ENG 101—SOC 101—COL 105 Learning Community 200910 Instructors: Jennifer Beattie, ENG 101 & COL 105; Sheryl Donovan, SOC 101. Links 1. Personal Responsibility & Building Working Relationships a. SOC 101: Each student will complete a personal interview with Donovan outside of class. Completion of this assignment counts for 10 points towards the final grade in the course. b. COL 105: Interdependence is stressed through the TCTC Staff and Faculty Interviews. These assignments count as 5 points each towards the final grade and also count as part of the Capstone Project. Students will be able to refer to their meetings with Donovan in the Building Working Relationships essay required for the COL 105 Capstone Project. c. ENG 101: Students will be required to meet with Beattie outside of class at least once prior to submitting the final research paper. This meeting will count as a daily grade. 2. College Test-Taking a. COL 105: on 9/1, Beattie will present Test-taking---“What to do before the test (including predicting test questions), during the test, after the test.” b. SOC 101: On 9/2, Donovan will present “Test-taking and Paper Writing for SOC.” Students will be able to draw on what they learned in COL 105 to help them ask SOC instructor appropriate questions to predict possible test questions. c. COL 105: In class prior to first SOC test (approx. 9/17), students will complete a SOC test question prediction activity (bring SOC books and notes to class). 3. Culture, Race, Ethnicity & the Global Workplace a. SOC 101: Students will discuss culture in class and read about it in Ch. 3. Students will discuss and read about Race and Ethnicity (approx. Ch. 14 or 15). b. COL 105: Students will attend required diversity workshop that deals with cultural differences in the global workplace. Students will complete the Cultural Artifact activity to explore and discuss their own cultural backgrounds. c. ENG 101: Students will read essay “Black Men in Public Spaces” and respond in reading response journal. 4. Learning from your Mistakes a. SOC 101: Students will write 4 essays in SOC. b. ENG 101: Students will learn the value of and how to complete a grammar log in ENG 101. They will complete grammar logs for each essay returned to them. c. COL 105: Students will complete and submit for a grade, grammar logs for 3 of the four essays required in SOC. They will use what they learned in ENG 101 about grammar and the importance of logging errors to do this. 5. Sociological Comparisons a. SOC 101: Chapters 1-7 6. 7. 8. 9. b. ENG 101: Students will learn how to write a comparison/contrast paper. Students will be required to write a c/c essay about a topic chosen from chapters 1-7 in SOC (i.e. compare how groups of different sizes might react to given situations). Success Teams a. COL 105: Students will form success teams and write success contracts. Students will complete at least one success team project for a grade. Students will evaluate one another, using successful team criteria rubrics. b. ENG 101: Students will conduct peer review sessions in their success teams. Note-taking a. COL 105: Students will learn various note-taking strategies, including the Cornell Method. b. SOC 101: Students will be required to take notes during lecture using the Cornell Method. c. COL 105: Each success team will use their combined notes from SOC lecture to create a 10 question quiz for another success team. Success teams will take quizzes created by peer groups. This assignment will count as a quiz grade. Course Policies/Adapting to the College Environment a. SOC 101: Students will be given course syllabus and policies. b. ENG 101: Students will be given course syllabus and policies. c. COL 105: Students will be given course syllabus and policies. d. COL 105: Students will take a quiz that covers syllabi and courses from all three learning community courses. Academic Integrity/MLA Documentation a. ENG 101: Students will learn what plagiarism is, how to avoid it, and how to document in MLA format. Students will receive point deductions for incorrect documentation on each paper after the MLA lecture. b. SOC 101: Students will be required to document SOC papers in MLA documentation. Students will lose points for incorrect documentation. c. COL 105: Library project will require appropriate MLA formatting. Also, students will learn the consequences of academic dishonesty. Students will lose points on the library project for incorrect documenting/formatting.