SQLBits 8, 9th April 2011, Brighton Vincent Rainardi vrainardi@gmail.com Blog: dwbi1.wordpress.com Advanced Dimensional Modelling 1. Dimensions - Structure • SCD Type 6 • 1 or 2 Dimensions • When To Snowflake • A Dimension with Only 1 Attribute • Transaction Level Dimension 2. Fact Tables • Fact Table Primary Key • Snapshotting Transaction Fact Tables • Aggregate Fact Tables • Vertical Fact Tables 3. Dimensions - Behavior • Rapidly Changing Dimension • Very Large Dimensions • Banding Dimension Rows • Stamping Dimension Rows • Dimensions with Multi Valued Attributes 4. Combinations • Real Time Fact Table • Dealing with Currency Rates • Dealing with Status 4 sections: 2 dims, 1 fact, 1 combi. Lots of material, may not able to finish. 44 slides, some slides we may have to touch lightly. Questions between sections, available after. SCD Type 6 SCD Type 6 is a combination of Type 1, 2 & 3 e.g. type 2 + type 1 : DimAccount (telco example) Account Key Phone Number Tariff Current Tariff 1 07789111111 E35 E40 2 07789111111 E40 E40 Business/Natural Key 6 = 1 + 2 + 3 (Ref: Ross & Kimball 2005, Wikipedia) http://www.rkimball.com/html/articles_search/articles%202005/0503IE.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slowly_changing_dimension 1/2 SCD Type 6 2/2 Used for “As Was” reporting e.g. balances by tariff (price plan) at the end of last year, if the customers were on today’s tariff. Fact Dim SnapshotMonth AccountKey Other… Balance 201012 1 … 40 201104 2 … 30 “Type 12” AccountKey PhoneNumber Tariff CurrentTariff Other… 1 07789111111 E35 E40 … 2 07789111111 E40 E40 … Natural Key 1 or 2 dimensions a) One Dimension b) Two Dimensions Dim Account Dim Account Fact Table customer attributes • Simplicity, 1 dim • Hierarchy from customer attribute &account attribute • Use when we don’t have fact tables requiring customer grain. 1/4 Fact Table Dim Customer • We can get the customer attributes without knowing the account key • Disadvantage: can’t go from account to customer without going through the fact table performance 1 or 2 dimensions 2/4 c) Snowflake Dim Account Fact Table Dim Customer • Dim customer is needed by another fact table • Modular: 2 separate dim tables but we can combine them easily to create a bigger dimension • To get the breakdown of a measure by a customer attribute is a bit more complicated than a) select c. attribute, sum(f.measure1) from fact1 f inner join dim_account a on f.account_key = a.account_key inner join dim_customer c on a.customer_key = c.customer_key group by c. attribute 1 or 2 dimensions 3/4 d) Two Dimensions with inter-dimension link Dim Account Fact Table Dim Customer Try to fix weakness on b and c: • We can “go” direct from account dim to customer dim • We can access dim customer directly from the fact table. Weakness: maintain customer key in 2 places: fact table and dim account. a.k.a. “Star with a Back Door” 1 or 2 dimensions 4/4 e) One Dimension with Customer Key Dim Account Fact Table Fact Table Try to fix weakness of a: unable to build a fact table with grain = customer. Add a column in dim account: customer key Not as popular as c) and d) in solving Dim Customer issue. It is “indecisive” : trying to create Dim Customer but doesn’t want to create Dim Customer. Disadvantage: Dim Customer is hidden inside Dim Account, making it: a) more difficult to maintain (especially for a type 2), and b) less modular/flexible When to Snowflake 1/3 1. When the sub dim is used by several dims City-Country-Region columns exist in DimBroker, DimPolicy, DimOffice and DimInsured Replaced by Location/GeoKey pointing to DimLocation / DimGeography Advantage: consistent hierarchy, i.e. relationship between City, Country & Region. Weakness: we would lose flexibility. City to Country are more or less fixed, but the grouping of countries might be different between dimensions. When to Snowflake 2/3 2. When the sub dim is used by both the main dim and the fact table(s) • DimCustomer is used in DimAccount, and is also used in the fact table. • DimManufacturer is used in DimProduct, and is also used in the fact table. • DimProductGroup is used in DimProduct, and is also used in some fact table. The alternative is maintaining two full dimensions (star classic). When to Snowflake 3/3 3. To make “base dim” and “detail dim” Insurance classes, account types (banking), product lines, diagnosis, treatment (health care) Policies for marine, aviation & property classes have different attributes. Pull common attributes into 1 dim: DimBasePolicy Put class-specific attributes into DimMarine, DimProperty, DimAviation Ref: Kimball DW Toolkit 2nd edition page 213 4. To enrich a date attribute Month, Quarter, Year, etc. Like #1, a sub dim used by several dims. A dimension with only 1 attribute 1/2 Should we put the attribute in the fact table? (like DD = Degenerate Dim) Probably, if the grain = fact table, and it’s short or it’s a number. Reasons for putting single attribute in its own dim: Keep fact table slim (4 bytes int not 100 bytes varchar) When the value changes, we don’t have to update the BIG fact table – ETL performance Grain is much lower than fact table – small dim Yes it’s only 1 attribute today, but in the future there could be another attribute. Could become a junk dim. A dimension with only 1 attribute 2/2 Exception: snapshot month (or day/week/quarter) Snapshot month is used in periodic snapshot fact table. Snapshot month is in the form of an integer (201104 for April 2011). Doesn’t violate the 3 points above. It is an integer, not char(6). The value never changes, April 2011 will be April 2011 forever There will not be other attributes in the dim Transaction Level Dimension 1/5 A dim with grain = the transaction fact table Transaction, not accumulative or periodic snapshot Examples: IT Helpdesk DW: Dim Ticket Telco DW: Dim Call Banking/Asset Mgt DW: Dim Trade Insurance DW: Dim Premium Most granular event in any business process Transaction Level Dim Transaction Level Dimension 2/5 Advantages: 1. Query Performance DD columns are moved to a dim, away from the heavy traffic in fact tables. DW queries don’t touch those DD columns unless they need to – performance. DD attributes totalling 30 bytes, replaced by 4 bytes int column. Slimmer fact table, better for queries. 2. Periodic Snapshot Fact Table For periodic snapshot fact table, saving is even greater. Monthly snapshot fact, 10 years / 120 months. Rather than specifying the DDs repeatedly 120x, they are specified once in the transaction dim. All that is left on the fact table is a slim 1 int col: the transaction key. Transaction Level Dimension 3/5 3. Some fact tables have grains greater than the transaction A payment from a customer is posted into 4 accounts in the GL fact table. That single financial transaction becomes 4 fact rows but only has 1 row in the trans dim. Fact table with 10m rows, trans dim only 3 million rows. 4. Related Transactions Some transactions are related, e.g. in retail, a purchase of a kitchen might need to be created as 2 related orders, because the worktop is made-toorder. Rather than creating a ‘related order’ column on the fact tables, it might be better (depends on how it’s used) to create it on the trans dim because: a) an order can consist of many fact rows (1 row per item) so the “related order number” will be duplicated across these fact rows b) slimmer fact table c) the transaction could be on many fact tables, not only one. Transaction Level Dimension 4/5 Disadvantages/not suitable: Transaction fact table and the grain of the trans dim = grain of the fact table, and only 1 DD column: perhaps better leave the DD in the fact table. Not a lot of space/speed gain by putting it on trans dim. Mart/DW only used for SSAS: there is little point of having trans dim physically. In SSAS we can create the transaction dimension “on the fly” from the fact table (“fact dimension”). Using trans dim to put attributes as opposed to put them in the main dimensions, with the argument of: that’s the value of the attribute when the transaction happened – this is not right, use type 2 SCD for this. Main Trans Acct type Location Transaction Level Dimension 5/5 Disadvantages/not suitable: Any dim with grain = fact table (like trans dim) is questionable Do we really need this dim at this grain? Perhaps it should be divided into several dims instead? A dim with grain = fact table - potential performance issue (unless the fact table is small). e.g. fact table = 10m rows, trans dim = 10m rows. Joining 10m to 10m potentially slow, especially if the physical ordering of the trans dim is not the joining column. 1. Dimensions - Structure • SCD Type 6 • 1 or 2 Dimensions • When To Snowflake • A Dimension with Only 1 Attribute • Transaction Level Dimension 2. Fact Tables • Fact Table Primary Key • Snapshotting Transaction Fact Tables • Aggregate Fact Tables • Vertical Fact Tables 3. Dimensions - Behavior • Rapidly Changing Dimension • Very Large Dimensions • Banding Dimension Rows • Stamping Dimension Rows • Dimensions with Multi Valued Attributes 4. Combinations • Real Time Fact Table • Dealing with Currency Rates • Dealing with Status Time, Questions Fact Table Primary Key Should we have a PK? 1/3 Some experts totally disagree Yes, if we need to be able to identify each fact row 1. Need to refer to a fact row from another fact row e.g. chain of events 2. Many identical fact rows and we need to update/delete only one 3. To link the fact table to another fact table Related Trans PK FK (not enforced) Header - Detail PK FK (no RI) Uniqueness PK previous/next transaction Fact Table Primary Key 2/3 Single or Multi Column? Single Column: Generated Identity Multi Column: Dimension Keys Single-column PK is better than multi-column PK because : 1) A multi-column PK may not be unique. A single-column PK guarantees that the PK is unique, because it is an identity column. 2) A single-column PK is slimmer than a multi-column PK, better query performance. To do a self join in the fact table (e.g. to link the current fact row to the previous fact row), we join on a single integer column. Fact Table Primary Key 3/3 Advantage: Prevent duplicate rows, query performance Disadvantage: loading performance Indexing the PK: cluster or not? Cluster the PK if: the PK is an identity column Don’t cluster the PK if: the PK is a composite, or when you need the cluster index for query performance (with partitioning) Example of not having a PK If duplicate fact rows are allowed. e.g. retail DW: Store Key, Date Key, Product Key, Customer Key Same customer buying the same milk in the same shop on the same day twice --- Order Line ID as DD to make it unique (not all EPOS has it) Snapshotting Transaction Fact Tables 1/1 Potentially huge – billions rows Only take what you need Trans Smart date key/month, e.g. 20110409 Monthly or daily Trunc-reload of current month/day Daily (4 wk), Weekly (1 yr), Monthly (10 yr) Purging & Archiving Load from staging (cached) Staging Index/partition on snapshot date Snapshot Aggregate Fact Tables 1/2 What are they? Base Fact Tables High level aggregation of base fact tables A “select group by” query on a 2 billion rows fact table can take 30 mins if it joins with two big fact tables, even with indexes in place So we do this query in advance as part of the DW load and store it as an Aggregate Fact Table The report only takes 1 second to run. 30 mins 1 sec Report Aggregate Fact Table Aggregate Fact Tables 2/2 What For? For report performance (group by is costly) BO: aggregate aware Not SSAS: aggregate in cubes, not tables Loading & indexing: Best to load from staging (at the same time as loading the main fact table) not from the main fact table (this would be working 2x) Partition for data distribution or narrow query Indexing: by the main dim keys Vertical Fact Tables 1/1 Normalised 1 measure column The meaning of that measure column “Normal” Fact Table many measures depends on “measure type” column Used for Finance/GL mart (actual & budget) Advantage: flexibility: using accounts, balance, Dr Cr Disadvantage: non additive Measure Type Dim Key Vertical Fact Table 1 measure 1. Dimensions - Structure • SCD Type 6 • 1 or 2 Dimensions • When To Snowflake • A Dimension with Only 1 Attribute • Transaction Level Dimension 2. Fact Tables • Fact Table Primary Key • Snapshotting Transaction Fact Tables • Aggregate Fact Tables • Vertical Fact Tables 3. Dimensions - Behavior • Rapidly Changing Dimension • Very Large Dimensions • Banding Dimension Rows • Stamping Dimension Rows • Dimensions with Multi Valued Attributes 4. Combinations • Real Time Fact Table • Dealing with Currency Rates • Dealing with Status Time, Questions Rapidly Changing Dimension Why is it a problem Large SCD2 dim – Attributes change every day Slow query when join with large fact tables What to do Put into a separate dim, link direct to fact table. Just store the latest, type 1 attributes (or dual) Store in the fact table (for small attribute, e.g. indicator) Type2 Type2 Type2 Type2 Type1 1/1 Very Large Dimension 1/2 Why is it a problem SSAS: 4 GB string store limit for dimension SSAS: dim is “select distinct” on each attribute – long processing time “Valid date” join on SCD2 for as was Usually customer dim where the “quality stamp” changes daily or because of high number of distinct values Difficult to browse high cardinality attribute Join with fact tables – performance Very Large Dimension What to do Split into 2 dims, same grain. Always cut vertically. Remove SCD2, or at least only certain columns. Most common: separate the attributes with high cardinality/change frequency Bucketing/banding, group values into ranges VLD 2/2 Banding Dimension Rows It is grouping numerical values (numerical attributes, not measure) into several bands, e.g. engine size, distance from station, amount purchased (last complete year). Benefits: easier for analysis & reporting, comparing between categories. Issue/problem: limit e.g. bucketing criteria 1 hour to implement, 3 months to argue 1/1 Stamping Dimension Row 1/1 Calculate internally or buy data from outside Customer categories (loyalty programme) e.g. A, B, C of customer class. To reflect c0nsumer interest on the product (product categorisation based on customer interest level) Any other dates or measures summarized as stamped attribute, i.e. “new customer”, “big spender”, or results from recommendation analysis/algorithm e.g. customer behaviour based on previous purchases. Used for analysis / reporting “Stamped” Attributes Dimensions with Multi Valued Attributes 1/4 What is a Multi Valued Attribute? An attribute which has more than 1 value per dimension row. Product Key Product Code 1 A 2 B 3 C Colour Red Blue Green, Yellow Size Small Small, Medium Small MV Attribute or MV Dimension? MV Dim = For each fact row there could be more than 1 dimension row Why do I need to know this? To be able to model it If wrong, difficult at BI/report Dimensions with Multi Valued Attributes 2/4 Approaches to deal with MV Attributes 1. Lower the grain of the dim Before Product Key Product Code Size 1 A Small 2 B Small, Medium After Product Key Product Code 1 A 2 B 2 B Size Small Small Medium Fact table requires that the product dimension is at Product Code grain, e.g. no sales info per size, but only per product code. 2. Put the MV attributes in a separate dim, link direct to the fact table Before Product Key Measure1 1 9 2 10 After Product Key Size Key Measure1 1 1 9 2 1 5 2 2 5 Size Key Size 1 Small 2 Medium Often we don’t have the allocation information e.g. 50-50 or 30-70, we only know that product1 has 2 sizes Dimensions with Multi Valued Attributes 3/4 3. Use a bridge table to link the 2 dims Fact Table Dim Product Product Key Measure1 Product Key Product Code 1 9 1 A 2 10 2 B Bridge Table Product Key Size key 1 1 2 1 2 2 Dim Size Size Key Size 1 Small 2 Medium 4. Have several columns in the dim for that attribute Product Key Product Code Size1 1 A Small 2 B Small Size2 Medium If the number of attributes is small and fixed, this is a popular approach. But if the number of attributes is large (e.g. >10) or if it’s variable (e.g. sometimes 2, sometimes 20), approach 2 and 3 above are more popular, and more appropriate. Dimensions with Multi Valued Attributes 4/4 5. Put the attribute in a snowflake sub dim We can’t really do this, as it is 1 to many (1 row in the main dim corresponds to many rows in the sub dim). So we need a bridge table, which brings us back to approach 3. 6. Keep in one column using delimiters e.g. “Small|Medium″. A crazy idea. More flexible than having several columns (approach 4) and simpler than approach 3 or 2. If the purpose of the attribute is “display only” on a report (rather than analyse or slice & dice), there is an argument for using this approach, particularly if the number of attributes is small (e.g. 1 to 4). Dimensions - Structure • SCD Type 6 • 1 or 2 Dimensions • When To Snowflake • A Dimension with Only 1 Attribute • Transaction Level Dimension Fact Tables • Fact Table Primary Key • Snapshotting Transaction Fact Tables • Aggregate Fact Tables • Vertical Fact Tables Dimensions - Behavior • Rapidly Changing Dimension • Very Large Dimensions • Banding Dimension Rows • Stamping Dimension Rows • Dimensions with Multi Valued Attributes Combinations • Real Time Fact Table • Dealing with Currency Rates • Dealing with Status Time, Questions Real Time Fact Table 1/1 Reporting the transaction system in real time View to union with the normal fact table, or use partitions Freezing the dims for key lookup, -3 unknown key Key corrections next day Dims as of yesterday Main partition (up to last night) Unknown keys: -1 null in source -2 not in dim table -3 not in dim table as dim was frozen to be resolved next batch dim key Real time partition (intraday today) Dealing with Currency Rates 1/3 What for/background/requirements Report in 3 reporting currencies, using today rates or past Analyse over time without the impact of currency rates (using fixed currency rates, e.g. 2010 EOY rates) Had the transactions happened today Currency rates historical analysis Transaction Currency Transaction Rates 100 countries (many transaction 40 currencies dates) DW Currency 1 currency e.g. GBP Reporting Rates ( 1 reporting date) Reporting Currency 3-4 currencies GBP, USD, EUR, Original Dealing with Currency Rates Approaches Store in original currencies, convert to DW currency at runtime. Or convert at load, store in DW currency – inaccuracy. Or store in both original and DW currency Currency rate fact table (date, currency, rate) Or store rates in the fact table On report/cube: date input at run time (default = today) Fact Tables Rate FX Fact Table 2/3 Dealing with Currency Rates Fact Table Date 01/04/2011 02/04/2011 03/04/2011 Currency Key 1 2 3 Measure1 10,000 20,000 30,000 Fact FX Rates Date Key From Currency 1 1 1 2 1 3 in original currency, DW currency or both Concept of FX Rate Type/Profile To Currency 1 1 1 FX Rate 1.000000000 0.620385881 0.883057262 3/3 Dealing with Status 1/2 What/background Workflow (policies, contracts, documents) Bottleneck analysis (no of days between stages) How many on each stage Status 1 Status 2 Status 4 Status 6 date1 date2 date3 date4 Status 3 Status 5 Dealing with Status 2/2 Approaches Accumulative Snapshot Fact, 1 row per application SCD2 on DimApp App Status fact table AppKey 1 1 1 2 2 StsKey 1 2 3 1 2 StsDateKey 61 63 67 66 67 AppKey 1 2 3 4 5 AppID 1 1 1 2 2 StsKey 1 2 3 1 2 StsDate Current 1/3/11 N 3/3/11 N 7/3/11 Y 6/3/11 N 7/3/11 Y AppKey Sts1Date Sts1Ind Sts2Date Sts2Ind Sts3Date Sts3Ind 1 1/3/11 1 3/3/11 1 7/3/11 1 2 6/3/11 1 7/3/11 1 0 Thanks Email: vrainardi@gmail.com Blog: http://dwbi1.wordpress.com Covers many of the topics in this presentation This PowerPoint: in my blog, scroll to bottom, click on “SQLBit8” Special thanks to Guang Ming Xing and Simon Jensen who helped reviewing this presentation and provided useful comments (doesn’t mean that they agree with the content)