Nonverbal Communication in Romantic Exchanges of Western Culture Mitchell J. Branly COM 306: Intercultural Communication 7/10/2015 Branly 1 Nonverbal communication is an essential component of human interaction. This form of communication is learned through culture, and is a necessary element of experiencing a culture. This relationship is deeply intertwined, and nonverbal communication is also a reflection of other aspects of a culture. One of the primary artistic expressions of culture in the modern era is cinema. This field study is a content analysis of five romantic scenes from five different nations of Western culture. The scenes are taken from films made in Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States. Romantic scenes were chosen to get a baseline for nonverbal communication in romance as portrayed through a culture’s cinema. This content analysis covers nine different forms of nonverbal communication. The basic forms of communication analyzed were proxemics, kinesics, chronemics, paralanguage, silence, haptics, and artifactual communication. Two of those categories, proxemics and kinesics, were broken down into two categories to account for the various ways they are expressed in a romantic setting. Proxemics was broken down into intimate and casual distance, while kinesics was broken down to hand gestures and eye contact. The scenes analyzed were each taken from a dramatic film made in a different country. The movies are The Lives of Others, from Germany, Amelie, from France, The Best of Youth, from Italy, Pride and Prejudice, from the United Kingdom, and Closer, from the United States. In order to account for variations in culture over time, each of the films chosen were made within a span of five years, with Amelie (2001) being the oldest and The Lives of Others (2006) being the most recently made. In each, a romantic or particularly intimate scene was chosen as an example of romantic expression within the culture. The results of the analysis showed that the most important forms of nonverbal communication in these romantic scenes were casual distance proxemics, which appeared in four of the five scenes, and prolonged eye contact kinesics, which was in all five scenes. Prolonged Branly 2 eye contact was not surprising to find as it is an important aspect of romantic communication in Western cultures. Casual distance proxemics was slightly more surprising. Based on this analysis it is possible to assume that maintaining a casual distance until some form of assurance of romantic connection is made is important in Western cultures. Also surprising is the relatively low number for haptics. Touch can be a fundamental form of nonverbal communication, and yet two of the five scenes did not have strong nonverbal messages sent through touch. In the scene from the German film, The Lives of Others, the two characters do not ever touch or achieve an intimate distance between each other, and yet the scene maintains a deeply intimate feel. Much of the communication is verbal, with only casual distance proxemics and strong eye contact being the primary nonverbal communications. This contrasts starkly with the scene from the French film, Amelie, where the communication is entirely nonverbal. The two characters in this scene never speak, and immediately move to an intimate distance. This scene also had the strongest use of haptic communication and the only case of hand gestures being used for nonverbal communication. Paralanguage was only evident in the UK film, Pride and Prejudice, and this was not surprising as this scene had by far the most dialogue. In a highly verbal exchange, intonation becomes a particularly important method of communicating additional meaning. No instances of artifactual communication were clearly evident in any of the scenes. The results on the whole were an interesting glimpse into the artistic view of romantic exchanges within a culture. Branly 3 Scenes – The Lives of Others (Germany, 2006) “I’m Your Audience”: Amelie (France, 2001) “Speechless Kiss”: The Best of Youth (Italy, 2003) “The Spirit of Matteo Blesses Nicola and Mirella”: Pride and Prejudice (United Kingdom, 2005) “Darcy Proposes”: Closer (United States, 2005) “Kiss Scene”: Branly 4 Data Chart - Proxemics Intimate The Lives of Others Germany Amelie - France The Best of Yourth - Italy Pride and Prejudice - UK Closer - US Totals 0 1 1 0 1 3 Nonverbal Communication in Five Romantic Proxemics Kinesics - Hand Casual Gestures 1 0 1 1 1 4 Scenes of Western Cinema Kinesics - Eye Contact Chronemics Paralanguage Silence 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 5 2 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 Haptics Artifactual 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 0