Florida Public Relations Association

Florida Public Relations Association
Gainesville Chapter Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Partnership for Strong Families
Members present – Amelia Bell, APR; Kevin Coulson, APR; Leah Craig; Allison Downey; Julie Frey,
APR, CPRC; Alisha Kinman; Erin Morton, APR, CPRC; Jenn Petion; Rachel Rakoczy; Skylar Ramsey;
Kathy Richardson, APR; Lindsey Robertson, APR; Scott Schroeder
Members absent – Laura Aguiar, APR
Call to order – 8:05 a.m.
New member applications – Julie Matheney, Paracosm
Approval of minutes – Motion to approve, Downey. Second, Morton. Motion carries.
President’s report – Amelia Bell, APR
Board members should sign up to solicit 2014-15 chapter sponsors. Bell will circulate list and ensure no
one is contacting the same business. Holiday party is December 17. Awards usually given at the holiday
party will now be given at Image Awards in spring. There will be information about that in the eNews.
Treasurer’s Report – Allison Downey
Chapter is at 19 percent of anticipated income and 12 percent of expenses. Downey is still in
conversation about setting up a savings account. The three payments that were previously unresolved
have been resolved.
Approval of budget – Motion to approve, Morton. Second, Schroeder. Motion carries.
Outstanding business – None.
New business – None.
Committee reports
VP, Member Services – Erin Morton, APR, CPRC
There is one new member application. The scholarship winners are: Jim Terhune FPRA Membership
Scholarship – Patty Carroll and Kim Faenza Membership Scholarship – Kim Buchholz. Membership
milestone emails (for holiday party recognition) have been sent.
Electronic Media – Scott Schroeder
The new FPRA Gainesville website is in development. Electronic media committee will finalize, then it will
be shared with the board for review.
Image Awards – Rachel Rakoczy
State is creating a webpage for the chapter for entry submission at the local level. The page will also
house rules and a link for a webinar. There will not be a Call for Entries at the state level. Kathy Giery,
APR, CPRC, will be leading Image Awards workshops. Discussed the potential of a jazz band at the
Image Awards event, but it would increase the ticket cost to $40. Rakoczy will look in to DJ prices.
Educational Services – Skylar Ramsey
Ramsey went with Steve Shepherd to PRSSA meeting. The holiday mixer with PRSSA is tonight. The
RSVP count is low. Kinman will bring two Hippodrome tickets to raffle. There was discussion of a future
event to occur around Interview Day at UF. Quiz for a Cause will be held at Haile Plantation Hall February
12. Ramsey is recruiting team captains.
Professional Development – Laura Aguiar, APR (Report given by Amelia Bell, APR)
Two speakers are lined up for Professional Development Symposium: one is with a radio company and
the other is Susan Davenport from the Gainesville Chamber. She will talk about economic development
plans. Aguiar is looking for two more speakers and a panel.
Community Relations – Jenn Petion
Present wrapping in December was the first Community Relations event. Three people attended. Petion
would like to do three events during the year. She has a new committee member. Petion is considering
the United Way backpack program as a Community Relations opportunity this year and is going to look at
doing the Media Breakfast a bit differently this year.
Programs – Leah Craig
November luncheon had 49 attendees: 38 members, 7 non-members, 1 student member and 2 student
non-members. The January luncheon speaker is Alyson Lundell from Universal Orlando on The
Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley. The February speaker is MaryBeth Head on video
production. The June speaker is Jennifer Moss, APR, CPRC, on the art of strategic planning.
Past President – Julie Frey, APR, CPRC
Frey is looking at scheduling another PR Masters Behind-the-Scenes event. The next eNews will have
information about the annual membership awards to be given out at Image Awards. The Board is taking a
photo to be used for an e-holiday card in the December 29 eNews.
President-Elect – Kevin Coulson, APR
The Chapter is at 74 percent membership renewal, just short of goal. There are a few things that need to
be reconciled with State. The Chapter is fourth in the state for renewals.
Accreditation – Kathy Richardson, APR
Richardson held the last meeting for prospective APRs for 2014. She hasn’t reached out to potential
CPRCs, but CPRC candidates are able to take the oral exam at the Counselors’ Network event in
Communications – Alisha Kinman
Everything with the newsletter is going well. She is receiving a lot of information. Save the date info will
be included in eNews for upcoming 2015 events.
Secretary – Lindsey Robertson, APR
No report.
Vote on new member application – Motion to approve, Frey. Second, Downey. Motion carries.
Adjourn – 9 a.m.