BAHASA INGGRIS Tanggal : 19 Maret 2013

Mata Pelajaran
: IX
Choose the correct answer!
Read the text and answer no 1.
The text means that ….
A. the door must not be opened many times
B. we must keep the door all the times
C. the door is slightly closed all times
D. we must close the door every time we leave
Read the text and answer no 2 - 3.
A new baby
A little one has joined you both
How happy you must be
It was great when there were two of you
But even better now there’s three
God Bless
The card is sent to congratulate someone for having ….
A. a new baby
C. a new son
B. a new family
D. a new daughter
The text shows us that ….
A. the family has three children
B. the family is welcoming the second baby
C. there were three people in the family
D. the baby is the first one in the family
: 19 Maret 2013
: 07.30 – 09.30
Read the text and answer no 4 - 6.
Dear Marry,
I have to arrive at the office early. Please, make up my bed and wash the
Don’t forget to turn the lamp off. Save the energy.
What is the text about? It is about ….
A. a message from Marry to her mother about finishing some house works
B. a message from Marry’s mother to Marry to finish some house works
C. a letter from Mother to Marry about turning on the lamp at home
D. a short message from Mum to Marry about leaving for the office early
The message tells Marry not to ….
A. tidy up the bedroom
B. wash glasses
C. turn off the lamp
D. leave the lamp on
“I have to arrive at the office early.”
The underlined word means ….
A. come
B. depart
C. go
D. set up
Read the text and answer no 7 - 9.
You are cordially invited to celebrate
the wedding of
Sarah Elizabeth Johnson
Thomas Cade Willoughby
On Tuesday afternoon
June the 2nd
At four o’clock
Thirty-five East Oliver Avenue
Followed by a reception
What is the text about? It is about ….
A. an invitation to attend a wedding party
B. an advertisement about a wedding ceremony
C. an information about Sara and Thomas marriage
D. a greeting card on Sara and Thomas marriage
Which of the following information is NOT STATED in the text above?
A. the time of the party
B. the place of the party
C. the program in the party
D. the present for the party
If you cannot come to the party, what should you do?
A. send a letter
C. make a phone call
B. come earlier
D. do nothing
Read the text and answer no 10 - 11.
Asembagus, 20 March 2013
This is announced to all people in Asembagus that Avian Influenza has spread
everywhere as well as in some other villages close to our village. To avoid the
disease, I ask all people to keep the cleanness by keeping away the chicken
houses and always clean it everyday. Don’t let your chickens go free
everywhere. Take care of them and report to village officer when you find your
chicken suspects from the illness. Burry and burn your dead chickens safely.
Don’t forget to wear hand gloves when you touch the dead chickens, and clean
them with antiseptic soap. I hope we are free from the dangerous disease.
Remember, become healthy is expensive
The Head of The Village
Fauzi Bowo
What is the announcement about?
A. The head of the village’s information to clean his neighborhood
B. The instruction from the village head to avoid Avian Influenza
C. The information about how to keep away houses from chickens
D. The introduction of the village’s new slogan
What should the villagers do when burying and burning dead chicken?
A. They must report to village officer first
B. They must put on their hand gloves
C. They should touch them with bare hands
They should clean the chickens with antiseptic soap
Text for number 12-14
12. How many flights does the airline serve passengers from Singapore to Jakarta in one day?
A. Six
B. seven
C. eight
D. nine
13. How long does it take to go from Jakarta to Singapore with the flight number GA832?
A. 2 hours 40 minutes
C. 2 hours 50 minutes
B. 2 hours 45 minutes
D. 3 hours
14.If the flight GA825 take off late at 10.30, what time will the plane land in Singapore?
A. 10.45
B. 11.00
C. 11.15
D. 11.30
Text for number 15-17
Here are some tips to do when we get burned:
1. Cool the affected area immediately under cold running water for at least 10 minutes.
2. If possible, remove any jewelry or loosen any constricting clothing.
3. Cover the burn with a sterile, non-fluffy dressing.
15. What should we do straight away when someone gets burned?
Spread oil on the affected area
Cover the area with loose clothes
Use cold running water to cool the area
Take the victim to the hospital right away
16. What is the step after cooling the affected area?
A. Cover it with a sterile dressing
B. Take out any jewelry when possible
C. put on any jewelry to recover
D. blanket the area with fluffy dress
17. “Cover the burn with a sterile, non-fluffy dressing.” The word ‘cover’ in the sentence
A. Tie up
B. uncover
C. look up
D. plaster
Text for number 18-20
Have you been to Bali? The beauty of Bali and the warm welcome given by its people
accompany you from the moment of your arrival and through out your stay on this paradise
If you have in mind to hold a congress at the Orchid Hotel, you have come to the right
place. There are seven conference rooms. The capacity of each room is up to five hundred
persons. It is also fitted with the most modern equipment. It is ideal for parties with good
services. The large swimming pool has new tiles and bridges. Food and beverage are
available in a coffee shop and a special Indonesian restaurant.
Luxurious villas are also available. Each villa has its own swimming pool, inside and
outside bathrooms. The guest can also have an open dining area in its private garden. It
provides daily amenities including welcome drinks, fruits, flowers, newspaper, magazines,
and daily minerals.
18. Where can a guest have an open dining area?
A. At the private garden of a luxurious villa
B. At the large swimming pool of the villa
C. At the Orchid hotel conference room
D. at the special Indonesian restaurant
19. The facilities offered by Orchid Hotel are ………
A small conference room, large swimming pool and Indonesian restaurant
seven rooms, medium swimming pool and coffee shop
open dining area, private garden, coffee shop and restaurant
a restaurant, a coffee shop, a swimming pool and seven rooms for conference
20. From the text we can conclude that Balinese people are ….
A. Ignorant
B. friendly
C. selfish
D. individual
Read the text and answer no 21 - 22.
The Must-See Ambarawa Railway Museum
You can easily be accused of committing a tourism sin if you’re in Semarang and
failed to visit the Ambarawa Railway Museum.
This museum is situated less than an hour’s drive from the capital of Central Java.
During the Dutch colonial days, Ambarawa was a military zone and the railway
station was used to transport troops to Semarang through Kedungjati. It is at 474 m
above sea level, giving you unpolluted fresh air to breathe.
The Ambarawa Railway Museum is well-maintained. It is a medium-sized building.
The railway route is offered to visitors. You can enjoy the beautiful panorama
during the route. All in all, this is a truly exciting treasure to visit.
(Source:Dit. PSMP, 2006)
21. The text tells us about ….
the story of Ambarawa railway museum
the advertisement of Ambarawa railway museum
the description of Ambarawa railway museum
the procedure to visit Ambarawa railway museum
22. From the text it can be concluded that ….
A. The museum has a lot of treasure
B. The museum is worthy of visiting
C. The museum is a military zone
D. Ambarawa is badly maintained
Read the text and answer no 23 - 26.
A Trip to the Eden Project
Last Friday, our class traveled in the school bus to visit the Eden Project in Cornwall. It was
a long ride to get there so we had to be at school an hour early, at eight o’clock. We brought our
breakfast to eat on the bus.
When we arrived at the Eden Project, we could tell it was a big attraction by the size of the
car parks, which were carefully laid out and named after fruits – we were in Plum Car Park. As we
walked down, we could see the Eden Project buildings – two enormous plastic domes, built in a dip
in the ground. Mrs. Jeffries told us they were called ‘biomes’ and the dip used to be a clay pit, where
men had dug out the clay to use for making pots. We spent our morning going round the biomes,
looking at the plants. One is kept very warm inside and filled with tropical plants like rubber trees,
bamboo, spices, coconuts and pineapples. There are also displays of buildings and gardens from
tropical countries. The other biome is not so warm and among the plants there are oranges, lemons,
grapes and olives.
We had our lunch in the exhibition centre, where we watched a video about ‘The making of
Eden’. The Eden Project was built to show how men and plants depend upon each other and it cost
millions of pounds to build. Next we had a talk about the plants. A lady explained how you get cocoa
beans and cocoa milk from a pod and use them to make chocolate.
We were allowed to look in the shop and spend two pounds. I bought some stickers and a
postcard of a man building the biomes. Finally, it was time for the long ride home. We were back by
half past three, just in time for the bell.
23. Where did the writer and his classmates have their breakfast?
A. on the bus
C. in the exhibition centre
B. at home
D. at the Eden Project
24. From the text we know that the trip to and from the Eden Project….
A. is just a minute away
C. covers a short distance
B. needs three hours
D. takes a long time
25. “We had our lunch in the exhibition centre” (Paragraph 5)
The underlined word means ….
A. stage
B. building
C. display
D. description
26. “Mrs. Jeffries told us they were called biomes” (paragraph 2)
“They” refers to ….
A. the Eden Project Buildings
C. tropical plants
B. the Plum Car Parks
D. tropical buildings and gardens
Text for number 27-30
A talkative turtle overheard two hunters say that they were planning to catch turtles the very
next day. When the hunters left, the turtle asked two cranes to help him escape. "Beautiful
white birds," he said, "if you hold a long stick between your beaks, I'll close my mouth tightly
in the middle of it, and then you can fly up and carry me to safety."
"Good idea," said the cranes. "But, for the plan to succeed, you will have to keep your mouth
closed tightly on the stick and you must not say a word!" The turtle agreed and biting on the
middle of a stick held in the beaks of two birds, off he was carried.
When the birds were high in the air with the turtle dangling down from the stick, some people
on the ground looked up at the strange sight in the sky and said, "What clever birds! They
figured out how to carry a turtle!"
The proud, talkative turtle cried out, "It was my idea!" and fell tumbling down to earth.
27. What is the story about?
A. The talkative crane and the turtle
B. The talkative turtle and the two cranes
C. the turtle and the hunters
D. the turtle that talks to the crane
28. What did the turtle ask the two cranes for?
A. Helping him to save the hunters
B. Flying him to the sky
C. saving him from the hunters
D. taking him to find good air
29. Why must the turtle not say a word when being flown by the cranes? Because ….
A. The cranes do not like the turtle talking too much
B. The turtle cannot fly with his mouth
C. The cranes are kinds of quiet birds
D. His mouth had to bite the stick he had to hold
30. What can we learn from the story?
Silence is golden
Be careful when flying
Fly when you have courage
Beauty in togetherness
Read the text and answer no 31 - 33.
Once upon a time in the middle of the forest, there lived a girl named Jane with her
father, a poor woodcutter.
One day, the little girl’s father did not come home from the forest and Jane became
more and more frightened that he had had an accident. She didn’t know what to do
because she was very afraid of the dark
Finally she plucked up all her courage and headed out to the clearing where she
thought her father had been that day. After two long hours searching, she finally
found him. His foot had been trapped under a log and he couldn’t lift if himself. Jane
helped her father to free himself and they went home happily.
Jane was very glad she had not been too frightened to go in search of her father.
31. What happened to Jane’s father?
A. He got lost in the forest.
B. He got an accident in the forest.
C. He was frightened in the dark.
D. He searched for her daughter
32. The CORRECT statement according to the text is ….
A. Jane was afraid of the dark.
B. Jane’s family lived close to the forest.
C. Jane could not help her father.
D. Jane’s father had two hours activity in the forest.
33. What is the moral value of the text?
A. A daughter should live with her family.
B. Father must be responsible to his daughter.
C. Love can defeat the fear inside us.
D. We must stay when the darkness comes.
Text for numbers 34-36
PT Eka Komputama
Jalan Monjali 23 Yogyakarta 55242
February 13th, 2013
Mr. Herman Felani
Exhibition Coordinator
Gedongkuning 12
Dear Mr. Felani:
PT Eka Komputama is interested in joining the annual computer exhibition in Jogja Expo
Centre the weekend of June 10th, 2013.
We are planning on attendance of 10 staff members who would arrive in time for Technical
Meeting on Wednesday, June 8th. We would send 3 programmers, 3 salesperson, a sales
manager, and 3 computer technicians. We would as well carry a number of notebooks, PCs,
hardwares and peripherals to be exhibited. The block should accommodate a number of
Please send price information for two blocks in the exhibition room, a set of chairs and tables
to my attention at the above address. I would also appreciate any information you have on the
extra facilities offered in the building.
Pandu Utama
Managing director
34. What is the letter about?
PT. Eka Komputama’s advertisement looking for new employees
PT. Eka Komputama’s interest in participating the computer exhibition
Pandu Utama’s interesting in joining a monthly computer expo
Attending an annual computer program in Jogja Expo Center
35. From the text we know that PT. Eka Komputama will send … employees to the
A. Three
B. seven
C. ten
D. twelve
36. “…joining the annual computer exhibition…” The word ‘annual’ in the text means ….
A. Yearly
B. monthly
C. weekly
D. daily
Text for number 37-38
37. The text above is about ….
An invitation to join Guru Focus free
A description about GuruFocus products
A guarantee offered by GuruFocus
An advertisement of GuruFocus products
38. If a customer is not satisfied with GuruFocus product,....
The product cannot be returned and refunded
The customer must call the company support team
GuruFocus will return the customer’s money in 30 days
The customes must purchase another product
Text for numbers 39-42
A shark is a type of fish that lives in the sea. It is one of the largest sea creatures. There are
over 350 species. A shark is shaped like a torpedo. It has rough skin like sandpaper. Instead
of bones it has elastic cartilage which helps them to move easily. It can grow up to 8 metres.
Sharks are found in all oceans around the world. The type of shark found will depend on the
water’s temperature. A shark has to keep moving when it is asleep because it will either sink
or suffocate. It has to keep moving because it needs to breathe through its gills to keep alive.
When sharks are hungry, they look for food. Different sharks eat different food. Harmless
sharks eat plankton but harmful sharks eat meat.
Sharks have up to forty two babies (which are called pups) at a time. When the pups are born,
they leave straight away because the mother shark does not have teats. Some sharks have
their pups in different ways, some lay eggs while others have them alive. When they are born
they need to defend themselves because they have no one to help them.
39. What does the text tell us about? It tells us about ….
A. Types of sharks
B. Sharks in general
C. the way a shark has a baby
D. feeding sharks
40. What makes types of sharks different?
A. The size of them
B. The types of ocean
C. depth of the sea
D. the water’s temperature
41. “Harmless sharks eat plankton…” The word ‘harmless’ means ….
A. Safe
B. dangerous
C. risky
D. wild
42. “…, they leave straight away…” (par. 3)The word ‘they’ in the sentence refers to ….
A. Sharks
B. 42 babies
C. the pups
D. mother sharks
Text for numbers 43-45
One day Malin Kundang ship dropped anchor ….43… the Batting Au Harbour. Then his
mother, who had been waiting for years heard about this. She went to the ship to see her
beloved son. But what happened? Malin Kundang did not want to admit that Mande Rubiah
was his mother. He knew it but he was too ….44…. to do it. He did not want his beautiful
wife to see the woman coming to him was his mother. He even scolded her and asked his
guards to send her away.
His mother was very sad. She sorrowfully knelt down to pray to God, ”Oh, God, I
know he is my son. But why has he ….45… so wicked? Please, God don’t let this wickedness
continue. Punish him as you wish!”
43. A. in
B. on
C. at
D. to
44. A. good
B. arrogant
C. shy
D. brave
45. A. turn
B. turns
C. turning
D. turned
Text for numbers 46-48
My favorite snack is Pisang Penyet. What you need is good sweet bananas and some palm
sugar for the sauce. After that, …46… the bananas and flatten them. …47…, bake them.
Prepare the sauce by putting the palm sugar in a pan. Add some water and boil it. Finally put
the flattened bananas on a plate and pour them with some palm sugar sauce. Mmmmmm,
46- A. open
B. peel
C. peep
D. drain
47. A. next
B. at last
C. after
D. firstly
48. A. plain
B. bitter
C. sour
D. yummy
49. Read the words below and arrange them into a good sentence
is - rainbow – A – by – sunlight – caused – raindrops – reflected – back – being – by
3 4
The correct arrangement is ….
50. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!
1. Viewed from the type of fur, rabbit is composed of type short and long haired with
a slightly yellowish color.
2. Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha,
found in several parts of the world
3. First, rabbit-free, second, pet rabbit.
4. In general, rabbits divided into two types.
5. When winter, this yellow color turned to gray.
6. Included in the category of free rabbits are hares (Lepus curpaeums) and the wild
rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).
The right arrangement is ….
A. 2-4-6-2-5-1
C. 2-4-3-6-1-5
B. 2-4-1-5-3-6
D. 2-4-1-5-6-3
---Wish You Luck---