Wireless Antennas 802.11 Standards Wireless Signal Interference Wireless Networks Wireless Terminology Wireless Facts Wireless Trivia 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 300 200 300 200 300 200 300 200 300 200 300 200 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 600 700 500 600 700 500 600 700 500 600 700 500 600 700 500 600 700 500 600 700 Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus BonusBonusBonus What antenna is ideal for short and medium range? Semi-Directional What is the area centered on the visible LOS between the transmitting and receiving antenna? Fresnel Zone Antennas convert electrical energy into in a transmitting antenna RF Waves The FCC allows for up to watts of power to be radiated from an antenna in a point-to-multipoint wireless LAN using 2.4GHz 4 What are the basic Wireless antenna types 1. Omni-Directional 2. Semi-Directional 3. Highly-Directional The communications standard for WIMAX is the standard. 802.16 What is the 802 standard for Bluetooth IEEE 802.15 What standard utilizes 150 feet as it’s wireless transmission 802.11a The 802.11 state machine has three distinct states Authenticated and Associated Unauthenticated and Unassociated Authenticated and unassociated WIMAX can transmit at speeds up to 75Mbps as far as miles away 30 Rain, Snow, Smog, and Smoke are examples of weather that will Wireless Impair What medium is the most dependable and has the less interference problems Fiber-Optics What type of weather effects RF signals the most Heavy Rain Hidden Node is most likely due to Decreased Signal Decreased Signal Amplitude happens at the Receiver When you network is within a city, but is installed upon a campus then it is a CAN Network that exist within a user’s home are called PAN What does SOHO stand for Small office/home office What Network topology has all nodes connected together in a circular pattern? RING What Network Topology is used for most common networks STAR Free Space path loss is also called Path loss What is the term used for adding a few extra dB of signal strength to the link budget Fade Margin What deffines a common set of rules for a network Protocol What parameter should be taken into account to secure a company’s Network Security Policy What elects one machine as the base station or master in a ad Hoc architecture Spokesman Election Algorithm Which two Agencies control communications for wireless or any other communications medium FCC and IEEE LANS were limited to the physical, hardwired of the building Infrastructure The Ethernet project was established by in the eary 1970’s Xerox The major motivation and benefit from wireless LANs is increased Mobility What is the main purpose of an Access point A Cabinet or area that connects end users Earth Bulge is considered within what parameters. Long Distance Links The elect one machine as the base station or master in a ad HOC architecture Spokesman election algorithm With increased mobility, wireless LANs will also offer increased? Flexibility CSMA/CA (carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance) uses a random factor to determine the time it takes to transmit a data packet Backoff The architecture uses fixed network access points that are sometimes connected to landlines, wireless hubs and wireless routers. Infrastructure A method of delivering DC voltages to an access point over CAT-5 POE What are examples of wireless devices used today for communications Pagers, Cellular Telephones, Satellite systems USB Adapters come in two major form factors Wired and Dongle OFDM reduces the amount of signal transmissions in Crosstalk What network layer handles the transmission between nodes or computers ACCESS What are the two types of spread spectrum? DSSS and FHSS For Omni-directional antennas, Point-to-Point (PtMP) will use what common bandwidth 2.4 GHz What device can be used to extend a wireless network past it’s maximum distance Wireless Router The process of listening for beacons on each channel for a specific period of time is? Passive Scanning A is a group of two or more computer systems linked together Network Is a standard that is used for long distance broadband connections? WIMAX Extreme altitude change and also temperature change is know as? Air Stratification The Range of a link is directly related to the? Output Power What characteristics utilize decibels Signal Stregth, Signal to Noise Ratio or (SNR), and Noise Floor. A will determine if a packet has been received successfully. Then the receiving node will send an (ACK) Acknowledge packet. (CRC) Cyclic redundancy check A transmitting node or computer will send it’s packet only if the packet is heard by the receiving PC and the receiving PC will then send its CTS packet RTS What signal carrier is the most stable, but must have line-of-site transmission of no more than 50 feet? Infrared (IR pulse position modulation) Antennas with narrow Beamwidth would have to consider to transmit and receive a good signal, on what condition? Antenna Alignment What device is used by Wireless Network to transmit with out routing a signal? Access Points An is a network that can be brought up and torn down in a short time AD HOC Used to convert one frequency range to another? Frequency Converter Convert IP address to Binary 11000000.10101000.1 1110001.00000001 Convert Binary to IP address 10000010. 00001010. 01110001.10000001 Convert Hexadecimal to Binary 9F, 10011111 Convert Hexadecimal to Binary 2B 00101011