Mythological Creatures Mythological Creatures Monsters and “hybrids” (human-animal forms) also feature prominently in the tales: the winged horse Pegasus, the horse-man Centaur, the lion-woman Sphinx and the bird-woman Harpies, the one-eyed giant Cyclops, manticores and unicorns, Gorgons, pygmies, minotaurs, satyrs and dragons of all sorts. Many of these creatures have become almost as well known as the gods, goddesses and heroes who share their stories. Common Mythological Creatures Minotaur Pegasus Cyclops Kraken According to the Scandinavian mythology, the Kraken is a giant sea creature (said to be 1 mile long) that attacks ships and is so huge that its body could be mistaken for an island. Charybdis • Charybdis (Greek mythology) is one of several Greek monsters that appeared in multiple famous myths. She is often known only in her most vicious form - a swirling whirlpool of death that swallowed enormous amounts of water and anything that got caught in it. Kappa • In ancient Japanese folklore, the Kappa is a water demon that inhabits rivers and lakes and devours disobedient little children. The Kappa, a word meaning ‘river child’, is usually depicted with the body of a tortoise, a beak, and the limbs of a frog, and has a hollow filled with water on top of his head Cerberus • Cerberus (Greek mythology) is best known as the guardian to the gates of Hades (the Underworld). • In Greek mythology Cerberus is depicted as a dog with three ferocious heads and the tail of a snake. Hydra • The nine-headed serpent who grew two new heads for every one that was cut off. Chimera • The Chimera, in mythology, is a Greek monster with the body and head of a lion with a snake for a tail and a fire-breathing goat head coming from its back. The majestic Griffin • The griffin is a legendary creature with the head and wings of an eagle, and the body, tail, and hind legs of a lion. As the eagle was considered the ‘king of the birds’, and the lion the ‘king of the beasts’, the griffin was perceived as a powerful and majestic creature. Basilisk Basilisk mythology describes this "king of serpents" as a reptilian creature with sometimes rooster-like qualities who is famous for its ability to kill with a single glance. Centaur • Centaur mythology revolves around half-horse / halfhuman creatures whose origin is little understood. Create your own Mythological Creature Process 1. Brainstorm the characteristics of your mythological creature. Think about: Physical Characteristics/appearance Personality Abilities 2. Once your brainstorm is complete, you will write a descriptive paragraph about your creature. Make sure to include its appearance, its personality and its special abilities. 3. Name your new creature 4. Draw your unique mythical creature in the box provided. Rubric- How you will be graded You will be graded on the following criteria. Neatly drawn mythological creature that includes the body parts of at least three animals. One complete paragraph that describes your creature’s appearance, personality and abilities. Correct spelling and punctuation Proper heading on back /8 /5 /5 /2 Total Comments: /20 How to create your creature • Write down a list of animals. They can be your favorite animals or just animals you find particularly funny or fascinating. Next to each animal, write down their most interesting features. • Once you have a list, choose three of the animals to work with. • For instance: • Lion: Big mane, long tail with fluffy end, big paws Gold fish: Flowy fish fins, bright color, scales Lizard: Feet with nails, scales, long tail Owl: Big eyes, short beak, wings, round body • Now you look at the features and pick the ones you like the most from each creature—but make sure they are not the same type of body part. Paragagraph- Think About 1. Does your creature serve 6. Is it singular or are there 11.Does your creature have a particular role or others? magical powers or special function? If so, what? abilities? If so, what are 7. What is your creature’s they? 2. What does your creature diet? look like? 12.Are there any famous 8. How does it stories or historical 3. (Size? Color? Features? communicate? events in which your Appendages? Eyes?Mouth? 9. How does it like to spend creature was or is Tail? Flippers? Fur? its time? involved? Scales? Beak? Wings? 10.What are (3) adjectives 13.What else should we Etc….) to describe your know about your fabulous 4. Where does your creature’s personality creature? creature live? and temperament? 5. What is its life span?