Carolyn Blanchard 4/25/11 LIT 515 Lisa Spereno Content-Area Writing Assignment Overview: The following assignment will require students to have first read the epic poem Beowulf. Throughout their reading of the text, students will be required to record those characteristics that make an epic hero, epic. We will go over this as a class to ensure that all students know what an epic hero is. At the end of our reading of Beowulf, students will be asked to complete the following assignment, described below. Description: Students will be asked to use their notes and create their own epic hero based on those characteristics attributed with an epic hero that they have learned through the reading of Beowulf. Once they have created this epic hero (brainstorm, notes, journaling, etc) they will pretend to be this epic hero and write an autobiography. The assignment will be in the form of a CRAFT assignment, as follows: Content = English Role = Epic Hero Audience = Everyone Format = Autobiography Topic = Telling the world (everyone) about you being an epic hero Criteria: Students will be required to write a 4-5 page autobiography about themselves as an epic hero. They will be required to include those characteristics attributed of/about epic heroes (that will be discussed, in length and detail, previous to this assignment being given). Students will work within their writing groups to discuss and work on their pieces. Purpose: Creative writing piece; work with autobiographies; understanding of the epic poem; perspective writing; writing group experience; a basis for the second part of the project which will come in the form of another assignment. Outcome: Students will be able to use their creative thinking skills and pretend to be an epic hero who wants the world to know about them. This assignment will form as the basis for the assignment to follow (where students will be asked to choose from a list of projects to complete). Assessment: Their papers will be assessed with a checkbric. Carolyn Blanchard 4/25/11 LIT 515 Lisa Spereno Content-Area Writing Assignment Below is an example of the directions that students will receive along with the checkbric: Directions: This assignment comes in two parts. The first requires you to create your own epic hero (based on what you have learned and what we have discussed in class). Begin by brainstorming those characteristics that make an epic hero, epic! Then, pretending to be this epic hero, write a 4-5 page (double-spaced, Times New Roman, font 12) autobiography of yourself (as this epic hero). For tonight, write your first draft or brainstorm (this can be just a brainstorm!) and come prepared to sit with your writing groups as you will be exchanging ideas and discussing your hero next time we meet. I have included the checkbric for you. This is what I will be looking for in your paper. HEADS UP: Here is what to expect for part two (do not get nervous as we will discuss this further – I want you to understand that this assignment comes in two parts and I want you to know what to expect). You will have (6) options to choose from: 1. Create your own epic poem (following conventions – like those in the version of Beowulf we have read in class) 2. Create a map of your journeys (plot where you were born, your most important quests, where your family is, etc); include details on map or back; include key. 3. Create a diorama of a scene in your autobiography; make it as realistic as possible. 4. Create your own graphic novel based from your autobiography (of a particular scene). 5. Write a compare/contrast essay (find/discover another epic hero and write an essay comparing and contrasting their features) 6. Put on a mini-play (pair up with another classmate (up to 4 people if you wish) and put on a mini-play (ex. all of you are epic heroes sitting down to dinner and discussing/arguing your adventures – remember, epic heroes are boastful and this will be a heated argument). Limitations – NO fight scenes! Carolyn Blanchard 4/25/11 LIT 515 Lisa Spereno Content-Area Writing Assignment CHECKBRIC Name: _______________________ Format o o o o 4-5 pages Times New Roman, 12 font Autobiography Epic hero Characteristics of Epic Hero o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Character is male Character has high status Fate affects destiny of people Experiences supernatural events Long periods of time (autobiography spans a long period of time in life) Goes on distant journeys Life-and-death struggles between good and evil Character has physical strength (lots!) Has skill as a warrior Noble Quick witted Triumphant (almost always) Boastful Character embodies ideals and values of his people A leader