A Study of EM responses of some Oil and Gas basins in Southeast Asia using Model-based Inversion Presented by: Khin Moh Moh Latt ID 108337 Date 17th May, 2010 : Talk Outlines • Introduction • Literature • Methodology • Results Inversion of Synthetic data sets EM responses of the HC basins in SE Asia • Conclusions and Recommendations • References Objective • To study on applicability of electromagnetic (EM) method, in particular, the controlled source EM (CSEM) method for hydrocarbon exploration by investigating the possible EM responses of the hydrocarbon basins in the South East Asia using model-based inversion Scope of work • Review on recent applications of EM method in the world and in the Southeast Asia region • Revisit the CSEM survey procedure • Collect the geological and petrophysical data of some hydrocarbon basins in Southeast Asia to construct EM geomodel and to analysis the forward and inverse modeling • Modify the 1D-inversion open source codes with adding the new smoothness constraint module in FORTRAN • Apply the newly developed inversion program to calculate the EM responses (i.e., apparent resistivity, phase) and 1D resistivity model structure with depth for a number of Southeast Asia basins (Phitsanulok, Fang, North Malay, Cuu Long and Central Burma) Introduction Why we consider EM methods for hydrocarbon exploration? Seismic method is fallible Electrical resistivity is closely linked to fluid properties and it is also the typical properties of the rocks Integrated interpretation is less risky, save the money from drilling dry well Why now? Deepwater exploration expensive, risky Marine EM a deepwater tool What are marine EM? Two dominant methods: magnetotelluric (MT) and Controlled Source EM (CSEM) methods Global Oil and Gas Consumption 1990 2009 (85MMB) 2030 (120MMB) Analysts currently predict that energy production in SE Asia will increase by 85% over the next 15 years. Many researchers believe that the marine EM methods, especially controlled source EM, will become a standard tool in the offshore exploration toolbox. Feather (EMGS), 2009. CSEM to detect hydrocarbon CSEM to detect hydrocarbon Why only one or two basins in SE Asia have been investigated by this CSEM method? Lack of technology Lack of Confidence in this method No investment Statistical Analysis of CSEM In the middle of 2009, EMGS had analyzed CSEM data and focus on the drilling results demonstrate in terms of discovery rates. 86 wells were available for statistical analyses. Identification of reservoir from anomalous response (Hesthammer, et al., 2010). Statistical Analysis of CSEM Identification of reservoir from anomalous response (Hesthammer, (Hesthammer,etetal., al.,2010). 2010). Principles of EM Sounding EM instruments operate on the principle of EM induction, which is based on Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law and Ohm’s law Tx Rx Faraday’s Law Ampere’s Law CSEM Workflow & Survey Procedure Workflow Data Acquisition Survey Design 50-100m 300m Transmitter Processing Inversion Receiver (Image courtesy of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 2009) Model-Based Inversion Forward modeling Earth model Model-based Inversion Synthetic Data from FW modeling Forward modeling assumes the earth model and then the theoretical response for that model is calculated. The model is then refined until the calculated response matches the observed or measured field response. The model refinements can be made using an automated iterative process or inversion. (afterSasaki , 2009) Flowchart of Model-based Inversion Synthetic Model Inversion Model Calculated responses Synthetic responses N d j 1 Data misfit, ϕd Calculate the data misfit until convergence M F j d m j i i 1 mi d Amd min 2 Am d 2 0 Am d Derivative or Jacobian matrix Am d Cm min 2 Add constraints, βϕm (ϕd+βϕm) Calculate the model parameter by using Gram -Schmidt solver Update the model parameter 2 1st and 2nd derivative constraints, C are used in this research A d 0 C Cm N N A d m (0) C Cm m ? 2 Model objective functions Results 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Please enter your input file name: Please enter your new output file name: Please enter 1 or 0 for ITEST selection: Please enter the regularization parameter, : Please enter 1 or 2 for 1st or 2nd derivative constraint: ITEST=1 (synthetic data are generated from the model given) ITEST=0 (actual data are needed) 1st derivative constraint method (exciting method by Sasaki) 2nd derivative constraint method (modified by the researcher) Synthetic Models Depth (m) Model A (ohm-m) Conductive wedge Model B (ohm-m) Resistive Wedge 200.0 600.0 Half-space 500.0 50.0 500.0 10.0 500.0 100.0 (a) Synthetic model A (b) Synthetic model B (Catherine de Groot- Hedlin and Steven Constable, 2004) (c) Inversion model for both A&B Conductive wedge (Model A) (a) 1 (b) 10 Resistivity (ohmm) 100 1000 0 True Geomodel 500 t t Data Misfit (RMS) 0.1 Depth (m) t 0.01 1000 1500 2000 0.001 0 1 2 3 4 5 Iteration 6 7 8 9 2500 Figure 1. (a) Plot of data misfit versus iteration number for three values (b) Three maximally smooth models in a 1st derivative sense for three different Resistive wedge (Model B) (a) 100 (b) 1 Resistivity (ohmm) 10 100 1000 0 10 1 Depth (m) Data Misfit (RMS) 500 0.1 1000 1500 True Geomodel t 0.01 t 2000 t 0.001 0 1 2 3 4 5 Iteration 6 7 8 9 2500 Figure 2. (a) Plot of data misfit versus iteration number for three values (b) Three maximally smooth models in a 1st derivative sense for three different Conclusion (For synthetic tests) 1. Forward modeling algorithm by Sasaki (2009) could give the good EM responses for both “resistive wedge” and “conductive wedge” structure. 2. The new smoothness constraint (second derivative) could give a lower data misfit and better model than the first derivative one. 3. The value of chosen is 0.01 for the inversion because it gave the smallest data misfit among trial values. Location of study basins Figure 3. Selected basins from SE Asia North Malay Basin Figure 4. Location of North Malay Basin (Modified from USGS, 2000) Creating a resistivity model Figure 5. Simplified comparisons of stratigraphy from different areas in the Malay Basin province (USGS, 2002) Figure 6. North Malay basin geomodel for forward analysis Results of Forward Modeling 10 Synthetic data Calculated data 45 Phase (Degree) Apparent resistivity (Ohmm) • 46 44 43 42 41 1 0.001 0.01 0.1 Period (sec) 1 0.001 0.1 0.01 Period (sec) Figure7. Apparent resistivity versus period and phase versus period 1 Result of Model-Based Inversion Resistivity (Ohmm) Resistivity (Ohmm) 1 10 1 100 10 100 0 0 True Geomodel 500 500 1000 1000 1500 Depth (m) Depth (m) First derivative Inversion model 1500 2000 2000 2500 2500 3000 Second derivaive inversion model 3000 (a)10- layer inversion model (b) 75-layer inversion model Figure 8. Comparison of the true and inversion models with a maximum smoothness in a 1stderivative (solid line) and 2ndderivative (dash line) Conclusions 1) The new smoothness constraint (second derivative) could be integrated to the existing 1D inversion program. Moreover, the program became more flexible in dealing with the regularization parameter. 2) The new inversion code module was tested on synthetic module and it is very stable and typically converges within five or six iterations. The results of model-based inversion are very close to those of the synthetic module. Therefore, it is proving that this model-based inversion could be used in finding EM responses and the resistivity model structure of oil and gas basins in Southeast Asia. 3) The final geomodel resultant from the inversion program is independent of the starting guess and it is the model of smallest roughness with the specific misfit. As conclusion of this research, EM method can be applied in Southeast Asia and EM data can be interpreted by using this 1D inversion program. Recommendations 1) The real electromagnetic data could be inverted by using the 1D inversion program improved in this study. 2) Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) has published the OCCAM1DCSEM inversion and DIPOLE1D forward modeling source codes on January 2010. Therefore, next study can investigate the codes from SIO and compare with the codes used in this research. 3) The next study can focus on studying 2D 3D EM responses of the HC basins in the Southeast Asia. 4) As this 1D inversion program is the open source code, it can be used in academic and training of EM sounding, especially for Southeast Asia region where the exploration of industry is growing rapidly. References Alistair R. Brown. (2005) Do you need marine EM methods? Geophysical corner, 28-30. 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