Empty the dehumidifier in the FC Sound Lab nightly.
Report any lights out to Event Mgmt. Work with Technical Operations & Event Manager employees to replace
lamps and focus as needed.
Report any issues immediately with the facility or the inventory stored inside to Event Mgmt.
Make sure both pianos are covered when not in use so the wood is protected.
Keep the cased bulletin board on the outside wall up to date and clean (no old posters/bad info).
Cross training assignments in other venues to provide support to other areas as needed/directed by Event
Mgmt staff.
Train and supervise workstudies assigned to Fenway Center shifts to assist with assignments so that they are
prepared to step in as needed. Make sure the workstudies are familiar with/capable of running basic AV, how
to use the backup systems and basic house management skills.
Make sure batteries and gaff tape are in stock. If there is less than half a box left, alert Event Management to
Make sure subwoofer speakers are on stage; grill facing the back of house.
Before Class
 Open doors at least 30 minutes before class starts
 Make sure temperature in room is suitable
 Tape down any loose cables that may cause tripping hazards.
During Class
 Remain onsite and attentive during class to address any problems
 Make sure door to AV room is locked
After Class
 Break down
 Secure building upon exit
 If tape supplies are low, please alert the professional staff via email.
 Bring articles left behind to lost & found in the Curry Student Center if it is before 5PM. If it is after 5PM, store
items in usher closet and notify a full-time member of the Event Management staff.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Operations & Logistics Management opportunities
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
 Teamwork
Technical Event Management skills: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
 Event Planning techniques
 Theatrical grade lighting systems
 Professional grade concert amplification and studio-quality recording gear
 A wide array of AV Presentation systems including projectors, seamless switchers and wireless technology
 Stage Management and Event Production
 Other computer programs that may be useful to outside employers such as Microsoft Office., EMS, Adobe
Creative Suites, ProTools, Prezi, SlideRocket, Luminair DMX Lighting Control, ETC Selador Toolkit, Yamaha M7CL
& LS9 Stage Mix iPad applications
This is a good position if you are interested in becoming a Senior Event Manager or afterHOURS Manager. Note: a
college degree is required for these positions
3. afterHOURS Manager
Dress Code:
 Business Casual
 Represent Event Management during events.
 Work with clients to plan events.
 Maintain the security and safety of the venue for its patrons, performers and staff and protect the venue as
well as the physical resources (technology, equipment, etc.) stored on site so that the venue is kept up
 Train all staff
 Provide adequate and knowledgeable staffing for all events.
 Communicates with customers and handles any problems that may arise
 Supervises the all staff and techs on duty
 Calls NUPD at (617) 373-3333 in the case of an emergency
Enforces rules about smoking. Smoking is not allowed in any public area, including lobbies, corridors, stairwells,
lavatories, elevators, and area doorways (including the doorway to the wooden bridge, right outside
afterHOURS.) Smokers are not allowed to congregate by the doorway; even if its outside the building, as it
blows smoke inside and disturbs patrons as they walk in and out the building.
Maintain all equipment and replace broken equipment in a swift manor.
Support the Event Management professional staff in the office at least 20 hours a week.
Update EMS to make sure all event notes and times are accurate.
Attend all department meetings.
Maintain and update digital signage.
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Operations & Logistics Management opportunities
 Critical Thinking
 Collaboration & Teamwork
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
 Management Experience
 Teamwork
Technical Event Management skills: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Crowd management and Fire Safety Skills
 Event Planning techniques
 Theatrical grade lighting systems
 Professional grade concert amplification and studio-quality recording gear
 A wide array of AV Presentation systems including projectors, seamless switchers and wireless technology
 Event Production
 Other computer programs that may be useful to outside employers such as Microsoft Office., Onity, EMS,
Adobe Creative Suites, ProTools, Prezi, SlideRocket, Luminair DMX Lighting Control, Aerva Digital Signage
Solutions, ETC Selador Toolkit, Yamaha M7CL & LS9 Stage Mix iPad applications
Note: a college degree is required for this position.
4. Assistant Budget Coordinator
Dress Code:
 Business Casual
 Generating Invoices for clients that have had events in Event Management venues.
Keeping track of the 4 phases of Event Management invoicing: Generation of the invoice, Submission of the
invoice to the client, Receiving a completed Journal Entry for the Invoice and lastly, confirming funds were
received and the Journal Entry cleared.
Keeping track of invoices that are past due and sending reminder emails to the client with the invoice every
week until it is paid.
Reconciliation of payroll for 234470 budget
Reconciliation of invoices collected for the 300356 budget.
Data management: concise filing of completed usher sheets and recorded journal entries into their respected
Assistance with Onity lock management and swipe card registering
Customer Service: helping serve as the point person to any clients dealing with invoice questions.
General administrative duties
Walkaways from this position: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Operations & Logistics Management opportunities
 Critical Thinking
 Customer Service
 Time Management skills
 Communication skills
 Decision-Making
 Professionalism
Technical Event Management skills: Working in this position you will develop/enhance the following
 Other computer programs that may be useful to outside employers such as Microsoft Office., Onity, EMS.
Note: a college degree is required for these positions
APPENDIX A: Event Management Ladder, Tool and Genie Lift Safety Protocol
Use of Event Management Ladders
 Only employees who have been trained in ladder safety by a full time Event Management staff
may use the ladders.
 Employees must gain approval from their full time Event Management supervisor for each
instance the ladder gets used.
 The ladders may only be used in Event management venues.
 Do not work alone, especially when working on the lighting grid, in the FOH, or on ladders. You
must work with another employee who has been trained in ladder safety or a full time Event
Management staff member.
 Only one person may be on a ladder at a time.
 Before going up a ladder to the grid or FOH, empty your pockets of all loose change, keys, etc.
 Before each use, make sure the ladder is in good working condition. If not, do not use the ladder
and report it to your full time Event Management supervisor immediately.
 Do not perform a task you haven’t been trained to do (i.e. hanging lights, rigging, etc.) If you
don’t feel 100% comfortable working on the ladder please let your supervisor know.
 Appropriate footwear (clean, non-slip, rubber soled shoes) must be worn to work on the ladder.
 Ladders ARE NOT to be used within 15 feet of the Blackman balcony edge at any time.
 The ladder must be returned to its storage location after use.
Use of Event Management Tools.
 Tools are located in the Event Management office in 424 CSC. To use any of the tools you must
get permission from a full time Event Management staff member.
 Tools must be signed out using the sign out sheet located in the 424 CSC office.
 If using a tool on a ladder it must have a safety restraint on it to prevent it from falling.
 Never handle or operate tools with wet, oily, or dirty hands.
 Inspect tools for damage and defects before each use.
 You must return and sign back in the tool upon completion.
Use of a Genie Lift.
 Event Management does not own a Genie lift. If a Genie lift is needed for set up of an event a full
time staff member from Event Management will provide access to one.
 To operate the lift you have to be trained by a full time Event Management staff member.
 A full time Event Management employee must be present while the lift is in use.
 The lift must have the outriggers installed and in place (as in accordance with manufacturer’s
requirements) before it can be used.
 Lifts are not to be moved while anyone is occupying the raised basket.
 You must wear fall protection at all times while in the lift
APPENDIX B: Emergency Protocol
Physical Emergency: This is defined as a situation like a fire, fight, robbery, flood, medical emergency or any other
instances that could involve bodily harm to staff, patrons or physical harm to Northeastern University resources.
If you are working while there is an emergency on site, immediately contact Northeastern Police (NUPD) at
(617) 373 3333.
As soon as the situation is under control, alert your direct supervisor as soon as possible. Please call their phone
or send a SMS text. Your supervisor MUST be alerted.
Under no circumstances should you ever physically confront anyone.
If you ever feel your safety is threatened, contact NUPD at (617) 373-3333. Alert your direct supervisor as soon
as the situation is under control.
Technical (or physical) Emergency: This is defined as a situation like an AV failure such as a power outage, projector
failure, microphone or sound system failure or any other non-threatening instance that either a) impacted the event
or b) may impact future events..
Consult the venue’s technical manual to locate and implement the back-up systems for that venue.
As soon as the situation is under control, alert your direct supervisor as soon as possible. Please call their phone
or send a SMS text. Your supervisor MUST be alerted.
If you ever feel your safety or the safety of the building or NU’s resources are threatened, contact NUPD at
(617) 373-3333. Alert your direct supervisor as soon as the situation is under control.
APPENDIX C: Instructions on dealing with a disruptive customer (or Group*)
In the event that a customer or group is either a) causing harm (or engaged in a behavior that potentially could cause
harm) to either the venue, staff, other individuals or himself/herself or b) being disruptive or disrespectful of the venue
and its inhabitants with respect to the guidelines and procedures set in the Student Handbook. The House Manager
should use the following procedure:
1. Warn the customer (or group) that he/she/they is/are in violation and must stop. However, under no
circumstances student staff should contact or engage any persons or group who observed to be unruly,
disruptive and disorderly. In these cases, notify the Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD)
immediately at 617-373-2121 or 617-373-3333 if the situation is deemed an emergency. If at any time you
observed a threat (or a potential threat) to your safety or the safety of others or the building, call NUPD
immediately at 617-373-3333. Please make the call out of sight of the presence of the incident if possible. (If
the police are notified, please jump to step 4 and report all incidents in log-reports to your supervisor). Please
don’t forget to reference emergency protocol if the situation is deemed an emergency.
2. If the customer (or group) remains in violation provide the customer (or group) with a second warning and
instruct them if they do not stop, they will be asked to leave. A second reminder: If the individual is being
unruly, remember: under no circumstances student staff should contact or engage any persons or group who
observed to be unruly, disruptive and disorderly. Instead, they should notify NUPD immediately (If the police
are notified, please jump to step 4 and report all incidents in log-reports to your supervisor).
3. If the customer (or group) remains in violation after the second warning, please contact NUPD and request that
an officer asked the individual/group causing the problem to leave the event. Do not touch the customer or
become excessively confrontational. If the situation involves threats to the immediate safety of the individual in
question or other customers or school property, the house manager can skip steps one and two and
immediately request police assistance. A third reminder, if the employee feels that he/she or any of the staff is
threatened by the individual or group in any way, they can skip steps one and two and immediately request
police assistance without engaging the individual in question. If the individual or group has been noted to cause
problems in the past, it is permissible to skip steps 1 and 2 and go right to the policy as the individual had been
previously notified and is a repeat offender.
4. Document any problems or incidences where police were notified to your direct supervisor via email.
* A warning to a disruptive group applies to all members.
Other notes:
When reporting an individual/group that is causing a problem to the police, if possible it is helpful to have descriptions
of the individual/groups causing the problem: height, weight, build, complexion, hair color, color/style of
clothes. HOWEVER, NUPD should be the only person asking the individual/group causing the problem for their ID (or
asking if they are a Northeastern student).
We are to treat everyone the same; whether they are a student or non-student, are to be handled the same when it
comes to unruly or disruptive customers.
After the individual has been apprehended by the NUPD, the police will alert OSCCR or the individual’s other
disciplinary system, whether it be a local high school or the local authorities. But a reminder, once the police take over,
the incident is out of our jurisdiction and is strictly a police matter.
Once the police are called, the supervisor of the employee who reported the problem to the NUPD will provide the
documentation that the employee documented in their incident report. The individual who reported the call also may
need to make statements, but they are not to be involved in judicial or disciplinary process.
If the individual causing the problem (or the group causing the problem contains an individual) work for Event
Management or the CSC, it is also considered “unprofessional behavior” and is grounds for immediate automatic
dismissal from their job, pending review of the professional full time staff supervisor.
Regarding Crowd Control Outside of the Venue
NUPD will be in control of any crowd outside of a venue when a specific detail has been arranged in advance. This is
particularly relevant to afterHOURS and the Fenway Center where lines may form outside of the building before doors
are officially opened by the Event Manager or House Manager. If an afterHOURS event is expected to reach capacity or
there is another reason to have two officers for a detail at afterHOURS, one officer would be at the front door and the
other will handle crowd control. For the Fenway Center, generally one officer is able to handle crowd control and the
front door. If no detail was arranged, the police shift on duty may be able to briefly help, but if the shift is busy, there
may not be any available officers to assist with crowd control. Ultimately, it would be an NUPD detail officer that could
handle that, but a detail must be arranged prior to the event.
Regarding if a Performer or a Student seems Drunk or on dangerous substances or inciting a
crowd in a negative way
If a performer is acting drunk or giving other indications that he/she is on illegal substances, alert NUPD. They are the
only people who can make the call to stop the show or detain an individual. If NUPD is not around, call them and ask
them at 617 373 2121.
Similarly, if a student or a member of the audience is acting like he or she is drunk/high; alert NUPD. It’s their call as
what to do with the individual (if they can stay in the venue, etc.).
If a performer is riling up the crowd to perhaps do something dangerous (like starting a riot) notify NUPD immediately.
If the venue you are in has panic alarms, press it/use those as well.
If any of these instances come up, you must let a full time member of Event Management know asap and have them
alert the Director.
APPENDIX D: Payroll & Getting Hired/Paid For The First Time
Before you working your first shift, you need to sign the employee agreement. We will not hire you until this is
completed and we have a copy on record. After you sign the form and work your first shift, we will hire you in the
system and process your first week pay for you. After that you will be responsible to enter your hours by Sunday at
12PM. Each semester you will need to be rehired and the process will start over.
Delayed pay on holidays:
If Monday is a holiday, paychecks may be delayed one week on account of needing extra processing time. You are still
responsible to enter your hours by Sunday at 12PM.
Payment for Cancelled Events:
In all typical situations, staff will be paid for an event if it is cancelled within one week of its supposed date. If an event
is cancelled due to an act of God staff will not be paid for the missed shift. These staff members will be given first
priority on any shifts that are later rescheduled. NOTE: An act of God includes, but is not limited to, a weather
emergency and/or a mandatory University closing.
Students (who are not on co-op) and International Students are generally allowed to only work twenty hours per a
week. While these students can work more than 20 hours a week in certain instances like finals week or intersession
(the time between semesters), under no circumstances should any employee go over 40 hours a week. This total
includes hours worked at Event Management as well as any other campus jobs. Please consult student employment
(617 373 3200) for exact specifics. If you feel like you may be close to 35 hours, please let your Event Management
supervisor know. If you violate this policy (or any of the policies stated in this packet), you could lose your job here at
Event Management.
APPENDIX E: Equipment Policy
All Northeastern University resources are to be used in a professional manner.
Under no circumstances should any of the technology leave the venue.
There should be no sharing of equipment between venues unless Kier Byrnes approves*. Employees are
responsible for the upkeep and security of all Northeastern University’s technical and non-technical resources
in the venues.
*The following equipment is the only exceptions to resources that can be shared between venues:
Top shelf microphones, stools, portable wireless box, and the panel mic box.
APPENDIX F: Painting/Construction Policy
No one can paint or authorize anyone to paint an office or other space on campus other than Facilities. Similarly, no
one can perform any construction (including hanging pictures, bulletin boards, etc.) or other activities that facilities
tend to perform. Any exceptions, such as a student group putting together some scenery, will be handled on a case by
case basis upon appeal to the Director of Operations of Event management in conjunction with the appropriate offices.
Otherwise, any painting or construction should all be done by entering a work order and having facilities perform the
task. Any questions should go be directed to Kier Byrnes, Director of Operations, Event Management.
APPENDIX G: Event Management Disciplinary Procedures
Work Study / Part-Time Employee Three Strikes Policy
The following policy describes the method Event Management Supervisors use to handle employee performance issues
within the department. If you violate any of the policies, the senior management of the Event Management
Department will give you a strike notice. This letter will be added to your employment file.
The following violations will constitute one (1) strike for an employee:
Failure to sign in/out upon arriving or leaving from work without the following the appropriate sign in/out protocol.
Arriving late for a scheduled shift without prior notification to the Event Manager.
Frequent Tardiness.
Inappropriate Dress/failure to dress appropriately for the job (i.e. wear uniform) /failure to wear the appropriate Event
Mgmt. lanyard.
Failure to follow an Event Management policy.
Use of Event Management’s equipment for personal use (i.e., telephone, computer, etc.)
Allowing a non-Event Management employee or non-University staff member to enter an Event Management
restricted zone without permission from senior management.
Failure to follow established customer service guidelines.
The following violations will constitute two (2) strikes for an employee:
1. Claiming pay for hours that the employee did not work.
2. Insubordination – Failure to follow the directions of one’s supervisor, or other higher ranking members of the Event
Management department.
3. Missing a shift without prior notification and approval from a senior member of the Event Management staff.
4. Any repeat violation of a policy or procedure (including those listed above) for which the employee has already
received one strike.
The following policy violations will result in three (3) strikes and dismissal from employment at Event Management:
1. Fighting/Physical Threats/Sexual Harassment
2. Unprofessional Behavior (swearing, fraternizing with customers, favoritism towards certain customers, using online
media representation (Twitter/Facebook/email, etc.) that depicts co-workers, the department or the University in a
unprofessional/unfavorable way, etc.)
3. Theft or aiding in theft.
4. Entry into Event Management venues outside of “normal” business hours.
5. Two absences without prior notification and approval from a senior member of the Event Management staff.
6. Any repeat violation of a policy or procedure (including all those listed above) for which the employee has already
received two strikes.
7. Should an employee receive three strikes during one academic semester, a senior member of the Event Management
staff will distribute a written dismissal notice. At that time he/she will decide whether to refer the employee to
Financial Aid for another position on campus or recommend the student’s termination from the Work-Study Program.
If an employee is terminated, s/he may appeal following the guidelines in the Appeal Procedures for Student Employee
Job Actions for the Event Management Department.
Appeal Procedures for Student Employee Job Actions
These informal and formal review procedures are established for student employees employed by the Event
Management Department at Northeastern University.
APPENDIX H: Informal Review of Employment Concerns
The flexibility of informal discussions often results in solutions to employment problems more easily and quickly than
do formal procedures. An employee who has a concern about their employment conditions or status should first
discuss it with his or her supervisor. Depending of the nature of the concern, discussions with the person at the next
supervisory level may be helpful in clarifying the issues the employee wishes to discuss with his or her supervisor.
Formal Appeal of Job Actions including Probation, Suspension, and Termination
The following formal review procedures have been established for specific kinds of employment problems, which
remain unresolved after the informal review described above has occurred.
An employee who believes that he or she has been wrongly discharged or disciplined in connection with his or her
employment may utilize these formal procedures.
An appeal must be submitted to the Director of Operations, Event Management, 434 CSC Room H) within five (5) days
after receipt of disciplinary letter from supervisor.
An appeal will be granted only if the employee provides evidence that either (a) an error in process has occurred that
influenced the supervisor’s decision; (b) an error in fact occurred that influenced the supervisor’s decision; or (c) both
Step 1: In response to the written appeal, the Director in consultation with his or her supervisor shall meet with the
employee and investigate the matter. Within five (5) working days, the Director will write a response and deliver it to
the employee.
Step 2: If the employee is not satisfied with the result of the Step 1 review, he or she may request in writing to Director
of Operations for Residential Life (4 Speare Hall) that he or she review the grievance. This written request must be
submitted to the Director within five (5) working days of the employee’s receipt of the Director’s response. Within ten
(10) working days of receipt of the employee’s request, the Director will meet with the employee, research as needed,
draft a response and deliver letter to the employee. This serves as the Department’s final decision on the incident and
whatever actions are necessary will be implemented.
APPENDIX I: General Provisions
If the employee fails to act within the time limits set forth herein, the employee’s appeal shall be deemed settled in a
manner consistent with the recommendation written at the end of the last completed step. In some cases, additional
time may also be required by the Department to investigate the issue. In such cases, the employee shall be notified by
the Director of the additional time required.
While the formal review process progresses the employee will continue normal work responsibilities, unless he/she is
determined to be suspended pending the outcome of a judicial hearing.
APPENDIX J: Event Management Employee Agreement
This needs to be filled out by every employee each semester upon hire/rehire (Fall Semester, Winter/Spring Semester
and Summer).
----------This document is to acknowledge that as an employee of the Event Management Department, I have read and
understand the rules associated with the positions I am/will be working in Event Management Department. I
understand that if I don’t follow these policies, there will disciplinary actions taken which could include
termination/loss of work study or other funds.
Each employee is to be issued one Event Management shirt per year (afterHOURS employees can also wear
afterHOURS hoodies). The expected uniform for employees working events is a tucked in collared shirt (unless
specified otherwise). The employee should also be wearing the appropriate Event Management lanyard while on
This document also certifies that I have been given a staff uniform within the academic year. I understand that I am
expected to wear my uniform at all my shifts. Failure to do so could result in disciplinary action. If I lose my
uniform/shirt, I am responsible to purchase a new one (a new shirt costs $10).
Name of Employee (please print):________________________________________________
Semester (please circle ONLY one):
Spring Summer
Work Location - please list location Curry, Fenway Center, etc: ________________
Size Shirt (If already own a shirt, write N/A): _________________________
Size Hoodie (afterHOURS only) (If already own a shirt, write N/A): ________________________
Employee’s Phone #: ____________________________________________________________
Employee’s Email: _________________________________ ____________________________
Employee’s Permanent Address: _____________________________________________________________
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Internal Use Only:
Name & Signature of Full Time Employee Witness:_________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________
This sheet is property of the Event Management Department, 424 CSC.