Overview on Extra Solar Planets Rahul I. Patel PHY 599 – Grad Seminar Oct. 18th 2010 OUTLINE • Motivation • Current Theory • Methods of Detection: – Radial Velocity – Direct Imaging – Others • Results – Detected Exo-Planets • Modified Theory • Future • Conclusion Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 2 MOTIVATION MOTIVATION : I, Human • Copernicus and Bruno (16th Century) The Heliocentric Model •1995: “First” exoplanet around 51 Pegasi • < 10 yrs, instrument precision increased Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 4 MOTIVATION: For Science! • Advancement in observation technology possibility of detecting planets - That hold life? • Planet formation process • Solar system evolution Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 5 Old Theory PFT: Nebular Hypothesis Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 7 METHODS OF DETECTION MOD: Radial Velocity • Doppler shift of stellar spectral lines COM orbit • Detectors: HARPS, HIRES • High S/N ratio • Range: Dmax= ~160 Ly • Observations may take years due to SMA distance • Estimate planet minimum mass Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 9 Planets of the RV : HD 69830 • 3 planets around HD 69830 ( 0.86 M☉ ) • HD 69830: d = 12.6 pc, ST = K0V, V = 5.95 Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 10 Planets of the RV : Gliese 581 • Gliese 581: M3V star: Red Dwarf @ 20 Ly • RV survey over 15 years (HIRES, HARPS) 6 companions • Gliese 581g min mass: 3.1 M⊕ @ 0.146 AU, P = 36.6 days • Within habitable zone, Test ~ 228K Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 11 Planets of the RV : Gliese 581 • b,c,d,e Confirmed • f, g can’t be confirmed by separate team using HARPS data • Signal amplitude of ‘g’ very low level of measurement noise Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 12 MOD: DIRECT IMAGING • Actually SEE orbiting planets not indirect • Problem: Host Star • Need >MJ , Large SMA distance, and Extremely hot for IR radiation - HIGH CONTRAST • Problem: – Diffracted Light: optical diffraction, imperfect optics, residual wave front error • New Methods: Coronagraphs Adaptive Optics Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 13 DIRECT IMAGING: Coronagraphs • Device to block light to resolve nearby objects • 1930 Bernard Lyot Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 14 DIRECT IMAGING: Adaptive Optics The binary star IW Tau is revealed through adaptive optics. The stars have a 0.3” separation. The images were taken by Chas Beichman and Angelle Tanner of JPL. Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 15 Planets of Direct Imaging Fomalhaut b • 2.1 M☉, 1-3E7 yr, 8,751K, A3V • 11/13/08 1st directly imaged planet in V band (HST) • 0.054 - 3.0 MJ • 115 AU, T = 872 yrs • e = 0.11 HR 8799 b,c,d • HR 8799a: 1.5 M☉, ~60Myr, 39 pc, F0V • Debris disk : 3 planets Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 16 Other Methods… • Transit • Astrometry Transit • Microlensing Astrometry • Pulsar Timing Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 17 Best Case… • Combine multiple methods for meaningful analysis: - RV : Mass - Transit: Radius Density, Transit Spectroscopy - Direct Imaging Photometry Temperature Atmospheric composition Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 18 RESULTS RESULTS Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 20 RESULTS Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 21 RESULTS Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 22 Alternate Planet Formation Theories PFT: Exo-Planets Shake Things Up • Giant exo-planet (MJ) detected with T :[1.2 days, ~10 yrs] - MJ planets w/in Frost Line • Comet like eccentricities of some planets • Some planets as massive as 15 MJ Heresy to call them planets? Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 24 PFT: Alternate Models I • Core Accretion Model: – Solid core from accreting planetismals – Becomes massive enough to bind gas into envelope – After critical value, envelope starts to contract, increasing gas accretion rate, raising radiative energy loss rapid buildup of massive envelope – Need critical core mass before protoplanetary disk disappears ~1-10 Myr Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 25 PFT: Alternate Models II • Direct Collapse Model - Giant planets form from gravitational fragmentation, collapse of disk in timed intervals • Migration - time scales short should fall into host star - Since Jupiter mass planets observed, migration model incomplete - slowed down due to : tidal interactions with host star (might also cause high eccentricity) - does not explain giants at intermediate distances, or why Jupiter remains at 5 AU Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 26 Future Work FUTURE WORK: Extreme AO • Find planets in Debris Disks: High contrast ratio • Keck NGAO (10 m) • Palm 3000 at Palomar(5 m) 1st Extreme AO (2011) (JPL and Caltech) – Precision near-IR photometry and astrometry – High contrast imaging and high sensitivity faint-object visible light imaging. Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 28 FUTURE WORK: JWST • Thermal IR 5–25 µm • Warm Planets Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 29 CONCLUSION • Several methods of detection – Transit, Radial Velocity Survey, Astrometry, – Direct Imaging • Odd ball planets all over the place • No obvious pattern • Reformulation of planetary formation • Future Missions: KEPLER, JSWT, Palomar PALM 3000 Rahul I. Patel : Extrasolar Planets Monday Oct. 18th, 2010 30 References • • • • • • • • • Lovis, C. et. al. An extrasolar planetary system with three Neptune-mass planets. Nature 441, 305-309 (18 May 2006). Marcy, G. et. al. Observed Properties of Exoplanets: Masses, Orbits, and Metallicities. Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplelement 158 (2005). Mordasini, C. et. al. Extrasolar Planet Population Synthesis I. Method, formation tracks, and mass-distance distribution. A&A 501, 1139–1160 (2009) Santos, N. et. al. Extrasolar Planets: Constraints for Planet Formation Models. Science 310, 251 (2005). Udry, S. et. al. Statistical properties of exoplanets I. The period distribution: constraints for the migration scenario. A&A 407, 1 (2003) 369-376 . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_extrasolar_planets http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_detecting_extrasolar_planets#Transit_method http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/niel/astro1/slideshows/class43/slides-43.html S. Hinkley, B. Oppenheimer, High contrast observations in Optical and Infrared Astronomy. Annu Rev. Astro Astrophysics, 2009. 30