Monday 11/18: We revisited symbolism by studying the difference between concrete objects and abstract ideas. Then we finished the last section of the OMAM movie. o HW: none Block Days -- Tuesday 11/19 & Wednesday 11/20: Guest Teacher, Mr. Anderson (Tuesday only) reviewed some key literary devices (symbolism, tone, verbal irony, and diction) before starting to read and analyze the short story "To Build a Fire" by Jack London. o HW: Finish reading "To Build a Fire" and annotating anything that stands out or seems important. Be prepared for a possible reading quiz! Mr Anderson's secret tips for things to pay attention to: 1) the dog's instinct vs. the man's perception and judgment. 2) How does nature affect the man? How does the man affect nature? 3) What is Jack London's message about the human experience with nature? Thursday 11/21: New seats! We about 10 minutes to work with a partner to prepare for the "To Build a Fire" Quiz before actual quiz time. After the quiz, we discussed the short story. I also handed back the OMAM Essays -- GREAT JOB!! o HW: none Friday 11/22: Today we learned a little about Romanticism, reviewed literary devices (imagery, tone, and diction), and analyzed the William Wordsworth poem, "I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud." (Finally, a reading where no one dies and nothing bad happens!) Then we began working on the "I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud" Writing Assignment. o HW: "I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud" Writing Assignment Typed and printed before class. Due Monday 11/25. E-mail me if you have any questions. If you will not be here, then you must e-mail me your paragraph to earn credit. Monday 11/25: Students turned in their "I Wandered..." Paragraphs. We went to the library to return our copies of OMAM and pick up our new book, The Alchemist. (You will need to do this on your own time if you didn't do it in class today). We covered the Introductory Notes for The Alchemist and completed the pre-reading tasks on the handout. We ended class with about 25-30 minutes to work on a creative assignment: What Do Teachers Do When They Aren't At School? o HW: Return your copy of OMAM and pick up The Alchemist. o HW: Finish and print your response to What Do Teachers Do When They Aren't At School? Due on your Block Day 11/26 or 11/27. Block Days -- Tuesday 11/26 & Wednesday 11/27: Three main things today: 1) As a class, students taught me how to write a literary analysis paragraph for "I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud" in order to practice and reinforce skills. 2) We read Coelho's Introduction to The Alchemist and took notes on the things we learned from it. (This will come in handy for the final assessment--hold on to it!) 3) Students shared their responses to What Do Teachers Do…? homework assignment. o HW: Enjoy your time away from school with family and friends. Happy Hanukkah and Happy Thanksgiving! Monday 12/2: Today we began reading The Alchemist. We discussed setting, characterization, and Santiago's dreams and dreams (yes, two kinds!) We also talked about how all things are connected! If you were absent last week, figure out what you missed and get the handouts by checking the dates above and/or talking to me during 6th, 7th, or after school today. o HW: Refer to the Reading Schedule below Tuesday 12/3 & Wednesday 12/4: We looked at two versions of The Hero's Journey and talked about how Santiago has followed this classic narrative structure so far. We also brainstormed a list of universal lessons like "we have to be prepared for change" (8) and "treat others the way you want to be treated." I handed out the Student Study Guide for The Alchemist. This has all the main assignments for the next two weeks. Please ask me if you have questions about the directions or expectations. This will be due before the holiday break. We looked at Example Answers to a Personal Response Question and had some class time to begin working on the Study Guide. o HW: Refer to the Reading Schedule below. Continue work on your Student Study Guide. Thursday 12/5: We discussed Santiago's continuation on a Hero's Journey (crossing the threshold, trial and failure, enemies, allies, etc.) We read and discussed the beginning of Part 2 of The Alchemist. Students continued working on their Study Guides. Checkpoint: A few Lessons, Personal Response Questions #1-4; Fables/Mini Stories #1-2, should be completed. o HW: Read through page 65/68. Continue work on your Study Guide. Friday 12/6: 1) Check your grade on Skyward. See me outside of class if you have questions. Stay on track with your Study Guide so your grade doesn't drop. 2) We discussed the reading homework and then met a new character, The Englishman. Checkpoint: 4-7 Lessons, Personal Response Questions #1-6, Fables #1-2 o HW: Read through page 84/88. Personal Response #1-7. Monday 12/9: Why don't the characters in The Alchemist have names? (Santiago is now "the boy," King Melchizedek is "the old king," and there is the merchant’s daughter, the emerald miner, the baker, the wise man, the candy seller, the crystal merchant, the Englishman, the camel driver…). Partner and class discussion questions, PR Questions #8-9. Checkpoint: Lessons 7-9, PR Questions #1-9, Fables/Mini Stories #1-3 o HW: Read through page 104/109. What is the Language of the World? Block Days – Tuesday 12/10 & Wednesday 12/11: Today we analyzed a major contradiction of ideas presented in the book: “maktub” or "it is written" vs. “the world’s greatest lie is that our lives our controlled by fate.” Students engaged in a respectful discourse and debate by sharing opinions and responding to the opinions of classmates. We discussed Santiago’s meeting with the alchemist. Checkpoint: 9-11 Lessons, PR Questions #1-9, Fables #1-3. o HW: For Friday read through page 132/139. 11-13 Lessons, PR Questions #1-12 -- BRING TO CLASS FRIDAY! Thursday 12/12: Counselor Day. o HW: See above. Your packet will be due on your Block Day next week. Friday 12/13: We discussed some of the lessons that the alchemist teaches Santiago and reviewed key passages of the reading homework. Students reviewed and edited their classmates' responses to PR Questions #1-12 to help ensure that everyone has complete, detailed responses with no spelling or grammar issues. o o HW For Monday: Reading 153/161. 13-15 Lessons, PR Questions #1-13. HW For Block Day: Reading 167/177 (end of the Epilogue). Complete packet due with PR answers on a separate sheet, attached. Monday 12/16: Today we discussed the climax of The Alchemist when Santiago must transform himself into the wind or be killed. We read and discussed the fable/mini story #4, The Soldier and the Poet, finishing Part 3 of the Study Guide. o HW: Reading 167/177 (end of the Epilogue). At beginning of class, complete packet due with Personal Response answers on a separate, attached sheet -- typed and printed recommended! Bring your book to return to the library. Block Days -- Tuesday 12/17 & Wednesday 12/18: Students turned in their Study Guides and returned their books to the library. We discussed the ending and themes of The Alchemist and compared it to other works of literature. o HW: Turn in your late Study Guides ASAP. Return your book to the library. HW: Bring snacks for the celebration on Friday if you would like! Thursday 12/19: Counselor Day. o HW: Bring snacks for the celebration tomorrow if you would like! Friday 12/20: Celebration day. Enjoy your winter break! o Reading Schedule for The Alchemist (subject to adjustments) 3rd and 4th periods: Refer to the first page number. 5th period: refer to the second. Tuesday 12/3 & Wednesday 12/4: Page 25/26 Thursday 12/5: End of Part 1 Page 47/51 Friday 12/6: Page 65/68 Monday 12/9: Page 84/88 Tuesday 12/10 & Wednesday 12/11: Page 104/10 Friday 12/13: Page 132/139 Monday 12/16: 153/161 Tuesday 12/17 & Wednesday 12/18: 167/177 (the end of the Epilogue) Listen to the Audiobook on YouTube