Programming Key – Operation Eligibility


O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

General Program Summary 1

Title of Event: Explore the Wolves Den - Create. Think. Play.

Date / Times: November 9, 2013 from 9am-12pm

Location: NC State Campus

This program is designed to not only serve as a campus tour, but as way to encourage students that college can be for everyone. We decided to tie in the theme Create. Think. Play. so that the students can see that their is a place for everyone at college no matter your strengths and talents. Our goal is to create a program that is different from a typical campus tour. The middle-school aged participants will first get to know each other, as well as their leaders. They then will be split into groups with our SL Group members and volunteers as leaders. From there, the groups will travel to their activity site which will be themed either create, think or play. The games are intended to target thinking, creativity, and playing and keeping the kids active while they do these things. Refreshments, compliments from Whole Foods, will be provided. During the cool down there will be a college panel. Rewards will be given at the end of the day.

The purpose of Operation Eligibility is to make sure that student athletes realize that school comes before sports, although keeping active is still important. The campus tour aspect of the scavenger hunt isn’t necessarily to recruit kids to NC State, but to show them what college is all about.

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

Justification for Program 3

This program is extremely appropriate for not only middle-school aged students, but for Operation

Eligibility as well. The overall message of our agency and the program both is very serious (school is important, as are athletics, but school comes first), but we are able to convey this message in a fun and exciting manner with creative activities. We want these students to be excited for college. Having the kids firsthand experience fun games on a college campus will give them a completely different view on college than what they may hear from their teachers in school. If they see how college is not 100% about just studying and going to class, but has fun aspects too, they may have more motivation to do better in school right now at this very moment.

Our goal as a program, as well as assistants with Operation Eligibility, is to keep kids in school, especially those involved in athletics. We understand that it is very easy to lose track of academics when seriously involved with an athletic team, but we aim to show students how important going to class and staying in school really is. Our program does not ridicule the students about being bad kids and getting in trouble in school, but brings out the fun aspects of college and why students should be excited to further their academic career.

If this program turns out to be as large of a success as we hope for it to be, Operation Eligibility could certainly continue to use this program in years to come.

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

Goals and Objectives 6

Participant Objectives


Participants will learn how to overcome different disabilities.


Participants will work in teams to complete activities.



Participants will interact with college aged students and will be given the chance to ask about college life.


Participants will learn the importance of communication and how it is a vital life skill.

Participants will learn about their strengths and weaknesses.


Participants will gain an understanding of college life and what it takes to succeed as a college student.

Program Objectives



We will teach fundamental life lessons while having fun.

We will remove barriers that put students at risk for wasting their potential.




We will empower students to stay in school.

We will show students that school is first, and being an athlete is second

We will help students understand that success in life can start in middle and high school.


We will connect students with each other, and show how communication in key when working with a team.


We will make the connection that doing academically well in high school will have implications on their future.



We will help participants make decisions on how to spend their money if they have questions.

We will provide students with knowledge of NC State’s campus by giving a campus tour.


We will show help students find their niche in life.

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

40 Developmental Assets 3

Our target market for our NC State tour event, which will take place on November 9th, will be a specifically middle school student. The majority of our outreach methods will be targeted at East Millbrook

Middle School, Centennial Middle School, Dillard Drive Middle School, Reedy Creek Middle School and students who attend our Communities in Schools’ six learning centers.

The three main developmental assets that we are going to highlight among our participants during this event are...

Positive view of personal future- We chose to have an event on NC State’s campus to expose the middle school students to a college university and hopefully create excitement and motivation for each individual to succeed in school and in their future. We believe that by exposing youth to the university culture it will bring about thought and motivation in each individual regarding their future.

Sense of purpose- Our main slogan is Create. Think. Play. This theme is going to help students highlight their strengths and hopefully find their niche, which will give them a sense, a purpose. We will do this through the participation in our group activities which will provoke excitement and encouragement to do what they love and find what they are good at.

Achievement motivation- Achievement motivation is motivating students to do well in school. We felt this is a very important asset to bring to the students considering that this is C.I.S. main purpose. We will bring out this asset by allowing students to engage in activities that will be held on NC State’s campus as well as interact with existing students at NC State University.

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

Activity Plan Explanation ~

Title of Event (theme)

– Explore the Wolves Den: Think. Create. Play.

• Target audience – Middle school students from Centennial Middle, East Millbrook Middle

• Flow of activities along the Programming Wave

Group Starters - (exciting music playing. Fun facts about NC State and college) Greeters at door and balloons set up in and around meeting place. Each student upon arrival will receive a notecard and will write name, school, 2 questions for college students about college, and their guess for how many pieces of candy are in the jar. And make a name-tag

Welcome & Intro- (Bailey, Megan, Cameron, and Travis)

Travis- Intro. of O.E. and mission

Introduce the event and the staff. Show excitement for the students coming. Give overview of what we are doing today. Today they will test their creative skills, their intellectual skills, and their active skills. These are 3 main components of college and what better to way practice them then on a college campus?

Mixers Everyone stand up and say there name and favorite professional athlete

Team Dividers – on their nametag. There will be 3 teams (basketball, football, baseball) They will be assigned their TEAM LEADER (Chris, Breezy, Jess).

{as they walk from place to place, leaders be sure to talk about what they are walking by and what it is used for}


Court of Carolinas

– Active Games (John and Bailey)

4 different tasks that all build off of each other o 1 st

3-legged race to the other end to collect dodge ball o 2 nd

over-under all the way until the 1 st

person is back in the front then that person runs to get 3 soda cans o 3 rd

3 people must chug the soda one right after the other once complete one person runs and gets a blindfold and plastic bat o 4 th

1 person gets blindfolded and spins on the bat 10 complete circles then one guider guides the blind person to the final prize(to pick up a cone) by only using their voice —no touching

Library – Thinking Games (Whitney)

Task Cards: in order to receive the next card they must complete the task o 1 st card

put yourself in order from shortest to tallest without talking o 2 nd

card 5 question trivia quiz. Must get all of them right before receiving next card (no phones allowed!) o 3 rd

solve a riddle or Sudoku puzzle

Witherspoon – Creative Games (Sarah)

- Each team will receive a card with a list of words and they have 8 minutes to come up with a funny skit

(1-2min) to perform which incorporates all of the words


Have drinks and snacks provided Whole Foods

Announce winners and give prizes

Talk about AGAIN how their races today focused on Playing, Creating, and Thinking and how all of those things are a part of college. College is where you find your niche that is what college is about. Explain how. Give specific examples. (IM sports, club sports, clubs in general, etc.)

Panel of all college students to answer some of the questions the students put on their card

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

Plan B Plans 1

In case of rain, our contingency plan will be to move the Court of Carolinas activities into Carmichael

Gym. This will be implemented on one of the courts. Also, in case of our target number (60) being dramatically low, we will only split the team in two groups. If there are way more than 60 participants, we will split each group into 4 teams instead of 3.

If it is raining or any kind of dilemma with the rooms Plan B is to rent out the gymnasium and separate the courts to where the events can still take place. If this is the case we will extend the minutes in the activities. If we have to change to Plan B Roberta Hadley will make the decision to move into the gymnasium if there is inclement weather. If it is cancelled the decision will be made the morning of the event to move into the gymnasium. We want to take all precautions in making it a safe experience for the students

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

Materials / Equipment Needed 2

Group Starters

Nametags- 100

 Notecards- 100

Candy in a jar-1

Play activity

 Bandanas- 15

 dodgebal-1l

 cans of soda-9

 plastic baseball bat-3

Think activity

 Notecards-100

 pens-50

Create activity

 Notecards-100

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

Facilities 2

Playzone - The playzone will be set up with 2 tables and chairs at each so that we will be able complete registration in the morning. In the afternoon once the registration is over these tables will be used for snacks and drinks that will be distributed to the children once they come back in for the cool down.

Court of North Carolina - Will be set up relay race style with three different lines for the three different groups that will be participating in each activity. The balls and cones, Gatorade bottles and blindfolds will all be lined up in their specific spots and ready for the event to start.

Witherspoon - Will be set up with index cards and words in three different corners of the room where the three teams will be able to go and focus on the play that they are going to want to put on for the big group.

Once the time is up for the groups they will meet back in the center of the room and each group will then perform their plays.

Library Auditorium - The children will be sitting in different areas focusing on completing their brain teaser task cards. These have to be completed for correction in order to receive their next task card.

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

Program Enhancements 4

1.Planning, We will entice these kids by using the college experience tour as a way to break barriers in their life, so that they focus on going to a good college. The program will have 3 activities around NCSU campus, where there will be activities at each of the locations. We will have a registration open to our target middle schools, as well as the service learning centers.

2.Anticipation, The excitement of this event will be that these kids get to hang out on a college campus and learn from college kids they look up to. Everyone around Raleigh knows about NCSU legacy, so the kids will want to embrace the fun activities on States campus. We will provide food at the end of the tour, and I know everyone enjoys free food.

3.Travel-To, We will post signs around campus for the parent, so they can drop their kids off in the right place. We will send out email blasts that will show everyone where the event will start, as well as maps for when they arrive. At arrival, we will get everyone registered, while the kids explore the playhouse and check out some random facts about NCSU. We will have a guessing game that all the kids will participate in order to win a prize.

4.Participation, We will get kids into their groups and start on a campus walk to arrive at their first destination. The three destinations will include thinking activities at the D.H. Library, Play activities in the

Court of Carolinas, and creative activity that will be at Witherspoon, which will involve acting on a stage. Also, as we walk the group leader will point out some landmarks on campus that symbolize

NCSU. We will have every kid fill out a card with 2 questions for all of the college students to answer at the end. This will help engage the interactions with college students and the kids. The prizes for the winner of each event will be at the end. These prizes will consists of autographs pictures, as well as other

NCSU memorabilia. Every student will participate and learn about the heritage at NCSU, meanwhile having a fun time playing and enjoying himself or herself.

5.Travel Home, We will direct everyone where the location of the campus tour will take place to help them return from where they came from. Everybody will get food at the end of the tour to fill their bellies on the ride home.

6.Reflection, We will send out letters to all the participants to remind them of the cool event that they attended. Each kid will be sent home with a prize and a packet that will show him or her about

Communities in school and NCSU. We want to show all of the participants that we love to share this special time with them and that they are capable of going to college and excelling even if their are barriers to overcome.

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

Marketing Plan 3

Our target market is middle school aged kids. These schools consists of East Wake middle, East

Millbrook middle school, Centennial middle school, and the four service learning centers that are associated with Communities in schools. Our team members will go to each middle school and talk with kids about our program that we will be hosting at NCSU. Also, we will use flyers, e-mail blasts to generate some awareness about what we are doing.

We will start by using verbal communication with the athletic departments at these middle schools. We will post flyers around our target schools, and at the service learning centers. This will let everyone notice that an event is coming to NCSU just for them.

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

Staff Considerations 3

The first set of staff is the specific Operation Eligibilty group that consist of:










We will also have the CIS wake staff that will be at the event. The two main people that are for sure to be there will be

Travis Mitchell and Roberta Hadley. They have planned to bring others that are apart of the Communities in Schools programs.

Lastly we will have the volunteers from Annette Moore's PRT 152 class.

How were they recruited? Trained?

The volunteers were recruited by members of our Operation Eligibility group. They were shown flyers and given a brief description of the activities that are going to take place.

We have two team meetings planned so the volunteers will know what part of campus we are planning on using and also the pathway we are taking to get to those certain parts.

What did you tell your staff was important to you for delivering this program?

It is important for the staff to have enthusiasm from the moment they (the staff) get their to the moment they leave. They must be willing to keep the children engaged in the programs, but they should also make sure the children are staying safe and paying attention to the event that is going on.

What were the important issues reinforced by staff throughout program to enhance participant experience?

Enthusiasm is the most important issue in regards to this age group of children. Middle school children can be easily distracted so as long as we are able to get the children actively engaged that will reduce the risk of injury or children getting lost during the program.

Remember to consider (and document!) course concepts (i.e., Assets, Emotional Banks, Program Enhancements,

Powerfully Positive principles) that you feel are important!

How / when will you train your volunteers or staff assistants so they can help convey the same positive interactions that you will be displaying?

In training we will talk to the volunteers and staff about what they think is important in regards to the program and how they feel they can get the students engaged. We will show them how we are planning on putting on the event so that they will have an example of how we want the event to run.

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

Safety and Risk Management Considerations 3

1. Emergency Bathroom Breaks

Because of the expected number of children we will have at the program we plan to have at least 3 adults per group of children at the least. We will have the CIS wake staff member take students to the bathroom as needed. Along with this hopefully we will have a volunteer that knows the campus that is also able to walk with the CIS wake staff and the students. This will ensure the safety of the student and also ensure that if the group moves the volunteer will be able to help direct the CIS staff to the next sight safely

2. Travel around Campus

We will as said have at least 3 adults walking around with each group. One will be in the front of the group of children at all times. We will have one adult leading the group, one in the middle and one in the back making sure there are no stray children. If there we are able to have more volunteers we will add them to the group so that we can ensure even more the safety of these children during travel.

3. Headcounts

Once the groups are split into 3 the group leaders will take a headcount of each of the groups and tell all the other adults how many children are in each group before heading out. Halfway to the event the person in the middle or the back of the group can take another headcount and once they have arrived at the site another head count will be taken. There will also be two extra staff members at each event that will help children stay on task.

4. Children Actually getting missing

In the case that children actually go missing, a leader or staff member will come over the walkie and tell all the other leaders “I am going to the Wolves Den and (insert child’s name) is with me.” That will let the other staff leaders know that this specific child is missing without making the children aware of the fact that a child is missing. At this alert all activities will stop, each group leader will take a headcount and make sure they look into the faces of their children to make sure they have all children that are supposed to be in their group. After this if the child is not found the CIS wake staff and a volunteer will head out in search for that child. If the child is not found within 30 mins then the authorities and their parents will be notified.

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

Budget / Resource Allocation 2

Budget is $1500

Shirts- ~$250

T-shirts are distributed for 25 event leaders

Food- ~$200 In-Kind

Food is anticipated to be donated by previous sponsors

Printed materials- ~$150

Event Flyers and materials for packets will be distributed for 60 expected students

Facilities- ~$40

The fun-zone in the gymnasium charges $25 for rental and an A.V. Charge of $15 for 4 hours. To rent the library and Witherspoon Student Center Mrs. Moore will need to request the rooms for no charge. The last event is held outside so naturally there is no fee.

Transportation- ~$300 In Kind

Community in Schools as a strong relationship with the Wake County School System and will attempt to use one or two school buses at no cost.

Video grapher- $150

Communities in Schools has a relationship with a local videographer his fee is typically around $150.

Development of Collateral materials- ~$125 In-Kind

A friend of Cameron's is hopefully going to put together a flyer and donate approximately five hours of his time. And the IRS determines the value of a volunteer hour to be $25 an hour.

Activity Materials- ~$150 In-Kind

Whitney is going to work with her employer to secure event materials at no cost. And then Communities in Schools will purchase any remaining items. (For Example: balls, blind folds, cones)

Giveaways/Prizes- ~$150

A group of students from each team will be rewarded prizes at the end of the day, on the accomplishments at each event

To attend the event and participate we decided to make it a free event for any who are willing. A main reason behind this decision is because a few weeks after we are holding a financial literacy event to teach them how to spend money wisely. Typically, Operation Eligibility and Communities in Schools supports low budget communities.

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

The source of income from materials bought is mostly through Communities in Schools funding and the other items were donated from local sponsors. The companies we are asking for donations are YMCA, Whole Foods, and Cici's Pizza.

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

Evaluation 4

Evaluate the following components of the program + justify each response with evidence:

• Impacts on participants (refer back to Participant Objs!)

• Responses from participants

• Specific recommendations for improving this program

• Include the results of the evaluations you as the participants and staff to complete

• Specify explain how you evaluated and what you found out through your evaluations

(Don’t just say “we evaluated”)

• Provide an example of your evaluation tools (here or in appendix)

In order to see how our program affects our participants, we simply need to ask them. After the scavenger hunt and activities are completed, we can use the “cool down” stage as a time to reflect on what the children got out of the activities. After determining our desired outcomes for our program, we can use the children’s responses to compare to the outcomes we hoped they would have. If the outcomes seem to match up, we know we created a successful event. If the kids don’t seem to understand the point of our program or didn’t enjoy it, we know we did something wrong and must pinpoint our mistakes to better our next program.

Another way to measure the effectiveness of our program is to print out sheets of paper asking the kids if they would attend this program again if it was offered the next year. We would leave a blank space at the bottom asking the kids what we could do differently next time to make it even better. The papers would be anonymous and the children would hand them in to each of their group leaders. At our next SL Group meeting, we would tally the results and share with each other any suggestions that the kids came up with.

As far as for our staff and volunteers, we would create a separate evaluation. Each person is in charge of different groups of kids with different activities. The staff members would write about how the kids reacted to their specific event. Then, the staff members will reflect on being a leader of the group and perhaps answer questions such as: Did your activity go as planned? Were the kids excited to participate? Did you reach any obstacle while being a group leader? If so, what were they and how did you overcome it?

After collecting both the participants and staff members’ evaluation sheets, we can then determine the success of our program.

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

Project Mgmt Timeline + Run Sheet for day of event 5

Project Management Timeline

Task Individual

Completed by…

Internal agenda all 3:30pm on Oct 16

Review safety rules all

Finalize outreach strategies all

Travis, Cameron, John Finalize transportation method

Completion of flyers Cameron

Recruit from PRT 152

Collect wrist bands

Finalize playlist

Confirm use of walkie talkies



Megan, Cameron

Travis, Whitney

Send in T-shirt sizes

Reserve three facilities all

Chris, Megan, Bailey

3:30pm on Oct 16

3:30pm Oct 16


1:30pm Oct 16

8:30am Oct 15 and 17

Nov 6

3:30pm Oct 16

3:30pm Oct 16

1:30pm Oct 16

Oct 23

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

Run Time Sheet

Date/Time Action Agency/V endor

Event Area Person Comment

7:30 am

7:45 am

Staff and volunteers arrive and discuss expectations and review agenda

Go to designated post



Playzone O.E. staff,

C.I.S. staff and volunteers

Check for all supplies.

Divide volunteers

7:55 am

8:30 am

Set up site NCSU

D.H Hill,

Court of



O.E. staff,

C.I.S. staff and volunteers

D.H Hill,

Court of



O.E. staff,

C.I.S. staff and volunteers


Site leaders go to site, team leaders and others stay at base

Everyone set up there their activities


Chris, Jess- registration table

Exciting, music playing, energetic

8:30 am

9:00 am

9:05 am

Students arrive,

Registration opens


Students fill out note cards, make nametags, guessing game





Introduction NCSU








Make sure everyone gets a nametag




Overview of


Overview of mission

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]

9:10 am

9:15 am

(TBD based on number of people)

Divide teams up depending on nametag

9:15 am

Rules of the


9:25 am

Group introduction- mixer bathroom break








Bailey Talk about expections


Breezy, Jess

Get into groups, leaders get with groups




Name, name of favorite athlete

Carmichael Chris,

Breezy, Jess

Give students a chance to go to bathroom and get water

9:30 Walk to site NCSU

9:42 am

9:42 am

9:42 am

9:42 am

9:42 am

Basketball team arrives

Football team arrives



Baseball team arrivs


Explain thinking activities


Explain relays NCSU


D.H. Hill,

Court of


Witherspoon Sarah

D.H. Hill


Breezy, Jess

Talk about campus

Whitney All students are at correct site



All students are at correct site

All students are at correct site

Rules and activities

9:42 am Explain creative


Court of


John and


Witherspoon Sarah

Rules and activities

Rules and activities

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.] activities

Transition to site 2


Baseball team arrives


Basketball team arrives


Football team arrives


Transition to site number 3

Football team arrives



Baseball team arrives


Basketball team arrives


Walk back to base



Whole foods

College Panel NCSU


D.H. Hill,

Court of


Court of






Chris, Jess



Witherspoon Sarah


D.H. Hill


Chris, Jess



Witherspoon Sarah


Chris, Jess






Walk to next site

Explain activity and play

Explain activity and play

Explain activities and play

Talk about the campus

Explain activities and get started

Explain activities and get started

Explain activities and get started

Talk about campus

Hand out snacks, cool down

Questions will be asked

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O.E. [Explore the Wolves Den- Create. Think. Play.]


Check out



Students leave NCSU

Tear down/clean up





All sites


Cameron Awards for students, 1 st place

O.E. Staff, Check students out

O.E. staff,

C.I.S. staff, volunteers

Students get onto buses

O.E. staff, volunteers

Clean up all areas

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