

Efficient Backbone Construction Methods in MANETs Using Directional Antennas

1 Shuhui Yang, 1 Jie Wu, 2 Fei Dai

1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Florida Atlantic University

2 Microsoft Corporation

< IEEE ICDCS 2007 >


• Introduction

– Network Backbone ( DS 、 CDS 、 DCDS )

– Antenna Module

• Goal

• Backbone Construction Method

– Node coverage condition (NCC)

– Edge coverage condition (ECC)

– Sector optimization (SO)

• Proof for Directional Connected Dominating Set

• Simulation Results

• Conclusions

Introduction - DS

• Broadcasting is the most frequently used operation for the dissemination of data and control messages in the preliminary stages of some other applications .

• The

D ominating S et (DS) has been widely used in the selection of an efficient virtual network backbone.

nodes in the set

Introduction - CDS

• When a DS is connected, it is called a

C onnected D ominating

S et (CDS).

• CDS as a connected virtual backbone has been widely used for efficient broadcasting in MANETs.

nodes in the set

Introduction - DCDS

• The use of directional antenna systems helps to

– improve channel capacity as well as conserve energy since the signal strength towards the direction of the receiver can be increased.

• Due to the constraint of the signal coverage area, interference can also be reduced.

a b nodes in the set

Introduction - Antenna Module

• A common directional antenna model involves dividing the transmission range of a node into K identical sectors .

• All nodes use a directional antenna for transmission and an omnidirectional antenna for reception .


K -1



3 d c a b e d c a b f

Introduction - Antenna Module

• Sectors in the antenna model are not necessary aligned .

• The antenna uses the steerable beam techniques.

Goal - minimum DCDS

• To find the minimum DCDS in directed network graph.

– The problem of finding the smallest connected subgraph (

CDS ) in terms of number of edges in a given strongly connected graph (G) is


– Heuristic localized solutions to find the minimum DCDS in network graph (NP-complete).

• DCDS is a set of selected nodes and their associated selected edges .

nodes in the set

Backbone Construction Method

• Each node has its unique ID .

• Each node sends out "Hello" messages

K times to the K directions and accomplishes the directional neighborhood discovery .

• Dominating and Absorbant : v

’s dominating neighbor u u

’s dominating edge v ’s absorbant edge v u

’s absorbant neighbor

Backbone Construction Method

• Authors propose an heuristic localized solutions to select forwarding nodes and edges for the DCDS.

• The status of each node depends on its h -hop topology only for a small constant h , and is usually determined after h rounds of "Hello" message exchange among neighbors.

• The given directed graph is strongly connected .

– The graph is a directed graph with symmetric connectivity.

u v

Backbone Construction Method

• Using

NCC (Node Coverage Conditions) and ECC (Edge

Coverage Conditions) to unmark the nodes and directed edges.

– unmarked nodes and directed edges : not in the DCDS .

– marked nodes and directed edges : in the DCDS .

• Some node properties can be used as node priority in NCC and ECC.

– Energy Level

– Node Degree

– Node IDs (unique)

• Author assume that the priority of node u is p ( u ) based on the alphabetic order, such as p ( u ) > p ( v ) > p ( w ) > p( x ).

Backbone Construction Method - NCC

• A node v is unmarked if, for any two dominating and absorbant neighbors, u and w , a directed replacement path exists connecting u to w such that

– (1) each intermediate node on the replacement path has a higher priority than v .

– (2) u has a higher priority than v if there is no intermediate node.

t u w u w v v p ( t ) > p ( v ) p ( u ) > p ( v ) a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

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Backbone Construction Method - ECC

• Edge Priority Assignment.

– For each edge ( v

→ w ), the priority of this edge is p ( v

→ w )

= ( p ( v ), p ( w )) = p ( v ) + p ( w ) v w p ( v

→ w ) = ( p ( v ), p ( w )) = p ( v ) + p ( w ) = 5 + 4 = 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

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Backbone Construction Method - ECC

• Each marked node uses the edge coverage condition to determine the status of its dominating edges.

– Edge ( v → w ) is unmarked if a directed replacement path exists connecting v to w via several intermediate edges with higher priorities than ( v → w ) .

p ( v → u ) = 11 u p ( u

→ w ) = 10 v p ( v

→ w ) = 9 w p(v → u) > p(v → w) and p(u → w) > p(v → w) a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

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Backbone Construction Method - SO

• Sector Optimization (SO)

– Align the edge of one sector to each selected forwarding edge, and determine the one with the smallest number of switched-on sectors.

Proof for DCDS

• Before NCC and ECC :

G ( V , E )

• After NCC and ECC : G’






• Proof : Any two nodes s ∈ V’ and d ∈ V , there is a path S

P with all intermediate nodes and edges only from V’ and E’ , we prove that ( V’ , E’ ) is a DCDS.




• Prove by contradiction

– S


– S

P connecting s to d has at least one unmarked edge connecting s to d has at least one unmarked node d

Proof for DCDS

• S

P connecting s to d has at least one unmarked edge.


P u’ s u w d



• After ECC, ( u

→ w ) has higher priorities than other paths .

• If ( u

→ w ) is an unmarked edge, it must exists a replacement path R

P that several intermediate edges in R priorities than ( u

→ w ).

P with higher

– Contradiction to ECC.

Proof for DCDS

• S

P connecting s to d has at least one unmarked node.


P u’’ s u u’ w d



• If u' is unmarked node, it must exists a replacement path R

P that

– 1. several intermediate nodes on the R

P has a higher priority than

– 2. no intermediate nodes on the R


, u has a higher priority than u’ .




Proof for DCDS



P u’’ u’ w d



• After NCC, u’ has higher priorities than other nodes .

• If u’ is unmarked node, it must exists a replacement path R

P that several intermediate nodes on the R than u’


P has a higher priority

– Contradiction to NCC step 1.


Proof for DCDS


P u u’ w d



• If u’ is unmarked node, it must exists a replacement path R

P that no intermediate nodes on the R

P than u’


, u has a higher priority

– NCC step 2 already exclude this situation.

– Contradiction to NCC step 2.




– (10) : (25) → (07) , P(25)>P(10) ,

可取代 (25) → (10) → (07) , (10) unmarked

– (07) : (25) → (10) , P(25)>P(07)

可取代 (25) → (07) → (10) , (07) unmarked


– (04) : (25) → (07) , P(25)>P(04) ,

可取代 (25) → (04) → (07) , (04) unmarked

– (25) :找不到 優先權更大的路徑可取代, (25) marked

– 不考慮 (10) 、 (07) 、 (04) 的 dominating edge





07 04



– (25)→(10) , P(25)+P(10) =35 ,

(25)→(07)→(10) 優先權: 32<35 、 17<35

(25)→(10) marked.

– (25)→(07) , P(25)+P(07) =32 ,

(25)→(04)→(07) 優先權: 29<32 、 11<32

(25)→(10)→(07) 優先權: 35 、 17<32

(25)→(07) marked.

– (25)→(04) , P(25)+P(07) =29 ,

(25)→(07)→(04) 優先權: 32 、 11<29

(25)→(04) marked.





Simulation Results

• Area : 100 x 100

• Communication Rang : 30

Simulation Results

• Area : 100 x 100

• Communication Rang : 40 (Larger)

Simulation Results

• Area : 100 x 100

• ECC with different h -hop local information.


• Using directional antennas , constructing a directional network backbone in MANETs further reduces total energy consumption as well as reducing interference in broadcasting applications.

• A heuristic localized algorithm for constructing a small

DCDS is proposed.

• The sector optimization algorithm is developed for the second phase.

• Our future work includes some extensions of the ECC algorithm, such as applying ECC to topology control .

The End

