Typical courses include:
English 101
(based on ACT scores)
Math 101
(based on ACT scores)
Art 110 or Music 105
Government 101
(Western Civilization, World
Psychology 101
Sociology 151
Speech 101
There are a core group of classes required of Louisiana college graduates.
This core group represents the courses in which most Early
Start students enroll.
These courses are established by the Board of Regents to ensure graduates have a well rounded education regardless of the major the student chooses to pursue.
ACT – SAT – Compass Exams
Scoring well in Math and/or English can earn you Nicholls credit.
Advanced Placement Testing
An invitation is extended to high school students for the opportunity to take an advanced placement exam to attempt to test out of courses at Nicholls. Must have an ACT composite of 24 or higher. Tests are free. Courses are non-transferrable.
CLEP testing
National exam that we offer on campus to give you an opportunity to try to test out of courses. There is a fee to take each exam. Courses are transferable.
Military Credit
English Composition
18-27 ACT = English 101
28-31 ACT = English 102
32-36 ACT = English literature
19-20 ACT = Math 100
21-22 ACT = Math 101
23-26 ACT = Math 102, 106, or 108
27-36 ACT = Math 165
$50 fee
Valid for one year
Fee will be applied to your fee bill and you may pay using Banner Self-Service or at Fee Collections in Elkins
Parking decals can be obtained in Calecas Hall
Student ID
Allows you to use computer labs on campus and check out books in the library
Students can apply money to their Colonel Card to be used on campus
Visit the Colonel Card office in the Union to obtain your card
Fee of $10 will be posted to your Banner account
Read ahead and be prepared for class.
Learn how to study.
Seek help, ask questions, talk to your professors.
Ask someone. Come to the Advising Center with any type of problem you may have or need help with.
Most professors and other students will not know that you are still in high school.
It’s not a secret that you are a high school student. You are free to tell them if you would like.
Expect for faculty, staff, and other students to interact with you as an adult.
Know that you may hear and see things in class or on campus that may be controversial, this is part of the college experience.
If you do not feel comfortable, at any time, please notify Mrs. Lori Richard.
Have fun and enjoy this experience. Not all students have this opportunity. Enjoy it!
Attend class and communicate reasons for an absence or tardy to your professor.
Complete all assignments on time and with quality work.
Study hard.
This class will be on your permanent college record, it will follow you to all universities you may attend in the future.
Follow all campus and classroom rules listed in the Code of
Student Conduct. http://www.nicholls.edu/documents/student_life/code_of_conduct.pdf
No cheating, no plagiarizing.
Early Start students must earn an A, B, or C to be eligible for
Early Start enrollment in the future.
Students who withdraw (W) or resign will not be allowed to participate in the Early Start program in future semesters.
Early Start students must see the Early Start advisor, Lori
Richard, to drop a course or resign from the university.
All grades are final and permanently placed on the student’s official transcript.
Drop or Add Classes– must be done with Mrs. Lori Richard
Get your parking decal (if you need one)
Pick up your Colonel Card
Buy your textbooks
Purchase a meal plan if you need one. You can buy food on campus without a meal plan.
Pay your fees.
First Day of Class
Notebook or binder and loose leaf paper
Book bag
Daily planner
Anticipate parking issues. You will likely have to drive around for a while before finding a parking space. Make sure you ONLY park in a commuter student spot. Otherwise, you may find a pretty $50 parking ticket taped to your vehicle.
Syllabus. This is something your professor will give you in class. This is the backbone of your course. Your instructor’s expectations for you will be located in this document. Read it.
Understand it. Ask questions.
Keep small umbrella or poncho in your book bag for when that rain cloud sneaks up on you. Class will go on, even on rainy days.
Consider bringing a small sweater or jacket to class.
Sometimes our classrooms are cold.
Keep a copy of your schedule handy.
Bring a mini stapler, mini hole punch, or other supplies you
may need. Professors will expect your assignments to be submitted stapled.
Keep money on your Colonel Card or cash for vending machine snacks, copy machines, purchasing food, or items at the bookstore. Check out the iPhone app in the app store for your Colonel Card.
Walk through your schedule to get familiar with where your class will be.
Use the Nicholls iPhone app to help you navigate campus and other campus tools. The app can be found in the iPhone app store.
CRN: unique course number for that particular class only
Course: course abbreviation, number, and section
Title: Title of course
Campus: location of course
Credits: number of credit hours for the course
Level: UG=undergraduate
Days: Days of the week the course meets
TR= Tuesday and Thursday
MWF= Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
M= Monday only; T= Tuesday only; W=Wednesday only; R= Thursday only; F= Friday only
MW= Monday and Wednesday
Time: Time the course meets on given days of week
Location: Building and room number
Instructor: Last name of your instructor
** press visit bookstore to find the books required for your class!!
Student Email: University assigned gmail account. Use this account when emailing faculty/staff on campus (i.e. professors, Early Start advisor).
Moodle: Online course management system that will be heavily utilized in your classes. It is imperative that you use this valuable tool.
Moodle has replaced our old Blackboard system. You may still hear students and faculty refer to Blackboard. Spring 2012 is the first semester that all courses will use Moodle only.
Banner Self-Service: Where you handle business. Banner keeps the official
record that the university has on each student. In Banner Self-Service you will find your:
Fee Bill: how much you owe the university
Unofficial Transcript: an unofficial copy of all course work attempted or in progress
Semester schedule
Official transcript request form
Faculty/staff contact information
Your personal contact information that you can update as it changes
And lots of other things…
On the Nicholls home page, you will find log-in links for: student email, Moodle, and Banner Self-Service.
Banner Self-Service:
User ID: Social Security number or Student ID number (N number)
Password: Six digit birthdate. You will be asked to change your password after your first log-in (mm/dd/yy)
Once in Banner, your third party ID will be located in the top right corner of the screen. This is the first part of your email account. Write this down. You will need it to log-in to email.
Your Nicholls ID (N number) is located next to your third party ID. It will look something like this: N00012345 Always use a capital “N” and include all zeros in this number.
Student Email:
Use email links provided on Nicholls homepage to access email.
Username: Third party ID (obtained from Banner)
Password: N number (be sure to use capital ‘N’)
Use Moodle link provided on Nicholls homepage to access Moodle.
Log-in is in the top right hand corner of Moodle home page
Username: Third party ID (obtained from Banner)
Password: N number (be sure to use capital ‘N’)
Early Start Advisor:
Lori Richard
234 Elkins
Academic Advising Center:
234 Elkins Hall
Parking Permits:
Calecas Hall
Colonel Card Office
Bollinger Memorial Student Union
448-4498 https://services.jsatech.com/index.php?cid=202
Meal Plans
Vernon Galliano Dining Hall, Sudexo
Otto Candies Hall
Records and Registration
Otto Candies Hall
Tutorial and Academic
Enhancement Center
143 Peltier Hall