
Chapter 8
The Early Republic:
Conflicts at Home and
Abroad, 1789–1800
Ch. 8: The Early Republic,
 Expecting consensus with in new government,
Americans shocked when debates widen
 Disagree on
 domestic (esp. economic) policy
 foreign policy
Factions (not yet parties) develop
All see factions as negative
Key era of defining Constitution
How much central authority does Republic need
to survive
Fig. 8-CO, p. 192
p. 194
I. Building a Workable
 Almost all US Government members =
 Madison (House) again key
 Revenue Act (1789): tariff on some imports
 Bill of Rights (1791) reduce opposition
 Organize executive branch with War, State,
Treasury, etc.
 Allow president to dismiss appointees
 Judiciary Act (1789) allow appeal of some state
cases to new federal courts
II. Debate over Slavery
 Quaker petitions force US Government to
 Southerners adamantly defend slavery
 A few northerners (Franklin) contest South
 Majority decide to avoid issue
 Accept report that slave imports and
emancipation remains with “States alone.”
III. Domestic Policy Under
Washington and Hamilton
 Presidency created with Washington in mind
 Aware of precedents, Washington cautious:
 form cabinet
 wary of veto
Tour nation in elaborate, nationalistic rituals
Treasury Secretary Hamilton brilliant, ambitious
Assume people driven by self-interest
Not tied to any state
Seek to consolidate power at national level
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p. 198
IV. National and State Debts
 Hamilton push assumption of both
 create sound credit
 tie wealthy to new US Government
 Opposed by states that paid their debt
 Madison reject help to speculators
 Compromise:
 Hamilton’s plan accepted (1790)
 US capital located on Potomac
V. First Bank of the United
States (1791)
 Hamilton push charter of private/public
bank to solve exchange shortage
 Use bank notes as nation’s currency
 Madison and Jefferson: no authorization
in Constitution = strict construction
 Hamilton counter with broad construction
 If end (goal) constitutional and means not
banned, then can do it
 Washington agree
p. 199
p. 200
VI. Report on Manufactures
(1791) by Hamilton
 Assumption of state debts and national
bank contribute to economic stability and
 Propose protective tariffs
 cut dependence on European imports
 foster domestic manufacturing
 Opponents argue
 small farmers = mainstay of republic
 US future agrarian, not industrial
 Defeat Hamilton’s tariffs
VII. Whiskey Rebellion (1791–
 To fund state debt assumption, Hamilton
get Congress (1791) to tax whiskey
 Affect farmers on frontier
 Protest; some violent (1794)
 Washington send in militia
 Fear another Shay’s Rebellion
 Not allow extralegal acts of 1760s-1770s
 Protest should come via political system
VIII. Development of Partisan
Politics (1792-94)
 Hamilton’s opponents begin to coalesce
 Call themselves Republicans
 Fear Hamilton’s support of commerce will
create corrupt, aristocratic government
 Hamilton and allies then form Federalists
 Each accuse other of being illicit faction
out to destroy republican ideals and USA
 Partisan newspapers key
p. 201
IX. French Revolution
 Foreign policy divisions magnify tension
 Americans initially praise 1789 Revolution
 As executions mount, some (Federalists)
fear disorder
 Republicans more sympathetic
 Dilemma with France and England war
 allied with France
 depend on trade with England
p. 202
IX. French Revolution (cont.)
 Genet raise possibility of US intervention
 Washington decide on neutrality
 Democratic societies form (1793)
grassroots sympathy for France
support Jefferson and Madison
oppose Federalists
see parallels with 1760s resistance
1st organized political dissenters
 Washington horrified by organized dissent
X. Partisan Politics and Relations
with Great Britain
 USA want England to
respect neutral rights
evacuate frontier posts
compensate for slaves freed
sign commercial treaty
 Jay has little to offer
 1795 treaty
 evacuate forts
 some trade protection
 Many Americans, esp. in South, upset
 Federalists assert treaty averts war
XI. Partisan Divisions in
 In debate with House, Washington
establish executive privilege (withhold
 By 1794, congressional votes display
emerging partisanship (voting as a group)
 Republicans strong in southern/middle
states; with non-English and small
 Federalists support = New Englanders,
Anglo-Americans, and merchants
XI. Partisan Divisions in
Congress (cont.)
 Republicans optimistic on future and want
expansion west
 Federalists stress order and stability
 Federalists more pro-English for
 Republicans lean more to France
 Washington’s Farewell:
 principle of unilateralism in foreign policy
 attack legitimacy of Republicans
XII. Election of 1796
1st contested presidential election
Adams and Pinckney (Federalists) vs.
Jefferson and Burr (Republicans)
Adams win (electoral college)
Jefferson become VP
Constitution not expect party slates
p. 207
p. 207
XIII. Quasi-War with France
 In response to Jay Treaty, France seize
US ships on way to England
 XYZ Affair (1798) increase anger at
 Undeclared war start in Caribbean
 USA dominate by 1799
 Federalists
 label Republicans traitors because oppose
 see chance to destroy opponents
p. 206
XIV. Alien and Sedition Acts
 because immigrants favor Republicans,
lengthen residency for citizenship
 Allow detention and deportation
 To suppress dissent, Sedition Act ban most
criticism of government or president
 10 Republicans convicted
 1 a House member
 most newspaper editors
 Press very partisan by 1798
 Attacks on Mr. and Mrs. Logan
XV. Virginia and Kentucky
Resolutions (1798)
Jefferson and Madison protest via states
Claim states can void an act of Congress
Raise constitutional questions
More immediate result = label Federalists
as tyrants
 Convention of 1800 end conflict with
 Create divisions with in Federalists
XVI. War in the Northwest
Miami Confederacy resist
Score early victories (1790–91)
Defeated at Fallen Timbers (1794)
Treaty of Greenville (1795)
 give USA right to settle most of Ohio
 1st formal recognition of Indian sovereignty
over land not ceded by treaty
 Southwest Ordinance/ Pinckney’s Treaty
with Spain (1790, 1795) organize Old
p. 209
p. 209
XVII. “Civilizing” the Indians
 By 1800, Indians east of Mississippi very
influenced by USA
 Trade and Intercourse Act (1793) try to
convert Indians to Anglo-American culture
 Ignore
 differences in property concepts
 sexual division of agrarian labor
 Some Iroquois adopt new farming ideas in
hope of preserving group identity
p. 210
XVIII. Fries’s Rebellion (17981799)
 Tax resistance by farmers/vets in PA
 See taxes to fund Quasi-War with France
as parallel to 1765 Stamp Act
 Non-violent protest
 Claim right to resist unconstitutional laws
 US Government see it as “treason”
 Fries sentenced to death
 Adams pardon him just before execution
 Participants join Republicans
XIX. Gabriel’s Rebellion in VA
 Influenced by Revolution’s ideas/group
 Enlist skilled slaves and rural slaves
 Plan attack on Richmond
 Undone when some slaves inform
 After Gabriel’s execution,
 slavery laws more severe
 less talk of emancipation
= slavery more entrenched in South
p. 211
XX. Election of 1800
 Hotly contested election decided in House
 Jefferson and Burr tie in electoral votes
 Jefferson win after 1 Federalist shift vote
to avoid “civil war”
 One result = 12th Amendment
 Republicans win majorities in Congress
 Before leaving, Adams appoint many
Federalists (including Marshall) to
 Hope to block Jefferson and Republicans
p. 212
Summary: Discuss Links to the
World and Legacy
Link of Haitian Revolution (1793-1804)?
Why European-Americans uncomfortable?
1st refugee crisis
Many free people of color
Link with Gabriel’s Rebellion
Legacy of suppression of dissent from QuasiWar with France?
 How repeated in Civil War, WWI, WWII, Vietnam,
current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?
 Why wartime dissent contentious?