Polarized 3He target based on an ex situ polarizer Bill Hersman University of New Hampshire and Xemed LLC David W. Watt Xemed LLC FCOI Disclosure: Prof. Hersman has a financial interest in Xemed LLC Overview • Rationale and goals – reaching high p2L • Our approach – Remote large-scale polarizer, high density target, mechanical gas transfer • • • • Zeppelin-3 implementation Measured performance Plans for Zeppelin-4 Recommendation Rationale: Paradigm shift: ex situ pumping • Provide high luminosity by exposing a very dense 3He target to the full beam current. – p2L is maximized when beam adds a depolarization factor of 50%. • Provide large spin-up rates by exposing a huge number of 3He atoms to polarized alkali atoms. Requires laser power. • Provide high transfer rates between pump cell and target cell using a mechanical pump • Also achieves isolation from radiation and field gradients • Originally proposed in 2008 • Expectation of p2L enhancement factor of ~50 Our approach • Place a large 8.5L thin-walled aluminosilicate pumping cell, multizone thermal bath, and NMR coil inside a pressure vessel. • Pressurize to up to 10-20atm • Immerse in a 24g solenoidal magnetic field • Illuminate 5:1 hybrid alkali mix with a 2.5kW-4kW high-power wavelengthlocked spectrally-narrowed external cavity laser Zeppelin-3 is our third generation 3He polarizer built with this technology • Transfer gas at up to 22 slpm with an industrial-scale diaphragm pump with non-ferrous wetted surfaces • Polarized 3He would interact with the beam in a pressurized, cryogenically cooled, vertical (transverse) flow, thin-windowed, aluminum target cell Pumping cell: optical windows • Hand blown: – Prior studies found that cells with the best polarization had fully blown surfaces – Examination of blown windows reveals most thickness variations are azimuthally symmetric – We mapped deflections of hundreds of point beams, inverted, fit to twelfth-order polynomial – Custom lens corrected dominant aberrations Hand-blown window with illumination pattern • Machine polished: – Using a melt shop, we produced a custom-melt 4” diameter GE180 ingot – Sliced into 1.5mm thicknesses; polished surfaces – Selected wafers based on minimum bubbles – Blown into a conformal dome GE180 ingot from NorCal Inc. Pumping cell: fabrication • Cylindrical barrel pumping cell measures 9.5cm inner diameter by 120cm long, 8.5 liters interior volume. • Valved capillary for gas transfer (currently only one is implemented for neutron analyzer filling) • Blown port for distillation of alkali into the cell, permanently sealed. Mike Souza, Princeton Glassblowing prepares a GE180 barrel end with GE180 domed window Aaron Kirchoff of NIST produced “Titan” fully from GE180 Pumping cell: preparations and filling • Distillation #1: 1-5 g of rubidium and 5-25 g potassium are distilled separately in two stages into charging ampule at low temperature (200oC for Rb, 280oC for K). • Cell Bakeout: Pyrex retort is attached to cell, sealed with a Teflon cap, baked with a retort temperature of 350oC and a cell temperature of 450oC under UHV for ~ 1 week. • Alkali charging: Purified alkali mixture driven into the retort under flow of UHP N2. The mixture is then distilled into the cell at 260oC. 1-5 g Rb Breakseal 5-25 g K Charging Ampule Thermal Bath • Cell operates at an angle to drive buoyant convection • Flowing silicone oil delivers heat during warm up, removes heat during operation • Provides independent control over three thermal zones – Lower 72% of the barrel is the hot-polarization zone, most of the laser power is absorbed here – Upper 28% of the barrel is maintained at a lower temperature, less alkali vapor, less laser absorption. – Bottom window zone (and perimeter) is controlled electrically, establishes local alkali density • An opening is maintained for NMR coil and RF flux return Cell in encased in custom aluminum extrusion that serves as a dual zone thermal bath All polarizer services are fed through the top flange Laser Specifications: Power 2.7kW Wavelength Locking efficiency Spectral width Beam divergence A: Lasers, total of 4 B: External cavity C: Step mirrors D: Grating E: Beam shaping optics F: Combining prism G: Diffuser/ waveplate H: Main collimator E: Exit optic (2.12kW circular aperture) 794.8nm 75% 0.6nm 3x6mrad Initial laser performance Spectral Intensity (arb. units) Wavelength locked beam @2.7kW Four 12 bar lasers (foreground) combining their outputs into a single 10 cm diameter beam (center). power ()W) Less-than-optimal components decommissioned from other projects cause 3000 beam inhomogeneities 48 Bar exit beam, and 1m downstream with diffuser. Divergence ~3x6 mrad (hor x vert.) 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 Wavelength (nm) Power 0.6 nm narrowed laser (max = 110A) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 20 40 60 current (A) 80 100 3He Polarizer: Zeppelin-3 • 8.5L Cell cartridge • • • • • • pressure vessel, laser path, thermal bath, electronics control system diagnostics • Assembly/Operation Performance: cell testing Name Materials Test Dates Alkali Ratio Optimal Temp (oC) Density (amagat) T1 , Min (hrs) T1, Max (hrs) Remarks Souza 1 Corning 1720 JanApril 2012 10:1 (10 g total) 220/200 1 3 8 Cell was refurbished due to O2 contamination. Souza 1 4 Souza 2 GE180 11/133/14 5:1 (5 g total) 210/180 Kirchoff GE 180 5/146/14 5:1 (10 g total) 205/180 1 Souza 3 GE 180 7/148/14 5:1 (10 g total) 205/180 Souza 3 8 1.8 Cell was refurbished due to O2 contamination 4 7 Switched B0 orientation 1 *4 **10. 5 *T1 changed during solenoid loss of Power. **After intensive degaussing 2 -- 12.5 Performance: cell spinup Polarizer Testing Run times of up to 60 hours Studied effect of tilt angle, wall temperature Laser power up to 1800 W Internal NMR Measurement Probe: 30 mm dia multilayer surface coil Calibrated with in situ water phantom Corrected for changes in coil Q with temperature External NMR Measurement Short cylindrical coil surrounding sample bulb Calibrated with water sample in identical bulb Good SNR in calibration He-3 removed from polarizer through wire-wound PFA transfer line and PFA gas manifold. Polarization agreed with in situ measurement within 2 % (external measurement was slightly higher). Results Polarizations up to 59 % with 6 hr rise time. Best results with polarizer tilt ~15o from horizontal Average gas temperature ~230 oC. 1800 W laser power, ~1 nm spectral width Non-ferrous Diaphragm Pump • • • • • • Piston-driven hydraulic compression Nominal 30 cps Compression ratio ~6.5 Two pumps ordered Low pressure: 50 torr to 150 psi 150psi to 1000 psi @ 22 SLM • • • • • PEEK valves Titanium head 6AL4V Three-layer diaphragm Phosphor-bronze wetted Delivered February, 2012 Gas Circulation Hardware • Two non-ferrous diaphragm compressors – Low pressure system : 50 10,000 torr – High Pressure (10 70 bar) – Low pressure system showed <2% polarization loss per cycle in continuous circulation • Transfer lines: Wire-wound PFA tubing with internal field ~4 G. • Polarized Gas Handling Manifold-PFA block with Pneumatic PTFE valves. • Return gas purifier-Rb metal followed by LN2 trap to capture residual O2, H2O, and High Pressure other impurities. Compressor Inlet to Analyzer c. Rubidium Trap LN2 Trap Plan for Zeppelin-4: laser Change feedback scheme from: – Low-efficiency grating feeds back small portion, each emitter occupies grating area To: – High efficiency grating feeds back all power, emitters share grating area – Increase magnification factor ~10 to reduce laser linewidth <50pm – Increase power capability to 3-4 kW Output beams 50% 33% 25% 20% 4000 intensity Nlight 1 bar laser narrowed x38 cavity (~center 5 emitters) 3500 3000 intensity 2500 2000 1500 ~10*4.4*0.353=16 pm 1000 500 0 pixel #; 4.4 microns/pixel; 0.353 1 21 41 61 81 101 121 141 161 181 201 221 pm/micron Linewidth as low as 0.016nm demonstrated for few emitters Lasers contribute equal power to a single external cavity, draw equal portions back for wavelength locking to/from external cavity Plan for Zeppelin-4: cell • Cell trials to include: – New monolithic aluminosilicate cells, – sol-gel coating existing short-lifetime aluminosilicate cells, and – sol-gel coating new borosilicate cells Motorized rig for rotating glassware to distribute sol-gel uniformly over inner surface Sol-gel coated borosilicate cell 10cm in diameter with surface coil attached for measuring polarization lifetime Plan for Zeppelin-4: infrastructure • Change pressure vessel from: – Aluminum pressure vessel (unrated) inside a solenoid surrounded by flux return steel to: – – – – – Engineer-stamped and rated steel pressure vessel Steel vessel also serves as magnetic flux return Solenoid relocated to fit inside pressure vessel Greater isolation from ambient fields, including earth’s field Steel e • Change thermal system from: – Two heat/cool oil systems, two electrical window heaters to: – Three zone direct electrical heat, oil systems provide for heat removal only Heat Spreader Graphite Heater Insulation Cooling Plate existing eva laser power (W) 3He gas density (Pump) dipole relaxation (Pump) 3He gas temperature (target) 3He gas pressure (Target) 3He gas density (target) Loschmidt (cm-3) thickness (cm-2) dipole relaxation (Target) beam current (uA) e beam number density Luminosity depolarization const (loss/dilution) pump cell T1 pump cell X-factor spin up rate pump volume pump 3He (STP cc) number of 3He pump atoms moles 3He pump atoms 3He polarized per second 3He polarized moles per hour target radius target length target volume target 3He volume (STP cc) total volume 3He volume (STP cc) 3He atoms (pump+target) pressure related T1 polarization (bench) beam related T1 (entire volume) new existing polarizer 180 3000 7.66 12 176.4 psia 97.1279373 62 297 170 K 10 69 1014.3 psia 10.0 120.5 1772.04 psia 2.69E+19 2.69E+19 1.07E+22 1.30E+23 12.05 74.4 6.17 hrs 15 65 1.60E-19 1.60E-19 9.38E+13 4.06E+14 s-1 1.01E+36 5.26E+37 0.0025 7.68E-04 1.292 33 11 0.5 0.3 7.1 5 1.42 230 8500 102000 1760.63 102000.00 STP cc 4.73E+22 2.74E+24 57.9 0.0786 4.5527 1.85E+18 1.52E+20 82.27 0.0111 0.9105 0.93 0.8 40 40 108.69 80.42 cc 1086.87 9694.97 STP cc 338.53 8580.42 2847.50 111694.97 39.2257 7.65E+22 3.00E+24 77.40 6.42 hrs 55.9% 54.5% 26.6667 20.0244 1.33171 beam related T1 (target cell volume) beam depolarization rate (atoms) polarization (in beam) luminosity figure of merit ratio 10.1784 5.31E+16 48.7% 60 14.21 1.7381 2.78E+18 48.0% 3134.2235 721.05 50.73 104.286 minutes p2L 2.39E+35 1.21E+37 50.7 ratio 52.2371 Implications for a polarized 3He target • Compares new paradigm with old performance (not projected improvements) • Likely cell design is aluminum, transverse flow, cryogen cooled • Beam current and target density insufficient to maximize p2L • Roughly 7% beam-related 3He depolarization • Assumptions can be adjusted (cell, target; temperature and pressure) • Approximate improvement factor of 50 Funding and timeline • Polarizer funding renewed April 2015 by the DOE SBIR program to develop a filling station for large-angle neutron spin filters • Two year timeline with $500K/yr, total budget of $1M • Zeppelin-4 will be demonstrated on-site at Oak Ridge in January 2017 • Could also visit Jlab But… • Single capillary for gas entry/exit; not suitable for flow-through circulating Jlab target testing Recommendations 1. 2. Borrow Zeppelin-3 for tests. Commission assembly of a copy of Zeppelin-4 with two capillaries, inlet and exit, for flow through operation. Delivery May 2017.