Advanced Placement European History Syllabus OVERVIEW The

Advanced Placement European History Syllabus
The AP European History course is a fast paced one semester course on the block
schedule open to seniors who are qualified or have recommendations from their 11th
grade History teachers. The course will cover the period from the Renaissance
(approximately 1450 to the present in preparation for taking the AP Test in May. The
course will combine lectures, seminars, reading and writing assignments developed to
help you do the very best on both of these difficult tests. Students who make three or
above on the AP test can earn up to six semester credit hours at most Universities in the
public university system. (Some Universities require a score of four to get credit.). The
following syllabus is designed to prepare you for the majority of the assignments and
readings for the course, but may be adjusted by the instructor because of school calendar
factors. The Goals and objectives of this course are established by the State Department
of Public Instruction in conjunction and with the permission of the College Board. The
goals and objectives will be briefly identified by number and description within each unit.
A more detailed description is provided at the end of this document reprinted from the
State Department of Public Instruction’s guide.
UNIT ONE-SEVEN DAYS-Quick overview of European History from Charlemagne to
the High Middle Ages, then in depth reviews of the Renaissance and Reformation.
Goals 1-6, examples- Objective 1.01 (cause and effect-ex. Italy’s central location’s in
beginning the Renaissance) Obj. 3.05 (gender roles and their effect on Ren. And
Reformation.) Obj. 5.04 (the idea of virtu and the Renaissance Man.)
Text: A History of the Modern World, chs. 5-12. Authors: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer,
9th Edition
Additional Readings: Most of our readings can be found in our supplemental texts
Great Issues in Western Civilization Since 1500, 2nd Ed.Editors: Brian Tierney, Donald
Kagan and L. Pearce Williams (hereinafter Tierney) and The Humanities, v. 2, 5th Ed.,
Authors: Mary Witt, Charlotte Brown, Roberta Dunbar, Frank Tirro, and Ronald Witt,
(hereinafter Witt.)
Tierney-p. 25, Oration on Man, Mirandola, Tierney-p. 30, Books on a Family, Alberti,
Tierney-p. 39, The Discourses, Machiavelli, Tierney-p. 75, Luther’s 95 Theses.
Films: Masters of Illusion, James Burke, narrator, National Museum
UNIT TWO-FOUR DAYS-Religious Wars, Political Wars and Politiques.
Goals 2-4, examples- Objective 2.06 (origins of war and civil conflict-ex. Dutch reason’s
for rebelling against Spanish.)
Text: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, chs. 13-16
Additional Readings: Handout of Edict of Nantes, Henry IV, 1598, from Western
Societies, A Documentary History Brian Tierney and Jane Scott, 1984.
Additional Assignments: Essay One, you will be expected to write AT LEAST four
essays each quarter. These essays will be derived from either free response essays or
Document Based Question essays released by ETS Advanced Placement Board. You will
usually have a choice of essays (not the case with DBQs). Check your calendar for when
these are due. Also review handout on writing essays, expectations and requirements
handed out to you on your first day.
UNIT THREE-FIVE DAYS-Absolute Monarchs and Parliamentary Disputes
Goals 1-3, examples Obj. 2.07 (balance of power through William of Orange’s moves to
keep Louis XIV in check,) Ob. 2.10 ( minority persecutions and their effects with Louis
expulsion of the Huguenots and Spain’s persecution of Marannos and Moriscos.)
TEXT: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, chs. 17-22
Additional Readings: Tierney-p. 181, Politics drawn from the Holy Scripture- Bishop
Boussuet; Tierney-p. 201-from The Splendid Century-W.H. Lewis, Witt-p. 189-from the
Memoirs of Louis de Rouvoy, Duc de Saint Simon.
Additional Assignments: Document Based Essay- writing a document based essay is an
integral part of the course and the AP exam. It will require you to develop a thesis,
synthesize information, group and analyze documents and use selected quoted material to
examine a particular historical question. Your first DBQ will not be timed, but there will
be a timed DBQ somewhere in second quarter. Please refer to the calendar for when this
assignment is due. Also review grading guidelines from AP Central either on the internet
or from the handout at the first of the semester.
UNIT FOUR-FOUR DAYS-The Transformation of Eastern Europe
Goals 1, 4-5, examples Obj. 4.02 (state roles in public economic activity through the
policies of Peter the Great), Obj. 5. 04 ( relationship between intellectual developments,
values and politics describe through Peter the Great’s forced transformation of Russia.)
TEXT- Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, chs. 23-27
Films: Peter the Great, Discovery Channel Production, Amadeus-selected clips.
UNIT FIVE-EIGHT DAYS-Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Seminar
Goals 1, 3, 5-6, examples Obj. 5.02 (shift of intellectual ideas brought on by scientific
discoveries), Obj. 6. 02 ( impact of secularization of learning as demonstrated by
popularization of scientific learning.)
TEXT: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, chs. 28-39
Additional Readings: Tierney-p. 258, Galileo, Tierney-p. 372, Essay Concerning
Human Understanding, Locke, Witt, p. 191, The Would be Gentleman, Moliere, Witt, p.
235, selections from Voltaire’s Candide. Additional readings handout.
Additional Assignments: This part of the course will be taught in seminar or padeia
style. Each of you will be assigned a section of the readings either in the text or some
other source to present to the class. Your main objective is to provoke discussion about
the main elements of the reading. Reciting passages will not get you a good grade, getting
an involved intellectual discussion going, will. The instructor will present a more
traditional overview of mid-18th century politics and Enlightened Despotism before the
presentations begin.
Films: Burke’s Infinitely Reasonable, from The Day the Universe Changed, series
UNIT SIX-FIVE DAYS-The French Revolution
GOALS 1-6, examples Obj. 2.02 (the modern state and Robespierre’s ideas on the
Terror), Obj. 3.04, (urbanization and the role of the sans culottes on the Rev.)
TEXT: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, chs. 41- part of 46
Additional Readings: handouts from Leo Gershoy’s The Era of the French Revolution
1789-1799. These handouts include Sieyes, What is the 3rd Estate, p. 119, The Rights of
Man, p. 129, Tennis Court Oath, p. 125.
Films: excerpt from Danton and The Scarlet Pimpernel
Additional Assignments: Essay III- a free response essay choice from a list of at least
Goals 1-2, 5, examples Obj. 2.05 (Nationalism and Napoleon’s unintentional role in
spreading its values), Obj. 5.04 (intellectual developments effect on political events
described through discussion on Napoleon as Enlightened Despot or Romantic.)
TEXT: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, 47-51
Additional Readings: Instructor’s Handout-Discussion on whether Napoleon was a
Dictator or Democrat; Last Enlightened Despot or First Romantic; Tyrannical Conqueror
or Freedom Loving Liberator; Lawmaker or Lawbreaker; Military Genius or Lucky
General; European Internationalist or Corsican Nationalist; Conservative or
Additional Assignments: Book Report due- You are to read an historical novel from the
list that was given to you at the first of the quarter. (However, the instructor is willing to
consider your own choice as long as you are not reading it for another class.) You are to
write a paper of approximately five pages that a) summarizes the novel, b) critiques the
novel and c) examines the historical accuracy of the novel. See the handout on Historical
Novels for more detail.
UNIT EIGHT-SIX DAYS-The Industrial Revolution, the Age of Isms and Metternich
Goals 2-5, examples Obj. 2.07 (International organizations and Metternich’s Quadruple
Alliance), Obj. 3.02 (Sanitation and health care changes with the Ind. Revolution), Obj.
4.06 ( Economic theories of Smith, Ricardo and Malthus), Obj. 5.04 ( intellectual
developments and its impact on Nationalism, Socialism, and the arts.)
TEXT: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, 52-57 and ch. 61
Additional Readings: Tierney, p. 405, Report on the State of the Children Employed,
Witt, p. 335, The Communist Manifesto, excerpts
Instructor’s handouts on Romanticism
Film: Burke’s film on the Industrial Revolution, from The Day the Universe Changed
Additional Assignments: Essay Four-FRQ-see choices from instructor’s handout.
UNIT NINE-SIX DAYS-Revolution of 1848 and the Rise of Nationalism
Goals 2, 4-5, examples Obj. 2.05 (Nationalism’s changes after Rev. of 1848), Obj. 4.05
(The Zollverein and Prussian industrialism impact on unification.)
TEXT: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, chs. 58-60, 62-67, and 69-70.
Additional Readings: Handout, Bismarck’s Iron and Blood Speech
Films: Bismarck, from the Learning Corporation, Revolutions of 1848, Zenger Media
UNIT TEN-FOUR DAYS-La Belle Epocha 1871-1914
Goals 1-6, examples Obj. 6.03 ( Social Darwinism’s impact on social values) Obj. 5.06
(the conflict between religion and new discoveries in biology, anthropology and
TEXT: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, chs. 71-77
Films: Burke’s film on Darwinian Revolution, from The Day the Universe Changed
Optional films: Murder by Decree, My Fair Lady
UNIT ELEVEN-SEVEN DAYS-Imperialism in Africa and Asia
Goals 1-5, examples Obj. 1.05 (Technology’s effect on Imperialism), Obj 2.03 (Colonial
rivalries as European nations jockey for ‘their place in the sun.’), Obj. 4.05 ( the impact
of colonies on agriculture and industrial production in Europe.)
TEXT: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, chs. 78-84
Additional Readings: Tierney, p. 525, White Man’s Burden by Kipling, handout from
instructor by Hobson on Imperialism.
Additional Assignments: Essay One for Second Quarter-FRQ-see choices from
instructor’s handout.
UNIT TWELVE-EIGHT DAYS-The Great War, Versailles and the Russian Revolution
Goals 1-5, examples Obj. 1. 03 ( How sociology, psychology, geography and economics
played a role in beginning World War I), Obj. 2. 04 (the Russian Revolution and the
revolutionary process), Obj. 4.04 (How World War I impacted the ideas of mass
production and consumer goods and services.)
TEXT: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, chs. 85-96
Additional Readings: Tierney, p. 493, from State and Revolution, by Lenin, Witt, p.
398, from Civilization and its Discontents, by Freud, Witt, p. 443, from Ulysses, by
James Joyce.
Additional Assignments: a Document Based Question, timed and done in class (class
time permitting.)
Films: ‘Age of Empire’ & ‘War and Depression’ from the History of the World Series,
BBC production.
Nicholas and Alexandra, a documentary from National Geographic
Paths of Glory, MGM production
Animal Farm, Turner Broadcasting Production
UNIT THIRTEEN-THREE DAYS-Rise and Fall of Social Democracy
Goals 2-4, examples Obj. 2.10 (The extension of personal liberties and its subsequent
demise due to economic considerations as seen in the Weimar Republic.)
TEXT: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, chs. 97-102.
Additional Assignments: Essay Three, a FRQ assigned
UNIT FOURTEEN-SIX DAYS-The Rise of Totalitarianism and the Second World War.
Goals 1-6, examples Obj. 3.06 (Hitler’s rise by using prejudices against the Jews and
others) Obj. 5.04 (Fascism as an intellectual and social development.), Obj. 2.06
Technology’s effect on Hitler’s war machine and the U.S. role in negating that effect.)
TEXT: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, chs. 103-108
Additional Readings: Tierney, p. 808, from Hitler’s speeches, Witt, p. 396 from Mein
Kampf, by Hitler.
Films: selections from Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List, The Big Red One, Frank
Capra’s Why We Fight Series,
UNIT FIFTEEN-FIVE DAYS-The Cold War and the Reconstruction of Europe-1945-75.
Goals 2-4, examples Obj. 4.01 ( analyze the role of competition between East and West
in the Cold War) Obj. 4.05 ( the impact of the loss of colonies on countries like England
and France.)
TEXT: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, chs. 109-115, 119 & 120
Additional Readings: Tierney, p. 860, from Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech, Handout,
Stalin’s Reply to Churchill, Witt, p. 495, Camus’ Myth of Sisyphus.
Additional Assignments: Essay Four, a choice between an FRQ and a DBQ for a final
practice essay.
UNIT SIXTEEN-THREE DAYS-The End of the Cold War and the Transformation of
Eastern Europe.
Goals 5-6, examples Obj. 6.06 (the effect of the end of the Cold War on Eastern Europe)
TEXT: Palmer, Coulton and Kramer, chs. 121-128
Additional Assignments: Book Report due, see handout on requirements.
Advanced Placement European History is a college level survey course that covers the
time period from approximately 1450 until the present. The course will cover economic,
social, cultural, intellectual, political, and diplomatic themes in European History.
Students will be expected to develop analytical thinking and persuasive writing skills in
dealing with historical evidence and interpretation.
AP European History may be taught (1) in order of goals, (2) chronologically, or
(3) thematically.
Strands: Geographical Relationships, Intellectual, Cultural, Political, Diplomatic,
Economic, and Social development
Competency Goal 1: Historical Tools and Practices: The learner will identify, analyze
and synthesize the methods and tools valued by historians in order to investigate the
themes of history.
1.01 Define the concepts of cause and effect, time continuity, perspective, and
1.02 Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources to compare views, trace
themes, and detect bias.
1.03 Relate psychology, geography, art, literature, political science, sociology, and
economics to the study of history.
1.04 Evaluate themes of society, technology, economics, politics, and culture as they
relate to the development of Europe.
1.05 Examine the indicators of European civilization including writing, labor
specialization, cities, technology, trade, and political and cultural institutions.
Competency Goal 2: Formation of Governments and Diplomacy: The learner will
investigate the development of European governments, their historical interrelationship,
and their connections to Europe today.
2.01 Trace the development of the European political structure as they emerge from the
Middle Ages and as it evolves into the nation-state.
2.02 Analyze the rise of the modern state in its various forms.
2.03 Compare and contrast the political relationships among European nations and
their influence and expansion throughout the world: colonialism, imperialism,
decolonization in global interdependence.
2.04 Exhibit an understanding of the revolutionary process, political protest and reform
as they pertain to the development of European nation-states.
2.05 Analyze and explain the growth and changing forms of nationalism.
2.06 Demonstrate an understanding of varying origins, developments, technologies and
consequences of war and civil conflicts.
2.07 Differentiate efforts to balance power and restrain conflict through treaties,
diplomacy, and international organizations.
2.08 Evaluate the evolution of political elites and the development of political parties,
ideologies and other mass politics.
2.09 Examine domestic and foreign policies and their interrelationship.
2.10 Summarize the extension and limitation of personal, civic, economic, and political
rights and liberties, including political persecutions.
Competency Goal 3: Patterns of Social Order: The learner will investigate European
social organization from approximately 1450 to the present, in order to understand shifts
in power and status.
3.01 Trace the shift in social structures from hierarchical orders to modern social
classes with an emphasis on the changing distribution of wealth and poverty.
3.02 Analyze the influence of sanitation and health care practices on society including,
but not limited to, the impact of food supply, diet, famine, and disease.
3.03 Examine the development and transformation of racial and ethnic group identities.
3.04 Evaluate the role of urbanization in transforming cultural values and social
3.05 Analyze gender roles and their influence on the dynamics of domestic and public
3.06 Identify the changing definitions of and attitudes toward main stream groups and
groups, characterized as the “other.”
3.07 Assess the causes and consequences of change in demographic structure and
reproductive patterns of Europeans.
Competency Goal 4: Development of European Economic Systems: The learner will
investigate and understand the formation of European economic systems.
4.01 Analyze growth of competition and interdependence in national and world
4.02 Evaluate the private and state roles in economic activity from the Renaissance to
the present.
4.03 Understand the development, rewards and benefits and the consequences of
European Industrialization.
4.04 Assess the economic and social impact of mass production, and the consumption
of commercial goods and services.
4.05 Examine the causes and effects of the agricultural, industrial and commercial
revolutions and their impact upon European states and their colonies.
4.06 Evaluate the various economic theories and key economists and their impact upon
European economic systems.
Competency Goal 5: Evolution of Intellectual Movements: The learner will demonstrate
an understanding of the various intellectual themes and movements and their impact on
the political, social, and economic events in Europe.
5.01 Trace the development of social, economic and political thought.
5.02 Examine the various intellectual movements as extensions of, or a shift from,
other intellectual movements.
5.03 Identify key personalities and groups associated with various intellectual
movements, and the diffusion of their ideas among different social groups.
5.04 Analyze the relationship between intellectual developments, social values and
political events.
5.05 Understand the social, economic, and political conditions that prompted
developments in literacy, education, communication, science and technology.
5.06 Assess the impact of religious thought and institutions upon European intellectual
Competency Goal 6: Cultural History: The learner will demonstrate how cultural
innovation and development impacted European History.
6.01 Trace the evolution of major movements in literature and the arts.
6.02 Examine the impact of secularization of learning and culture on the arts.
6.03 Analyze the relationship between cultural developments, social values and
political events.
6.04 Identify and analyze changes in European culture and their impact upon elite and
popular classes.
6.05 Evaluate the impact of global expansion on European culture.
6.06 Explain the impact of geographical differences upon the cultural development of
6.07 Assess the impact of religious thought and institutions on European culture.