AP Psychology, Saint Louis School 2010-2011 Advanced Placement Psychology Ms. Shelley Wee Newell Hall: room 44 swee@saintlouishawaii.org Purpose of the Course: The AP Psychology course is designed to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. They also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice. -Course Description, Advanced Placement Psychology Description of the Course: This material covered in an AP Psychology course is equivalent to that of a college introductory psychology course (i.e., Psychology 101). Therefore, it is designed to cover the many topics, perspectives, and theories that make up this field of study. Generally, such a college course is one semester in length. Students enrolled in this course should expect to devote a substantial amount of time actively reading the text and supplementary materials, completing assignments, and reviewing for tests and quizzes. While the amount of time required to complete these tasks will vary between individuals, you should expect to devote at least one hour outside of class for every hour you spend in class. Course objectives: 1. Students will prepare to do acceptable work on the AP Psychology Examination. 2. Students will study the major core concepts and theories of psychology. They will be able to define key terms and use them in their everyday vocabulary. Students will be able to compare and contrast the major theories in psychology. Students will develop an understanding of the biological and psychological bases of behavior. 3. Students will learn the basic skills of psychological research and be able to apply psychological concepts to their own lives. 4. Students will develop critical thinking skills. Students will become aware of the danger of accepting or rejecting any psychological theory without careful, objective evaluation. 5. Students will build their reading, writing, and discussion skills. . Required course materials: Myers, D. G. (2004). Psychology (7th Edition). NY: Worth Publishers. A 2-inch binder A spiral notebook A pen/pencil You must bring the above course materials everyday unless told otherwise by your teacher. 1 AP Psychology, Saint Louis School 2010-2011 GRADING- Course grades will be based on the following: Tests (30%)- Each test has 50 multiple choice questions and is worth 100 points. Quizzes (20%)- Quizzes will be given throughout the more difficult chapters. All quizzes are multiple choice. Projects (15%)- There will be two projects assigned/ quarter. 1. Chapter Presentations: Each quarter you will present one chapter to the class, in groups of five. Your group is responsible for covering the objectives and key terms of the chapter. Your presentation must include a powerpoint slideshow. Your presentation will likely span more than one class day, but will not take up the duration of a period. Your group must be prepared to present each day your assigned chapter is scheduled on the calendar. Each member of the group must speak at some point during the presentation. Your group is responsible for the material, whether or not all members are present. 2. Additional Project: Specified instructions will be given when the project is assigned. Essays (10%)- The free response portion of the AP exam consists of two questions, worth 1/3 of your overall score. There will be two essays assigned/ quarter, which will be assigned and graded in the manner of the AP exam essay questions, specifically you must IDA- identify, define and apply concepts as addressed in the question. These essays are straightforward and designed to test your knowledge of psychology, thus do not require an introduction and conclusion. However, essays should still be free of grammar and spelling errors. Essays must be typed, double spaced, and handed in at the beginning of the period. They will usually be about 1.5 pages. Homework/ classwork (15%) Classwork must be finished before the period ends or results in no credit. Graded class work may include, but is not limited to, taking notes during lectures or completing other exercises/ handouts. Notebooks- You are to create and maintain a notebook to be used as an ongoing study tool to prepare for the AP Exam. Notebooks will be checked periodically for classwork points. The notebook will consist of: - Warm-up and Agendas—A daily record of what goes on in class, assignments, and if applicable, a quick write-up response to start the class. -Notes and Activities—An ongoing collection of lecture, discussion, and reading notes from class sessions, and personal notes recorded during demonstrations or similar activities. -Personal Reflection Responses (PRR)- One of the central questions of the course is, how can I take what I have learned here and use it in the real world? In your PRR you are to either make personal connections to concepts studied throughout the week or apply scenarios that have been presented in a prompt (question). Homework: Daily Textbook Reading You are expected to come to class having already read the assigned text portion for that day. You are responsible for covering the content. To succeed in this class, you cannot rely solely on class instruction for understanding of concepts. Part of class will be devoted to reviewing and clarifying readings. The other part of the class period is devoted to active learning exercises, 2 AP Psychology, Saint Louis School 2010-2011 class discussions, and other interactive work. These activities and discussions encourage critical thinking and will help you see the relationship between psychological concepts and to life. Such exercises are aimed to enhance understanding, and will not be effective or efficiently carried out if you have not come to class prepared. Participation (10%) The class structure includes activities and discussions during which your attention, attendance, and active participation are essential. You are expected to be alert, respectful of others, and to contribute to class discussions and activities. Participation points can be earned by being a constructive class participant, asking and answering questions, actively listening. Points can be deducted for being disrespectful and/or disruptive to the learning environment (excessive talking, inappropriate language, violation of school rules). Extra Credit- There will be one extra credit opportunity/ quarter, it will be assigned near the end of each quarter. Final exam (15% of semester grade)- There will be a final exam given each semester. Grading key: Based on the above, your grade will be determined as follows: A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF 97-100 93-96.99 90-92.99 87-89.99 83-86.99 80-82.99 77-79.99 73-76.99 70-72.99 67-69.99 63-66.99 60-62.99 0-59.99 3 AP Psychology, Saint Louis School 2010-2011 1st Semester- Test/ Quizzes Chapter (Topic on AP Exam) Quiz/ Test Page numbers # of questions Points Prologue (History 2-4%) 1 (Methods and Approaches 6-8%) 1 Quiz Quiz Test 1-17 18-37 18-55 30 20 50 30 40 100 2 (Biological Bases of Behavior 8-10%) 2 2 2 2 2 3 Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Test Test 57-64 65-68 69-76 76-83 84-96 57-97 98-134 10 10 10 10 10 50 30 20 20 20 20 20 100 60 4 (Developmental Psychology 7-9%) 4 Quiz Test 135-158 135-190 20 50 40 100 5 (Sensation and Perception 7-9%) 5 5 5 5 5 5 Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Quiz 6 Test 192-200 200-208 208-211 212-218 219-223 224-228 192-228 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 100 6 (Sensation and Perception 7-9%) 6 Quiz Test 231-247 231-262 25 50 50 100 7 (States of Consciousness 2-4%) 7 8 (Learning 7-9%) 8 Quiz Test Quiz Test 265-284 265-307 309-334 309-340 25 50 25 50 50 100 50 100 9 Memory (part of Cognition 8-10%) 9 Quiz Test 343-361 343-383 25 50 50 100 P-Ch 9 Final 1-383 200 400 4 AP Psychology, Saint Louis School 2010-2011 CLASS RULES and BEHAVIOR POLICY: 1. All students will be in their assigned seats by the time the bell rings. Otherwise, you will be marked tardy. 2. You will have your supplies. Otherwise, you will be marked down for class participation. 3. If you are caught eating, chewing gum, or drinking anything, you will be given detention and be marked down for participation. 4. Cheating will not be tolerated! If you are caught cheating during a quiz or test, you quiz or test will be taken away, and you will receive a zero. If you are talking during a quiz or test, regardless of the subject matter, your test/quiz will be taken away and you will receive a zero. Likewise, if you are caught looking at something other than your test/quiz, you will be considered cheating. A test is not over until all members of your class have finished. If you need to ask a question, raise your hand and wait until you are addressed before you ask your question. In addition, copying of homework will result in both parties receiving a zero, and being sent to the office for additional punishment. 5. The following general classroom rules will also be in effect: a. You will raise your hand, and wait until you are addressed before answering any question, or before you ask a question. b. You will not socialize with your classmates during any class activity. c. You will not engage in any activities that disturb the learning environment of the classroom. This includes, but is not limited to, talking while others are speaking, throwing objects, yelling and/or inappropriate language. d. No sleeping in class. e. You will actively engage in class activities. This includes, but is not limited to, listening to classroom instructions, participating in group activities, and/or completing assigned class work. f. You will not leave your seat without first getting permission by the instructor. A violation of any of the Rules mentioned in 5a-f will result in a deduction of class participation points. A second violation will result in lunch detention. A third violation will result in dismissal from the class for that period and parental notification. 6. All assignments will be turned in by the start of class on the date that they are due. If you are tardy and turn in a late assignment, your grade will be deducted. Assignments will not be accepted beyond the first five minutes of the due date. 7. If you are absent, it is up to you to make up your work. You must meet with your instructor on the day you come back to discuss a deadline to make up all missed work. This deadline will be strictly enforced, and work will not be accepted after this period is over. Remember, it is your responsibility to contact your instructor when you come back. If not, it will be assumed that you are not making up the work. For all major projects, (including book reports and research papers), if you are absent on the due date, you will need to bring a doctor’s note upon your return. 8. All rules and regulations of Saint Louis School will be enforced. 9. Excessive absences or tardies will result in the student being dropped from the class. 5 AP Psychology, Saint Louis School 2010-2011 CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Student Expectations – Students will be expected to come to class prepared to learn, they will be expected to comply with class rules and school rules. Students are expected to complete assigned work and meaningfully participate in class discussion. Students will respect the learning environment of other students and not engage in any actions that will compromise the learning environment. Students will demonstrate character and integrity and will learn from their mistakes. Students will seek help from his instructor if he does not understand a lesson or assignment. Students will engage in critical thinking and be aware of the world around them. Teacher Expectations – Teachers in the Social Science Department will be communicate objectives and course expectations with students and parents. The teacher will come to school prepared and be available during non-class hours to help the student understand the material. Instructors will treat students with respect and will hold students accountable for behavior and work that falls short of the standards set by the school. All work will be graded and posted within a reasonable period of time, and instructors will be available to answer questions that the student or parent has regarding the student’s progress. Parents will be notified if a student’s behavior begins to affect the classroom-learning environment. Consequently, the teacher will provide a safe and enjoyable learning environment for students. 6 AP Psychology, Saint Louis School 2010-2011 Syllabus Signature Page Student’s Name _________________________________________ Student’s Home Telephone: ____________________________ Parent/ guardian Work Number: __________________________ Primary Contact Email address _________________________________________________ Secondary Email address______________________________________________________ I have read the rules and regulations set forth above, as well as the course description and grading policy and agree to abide and be bound by them. Date________________ Signature ____________________________________ Student Date________________ Signature____________________________________ Parent 7