SWG Modern housing ROMANIAN INNOVATIVE CLUSTERS Venice ,February 16, 2011 Romanian Industrial Policy -Industrial Policy document and the related Action Plan(2010-2013) with a specific chapter on cluster policies -Program for increasing the competitiveness of the industrial products cofinanced by state budget (activities dedicated to clusters) -Export National Strategy 2010-2014 and Program on R&D&I for industry -Regional Development Strategies focused on clusters and networking -INOVCLUSTER Project (2008-2010) managed by the Ministry of Economy -Collaboration with GTZ from Germany for the “Romanian Cluster Mapping” -CLUSTINOVA project and trans-borders cooperation projects -Exchange of best practices with Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Turkey, Sweden, France, Germany, Slovenia, Italy (IPI-Institute for Industrial Promotion),Serbia, Macedonia etc In Romania there are 19 innovative clusters (bottom-up) in various industrial sectors and till the end of 2011 other 7 clusters will be set up in aviation, renewable energies, maritime, constructions, automotive, furniture and textiles. MINISTERUL ECONOMIEI, COMERŢULUI ŞI MEDIULUI DE AFACERI 1 Agro-Food Regional Cluster Agro-food 310017 Arad 5, Closca Simona Haprian T:+40 730188293 E-mail: expo15@ccia-arad.ro 2 ELECTROPRECIZIA Electrotechnical Cluster ETREC Automotive Mecatronics Electro-technical 505600 SaceleBrasov 18, Parcului Ion Marculescu T; +40 726389368 E-mail: atpe@electroprecizia.ro 3. ASTRICO Textiles Cluster Textiles 617410 Savinesti 2, Uzinei Serban Stratila T:+40 726300481 E-mail:office@astricone.eu 4 Transilvania Furniture Cluster Furniture 540314 Tg.Mures 2, Caprioarei APMR The Romanian furniture manufacturers association Tel:+40 21-3155142 Fax: +40-21-3155168 E-mail: apmr@apmob.ro 5 Agro-Food Cluster Bucharest Agro-food 013813 Bucharest 6, Ion Ionescu de la Brad Zaharescu Dorin T: +40 744823288 E-mail: pactmar.executiv@gmail.com 6 Tourism Regional Cluster Tourism 5800 Suceava 15-17 Universitatii Carmen Chasovschi T: +40 722702010 E-mail: carmen@chasovschi.ro ŞI MEDIULUI DE AFACERI 7 BIOMASS Cluster Wood industry 520064 SfantuGheorghe 4, Presei Vajda Lajos T: +40 551090944 E-mail: vajda@asimcov.ro 8 AUTOMOTIVEST Regional cluster Automotive 300054 Timisoara 5,Proclamatia de la Timisoara Raluca Cibu Buzac T: +40 746156513 E-mail: raluca.cibu@adrvest.ro 9 ICT Regional Cluster ICT 300054 Timisoara 9, Republicii Boulevard Codruta Nicolescu T: +40 741163700 E-mail: codruta.n@aries-tm.ro 10 Dacia Renault Cluster Automotive 110194 Pitesti Bl D5 Banu Maracine Adrian Sandu T: +40 726307979 E-mail: acarom@acarom.ro 11 PRO WOOD Regional Wood Cluster Forestry and Wood industry 520064 SfantuGheorghe 4, Presei Puskas Melinda T:+40 729500105 T:+40 267352425 E-mail: contact@kofa.ro 12 Green energy cluster Renewable energies 520064 SfantuGheorghe 4, Presei Vajda Lajos T: +40 551090944 E-mail: vajda@asimcov.ro 13 TURINN Cluster Sustainable and innovative tourism 220037 Drobeta Turnu Severin 1, Calugareni Prof.univ.dr.Mirela Mazilu T: +40 252329191 E-mail:mirelamazilu2004@yahoo.com MINISTERUL ECONOMIEI, COMERŢULUI ŞI MEDIULUI DE AFACERI 14 Automotive Cluster Automotive 700050 Iasi 67, B-dul Prof.D.Mangeron Ion Giurma-rector T:+40 232 212322 Fax +40 232 211667 E-mail:rectorat@staff.tuiasi.ro 15 Agro-food Cluster Agro-food 700075 Iasi 69, Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Teodora Cristina Jinga T:+40 232264680 E-mail:teodora.jinga@icc.ro 16 ICT –Regional Competitiveness Pole Oltenia Cluster ICT 200130 Craiova 12, Stefan cel Mare Gabriel Vladut T:+40 722715604 E-mail:office@ipacv.ro 17 Tourism South East Tourism 90001 Mamaia Telegondola Corp D Corina Martin T:+40 241831321 E-mail:office@asociatia-litoral.ro 18 Geothermal Energy Cluster Geothermal energy 400111 Cluj Napoca 2, Sextil Puscariu Marius Cristea T: +40-0264-431550 E-mail:marius.cristea@nord-vest.ro 19 Cluster Traditions Manufacture Future TMV Sud Est Textiles 620133 Focsani Bdul Bucuresti nr.12 Lidia Herescu Tel: +40 731130527 Email: lidia.herescu@romconf.ro Modern housing sector Romania intends to involve in the modern housing the following economic activities/clusters: Woodworking and furniture production Ecologic building materials (green house) and constructions Modern technologies for renewable energies Household appliances Cultural and historical restoration (tourism) - Some expectations of our clusters to be provided within partnership events: Development of joint initiatives on the global market A regional sectoral cluster network integrating companies, R&D entities and local administration Business opportunities and exchange of best practices Jointly development of practical tools and solutions related to cluster strategy Jointly access to EU innovation programs Links between ADC project and Danube Strategy project Definition of “cluster manager” profile and development of transnational cluster strategy etc Modern housing sector Transilvania Furniture Cluster -The regional cluster activity is focused on the Romanian districts Targu Mures, Harghita, Brasov, Bistrita Nasaud and Covasna within the historical region of Transylvania Members: -APMR-Romanian furniture Manufacturers Association -ASFOR Romanian Foresters Association - University of Brasov-Faculty of Woodworking -INL National Wood Institute (Brasov branch) -PRO-WOOD -Chamber of Commerce Targu Mures The cluster is open to all companies and organisations working within the value chain of furniture production Transilvania Furniture Cluster-Contact Romanian Furniture Manufacturers Association APMR Mrs Aurica Sereny-President 7, Academiei Street 010011 Bucharest Sector 1 Romania Tel +40-21-3155142; +40-21-3155147 Fax +40-21-3155168; +40-21-3155150 E-mail: apmr@apmob.ro Thank you for your attention! Christina Leucuta Tel. 0040-21-2025199 Fax 0040-21-2025192 Mobile: 0040724208980 E-mail: christiana_leucuta@minind.ro E-mail: christinaleu@yahoo.com