Review Notes for Unit 2 - Valdosta State University

MATH 3161
Review Notes for Test 2
During the test:
You may use any manipulatives you have made or purchased.
You may not share these during the test.
You may bring a printed sheet with the Rainbow Fraction Tiles displayed.
You may use a calculator, but it is not necessary. (You may not use a cell phone
All sections
Be sure you have a working knowledge of all terms.
Use correct mathematical notation.
When modeling, use pictures and phrases to describe what you are doing.
Do not combine steps.
From Test 1:
1.3 Problem Solving
State George Polya’s Problem Solving Process Steps
5.1 Addition, Subtraction, and Order Properties of Integers
Set of Integers
Absolute Value
Properties of Opposites
6.1 Rational Number Ideas and Symbols
Read (write) a decimal
Write a decimal in expanded notation
Write a fraction in decimal form (Show work, not just use a calculator.)
Explain whether a rational number can be written as a terminating decimal
or if it must be written as a repeating decimal from looking at the
fractional form
6.2 Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Use Rainbow Fraction Tiles and Pattern Blocks to model addition and subtraction
(pictures optional)
Add and subtract fractions using the traditional algorithm
Add and subtract fractions larger than 1 using a mixed number format
State/give examples of the properties of addition of rational numbers
Find sums and differences using mental arithmetic
Estimate using fractions
6.3 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Use Rainbow Fraction Tiles and Pattern Blocks to model multiplication and
Division (pictures optional on multiplication)
Use area models to represent/identify multiplication and division problems
Multiply and divide fractions using the traditional algorithm
State/give examples of the properties of multiplication of rational numbers
Inverse Property of Multiplication
Closure Property of Division
Operations with Decimals
Add and subtract decimals using base ten blocks
Draw pictures and explain (Remember not to combine steps)
(Modeling must parallel what you do when you use the standard
Add and Subtract using a Place-Value Chart
Add and Subtract using the standard algorithm
When multiplying decimals why do you put the decimal point in the product
where you do?
Multiply and divide using the standard algorithm
Use estimation to determine where the decimal point belongs in a product or
quotient. (You will have to explain.)