2 Nephi 8-10

2 Nephi 8-10
2 Nephi 8:1-2
“rock from whence you are hewn”
“I called him alone!” (Abrahamic Covenant)
“Our rock and (hole) are Abraham and Sarah, from whom we
descend. Ultimately….the rock we come from is…Christ, who
is called the Rock at least thirty-four times in the scriptures”
(Donald W. Parry, Jay A. Parry, and Tina M. Peterson,
Understanding Isaiah, 450).
2 Nephi 8:9-10
ancient Egypt
(Rev. 12:1-17)
2 Nephi 8:17-18
“Awake and Rise Again”
Following the crucifixion of Jesus, the Romans
removed the Jews from Jerusalem and
scattered them abroad throughout the empire.
For almost two thousand years Jerusalem was
not under the political control of the Jews. She
had, in fact, drunk the dregs of a bitter cup of
medicine. There was not a single prophet-son
to guide her during all those years. Now it is
time for Jerusalem, representing the ancient
Jewish nation, to awake and rise again and
return to their God, the Holy One of Israel.
2 Nephi 8:19-20
“These two sons”
Rev. 11:1-17, D&C 77:15
2 Nephi 9
“The Heart of the Book of Mormon”
President Joseph Fielding Smith has called
chapter 9 one of the most enlightening
discourses ever delivered in regard to the
Atonement (ATGQ 4:57).
How significant is this chapter?
“This is a wonderfully explicit sermon… on
Christ and his eternal covenant with the human
family” (Jeffrey R. Holland, Christ and the New
Covenant, 69).
“Our most explicit teachings on the atonement
of Christ are in 2 Nephi 2 and 9 and Alma 34”
(Bruce R. McConkie, Promised Messiah, 421).
2 Nephi 9:2
The gathering is not to
a land of promise, but
lands of promise (New
Witness of Articles of
Faith, B.R.M. 510-11).
2 Nephi 9:4-6
“The fall came by reason of transgression”
“I never speak of the part Eve took in this fall as a sin,
nor do I accuse Adam of a sin… This was a
transgression of the law, but not a sin” (Joseph
Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:114,115).
“Death… Important in the welfare of man”
Death is just as important in the welfare of man as is
birth. There is no greater blessing that can come than
the blessing of birth. One third of the hosts of heaven,
because of rebellion, were denied that privilege, and
hence they have no bodies of flesh and bones, that
great gift of God.
“But who would like to live forever in this mundane
world, filled with pain, decay, sorrow, and tribulation,
and grow old and infirm and yet have to remain with all
the vicissitudes of morality? I think all of us would
come to the conclusion, if that proposition were placed
before us, that we would not like to have it. We would
reject it. We would not want life of that nature. Life
here in this world is short of necessity, and yet all that
is required may be accomplished, but death is just as
important in the plan of salvation as birth is. We have
to die --- it is essential --- and death comes into the
world ‘to fulfill the merciful plan of the great creator”
(Joseph Fielding Smith, D. of S., 1:116).
President James E. Faust of the First Presidency declared the
importance of our understanding the power of the Atonement.
“Our salvation depends on believing in and accepting the
Atonement. Such acceptance requires a continual effort to
understand it more fully. The Atonement advances our mortal
course of learning by making it possible for our natures to
become perfect. Literally, the Atonement means to be “at one”
with Him. The nature of the Atonement and its effects is so
infinite, so unfathomable, and so profound that it lies beyond
the knowledge and comprehension of mortal man…
The overwhelming message of the Atonement is the perfect
love the Savior has for each and all of us. It is love which is full
of mercy, patience, grace, equity, long-suffering, and, above all,
forgiving” (C.R., Oct. 2001, 19, 22).
“The Atonement is fundamentally a doctrine of human
development, not a doctrine that simply erases black
marks” (Hafen and Hafen, Belonging Heart, 79).
“One who chooses Christ chooses to be changed….The
Atonement [is] the means whereby our hearts might be
cleansed and our souls transformed and prepared to
dwell with Christ and our Eternal Father….The
Atonement does more than fix the mistakes. It does
more than balance the scales. It even does more than
forgive our sins. It rehabilitates, regenerates, renews,
and transforms human nature. Christ makes us better,
worlds better, than we would have been had there been
no fall” (Millet, Grace Works, 53, 61, 95).
2 Nephi 9:7-12
“An Infinite Atonement”
Jacob was the first in the Book
of Mormon to use the phrase
“infinite atonement.”
B. H. Roberts, in referring to the use of
the phrase “infinite atonement” by the
Nephite prophets, comments, “I think
they sought to express the idea of the
sufficiency of it; completeness; the
universality and power of it to restore all
that was lost, both spiritual and
physical, as well as to express the rank
and dignity of him who would make the
Atonement (Roberts, Seventy’s Course
in Theology, Fourth Year, 95).
The Atonement seems infinite, as so designated
by the Book of Mormon prophets, for at least the
following eight reasons:
First, it is infinite in the divineness of the one
Second, it is infinite in power.
Third, the Atonement is infinite in time.
Fourth, it is infinite in coverage
Fifth, it is infinite in depth.
Sixth, it is infinite in the degree of suffering
endured by the Redeemer.
Seventh, it is infinite in love.
Callister, The Infinite Atonement, 2000, 59-60).
Does the Atonement cover our sins in the Pre-mortal
Assuming we did sin in pre-mortality, how could our premortal sins be “washed away” so we could be born
innocent? Perhaps the Savior’s infinite Atonement also
encompassed this phase of our eternal journey and thus
provided the necessary cleansing. Orson Pratt believed
and taught such doctrine: “We see no impropriety in
Jesus offering Himself as a acceptable offering and
sacrifice before the Father to atone for the sins of His
brethren, committed, not only in the second, but also the
first estate” (Pratt, The Seer, 1, 54).
Robert J. Matthews quotes Orson Pratt and then
adds, “He is not speaking the doctrine of the
Church but what he says is clear and consistent
and reasonable and I believe it” (Matthews, The
Price of Redemption, 4). The Doctrine and
Covenants seems to confirm this belief: “Every
spirit of man was innocent in the beginning
(referring to our spirit birth); and God having
redeemed man from the fall (referring to the
Atonement), men became again, in their infant
state (referring to mortal birth), innocent before
God” (D&C 93:38).
We began our spirit existence in an innocent
state, meaning we were pure and free from sin.
Evidently, through the Atonement of Jesus Christ
and his redeeming powers, we were likewise born
innocent into mortality --- untainted and unstained
from our pre-mortal sins. While it would be
premature to reach a definite conclusion before
further revelation is received, it seems that the
Atonement stretched far enough back to
encompass all of our sins, including, if necessary,
our pre-mortal life. In such a way it would apply
retroactively with infinite effect.
We can never forget. The words of David should ring in our
hearts again and again: “O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto
thee for ever” (Psalm 30:12).
One does not speak lightly of the Atonement or casually express
his appreciation. It is the most sacred and sublime event in
eternity. It deserves our most intense thoughts, our most
profound feelings, and our nobles deeds. One speaks of it in
reverential tones; one contemplates it in awe; one learns of it in
solemnity. The event stands alone, now and throughout eternity
(Callister, The Infinite Atonement, 334).
Elder Marion G. Romney said, “Contemplation of the
Atonement…moves me to the most intense gratitude and
appreciation of which my soul is capable” (Romney, “Resurrection
of Jesus,” 9).
(D&C 133:52)
To Be Covered:
The English word Atonement comes from the ancient Hebrew
word kaphar, which means to cover. When Adam and Eve
partook of the fruit and discovered their nakedness in the Garden
of Eden, God sent Jesus to make coats of skins to cover them.
Coats of skins don’t grow on trees. They had to be made from
animal, which meant an animal had to be killed. Perhaps that was
the very first animal sacrifice. Because of that sacrifice, Adam
and Eve were covered physically. In the same way, through
Jesus’ sacrifice we are also covered emotionally and spiritually.
When Adam and Eve left the garden, the only things they could
take to remind them of Eden were the coats of skins. The one
physical thing we take with us out of the temple to remind us of
our covenants, protect us, and even promotes modesty.
However, it is also a powerful and personal symbol of the
Atonement --- a continuous reminder both night and day that
because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we are covered.
In Arabic or Aramaic, the verb
meaning to atone is kafat, which
means “to embrace.” Not only
can we be covered, helped, and
comforted by the Savior, but we
can be “encircled about eternally
in the arms of his love.”
2 Nephi 9:13-14
When will our “knowledge…be
“Eventually a man will…understand all
truth. Things are taught in a
fragmentary way now, but we will
know them in full…after the
resurrection” (Joseph Fielding Smith,
C.R., April 1928, 66).
2 Nephi 9:18 “Endured the Crosses of the World”
Elder Neal A. Maxwell suggested a meaning for the
word crosses: “What are the ‘crosses of the world’?
We cannot be sure, but the imagery suggests the
bearing of a cross placed upon us by the world, as
Jesus did; there may be persecutors and unhelpful
onlookers, and the Church member is set apart (if not
set upon), yet he does not flinch when accused and
scoffed at by those who would make him ashamed, for
he has no real reason to be ashamed” (Wherefore, Ye
Must Press Forward [1977], 110).
2 Nephi 9:20
“God Knoweth All Things”
“There is a vast difference, therefore, between an omniscient
God and the false notion that God is on some sort of postdoctoral fellowship, still searching for additional key truths and
vital data. Were the latter so, God might, at any moment,
discover some new truth not previously known to Him that
would restructure, diminish, or undercut certain truths
previously known by Him. Prophecy would be mere prediction.
Planning assumptions pertaining to our redemption would need
to be revised. Fortunately for us, however, His plan of salvation
is constantly underway --- not constantly under revision….
In a very real sense, all we need to know is that God knows all!”
(All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience [1979], 14-15,
2 Nephi 9:51
It’s okay to be heavy!
2 Nephi 9:8-20
The “Six O’s”
2 Nephi 9:27-38
The “Eleven Woes”
2 Nephi 9:28-29
When is learning appropriate and when is it foolish?
“You should not be hesitant to pursue knowledge…Study to
your heart’s content any worthy field of inquiry, just remember
that all knowledge is not equal” (Boyd K. Packer, in Monte S.
Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., eds., Jacob through Words of
Mormon, 10).
“Increasingly, the Latter-day Saints must choose between the
reasoning of men and the revelations of God….(some) with
their worldly wisdom, are leading some of the members astray”
(Ezra Taft Benson, Teachings, 354).
2 Nephi 9:29
“To Be Learned Is Good”
President Gordon B. Hinckley taught, “You face great
challenges that lie ahead. You are moving into a
world of fierce competition. You must get all of the
education you can. The Lord has instructed us
concerning the importance of education. It will qualify
you for greater opportunities. It will equip you to do
something worthwhile in the great world of opportunity
that lies ahead. If you can go to college and that is
your wish, then do it. If you have no desire to attend
college, than go to a vocational or business school to
sharpen your skills and increase your capacity” (C.R.,
Apr. 1997, 70).
2 Nephi 9:34
“Wo unto the Liar”
Elder Maxwell taught that there are different
shades of truth telling. When we tell little white
lies, we become progressively color-blind. It is
better to remain silent than to mislead. The
degree to which each of us tells the whole truth
and nothing but the truth depends on our
conscience…. (C.R., Oct. 1996, 41-44).
2 Nephi 9:41
Christ is the “Keeper of the Gate”
Elder Maxwell explained that the self-assigned
gatekeeper is Jesus Christ, who awaits us out
of a divine desire to welcome us as much as to
certify us; hence, He employeth no servant
there. He will lovingly acknowledge and gladly
admit us then!
2 Nephi 9:39-52
The “Six Remembers”
2 Nephi 10:3
And there is none other nation
on earth that would crucify their
God (Moses 7:36).
This generation is as corrupt as
the generation of the Jews that
crucified Christ; and if He were
here today, and should preach
the same doctrine he did then,
they would put him to death
(Joseph Smith, Teachings,
2 Nephi 9:44-49
“Prepare for that Glorious Day…of Judgment”
“Man sleeps the sleep of death, but the spirit lives
where the record of his deeds is kept --- that does not
die --- man cannot kill it; there is no decay associated
with it, and it still retains in all its vividness the
remembrance of that which transpired before the
separation by death of the body and the ever-living
spirit. Man sleeps for a time in the grave, and by and
by he rises again from the dead and goes to judgment;
and then the secret thoughts of all men are revealed
before Him with whom we have to do; we cannot hide
them; it would be in vain for a man to say then, I did
not do so and so; the command would be, Unravel
and read the record which he has made of himself,
and let it testify in relation to these things, and all
could gaze upon it. If a man has acted fraudulently
against his neighbor --- has committed murder, or
adultery, or anything else, and wants to cover it up,
that record will stare him in the face, he tells the story
himself, and bears witness against himself…It is not
because somebody has seen things, or heard
anything by which a man will be judged and
condemned, but it is because that record that is
written by the man himself in the tablets of his own
mind --- that record that cannot lie --- will in that day
be unfolded before God and angels, and those who
shall sit as judges” (John Taylor, JD, 11:78-79).
2 Nephi 10:7-9
The Book of Mormon makes three distinctive contributions
regarding the gathering of Israel:
It emphasized the fact that the people of Israel were
scattered because they rejected the Holy One of Israel,
namely Jesus Christ.
It is an extension of the first in that one does not
accept Christ without uniting with his Church, thereby
obtaining citizenship in his kingdom.
The Lord’s promise not to return Israel to a single land of
promise, but to lands of promise.
Historic Successor of the Hebrew
Morris Jathrow, Jr., a Jew, said:
“From the historic point of view Jesus is to be regarded as a
direct successor of the Hebrew prophets. His teachings are
synonymous with the highest spiritual aspirations of the human
race. Like the prophets, He lays the chief stress upon pure
conduct and moral ideas, but He goes beyond the prophets in
His absolute indifference to theological speculations and
religious rites. It has been commonly said that the Jews
rejected Jesus. They did so in the sense in which they rejected
the teachings of the earlier prophets” (Joseph Fielding Smith,
The Signs of the Times, 62).