
Inter-Cluster Information Management Initiative
Main themes
• Website harmonisation (global and country
• IM toolkit and guidance (support package)
• Training and capacity building
• Progressive development – looking at new
Toolkits and Capacity Building
• Each Cluster/AoR should have IM tools to collect
necessary information for effective coordination
• Each Cluster/AoR should have trained IMO
capacity when needed
• Guidance is available, with associated training, to
enable IMOs to adopt and adapt in-country tools
and approaches
• Information can be shared
• Approaches keep pace with modern technologies
Why consider inter-cluster collaboration?
• There are common information needs across
clusters (there are also differences!)
• Formats for some tools are the same (e.g.
websites, contact registries, indicator registries,
joint assessment tools, 5Ws, CODs/FODs)
• Where common approaches are used, guidance
on best IM practice can be shared
• Where common, IM training can be developed
jointly to support the Clusters but also SBPs and
hosting agencies
• New technologies can benefit all
Overall Process
Definition of IM needs
Support Package
Capacity Development
• Agree on information needed
to support coordination
• Agree on tool structures for
gathering and storing
• Develop tool templates based
on best practice from the
field (a toolkit)
• Develop ‘how to’ technical
briefing notes for each tool
• Develop an overarching
guidance note on the IM
• Define the role of an IMO for
your Cluster (ToRs) based on a
review of IM support
• Develop a capacity building
strategy including training
materials and workshop
Types of information
Information Type
Cluster Management
Common Operational Datasets (admin boundaries, population figures…)
Fundamental Operational Data (e.g. school locations and resources, health facilities,
water points, etc.)
Baselines (e.g. Desk Reviews, MICS, Census data, World Bank)
Standard indicator registries (for needs assessments and monitoring)
Standard ToRs, SOPs, Cluster guidance
Question banks
Messaging libraries
Needs assessments
o Joint and sectoral needs assessment
o Situation monitoring
Capacity mapping and gap analysis (financial, human, material and technical)
Response monitoring (inputs, outputs and outcomes) collected using, for example,
5W templates
Country Websites for sharing information and data, advocacy and document
repositories: reports, bulletins, operational strategies, ToRs
Operational presence maps (2W-OPs – i.e. Who is Where?)
Contact directories
Meeting schedules, minutes, agendas
Document repositories: reports, bulletins, operational strategies, ToRs
Cluster Performance Monitoring (e.g. CPMT)
The IM approach (taken from WASH)
Stage 1. IM System Design - Review & Development / STEPS OF THE IM SYSTEM DESIGN PROCESS
Step A - Define key Decisions that
Cluster/Sector Needs to Make and Time
Available for Collection & Analysis
Step B - Identify
Information Needed for
Step C - Define Types of
Analyses Required to
Generate the
Step D - Assess
IM Environment
Step E - Design 'Good Enough' Tools
Using the Support Package
Step F - Agree on Resources,
Processes, and Responsibilities
for IM
Step G - Plan Progressive
Development of the IM System
(IM Strategy)
Stage 2. Data Collection, Cleaning and Storage / IM TOOLS
Needs Assessment Tool
Capacity Mapping Tool
3W / 4W
Field Monitoring Tool
On-going Situation Monitoring Tool
Stage 3. Analysis of Data & Dissemination of Information / TYPES OF ANALYSES & INFORMATION GENERATED
Needs Analysis
Capacities Analysis
Activities Analysis
Information on: current needs, trends & possible
Information on: available, expected & needed capacities
(including resources)
Information on: progress & trends in implementing activities
Gap Analysis: Gaps in meeting population needs
Gap Analysis: Gaps in capacities (available vs. needed)
implementation according to plans/priorities
Outputs & Outcomes Analysis
Gap Analysis: Gaps & duplications in coverage & Gaps in
Information on progress & trends in outputs & outcomes
Gap Analysis: Gaps in achieving planned results
Stage 4. Evidence-Based Decision-Making & Reporting / IM RESULTS
Evidence for planning & strategies development
E.g. Flash Appeal, CAP, CERF, ERF/CHF and Contingency Plan.
Evidence for coordination and corrective actions
Timely decisions on redirecting resources, adjusting implementation strategies & establishing ad-hoc
coordination mechanisms.
Evidence for reporting
Evidence for
Reporting to donor, beneficiaries partners,
Humanitarian Country Team and other
stakeholders for accountability.
and tools
Information requirements
‘Response’ information
System Performance
• Status and vulnerability
• Current needs
• Trends and scenarios
• Current resource and
service availability
• Anticipated resource and
service availability
• Required resource and
service availability
• Progress in planned
• Gaps and duplications in
planned activities
• Needs assessments (IRA,
CPRA, etc
• Case tracking (CPIMS,
Capacity mapping of:
• Services
• Partners/staff
• Supplies
• Finance
• 5Ws (Who is doing what,
where, when and for
• Field Monitoring
Standards – Targets – Benchmarks - Thresholds
Monitoring the progress of sectoral response plans
Monitoring progress toward the Strategic Response Plan of the HCT
Identification of priorities and gaps in the humanitarian response
Adjusting response strategies and taking corrective action
Where is Nutrition in the overall process?
Definition of IM needs
Support Package
Capacity Development
• Agree on information needed
to support coordination
• Agree on tool structures for
gathering and storing
• Develop tool templates based
on best practice from the
field (a toolkit)
• Develop ‘how to’ technical
briefing notes for each tool
• Develop an overarching
guidance note on the IM
• Define the role of an IMO for
your Cluster (ToRs) based on a
review of IM support
• Develop a capacity building
strategy including training
materials and workshop
Proposed steps
• Gather examples of all necessary tools
• Develop guidance and briefing notes
• Collate all tools and guidance in one place (e.g. GNC
website; memory stick)
• Review platform technologies for managing information
(Excel, access, internet platforms)
• Collaborate on developing training – maintaining a focus on
Nutrition-specific needs as well as common, inter-cluster
opportunities (distance and face-to-face)
• Consider specialist training (e.g. needs assessments,
response planning and monitoring, reporting)
• To agree and establish a timeline with the Nutrition IM Task
Force in-line with the GNC workplan
Types of information
Information Type
Cluster Management
Common Operational Datasets (admin boundaries, population figures…)
Fundamental Operational Data (e.g. school locations and resources, health facilities,
water points, etc.)
Baselines (e.g. Desk Reviews, MICS, Census data, World Bank)
Standard indicator registries (for needs assessments and monitoring)
Standard ToRs, SOPs, Cluster guidance
Question banks
Messaging libraries
Needs assessments
o Joint and sectoral needs assessment
o Situation monitoring
Capacity mapping and gap analysis (financial, human, material and technical)
Response monitoring (inputs, outputs and outcomes) collected using, for example,
5W templates
Country Websites for sharing information and data, advocacy and document
repositories: reports, bulletins, operational strategies, ToRs
Operational presence maps (2W-OPs – i.e. Who is Where?)
Contact directories
Meeting schedules, minutes, agendas
Document repositories: reports, bulletins, operational strategies, ToRs
Cluster Performance Monitoring (e.g. CPMT)