PPT 601 - Causes of WWI

Unit #6 – Early 20th Century
(The World Wars)
Lesson #601
Causes of WWI
Essential Questions
1. What was Bismarck’s influence on Europe?
2. What caused the shift (in German attitude)
from peace to push?
The New Germany
• Remember Bismarck as the War
monger of the wars of unification
• That all ended the day Kaiser William I was
• His new goal: avoid all war
• And, diffuse conflict with whatever
Machiavelli means necessary or needed
• Why would he do that?
Example: Berlin Conference of 1878
Example: Berlin Conference of 1878
• Was called by Bismarck to negotiate a peace in Europe following
Russo-Turkish War of 1876-1878
• Russia and Serbia attacked Ottomans to take land
– Russia took the Dardanelles
– Serbia took Bosnia
• Europeans saw this as an upset to Balance of Power –
Bismarck called their leaders together
• Britain got Cyprus, France got Tunisia
• Austro-Hungary got Bosnia
• What did Russia and Serbia get?
• What will this mean for their relationship with Germany?
• Russians confused… Russia has saved Prussia from
Napoleon in 1807
Berlin Conference of 1884
of 1884
Berlin Conference of 1884
Prevent wars while claiming Africa
Bismarck took leadership
Was being seen as the creator of peace
But, in both cases, what did Germany take?
Why is that?
Bismarck’s alliances
The Three Emperor’s League (1873)
The Dual Alliance (1879)
Triple Alliance (1882)
Reinsurance Treaty (1887)
• Look at your notes – second part
• Use that to answer some questions…
Three Emperor’s League
Who was in it?
What seems to be the purpose of it?
What splintered it?
Should Bismarck worry?
Why might Bismarck just relax on Russia… and wait
for them to return?
• Why is he pretty sure this “playing hard to get” will
work, and Russia will return?
• Why will this be even BETTER for Germany?
Dual Alliance
• Who was in it? Why?
• Why would Russia find nothing in
common with France and Britain?
• Bismarck’s “schtick” was to create
alliances that would last only five years.
• Why was this alliance vital?
• Why would he never really worry about
• Where was France in all this?
Three Emperor’s League, renewal
What was Russia doing 1878-1881?
What happened in 1878?
What did Russia soon learn?
What did Bismarck expect from Russia if they
allowed her “back in”?
• What must they allow with Austria?
Who was in it?
Why would Italy join such an alliance?
Why would Bismarck welcome this alliance?
Who was the weak link? Why?
Reinsurance Treaty
• Who was in it?
• What had happened to the
Three Emperor’s League?
• Why would this be necessary
for Germany?
• What had Bismarck’s treaties assured would
NOT happen?
• What did they prove about Germany?
Next Stage: Germany shifts
• Germany went from a peace making state,
to one which created tension
• This was NOT Bismarck’s Germany – he was
fired before he’d let THAT happen
• Bismarck had been used to running Europe
by playing on the fears of contenders
• What am I talking about?
• Europe had become a German run
• And, they were not all that upset by it
Next Stage: Germany shifts
• But it 1890, old man Bismarck was fired by the
new, younger, more ostentatious Kaiser
• William I died in 1888, passing power to
grandson, who was eager to show German
• Ambitious, arrogant, bombastic
• Filled with sense of German greatness
• Wanted what others had
– Like a Navy and empire like England’s
– Bismarck saw such nonsense as senseless
Next Stage: Germany shifts
• Bismarck stood in the way of Willy’s vision
• William then set Germany on a course for
greatness – to find her place in the sun!
• He fortified the alliance with Austria by casting
off Russia – no need for that behemoth
What’s next?
What is the obvious result of this?
Give some details…
What does France want?
Why does Britain feel the need to build?
What is about to happen in Russia?
How do Serbia and Austria fit in?