EECS 362 Computer Architecture Projects Lecture 1 Instructor: Alok Choudhary Co-instructor: Avery Ching Outline Course Overview Administrative Matters Course Structure Recap of Pipeline Processor First Week’s Assignment Course Overview Course involves the design and evaluation of a pipelined processor: ISA design Design and test of components Design and test of datapath/control Evaluating for correctness and performance using benchmark programs The target instruction set is a subset of the DLX ISA If you haven’t taken EECS 361 - Drop the class! Course Information Instructor: Professor Alok Choudhary Room: L469 Tech Phone: (847) 467-4129 E-mail: Office Hours: TBD Co-instructor: Avery Ching Room: L460 Tech Phone: (847) 467-2299 E-mail: Office Hours: TBD Teaching Assistant: Kenin Coloma Room: L460 Tech Phone: (847) 467-2299 E-mail: Office Hours: TBD Class web page: Textbooks: The DLX Instruction Set Architecture Handbook (provided by instructors) Philip M. Sailer and David R. Kaeli Morgan Kauffman Publishers, 1996. Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, 2002 or 2005 Course Philosophy The entire class will be a project class. One of the two classes (Thursdays), each group will meet me individually. Each group will meet for 25 minutes. The other class (Tuesdays) requires each group to make a 25 minute presentation to rest of the class. The presentation should be professional and put on the web. Each group will do the following: Describe goals for the current week (and if they were accomplished) Goals for the next week Problems and difficulties encountered and how they were solved Put all the material including the talk and summary of progress on their group web page (latest by one day after it was presented to get credit for it). Grading 30% weekly progress 70% final project and results (due on last day of class with the report) What is available? dlxcc - a C compiler for DLX dlxasm – an assembler for DLX dlxsim and dlxview – a command-line and graphical DLX simulator. Used to determine correct program behavior for debugging. Description of these tools are available in the book and on the course web page. Both executables and original sources are available – benchmarking and testing programs will be provided as the course progresses. Also, see the web site given in the book and at MKP ( DLX ISA Most similar to MIPS Load/Store 32 GP registers 32 Single precision FP registers MIPS R3000 Instruction Set Architecture Instruction Categories Load/Store Computational Jump and Branch Floating Point F0 - F31 R0 - R31 coprocessor PC HI LO Memory Management Special Instruction Format OP rs rt rd OP OP sa immediate target funct A Pipelined Datapath Clk Ifetch Reg/Dec Exec ExtOp RegWr Mem ALUOp Wr Branch 1 0 Rt RFile Rw Di Exec Unit 0 Rd Data Mem RA Do WA Di 1 RegDst ALUSrc MemWr MemtoReg 1 Mux IUnit Rt Rb Zero Mem/Wr Register Ra Ex/Mem Register Rs Imm16 busA busB ID/Ex Register A I PC+4 Imm16 IF/ID Register PC PC+4 PC+4 0 What to Do Next Form groups of 3-4 (work in a team) First week Go through the software and documentation (will be helpful to you in understanding how you would develop your design) Understand instruction set for DLX Give thought to how you would design a pipelined processor Present your thoughts during the second class (Tuesday – 1/9/2007) of second week Toolset tutorial for those who need it this upcoming Thursday 1/11/2007 in L460 Each of the n groups should then present 1/nth of the DLX ISA. The simulator does not tell you how to design the processor Register Ops Branch/Jump Load/Store Floating Point and Others Each week document each group member’s contributions on group website