Networking at Conferences By Dr. Angela Williams Career Development Center AU 607 1 What Is Job Search Networking? 2 The process of developing relationships with people who can help with your job search Asking for job leads/suggestions Asking for referrals Networking: #1 Job Lead Source 65% Networking 35% All Other 3 Sources of Job Leads Benefits of Networking Networking Today = Job Opportunities Tomorrow 4 Focusing your target job or career Tapping into jobs you may not have access to otherwise Gaining insider information about an industry or employer Getting the chance to promote yourself Practicing communication and interviewing Obtaining referrals to other contacts Networking Goals 5 Make as many people as possible aware of your job search. Make a good impression. Seek job leads and referrals. Seek career and networking suggestions. Support System Members 6 People who motivate you People who provide emotional support People who help you with written communications People who provide job leads and job search advice Conference Networking Tips Before you go give careful consideration to your mission – – – Bring several copies of your resume Take a good stack of business cards – 7 What do you want to accomplish? Who do you want to meet? Which sessions do you want to attend? – Make sure easily accessible Plan where to stash cards you receive Conference Networking Tips Arrive early to conference sessions – Be friendly and introduce yourself to others – – – – Smile and be open to others Ask the person an open question Focus on the person Respond to visual clues such as name badges Then offer a little information about yourself – 8 Conference speakers, organizers, and association leaders have knowledge and network Give your 30 second commercial 30 Second Commercial 9 Is essentially a 30 second monologue describing the benefits of buying a particular product or service-YOU! Your commercial enables the listener to become aware-quickly of specific, unique, and impressive attributes you bring to the position Benefits of 30 Second Commercial You come across – – 10 More poised More confident Elements of a Good 30 Second Commercial 11 Uses crisp, concise and memorable language States position you are seeking Sells your professional abilities and experience Emphasizes your individual strengths and links them to needs of the employer Uses descriptive statements of your acquired skills and abilities Samples of Sentences for 30 Second Commercial 12 I am an experienced security guard with detailed knowledge of security systems. I also have a solid background in… I have extensive knowledge in… I have made presentations to… I am exceptionally good at… I do several things well… My strongest skills are… I have _______ years of experience in… Introductions 13 Introduce yourself to speakers or panelists Sit with strangers Introduce people to each other Conference Networking Tips Volunteer to help – Participate in the sessions – – – – – 14 Participation leads to relationships. Ask questions and become visible to others Stand and be heard Introduce yourself Tell where you are from And from what organization you are with Conference Networking Tips Follow-up – – – 15 Take time to take notes about the people you meet Find how you can be help to them Drop each new contact a note that reminds them of their meeting with you