What is a descriptive essay?

What is a descriptive essay?
• It is a written assignment intended to describe
the subject matter to the readers so that they
get a complete understanding of the subject
based on your description. It is a creative,
personal, or simply artistic essay. Descriptive
essay aims at creating a deeply involved and
vivid experience for the reader. It is achieved
not through facts and statistics as research
paper but using detailed observations and
How to start a descriptive essay?
• First of all, identify exactly what you want to
describe. Often a descriptive essay focuses on
describing people, places/ buildings, objects,
events, memory. Describing a person essay or
any other kind of essay means to present a
collection of opinions. That is why you can try
to write and describe anything you want as
well as you can. When you start writing a
descriptive essay about a place, you should
think about your descriptive essay topic and a
place, event or a process you are going to
What is a structure …
Descriptive essay about a place or
describing a person essay which are
the most popular should be brief and
informative. The thesis statement you
are writing should be in a form of a
question the answer to which you give
in the body part of your essay.
Descriptive essay introduction should
present the general idea of the topic.
The main body describes places,
events or people as vividly as possible
so that the reader can easily form a
clear picture of the whole story.
Descriptive essay conclusion
summarizes the entire paper, points
out the main ideas of the work.
• Note:
Sometimes it is
obligatory to
add table of
paper outline
or summary.
Here are some tips …
1.Use abstract and
concrete images and
Here are some tips …
•Try to use a variety of
adverbs and
adjectives in your
paper. Do not use too
many metaphors and
Here are some tips …
•Focus on 5 senses (sight,
smell, sound, touch,
smell) to show a vivid
experience to your
Here are some tips …
•Include all details available
to ensure that your reader
gain a vivid impression of
your emotion or
perspective in a descriptive
essay on a person.
Here are some tips …
•Let each paragraph of
your essay focus on
one aspect of your
Here are some tips …
•Focus on descriptive
details of a situation,
activity or a personality
(depending on the
type of an essay).
Things to Consider as You Write
Your Descriptive Essay
Think of a place that you want to describe.
Why is this particular instance important?
Why is this place important?
Is there anything specific that stands out in
your mind?
• Where were objects located?
• How did the surroundings remind you of
other places you have been?
Things to Consider as You Write
Your Descriptive Essay
• What sights, smells, sounds, and tastes were in the
• Did the sights, smells, sounds, and tastes remind
you of anything?
• What feelings do you feel in this place?
• Has there been an instance in which you have
felt this way before?
• What do you want the reader to feel after
reading the paper?
• What types of words and images can convey this
Things to Consider as You Write
Your Descriptive Essay
•Is there enough detail in
your essay to create a
mental image for the
Follow the writing process to Write a
Descriptive Essay About Your Favorite Place
Write an essay that focuses on an inviting subject(YOUR FAVORITE PLACE IN THE
WORLD),contains a variety of supporting information (sensory details, memory details,
and so on), informs and entertains the reader.
When writing, organize in a logical way. Include an engaging beginning, strong
development, and an effective ending. The essay should form a meaningful whole,
moving smoothly from one main point to the next.
Write with an Engaging Voice. Voice is personality, shine through what you say and
how you say it! Displays a thorough knowledge of the subject, and speaks with an
appropriate ACADEMIC voice.
When choosing words, be Original. Use contains specific nouns, vivid verbs, and
colorful modifiers. Capture the subject’s ideas and feeling in dialogue.
Be stylish. Sentences should flow smoothly from one idea to the next. Use
variation in sentence structure.
Formatting and Grammar are important. Correct, Accurate Copy. Adhere to
The basic rules of writing. Follow the appropriate format for citing sources (MLA).
Name: ________________________________ Date: __________ P# _______
Focus &
1 (each box =10 pts)
The topic and main ideas are not
2(each box =12 pts)
There is one topic. Main ideas are
somewhat clear.
There is no clear
introduction, structure,
or conclusion.
The introduction states
the main topic. A
conclusion is included.
3(each box =13 pts)
4(each box =14 pts)
There is one clear, well focused topic. Main There is one clear, well focused topic.
ideas are clear but are not well supported
Main ideas are clear and are well
by detailed information.
supported by detailed and accurate
The introduction states
The introduction is inviting, states the
the main topic and
main topic, and provides an overview of
provides an overview
the paper. Information is relevant and
of the paper. A conclusion is included.
presented in a logical order. The
conclusion is strong.
The author’s purpose of writing is
somewhat clear, and there is
evidence of attention to audience.
The author’s knowledge and/or
experience with the topic is/are
The writer uses a limited vocabulary. The author uses words that
Jargon or clichés may be present
communicate clearly, but the writing
and detract from the meaning.
lacks variety.
The author’s purpose of writing is
somewhat clear, and there is some
evidence of attention to audience. The
author’s knowledge and/or experience with
the topic is/are evident.
The author’s purpose of writing is very
clear, and there is strong evidence of
attention to audience. The author’s
extensive knowledge and/or experience
with the topic is/are evident.
Mechanics, &
The author uses vivid words and phrases.
The choice and placement of words is
inaccurate at times and/or seems
Sentences sound awkward, are
Most sentences are well constructed, Most sentences are well constructed and
distractingly repetitive, or are difficult but have a similar structure and/or
have varied structure and length. The
to understand. The author makes 6
length. The author makes 4 – 5
author makes a 1 -3 errors in grammar,
or more errors in grammar,
errors in grammar, mechanics,
mechanics, and/or spelling, but they do not
mechanics, and/or spelling that
and/or spelling that interfere with
interfere with understanding.
interfere with understanding.
The author uses vivid words and
phrases. The choice and placement of
words seems accurate, natural, and not
All sentences are well constructed and
have varied structure and length. The
author makes no errors in grammar,
mechanics, and/or spelling.
6 or more mistakes in MLA
4-5 mistakes in MLA formatting
1-3 mistakes in MLA formatting
No mistakes in MLA formatting:
typed, Times New Roman, size 12 font,
double spaced, standard margins, and
title and headings and citations are
The Writing
Only 1 step in the process
Only 2 steps in the process
Only 3 steps in the process
Word Choice
On time?
The author’s purpose of writing is
E25.3 Rubric: Description of Place
At least 4 steps in the process:
Planning, legible Rough Draft, Revised
Work, Edited, and Rubric.
2 points -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LIST the Places you
Have been.
Colors and other details
3) When you are there what
do you …..
“FEEL” – with the heart
When you are there – what
you do, what you see, and
what you think ……
Compare it
To ……
….an animal
….. Inanimate object
…. A natural disaster
Why is it your favorite …
7 Bumper Sticker Saying
•What saying – truism –
would you say about
this place …..
Assessment Checklist for Descriptive Essays
Stimulating Ideas
The writing . . .
____focuses on an inviting subject.
____contains a variety of supporting information (sensory details, memory details, and so on).
____informs and entertains the reader
Logical Organization
____includes an engaging beginning, strong development, and an effective ending.
____forms a meaningful whole, moving smoothly from one main point to the next.
Engaging Voice
____displays a thorough knowledge of the subject.
____ speaks with an appropriate voice.
Original Word Choice
____contains specific nouns, vivid verbs, and colorful modifiers.
____captures the subject’s ideas and feeling in dialogue.
Effective Sentence Style
____flows smoothly from one idea to the next.
____shows variation in sentence structure.
Correct, Accurate Copy
____adheres to the basic rules of writing
____follows the appropriate format for citing sources (MLA).