

Chapter 12

Sales Promotion

Chapter Objectives

• To understand the role of sales promotions in a company’s integrated marketing communications program and to examine why it is increasingly important

• To examine the objectives, strategy, and tactical components of a sales promotion plan

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Chapter Objectives

• To examine the consumer and trade sales promotion strategy options and the factors to consider in using them

• To understand key IMC issues related to salespromotion decisions

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Characteristics and Types of Sales


• A direct inducement that offers an extra value or incentive to the sales force, distributors, or the ultimate consumer with the primary objective of creating an immediate sale.

• An acceleration tool, designed to speed up the selling process and maximizes sales volume.

• Can be targeted to different parties in the marketing channel.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Growth of Sales Promotion

• The growing power of retailers

– New developments have transferred power from manufacturers to retailers

• E.g.: Optical checkout scanners, in-store computers

• Declining brand loyalty

– Loyal coupon users will look for deals instead of buying the same brand

• Increased promotional sensitivity

– Consumers respond favourably to the incentives new marketing programs are providing

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Growth of Sales Promotion

• Brand proliferation.

– Saturated markets depend on sale promotions to attract consumers to new products.

• Fragmentation of the consumer market.

– Promotions are being tailored to specific regional market.

• Short-term focus.

– Used to reach quarterly or yearly sales targets.

• Increased accountability.

– Ways to relate promotional expenditures to sales and profitability.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Growth of Sales Promotion

• Competition.

– Development of account-specific marketing.

• Clutter.

– Promotion has to be able to catch consumers attention.

• Reaching a specific target audience.

– Certain sales promotion tools reach specific geographic, demographic, and psychographic markets.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Objectives of Consumer Sales


• Trial purchase

– Important in new brand strategies

– Attract users of a competing brand

• Repeat purchase

– Incentives such as coupons encourage repeat purchase after trial

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Objectives of Consumer Sales


• Increasing consumption

– Incentives can create interest to help defend against competitors

• Support IMC program/build brand equity

– Draw attention to advertisements

– Builds relationships with consumers

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Consumer Sales Promotion Strategy


• Sales promotion strategy options

– Franchise-building Characteristic

• Communicate distinctive brand attributes and contribute to the development and reinforcement of brand identity

– Nonfranchise-building characteristic

• Designed to accelerate the purchase decision process and generate an immediate increase in sales

– Incentive characteristic

• The incentive the consumer receives can either be immediate or delayed

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Consumer Sales Promotion Strategy


• Application across product lines

– The degree to which each sales promotion tool is applied to the range of sizes, varieties, models or products

– 3 important product decisions:

• Should the sales promotion be run on the entire line or on individual items?

• If selective applications (individual items) which items?

• Should the sales promotion be run on “regular” stock or some other special version?

• Application across geographic markets

– National or select markets

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Consumer Sales Promotion Tactics


• Value of incentive

– Economic

• Price premium

• Discount

– Non-economic

• Collectables

• Limited edition items

• Timing

• Distribution

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion


• Sampling involves a variety of procedures whereby consumers are given some quantity of a product for no charge to induce trial.

• Criteria for an effective sampling program:

– Products are of relatively low unit value

– Products are divisible

– Purchase cycle is relatively short

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Strengths and Limitations of


• Strengths:

– Excellent way to induce a prospective buyer to try a product or service.

– Consumers experience the brand directly, gaining a greater appreciation for its benefits.

• Limitations:

– The brand must have some unique or superior benefits for a sampling program to be worthwhile.

– The benefits of some products are difficult to gauge immediately and large affordable samples may be required to encourage appreciation of the brand

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Sampling Methods

• Door-to-door sampling

• Sampling through media

• Sampling through the mail

• In-store sampling

• On-package sampling

• Event sampling

• Direct sampling

• Location sampling

• The Internet

• Creative approaches

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion


• The oldest, most widely used, most popular and most effective sales promotion tool

• Coupons have been around since 1895

• In recent years they have become increasingly popular

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Strengths of Coupons

• Coupons make it possible to offer a price reduction to consumers who are price-sensitive.

• Coupons make it possible to reduce the retail price of a product without relying on retailers for cooperation.

• Coupons reduce the consumer’s perceived risk and encourage repurchase after initial trial.

• Encourage nonusers to try a brand, repeat purchase among current users, and promote new, improved product versions.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Limitations of Coupons

• It can be difficult to estimate how many consumers will use a coupon and when.

• It is difficult to prevent coupons from being used by consumers who already use a brand when using the coupons to attract new users.

• Low redemption rates.

• High costs.

• Coupon misrepresentation or fraud.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Coupon Fraud

• Redemption of coupon by consumers for a product or size not specified on the coupon.

• Redemption of coupons by salesclerks in exchange for cash.

• Gathering and redemption of coupons by store managers or owners without the accompanying sales of the product.

• Gathering or printing of coupons by criminals who sell them to unethical merchants, who redeem them.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Coupon Distribution

• Distribution through newspaper

– freestanding inserts (FSI)

• Direct mail

• Newspapers/magazines as couponing vehicles

• Inside or outside of package

– bounce-back coupon

– cross-ruff coupon

– instant coupon

• In-store couponing

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion


• A premium is an offer of an item of merchandise or service either free or at a low price that is an extra incentive for purchasers.

– Free premiums

• Usually small gifts or merchandise included in the product package or sent to consumers who mail in a request along with a proof of purchase.

– Self-liquidating premiums

• Require the consumer to pay some or all of the costs of the premium plus handling and mailing costs.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Contests and Sweepstakes

• A contest is a promotion where consumers compete for prizes or money on the basis of skills or ability. The company determines winners based on predetermined criteria and a purchase incentive is usually provided.

• A sweepstakes is a promotion where winners are determined purely by chance; it cannot require a proof of purchase or purchase incentive as a condition for entry.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Limitations of Contests and


• Many sweepstakes and/or contest promotions do little to contribute to consumer building and may even detract from it.

• The sweepstakes or contest often become the dominant focus rather than the brand.

• Numerous legal considerations affect the design and administration of contests and sweepstakes.

• Participation by professionals or hobbyists who submit many entries but have no intention of purchasing the product or service.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Refunds and Rebates

• Offers by the manufacturer to return a portion of the product purchase price, usually after the consumer supplies some proof of purchase.

• Consumers are usually very responsive to these offers, particularly as the size of the savings increase.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Strengths and Limitations of Refunds and Rebates

• Strengths:

– Help create new users

– Encourage brand switching or repeat purchases

• Limitations:

– Many consumers are not motivated by a refund offer because of delay and effort

– Consumers perceive manufacturers as offering rebates to sell products that are not faring well

– When small refunds are being offered, marketers may find other promotional incentives more effective

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Bonus Packs

• Bonus packs offer the consumer an extra amount of a product at the regular price by providing larger containers or extra units.

• Bonus packs result in a lower cost per unit for the consumer and provide extra value as well as more product for the money.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Price-Off Deals

• The price-off deal reduces the price of the brand.

• Typically offered right on the package through specially marked price packs.

• Can encourage consumers to purchase larger quantities, preempting competitors’ promotions and leading to greater trade support.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Frequency Programs

• Continuity or loyalty programs.

• Commonplace in a number of product and service categories, particularly travel and hospitality, as well as among retailers.

• Viewed by marketers as a way to develop strong consumer loyalty.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Event Marketing

• Event marketing is a type of promotion where a company or brand is linked to an event or where a themed activity is developed for the purpose of creating experiences for the consumers and promoting a product or service.

– An event sponsorship is an integrated marketing communications activity where a company develops actual sponsorship relations with a particular event and provides financial support in return for the right to display a brand name, logo or advertising message and be identified as a supporter of the event.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Objectives of Trade Sales Promotion

• Obtain Distribution of New Products

– trial purchase objective

• Maintain Trade Support for Established Products

– repeat purchase objective.

• Build Retail Inventories

– repeat purchase objective.

• Encourage Retailers to Display Established


– consumer sales promotion objective.

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

Trade Sales Promotion Strategy


• Contests and Incentives

• Trade Allowances

– Buying, Promotional, Slotting

• Displays and Point-of-Purchase Materials

• Sales Training Programs

• Trade Shows

• Cooperative Advertising

– Horizontal, Ingredient-sponsored, Vertical

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

IMC Issues Related to Sales

Promotion Decisions

• Budget Allocation

• Creative Themes

• Media Support

• Strategic Role

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

The Shifting Role of the Promotion


• Figure 12-7

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion

• Figure 12-8

The Sales Promotion Trap

Chapter 12 : Sales Promotion
