Foreshadowing - YouTube

Or….did I see that coming?
“I’ve Got a Bad Feeling About This…”
What is Foreshadowing?
 The use of hints or clues to suggest future
 Authors DO tell us what to expect in the
future of the story….subtly
Why is This Important?
 Authors plant clues….
 They expect you to pick up on them….
 Important parts of a novel shouldn’t be a shock!
How do I find foreshadowing?
 Look for the “four common cues”
1. Dreams
2. Warnings / Curses
3. Confidence / Cockiness
4.Abundant Attention
 When characters have dreams……
 ….those dreams often come true
1) Star Wars: Episode III
Anakin dreams that Padme will die during the birth of
their child.
She DOES die, producing TWINS:
 Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa
2) Wayne’s World
Wayne dreams, if ever so briefly,
of being able to date
They do date later in the film!
3) Ghostbusters
 The evil voice tells the
Ghostbusters to “choose the
Traveler, the one who shall
destroy you.”
 Whatever they think (dream)
will come and destroy them.
One of them dreams of the
Stay-Puft Marshmallow
Man who then comes to
reek havoc on the boys!
The Wizard of Oz
The Wicked Witch of the West
She DOES try to “get”
Dorothy…and her little dog,
The Bible
Genesis says….
But God felt sorry for Adam. "None of these animals is really like him," thought
God, "he needs someone to share his life. Someone who cares for him and who
he can care for."
That night, God took a rib from Adam's side and made a woman. When Adam
awoke the following morning, he found a wife, Eve, lying asleep beside
him. Adam was so happy. He took her hand and she woke up. She looked up
at him and smiled.
God told the man and woman that it was their job to take care of their new
home. God blessed them, saying, "All this is for you. Help yourself to anything
you like. But never touch the tree in the middle of the Garden. That tree
gives knowledge of good and evil. The day you eat its fruit, you will die."
 Adam and Eve DO eat the fruit
(an apple) from the tree of
 They symbolically “die” in that
they now maintain the
“original sin”.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
 The dwarfs warn Snow White to be wary of the Queen.
 The Queen disguises herself
and, eventually, gives the
poisoned apple to Snow White.
 Snow White falls into a deep
sleep…until awoken by love’s
first kiss.
 The gods presented her with
a box into which each had
put something harmful, and
forbade her ever to open it.
 Pandora opens the box, releasing
innumerable plagues, sorrow, and
mischief for mankind.
 Hope was also there, but Pandora
had already fulfilled the
foreshadowed action!
Wayne’s World
 Wayne really wants to be with Cassandra.
 He exclaims that “she will be [his]!”
 They do date later in the film!
The banker that provided the funds for Titanic wants the
captain of the ship to go faster!
 The Captain receives word that
there is ICE in the ship’s path.
 One might ….slow down…right?
The architect of the boat comments on how, yes, there
ARE fewer life boats than would be needed for ALL
Star Wars: Episode II
Anakin exclaims that he will be the most powerful Jedi.
For a time, he does become
that…as Darth Vader!
Over-Abundant Attention
 The author keeps going back to a certain object or
idea in his or her writing.
 That same item is mentioned time and time again.
 In film….this is usually a close-up
During the scene where the
woman comes home and her
eggs fry on the counter top,
there is a package of Stay-Puft
Marshmallows in the frame.
 The references to the Stay-Puft
Marshmallows do let us know that the boys
WILL “dream” of those as the
Traveller…later in the movie!
Patriot Games
A fight happens on a boat (while,
of course, going super fast!).
The framing continues to focus
on a pointy anchor on the
Yep, someone (guess who?) dies by
being thrown on that pointy anchor!
What is the Purpose of Foreshadowing?
To create suspense!
The reader will subconsciously know these common
The author wants the reader to KNOW that things will
happen but wants to retain control over the HOW
and WHEN things will happen.
The Challenge of Finding Foreshadowing
 Oftentimes, foreshadowing does not appear obvious to
a reader until after the fact.
 But….if you can read actively, you will have a better
chance of noticing these intentional clues about future