The Old Testament

The Old Testament
The Bible
The Old Testament is a
Christian term for a collection of
religious writings of ancient Israel that
form the major and first section of
Christian Bibles, in contrast to the
Christian New Testament which deals
explicitly with the 1st century
 The Bible of Judaism is the
same as The Old Testament of
Christianity and so totals 39
books and falls into three parts,
namely Pentateuch(《摩西五
书》 ), Prophets(《先知书 》),
and Hagiographa (《圣录》)
and Apocrypha(伪经).
5 books
Prophets: 21
Genesis: God’s creation of the
world and traces the history of
the Hebrews from Abraham to
Joseph. 《创世纪》
Exodus: tells of the departure
of the Israelites out of slavery
in Egypt led by Moses; God
gave them the Ten
Commandments and the rest
of Mosaic law on Mount Sinai
during the Exodus in the 13th
or 14th centuries BC. 《出埃及
Leviticus: carefully composed book of laws
and proprieties.《利未记 》
Numbers: relates the exodus from Mt
Sinai as far as Moab (a kingdom to the
east of the Dead Sea).《民数记 》
Deuteronomy: the final teachings of
Moses, and was doubtless inspired by the
8th century BC prophetic movement in
Israel, which was usually identified with
the book that inspired Josiah’s reform in
621 BC.《申命记 》
GenesisMichelangelo Buonarroti
1475–1564, The Creation of Adam
(Genesis 1:27)
 The first five books - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, book
of Numbers and Deuteronomy - make up the Torah, the
story of Israel from the Genesis creation narrative to
the death of Moses. Few scholars today doubt that it
reached its present form in the Persian period (538-332
BC), and that its authors were the elite of exilic
returnees who controlled the Temple at that time.
Moses and the Ten
Water from the rock
The content
next page
The Former Prophets: six books continue to
tell the Jewish story from the conquest of Canaan
to their captivity in Babylon.
Josue 约书亚: a book in the Old Testament
describing how Joshua led the Israelites into
Canaan (the Promised Land) after the death of
Judges 士师记:a book of the Old Testament
that tells the history of Israel under the leaders
known as judges
Samuel 塞缪尔:(Old Testament) Hebrew
prophet and judge who anointed Saul as king
The Kings
1. David’s death; Solomon’s
2. Elias
Latter Prophets: consists of the three Major
Prophets and the 12 Minor Prophets.
Amos 阿摩司书:an Old Testament book telling
Amos's prophecies
Hosea何西阿书 :an Old Testament book telling
Hosea's prophecies
Isaias 以赛亚书
Jeremiah耶利米书 :(Old Testament) an Israelite
prophet who is remembered for his angry
lamentations (jeremiads) about the wickedness of
his people (circa 626-587 BC)
Ezekiel:an Old Testament book containing
Ezekiel's prophecies of the downfall of Jerusalem
and Judah and their subsequent restoration
The books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings follow,
forming a history of Israel from the Conquest of Canaan
to the Siege of Jerusalem c.587 BC: there is a broad
consensus among scholars that these originated as a
single work (the so-called "Deuteronomistic history")
during the Babylonian exile of the 6th century BC
Hagiographa and
Provides the story of the Jew of that name
whose job as the so-called cupbearer was to
pour wine for the Persian king Artaxerxes. It
describes how he went to Jerusalem to rebuild
the city wall, indicating his difficulties and
achievements and his cooperation with
Esadras after his appointment as governor of
 Ruth:a book of the Old
Testament that tells the story of
Ruth who was not an Israelite
but who married an Israelite and
who stayed with her mother-inlaw Naomi after her husband
Jonah 约拿书: is a fable:Old
Testament) Jonah did not wish
to become a prophet so God
caused a great storm to throw
him overboard from a ship; he
was saved by being swallowed
by a whale that vomited him out
onto dry land
 Job 约伯书 : is a philosophical play by an unknown writer:
book in the Old Testament containing Job's pleas to God about
his afflictions and God's reply
 Apocrypha:14 books of the Old Testament included in the
Vulgate (except for II Esdras) but omitted in Jewish and
Protestant versions of the Bible; eastern Christian churches
(except the Coptic church) accept all these books as canonical;
the Russian Orthodox church accepts these texts as divinely
inspired but does not grant them the same status
 Maccabees 马卡比书
 Tobias 托拜厄斯书
 Solomon’s Wisdom
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Time line
The two Books of Chronicles cover much
the same material as the Pentateuch and
Deuteronomistic history and probably date
from the 4th century BC. Chronicles links
with the books of Ezra and Nehemiah,
which were probably finished during the
3rd century BC.Catholic and Orthodox Old
Testaments contain two (Catholic Old
Testament) to four (Orthodox) Books of
Maccabees, written in the 2nd and 1st
centuries BC.
Themes of The Old
 God is consistently depicted as the one who created the
world and guides its history. He is not, however, consistently
presented as the only god who exists. Nevertheless, he is
always depicted as the only God whom Israel is to worship,
and both Jews and Christians have always interpreted the
bible as an affirmation of the oneness of God.
 The Old Testament stresses the special relationship between
God and his chosen people, Israel, but includes instructions for
proselytes as well. This relationship is expressed in the biblical
covenant (contract) between the two, received by Moses.
The law codes in books such as Exodus and especially
Deuteronomy are the terms of the contract: Israel swears
faithfulness to Yahweh, and God swears to be Israel's special
protector and supporter. 《圣经•旧约》
The End