Authentic Quoting In your General Notes section of your binder, please write the following sentences and then correct them. Each sentence appears in a classmate’s Fahrenheit 451 Extended Ending. 1. “Should I even go back?” he thought, “It was part of my past, and the future looks bright.” 2. “ Let me go! You’ll never take me alive! ” she screamed. 3. “She has as many daughters as I have.” He said. 4. “I finally met the general,” Mildred admitted. “He warned me, “Stay out of the city.” I don’t think I like that man.” Learning from Authentic Writing In your General Notes section of your English I binder, please write the following sentences and then correct them. Each sentence was written by one of your classmates. (Hint: One of the sentences is correct.) 1. Some people can waste weeks of their life playing video games. 2. An acquaintance is when a person knows someone and they are nice to them. 3. It is similar to an old cliché: Give an average student an inch and he will take a mile. 4. The government sometimes oversteps their boundaries in Fahrenheit 451. Learning from Authentic Writing Write the following sentences in your General Notes section of your binder, or consider adding a fifth section to your binder as a place to keep this information. If there is something wrong with any of the sentences below, please make corrections. 1. She was angrier about the ripped pants then about my injury. 2. The path we took to destroy it took us longer then it should have. 3. “If that’s the way you feel about it, than I am going to get mad!” I shouted. 4. First he went to the store. Then he walked to the field. Learning from Authentic Writing Record the following sentences and correct any mistakes you might encounter. We will then discuss the sentences as a class. 1. The jewelry looked very, very expensive. 2. Overall, they made very much money for a very good cause. 3. Mr. Oakley said, “When editing these sentences, you should be very careful.” 4. No doubt about it, the elephant was big. Record the following sentences. Then, correct any mistakes you might see. We will discuss the sentences when you’re done. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I think their dog is ugly and disobedient. Where did your parents park their car? They’re the best baseball players I’ve ever seen! If they’re watered correctly, the plants will grow. From there, we drove to the Burger King. Do you want to sit here or there? There is something strange going on in the backyard. Parallel Series Record the following sentences in your English I binder. Only one sentence is correct. Try to identify the correct sentence and fix the incorrect sentences. 1. Three million people had to leave Disney World, NASA’s operations at Cape Canaveral, and evacuate their homes. 2. He talks rapidly, shuffles his feet, and is nervous. 3. His job is to tend the pigs, make sure they are wellfed, and content. 4. I've been through three pairs of socks, two shirts, five pairs of pants and four pairs of underwear in one day. Record the following sentences in your binder and correct any mistakes that you encounter. 1. At that time, The Lion King was my favorite Disney movie. 2. The film version of Fahrenheit 451 is much different from Ray Bradbury’s novel. 3. Some people find Fahrenheit 451 to be a depressing book. 4. My favorite section of Fahrenheit 451 was titled “The Hearth and the Salamander.” Record the following sentences in your binder. Then, correct any mistakes you might spot. We will discuss the sentences when you’re done. 1. 2. 3. 4. I think you’re dog is ugly and disobedient. Where did your parents park their car? You’re the best baseball player I’ve ever seen! In his infinite wisdom, Mr. Oakley stated, “The word ‘you’re’ is a contraction that means ‘you are.’” 5. “I really love your blouse that you’re wearing!” the well-dressed student exclaimed. Misplaced Modifiers Record the following sentences in your binder. All five contain mistakes; please correct them. 1. Mrs. Edmonds found a gold man’s watch at the store. 2. For sale: Antique dresser for woman with thick legs and large drawers. 3. The waiter served a dinner roll to the man that was wellbuttered. 4. Both Gavin and Avery decided that they weren’t going to do it, which only left one person. 5. Bob saw a fence behind the house made of barbed wire. Dangling Modifiers Record the following sentences in your binder. If you spot any mistakes, please correct them. 1. Having finished his homework, the TV was turned on. 2. When 4 years old, my mother enrolled in medical school. 3. Having been fixed the night before, Mr. Oakley could drive the minivan. 4. Having been pumped up and no longer flat, quarterback Eli Manning gripped the football. 1. One of my favorite films is It’s a Wonderful Life. 2. My crazy dog prefers to chase its tail all day long. 3. An honest government must be nice to its citizens.