Time Management HR, JE, 10/28/13 Procrastination Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week -Spanish Proverb Eat That Frog! If you want everything else in your day to be easy, do the hardest thing first. Prioritizing Prioritizing National Average Prioritizing Steven Covey’s prioritization Time Matrix from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People helps us categorize our priorities and focus on important tasks rather than urgent tasks. This often means scheduling or setting time aside to invest in important tasks that could cut down on the urgent tasks in the future. Steven Covey’s 7 Habits Time Matrix I II NECESSITY EFFECTIVENESS III IV DECEPTION WASTE AND EXCESS Steven Covey’s 7 Habits Time Matrix • Crises • Pressing problems • Deadline-driven projects, meetings, reports • Preparation • Prevention • Planning • Relationship building • Recreation • Values clarification Live North of the Line • Needless interruptions • Unnecessary reports • Unimportant meetings, phone calls, mail, e-mail • Other people’s minor issues • Trivia, busywork • Irrelevant phone calls, mail, e-mail • Time-wasters • “Escape” activities • Excessive TV, Internet, relaxation Prioritizing National Average Email Inundation Getting overwhelmed by emails? Color code them based on the 4 time-matrix categories! I II NECESSITY EFFECTIVENESS III IV DECEPTION WASTE AND EXCESS Email Inundation Alternatively, develop a color coding meaningful to you. Here’s what Josh’s productivity depends on: Things to do now, ready for work (green) Things I need to hear back on soon (orange) Things I don’t need to hear back on anytime soon (yellow) Things I eventually need to read or review (blue) Things I need to call or meet with someone about (purple) Process or Policy changes to keep in mind (red) Franklin Covey’s Discipline 1 Model OLD THINKING: We can effectively accomplish 6, 8, or even 10 important goals at once. NEW THINKING: We can accomplish only 1, 2, or 3 important goals with excellence. Laser focus on your top priorities. 1. Define your Wildly Important Goals. 2. Define the lag measures for your WIGs. Franklin Covey’s Focus Inhibitors Which statements best describe why you lose focus? a) I’m pulled away from important work to do less important things. b) There are too many goals. c) The goals are unclear. d) The goals change too often. e) I don’t know which goals are most important. f) I don’t have any goals. Steven Covey’s Circle of Influence Prioritizing Our work at VPH involves many coinciding roles, competing tasks, and conflicting priorities. It’s important that each team have a clear and wellplanned priority structure. The ePerformance system assists you in supervisors and subordinates with prioritizing responsibilities. Planning How do you Eat an Elephant? Planning If you were planting a garden, would you pick a place for the trees or the shrubs first? If you were moving into an apartment, Would you pick places for the big furniture or the side tables first? Planning Once your priorities are set, you need to use those priorities to schedule your time and react to new tasks as they come along. Urgent, everyday tasks can consume all of your time if you do not schedule time for your most important tasks before the week begins and stick with that scheduling. Big Rocks In Steven Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, he stresses that regular weekly planning and specific scheduling of the most important tasks (“big rocks”) is the key to effective time management. Steven Covey’s Traditional Scheduling Model M T W Th F Sa Su Steven Covey’s Big Rocks Scheduling Model M T W Th F Sa Su Weekly Planning Consider what your different roles are (including clinician, mentor, leader, representative, etc.), what your most important responsibilities are in each role, and what you can do in the next week or next day to get you closer to your goal. 1. Review your roles and goals. 2. Choose your most important tasks, Big Rocks. 3. Put them in your weekly calendar. Steven Covey’s Weekly Compass Model Spouse Family: Grandma/ Mom/Daughter/Sister Daughter’s Birthday Clinical Supervisor Staff Supervision Meetings Friend Big Rocks Roles Date Daily Planning 1. Check tomorrow’s appointments. 2. Make a realistic to-do list. 3. Prioritize. 4. Schedule a time for your most important tasks, Big Rocks. Online Goal Tracking Tools 1. Goals On Track (www.goalsontrack.com): A dashboard lets you know at a glance where you are with your SMART goals (with graphics such as a green arrow pointing up) and what needs to be done today. Create an online inspiration board to help you visualize, for example, a “travel around the world” goal. 2. Week Plan (www.weekplan.net): Inspired by 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the free weekly planner keeps track of your achievements and goals. You can see it from a laptop, smartphone or tablet. Or you can print your whole week’s worth of plans and carry them with you. 3. Stickk (www.stickk.com): Need serious motivation to stick to a personal goal? Stickk allows you to set up a “commitment contract” that binds you to the goal. You can lay money on the line and designate a referee to confirm that you have successfully reached your goal. 4. SuperViva (www.superviva.com): Create goals to share with this “life” tracking site or keep them private. You can also establish weekly reminders to check in with your goals, group your goals, assign specific goals within different lists, and set completion goals and priorities. 5. Goalmigo (www.goalmigo.com): Let your online community help you meet your goal. You enter a completion date, set up reminders, and assign a tracking log. You assign tags and see reminders of how long you have to reach your goal. From Business Management Daily Do you have any Questions? Joshua Elzy 678-209-2366 Josh.elzy@vphealth.org