X project Capital works project proposal template Proponent contact details Faculty/division/institute: School/section: Contact person: Telephone extension number: Email address: Click here to enter text Click here to enter text Click here to enter text Click here to enter text Click here to enter text CONTENTS Part A – Project requirement (to be completed by proponent) ............................................... 2 1 Proposal outline ......................................................................................................... 2 2 Operational need........................................................................................................ 2 3 Functional requirements ............................................................................................. 2 4 Options considered .................................................................................................... 2 5 Alignment with strategic objectives of faculty/institute/division .................................... 2 6 Expected benefits....................................................................................................... 3 7 Funding source .......................................................................................................... 4 8 Project constraints ...................................................................................................... 5 9 Proponent risks .......................................................................................................... 5 10 Proponent authorisation ............................................................................................. 5 Part B – Project details (to be completed by CSD/Financial Services/ITS)............................. 6 11 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 6 12 Project suitability ........................................................................................................ 6 13 Project cost ................................................................................................................ 6 14 Infrastructure impacts ................................................................................................. 8 15 Project delivery timeframe .......................................................................................... 8 16 Project risks and impacts ........................................................................................... 8 17 Authorisation .............................................................................................................10 Part C: Strategic infrastructure considerations (to be completed by CSD Strategy and Policy Unit) 12 18 Open to Talent Strategic Plan ...................................................................................12 19 Campus master plan .................................................................................................12 20 Other (urban design framework, etc.) ........................................................................12 21 Strategic Asset Management Framework ..................................................................12 22 Strategic risks and impacts........................................................................................12 23 CSD authorisation .....................................................................................................13 1 Capital works project proposal (Month, year) X project Part A – Project requirement (to be completed by proponent) 1 Proposal outline 1.6. Type of work [see manual]: Click here to enter text. 1.7. Location: Click here to enter text 1.8. Brief description: Click here to enter text 2 Operational need [Demonstrate the need for proposed works with reference to any specific project, course or service that cannot be delivered by existing infrastructure or operational means; any growth in research, teaching and learning, or operational capability that cannot be accommodated by existing infrastructure or operational means; any elements that do not comply with current legislative, regulatory or building code requirements; any deficiencies in building condition and/or functionality that require rectification.] 3 Functional requirements [Describe/list the specific functional outcomes that must be delivered by the proposed project (for example the number of staff/students to be accommodated); specialist equipment/functions that must be accommodated; specific legislative, regulatory or code compliance issues to be rectified; specific improvements to building condition and/or functionality.] 4 Options considered [Outline other options considered to meet the identified need/requirements, including operational/non infrastructure solutions; cooperative use of resources with internal/external entities; adaptive reuse of existing facilities; ‘do nothing’, etc. If no other options were considered, explain the reasons for this.] 5 Alignment with strategic objectives of faculty/institute/division [Outline how the proposed works will comply with and assist in the realisation of local faculty/school/institute/divisional strategic objectives.] 2 Capital works project proposal (Month, year) X project 6 Expected benefits [Outline the anticipated strategic, operational, financial and other benefits from the proposed project, detailing for each benefit identified how it will be measured, when it will be achieved, anticipated costs/savings and level of confidence in its realisation.] Expected benefit Measurable outcome Timing of implementation Estimated cost Description 3 Capital works project proposal (Month, year) Sum ($) Estimated saving One-off / recurrent Description Sum ($) One-off / recurrent Level of confidence High, medium or low X project 7 Funding source [Outline the anticipated source(s) of funding for the proposed works. Where more than one source is proposed, indicate percentages and sum, if known.] Funding source 4 Capital works project proposal (Month, year) Percentage Sum X project 8 Project constraints [Outline any constraints and/or special requirements associated with the project including issues related to timing; funding conditions; requirements related to the ordering, handling or housing of specialist equipment etc.] 9 Proponent risks [To be completed on attached Excel spreadsheet. Include risks to the proponent’s business/operations that may arise both from execution of the proposed works (e.g. interruptions to operations, temporary loss of amenity to students and staff, temporary loss of income; waste of resources through over-servicing; failure of works to deliver anticipated benefits etc.) and from non-completion of the proposed works (e.g. non-realisation of anticipated benefits; drop in student numbers; failure to complete project or deliver service; failure to provide facilities of suitable quality, reputational damage etc.] 10 Proponent authorisation This proposal has been examined and endorsed by the Dean/Head of Institute/Section: Signature: _________________________ Name: _________________________ 5 Capital works project proposal (Month, year) Date: ___________________________ X project Part B – Project details (to be completed by CSD/Financial Services/ITS) 11 Scope [Outline the scope of the proposed works, providing as much detail as is currently available.] 12 Project suitability 12.1. Feasibility study [Has a feasibility study been undertaken? If so, what are those details? If not, is such a study recommended and why? NB – projects with a total estimated cost exceeding $500,000 may be subject to a professional feasibility study. The costs of any such study should be factored in to the project cost estimate.] 12.2. Fitness for purpose [Outline how the proposed works will satisfy the stated requirement and deliver the anticipated benefits.] 12.3. Options considered [With reference to the options considered, outline why the proposed project is the best way to meet the identified requirement.] 13 Project cost 13.1. Level of cost estimate [Outline level of cost estimate obtained to date i.e.: order of cost; indicative cost (±30%); brief stage cost; budget estimate/outline of proposal cost (± 20%); sketch design cost (±10%); tender estimate. NB – where a project is approved, the proponent will be required to report more accurate cost estimates to the approving body as these are obtained.] 6 Capital works project proposal (Month, year) X project 13.2 Project cost estimate details Total approved budget FY1 FY2 FY3 FY4 FY5 Income CMP funding External funding - <source> Internal funding - <source> Total income - - - - - - Total expenditure - - - - - - Net surplus/(deficit) - - - - - - Expenditure* Project management costs CSD Professional services costs CSD Construction costs Project management costs ITS Professional services costs ITS IT Equipment/installation costs Allowances (contingency, escalation, etc.) Other expenses *The expenditure categories shown in the table above are the minimum requirements, budgets by natural account would be preferable (please insert rows where necessary and provide natural account details) 7 Capital works project proposal (Month, year) X project 13.3. Life-cycle costs [Provide estimate of whole-of-life maintenance and operating costs, including cleaning, security, utilities, depreciation etc. Please provide indication of capitalised/ non-capitalised cost items.] 14 Infrastructure impacts 14.1. Utilities and building services [Is the existing utilities (e.g. water, power, gas) and building services (e.g. heating, ventilation, fire protection) infrastructure sufficient to support the proposed development? If not, what are the additional requirements and how will these be met and funded?] 14.2. Ancillary services [Are the existing ancillary building services (e.g. grounds, parking, catering) sufficient to support proposed development? If not, what are the additional requirements and how will these be met and funded?] 14.3. Sustainability [How will the project design conform to the UTAS Sustainable Built Environment Design Policy? For projects >$5 million – how will it achieve 5-star Green Star Rating; for other projects, how will it will conform to environmentally sustainable design principles?] 14.4. Compliance [Outline how the works will comply with legislative and code requirements (e.g. access, WHS, BCA, asbestos) in terms of outcomes and execution. Where it is the purpose of the works to address specific legislative and code compliance issues, provide those details.] 14.5. Maintenance and servicing [Outline the estimated annual financial impact of the proposed works in terms of recurrent operational costs (e.g. heating, power, cleaning, security, maintenance).] 14.6. Information and Communications Technology [Is the existing ICT infrastructure (e.g. computer network cabling, telephony, wifi, etc) sufficient to support the proposed development? If not, what are the additional requirements and how will these be met and funded?] 15 Project delivery timeframe [Outline proposed delivery timeframe with reference to any timing conditions identified by proponent and in the context of established prioritised works list/existing workload.] 16 Project risks and impacts [To be completed on attached Excel spreadsheet. Include environmental risks to the project (e.g. geological conditions, potential for flooding, etc.); environmental impacts arising from 8 Capital works project proposal (Month, year) X project the project (noise nuisance; water quality; air quality; threat to flora/fauna, etc.); latent infrastructure conditions; operational impacts; resource impacts; timing/delivery risks, etc.] 9 Capital works project proposal (Month, year) X project 17 Authorisation This proposal has been examined and endorsed by: 17.1. Associate Director, Built Environment and Development, CSD: Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________________________ Name: _________________________ Comments: 17.2. Associate Director, Business Services, CSD: Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________________________ Name: _________________________ Comments: 17.3. Associate Director, Infrastructure Planning and Compliance, CSD: Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________________________ Name: _________________________ Comments: 17.4. Associate Director, Campus Services, CSD: Signature: _________________________ Name: _________________________ Comments: 10 Capital works project proposal (Month, year) Date: ___________________________ X project 17.5. Associate Director, Strategy and Planning, CSD: Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________________________ Name: _________________________ Comments: 17.6. Manager, Engineering Services, CSD: Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________________________ Name: _________________________ Comments: 17.7. Deputy Chief Information Officer: Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________________________ Name: _________________________ Comments: 17.8. Chief Finance Officer: Signature: _________________________ Name: _________________________ Comments: 11 Capital works project proposal (Month, year) Date: ___________________________ X project Part C: Strategic infrastructure considerations (to be completed by CSD Strategy and Policy Unit) 18 Open to Talent Strategic Plan [Outline how the proposed works will assist in the delivery of UTAS’ strategic objectives.] 19 Campus master plan [Outline how the proposed works will comply with the relevant campus master plan.] 20 Other (urban design framework, etc.) [Outline how the proposed works will comply with other relevant built environment planning documents, such as the Newnham Campus UDF, Domain UDF, etc.] 21 Strategic Asset Management Framework [Outline how the proposed works will comply and with and assist in the realisation of the UTAS Strategic Asset Management Framework and relevant component strategies.] 21.1. Precinct development [Is the proposed project consistent with the development of campus precincts? If so, how would it contribute to such development; if not, why not?] 21.2. Rationalisation of built footprint [How will the proposed project impact on UTAS’ overall built footprint? (e.g. does it duplicate functions that already exist or could be provided by other means; does it entail adaptive reuse of a facility that has been prioritised for development; can any increase be offset by decanting and disposal of a sub-standard facility?)] 21.3. Space utilisation [How will the proposed project impact on space utilisation?] 21.4. Maintenance backlog [How will the proposed project impact on UTAS’ backlog maintenance liability?] 21.5. Condition and functionality [Will the proposed project improve the condition and/or functionality of an existing, prioritised facility? If a new facility is to be constructed, will it deliver optimal condition and functionality?] 22 Strategic risks and impacts [To be completed on attached Excel spreadsheet. Consider potential impacts on strategic objectives of both delivery and non-delivery of proposed works, including timing risks, 12 Capital works project proposal (Month, year) X project resource/funding risks, implications on and from other capital/infrastructure projects, relationship with existing facilities, lifecycle maintenance impacts, etc.] 23 CSD authorisation This proposal has been examined and endorsed by the Executive Director, Commercial Services and Development: Signature: _________________________ Name: ________________________ 13 Capital works project proposal (Month, year) Date: __________________________