HIGHER EDUCATION PROGRAM Online M.Ed. Curriculum Guide This program of study is completed in HI ED 490 and updated each semester, in consultation with the student’s advisor. While four courses are required for the M.Ed., students have the option of choosing an area of emphasis (e.g., Administration/Leadership, Student Engagement or Institutional Research, as indicated below), or designing their program of study to match their intended career path. Note that if students do not have work experience in Higher Education, an internship is highly recommended (HI ED 595). In addition to developing a program of study with coursework required for the M.Ed degree, students should also develop a co-curricular plan. Your Name: Area of Emphasis: HI ED or Elective Courses Required Courses: HI ED 490: Professional Seminar HI ED 545: HI ED and Student Affairs in US HI ED 801: Foundations of Institutional Research HI ED 596: Individual Studies/Capstone Seminar Administration in HE Courses HI ED 552: Administration in Higher Education HI ED 810: Planning and Resource Management HI ED 560: Legal Issues in Higher Education HI ED 548: Curricula in Higher Education Student Engagement HI ED 556: HI ED Students and Clienteles HI ED 546: College Teaching HI ED 840: Assessing Student Outcomes HI ED 870: Foundations of Academic Advising Institutional Research HI ED 830: Designing Institutional Research Studies HI ED 810: Planning and Resource Management HI ED 840: Assessment of Student Outcomes HI ED 850: Faculty Compensation, Workload HI ED 860: Enrollment Management Studies Other Electives: HI ED 595: Internship in Higher Education STAT 500: Applied Statistics ADTED 460: Introduction to Adult Education Date: Semester YR SU2015 SU2015 FA2015 Credits 3 3 3 3 Notes Dr. Fred LoomisDr. Greg Nayor 3 3 3 3 FA2015 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 SU2015 3 3 Dr. Pamela Czapla, Director of LHU Tutorial Services (JuneJuly 2015) ADTED 470: Introduction to Distance Education EDLDR 540: Technology Applications WFED 880: Facilitating Groups and Teams WFED 405: Project Management Co-Curricular Planning: 3 3 3 3 I plan to join the following professional associations: As part of my internship, I did some research on accrediting associations related to tutoring and learning services. Since this is an area that I am very interested in, I want to do a little more research about joining some of these professional associations. Some of them that my site supervisor gave me to research were the following: National College Learning Centers Association (NCLCA) National Tutoring Association (NTA) College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Association for the tutoring profession (ATP) In addition to these organizations related to tutorial services, I would really like to look into more professional organizations related to admissions and recruitment. I think this would also be a good area for me to gain some experience in as I try to enter the field of higher education to get a better sense of school requirements and what students will need as resources when they get to campus. I plan to attend the following professional conferences (indicate the approximate date of the conference): Many of the associations above have national conferences coming up, specifically in October and one in March. Although right now I do not have the funds to attend one (the cost of conferences is VERY high if you are unemployed or employed part time) I would like to attend one in the future to learn more about the profession, best practices, and have the chance to network with other professionals in the field. I think I would also like to attend more broad conferences in other areas once I am active in the field depending on where I find employment. Currently I am also looking into admissions and I know that there are multiple conferences for professionals in this area. I would really enjoy attending conferences to get more information about best practice in that field as well. I plan to join and be active in HESA: Joining HESA and attending events on campus in the Fall semester (now that I am living close to State College) is something I really want to pursue if my work schedule will allow me to do so. I think that being a member would further my opportunities to network and give me a chance to get involved in the Penn State community. I looked for a group on Yammer and on LinkedIn, but I was unable to find one. I will continue to search, but I am sure I will have ways to connect and get information about this once I get membership information back. I plan to establish a relationship with a Higher Education Mentor: I have been able to network with a number of people on campus as a result of my internship and excellent mentorship from my site supervisor, Dr. Pamela Czapla. I plan to stay in contact with her throughout the program and after because she has been a great resource for me to learn from. She has given me links to list-serves that I can be apart of to get information about the field and where I can also get input about my own questions. I also have some contacts in the field of admissions (particularly a director of admissions) who has been a good resource for me. I have also been able to contact some other people in the field of admissions so that I can have my resume looked at and catered to those types of positions. I think that working in admissions will give me a good entry point and some great experience recruiting students. It will also give me a good idea of the types of students entering colleges so that I will better be able to assist them when I make the move towards learning services.