US186: Survey of World Religions Syllabus 2013 Meeting: T,R,O,J, A/N days, 18 weeks Place: Rm. 106 Time: Period 5: 12:11-12:58 Period 6: 1:02-1:49 Period 7: 1:53-2:40 Instructor: Danielle Kelleher Office Hours: 3-3:30 T/W, and by appointment “Religion is an inseparable part of every people’s culture. To misunderstand a people’s religion is to misunderstand the people. Such misunderstandings have often led tragically to prejudice, persecution, and even war. But in the understanding of one another’s religious tradition, we take a great step forward towards tolerance and a peaceful coexistence.” –Rev. John Monestero, Sacred Journeys Course Description: In this day and age, globalization enables people to communicate and interact with people of varied cultures and backgrounds. A key to understanding others is recognizing their beliefs and values about life. A deep and informed awareness of world religions will allow students to be respectful of the many people they will come across in the course of their lifetime. Beginning the with the world’s earliest known religious traditions, students will go on to study Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. After a brief review of Judaism and Christianity, students will complete their study world religions with Islam. Within each of these religions, students will examine beliefs, practices, sacred texts, and art. Course Objectives: Through participation in interactive lectures, class discussions, and collaborative small group activities, students will be able to: Identify the geographical regions of world religions Explain the roots of beliefs of various world religions Analyze sacred texts of world religions Describe practices and rituals of world religions Make connections between aspects of world religions and their own religious convictions Compare and contrast facets of world religions Partake in varied prayerful experiences, such as yoga and meditation Course Materials: Brodd, Jeffrey. World Religions: A Voyage of Discovery. Winona, MN: St. Mary’s Press, 2009. Print. Binder (any size) filled with college ruled paper and a divider tabs OR (OR!) Notebook with college ruled paper Blue or black pens A pack of post-it notes (any color) Course Schedule: We will cover each world religion in roughly two to three weeks, or 10-12 class meetings. These will be presented in interactive lectures and discussed in further detail through related assignments and activities. Each unit will include a written test at the end as well as a performance assessment (a related project or extended writing activity). Most units will also include a quiz mid-way through the unit to encourage students to begin reviewing material early on. The religions will be studied in the following order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The nature of religious traditions: religious questions and the seven dimensions of religion Early religious traditions (Australian, African, North American, Mesoamerican) Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism and Taoism Judaism and Christianity Islam Policies: Respect: The best learning environment is one that involves a high level of respect of every person in the classroom, be it a student, teacher, or staff member. This includes respecting others, their property, and their contributions to classroom discussions. In such an environment, students feel comfortable to speak their mind, discuss topics openly, and work collaboratively, enhancing the learning experience. If a student threatens to disrupt the respectful learning environment, by interrupting others or by causing other distractions, appropriate steps will be taken to re-direct him or her. These are described on page 10 of the Walsingham Academy Student and Parent Handbook. Students will receive a warning and parents will be notified. If the student persists in being disrespectful, the student will receive a detention and use the time to work out a written plan to re-direct his/her energy. Continued warnings may result in a lowered Citizenship Assessment score, which can affect Honor Roll eligibility (Handbook, 7). Responsibility: High school is an integral time for developing personal responsibility. Students will be expected to act responsibly in the following areas: 1. Timeliness and Attendance: It is imperative that students attend class regularly and arrive on time. Absences and tardiness can interrupt the learning process of the student and the class as a whole. 2. Make-up work: It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to see what work needs to be made in case of an absence. If a student is absent, the teacher may ask him/her to write a short analysis or reflection of the day’s topic in lieu of participation in the discussion. Students must also meet with the teacher to re-schedule missed tests. 3. Late work: Late work will be reduced by 10% per day, regardless of whether or not the student has world religions class that day. Students should strive to plan ahead and turn in assignments on time. 4. Honor Code, Dress Code, and cell phones: The Handbook will be strictly enforced. Please refer to p. 12, 16-21 for details. Grading: Participation: 10% Class work: 15% Homework: 15% Quizzes: 20% Tests: 40% Participation: The participation grade involves contributing to class discussions and working goodnaturedly with others when in small groups. It also involves arriving to class on time. If a student arrives to class on time the entire semester, she/he will receive a ‘homework pass’ to be used on time in the last two weeks of the semester. If a student arrives late to class more than three times in a semester, each time the student is late, a half of a percentage point (from the final grade) will be deducted each time, from the participation category. Quizzes: A quiz will be given in the middle of most units, to encourage students to begin reviewing material. Although unlikely, a pop quiz is a possibility if students do not keep up with readings. Tests: Tests are not limited to written tests, but may include performance assessments (projects or extended writing assignments). Students will be informed of this with ample time. Performance assessments will be assigned with a rubric to give students a clear idea of what is expected. Final Notes: ---I am very excited to further explore world religions with you this year. I look forward to your thoughtful insights and questions, which we will work through together. I also welcome your input regarding our classroom community and learning. ---The study of theology offers an opportunity for not only intellectual development, but also spiritual questioning and growth. I hope that we will seize this opportunity together. --- Finally, please do not hesitate to speak with me if you have concerns or struggles at some point in the year, school-related or otherwise. Peace and Joy, Danielle Kelleher ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------World Religions Please sign and return this bottom portion by 1/16. Thank you! I have read this document. I understand the expectation that students will speak and act respectfully and responsibly in this course. Student signature: _________________________________________________________Date:_______ Parent/Guardian signature___________________________________________________Date:_______ Best phone number(s) to contact parent/guardian: ____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian email: _______________________________________________________________