Using e-Books in the Content Areas

Using eBooks in the Content
 The Basics: eBooks 101
 Teaching students how to “read to learn” using
 How to use eBooks in the classroom
 How to get eBooks noticed in the library
 Who is in charge of selecting eBooks and how to
choose them
Q & A Time
 Poll- Who has eBooks in their school library?
 Yes
 No
 Poll- Who uses eBooks in their classroom?
 I do!
 No way.
eBooks: A Rocky History in Schools
 “Cart Before the Horse” approach for many schools
 Purchased eBooks before they have adequate devices
 Purchased devices and eBooks before adequate bandwidth
 No interest
 Students want print
 Teachers don’t fully understand how to utilize eBooks in the
 Librarians don’t know how to “market” eBooks to students or
 What do we do?
Q & A Time
 Poll- Do you feel you have adequate devices for your
digital materials?
Getting There
Not Even Close
 Poll- Do you feel you have a strong infrastructure to
support your digital initiatives?
Getting There
Not Even Close
eBook Platforms & Programs
 Platforms house eBooks
 Distributors or publisher-specific housing libraries
Follett Shelf and Mackin Via hold every eBook from every publisher
that you purchase and offer enhancements
 Publisher-based houses every eBook you purchased just from that
Offer enhanced features
Some offer audio, high lighting, search within text, note taking, and
tagging/bookmarking, dictionary
 Programs using eBooks
 Specifically designed content; subscription based
Scholastic Storia and Bookflix
 PebbleGo
 Tumble Books
Q & A Time
 Poll- Do you believe eBooks can assist in literacy
I have to see it to believe it
Definitely not
eBook Features = Student Support
 Diverse Learners
 Students with special needs
Dictionary, audio, text-to-speech
Struggling Readers
Font size, background page color, audio
Support through audio, visual, etc
Reluctant Readers
Engagement with videos, audio, hyperlinks
eBooks Features = Teacher Support
 Scaffold Instruction
 Features provide not only encouragement but also
scaffold learning and provide visual or auditory support
for all learners
 Close Reading
 Reading text multiple times for different meanings
Note-taking, teacher notes, highlighting in different colors
 Evidence Based Learning
 Using highlighting, notes, and tagging/bookmarks to look for
evidence in a text to support a student’s thinking
eBook Features Enhance Literacy Instruction
 eBooks can promote the foundation of reading instruction:
phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and
Phonemic awareness and phonics
When students are engaged in reading and want to revisit a book multiple times
because they are excited, it builds fluency. Fluency is speed, accuracy, and
expression. You get that by re-reading.
Many eBook programs and platforms offer audio.
Scholastic Bookflix and Storia, Tumblebooks, Epic!, Follett LightBox, PebbleGo
Programs and platforms reinforce vocabulary meaning through videos, pictures,
and sounds. Students obtain a strong vocabulary by reading and being exposed in
words in a variety of settings.
Summarize as they read, use of graphic organizers, asking questions as they read;
being engaged and a problem solver while reading the text
eBooks Features Enhance Classroom Learning
 Classroom Features
 Note taking, highlighting, dictionary, keyword search,
Follett Shelf, Mackin Via
Platforms with added subscription based features
Shared note taking, time-on task reporting, text set/reading path
creations, vetted database and website integration
 Added features that enhance student learning and understanding
of content
 One place, keeps continuity
Q & A Time
 POLL- Do you feel confident enough to use eBooks
in the classroom in a meaningful way?
Yes! I just used them last week
Probably…if I get some assistance
Heck no! I’m lost with technology
Using physical print
books and eBooks
together and
seamlessly moving
between both worlds
So Many Questions…
 What device?
 tablets vs. desktops vs.
 What type of eBook?
 single user vs. unlimited
simultaneous access vs.
 Getting buy-in from staff
and students
 Training for staff, students
and parents
Teaching “Reading to Learn” with eBooks
 Take the time to become experts of the device
 Device Overview
Use the technical terms: electronic book (eBook), digital reader
 Place the digital reader on a document camera to showcase the
functions of the device and the tools of the eBook
• On/Off button, Home Screen, Font Size, Dictionary
Read and Pause
• Read a digital book and pause to show features such as screen
orientation, word lookup, bookmarking
• Think out loud to model what good digital readers do
Talk a “Feature Walk” with Informational Books
Flip through and discuss the text features and enhanced features
of videos and photos
Conflicting Mindsets at the Library
 Digital and print have
strengths and
 Time and place for each
Digital in the Library
 “Selling” something that isn’t there
 Where do you access?
MARC record and shows in online catalog
How do you showcase?
Publishers offer BOGO with print and digital
 Note the digital on the print title
Access points
QR codes on books
In-service for teachers, student
Parent Involvement
Access at home via passwords; newsletters or emails
Book Talk
Display during discussions or during teaching opportunity
Book Cards
Create a cardstock or cardboard book cover on the shelves so students know an
eBook is available
School-wide unveiling showcase
 Have an assembly where you show the new eBooks that have been added
 One for students and one for teachers
Digital in the Classroom
 Getting More Out of Your Big Book
 Project an eBook on the whiteboard or Smartboard
Highlight, underline, circle, add notes, tags and anything else
 Project and explore
 Visit other sites and videos but still keeping continuity with
students having the print or digital book in front of them on
their device
 Dig Deeper into Meaning
 Pull excerpts from eBooks from your library or free digital
databases use features to make connections
 Curriculet
 Scholastic’s Listen & Read
Digital Centers
Digital in the Classroom
 Take a Feature Walk
Identify various text features in informational books
Use for pre-reading strategy to set students up for success
 Take a Picture Walk
Can be used for informational or fiction books
Use for prediction strategies, gateway to content area topics, pre-reading strategy
 Interactive Lesson
Students come up to point, circle, explain, etc
Engaging lessons that stick with students
 Independent Reading
 Teach how to use features to be successful independent readers
 Student confidence
 Time of task reporting available on some platforms and programs
Whole Group Interaction
Who Finds the Content?
 Marriage between teachers & librarians
 Librarians role has changed- UTILZE THEM
Literacy is a common bond
Teachers know literacy development & librarians are passionate about
Know your strengths
Co-teaching, classroom extension and PD
Teachers need assistance in selecting the best of the best in trade
books. Librarians know books, publishers, etc
District leaders need to start these discussions or at least be
open to them
Share funding opportunities to get books (E or Print) in the library
that support your curriculum needs
 Distributors have professionals teachers and librarians to
help….. For FREE!
Consuming an Elephant
 One bite at a time…
 And for anyone unsure about whether to go digital, Ann
Fondren has some advice: “The e-book world is still a little like
the wild, wild West. There are rules, but nobody has the same
rules. Don’t wait for the dust to settle to jump in, because it’s
not going to.”
Publisher’s weekly
Print and eBooks Together, Forever
 Students have opinions when it comes to print vs.
digital as well
In Scholastic’s 2015 “Kids and Family Reading Report,”
children expressed strong preferences when comparing book
formats. Nearly two-thirds of kids (65%) agreed with
the survey statement “I’ll always want to read books
printed on paper even though there are e-books
available.” That percentage is up from 60% in the 2012
survey. And of the 61% of children who have ever read an ebook, according to the survey, more than half said they prefer
to read print books.
 Best approach is not replacement, it’s integration.
Recommended eBooks
 eBooks are perfect for classroom discussion about
science, social studies and math
 Check out the resources online for this session for a
list of recommended eBooks
 This presentation is available online.
 Jenny Meyer
 Follow Reading with Jenny on Pinterest for more literacy
Follett Professional Development Services