DRAFT 8.25
PH 504
Behavioral and Social Sciences in Public Health
Fall 2010
Thursdays 4:30 -7:30 pm BRB 253
Karen Glanz, PhD, MPH
801 Blockley Hall
Phone: 215-898-0613
Rosemary Frasso, MSc, CPH
PhD Candidate
Room 144 Anatomy & Chemistry
Phone: 215-746-855
Office Hours:
Thursdays 2:30 to 3:30 pm & by
1. Course Overview:
a. Public health interventions and educational programs are most likely to have an
impact on populations and communities when they are guided by a theory.
Theories of health behavior help researchers, practitioners and participants
identify targets and opportunities for change as well as methods for
accomplishing change. This introductory course is intended to provide students
with a solid foundation in behavioral and social science theory in the context of
both, public health research and practice.
b. The content of this course will provide exposure to a broad range of theories and
frameworks commonly employed in the public health arena including issues
related to the intersection of public health and human rights. These theories will
be discussed using examples of their applications to numerous public health
problems including, but not limited to, HIV/AIDS, violence, cancer,
cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, environmental hazards, and global
2. Course Objectives - At the conclusion of the course, the student will be able to:
a. Identify and analyze the behavioral, social, and cultural factors associated with
health and illness.
b. Understand and apply theories associated with healthy and unhealthy behavior
that draw broadly from the social and behavioral sciences, including psychology,
sociology, anthropology, political science, and nursing.
c. Apply social science-based theories in order to assess the health status of
populations and understand social, ethnic, demographic and economic
determinants of health, factors contributing to health promotion and disease
DRAFT 8.25
prevention and factors influencing the use of health services and related
Apply social science-based theories in order to understand and improve health
behavior and health communication and promote public health preparedness.
To describe and employ social science-based theories in public health research
and in the development and evaluation of public health programs and
interventions designed to improve public health outcomes at the local, national
and global level.
Demonstrate an understanding of how the intersection of public health and
human rights should be addressed in both public health research and practice,
and identify ethical issues that arise at the interface of the individual health
focus and the population health focus.
Apply theory, empirical findings from the literature and information collected
from diverse communities of interest to design and evaluate intervention models
through a varied exposure to the literature and case study exploration.
Demonstrate an understanding of social science-based theories commonly
employed in public health practice and research through active participation in
class discussions, case study exploration, as well as successful completion of two
in class quizzes, a term paper and an in-class oral presentation.
3. Text & Readings:
a. Glanz, Rimer & Viswanath. Health Behavior & Education: Theory, Research and
Practice. (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass, Inc., 2008
b. Additional readings will be posted on BlackBoard
4. Type of Instruction:
a. Graduate education is largely self-directed. Thus, the instructor is more of a
resource and a facilitator of learning than a vessel from which knowledge is
poured. In this class the students and the instructors will be engaged in a
partnership that fosters active learning.
b. The course will be organized to promote collaborative exploration of the
behavioral health theories commonly employed in public health research and
practice. The class will follow the structure laid out in the syllabus but there will
be some flexibility, openness, and circularity in order to address relevant
emerging public health issues. Thus, we may decide together to re-order the
sequence in which we study certain topics. Furthermore, we will use the diverse
perspectives in the class to gain insight into topics under study. For some class
activities we will break up into pairs or teams to explore the readings and work
on case studies. At other times, individual students may be asked to summarize
and raise questions for the class on specific topics, readings or cases. There will
be 2-3 guest lectures.
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5. Specific Expectations:
a. Students are expected to be prepared to actively participate in the class
discussions and activities based on the topic and readings of the day and their
own experience and interests.
b. Students should demonstrate that they understand theoretical material and
methods; that they are thinking critically and creatively; and that they can apply
what they learn. This will be demonstrated through class participation, active
participation in learning exercises and case studies, and the satisfactory and
timely completion of a written assignment, oral presentation and mid-term
6. Assignments:
a. NOTE: All written assignments must be double spaced, 12 point font, 1”
margins, AMA or APA format, and submitted both as a hard copy and
electronically (as an email attachment to rofrasso@mail.med.upenn.edu ).
b. TERM Paper: Students will identify a public health problem, topic, issue or
population of interest from the list provided in class and then identify three
empirical papers that address this issue or population. The papers should be
authored by unique research teams, that is, no two papers in your selection
should share a common author or arise from a common research study.
Students will write a 7-10 page paper that:
i. Briefly introduces the chosen public health topic, problem, issue, or
population (include relevant background information, i.e. incidence,
prevalence and risk factors).
ii. Summarizes the three empirical papers selected and discusses how these
papers shed light on the chosen public health topic, problem, issue, or
iii. Describes, compares and contrasts the theoretical frameworks employed
by the researchers and suggests an additional or, if appropriate,
alternative theoretical approach that might be useful in further
exploration of the topic or in the development of an intervention
designed to improve relevant public health outcomes.
c. Oral Component:
i. Students will be required to briefly present their term papers to the class,
highlighting the theoretical frameworks employed by the researchers (10
minutes) and stimulating a class discussion around appropriate
application of theory (10-15 minutes). Be creative! The oral component
of this assignment will be graded based on the following.
 Content: Addresses the goals of the assignment and demonstrates
familiarity with relevant theoretical frameworks.
 Presentation Skills: Nonverbal skills (eye contact, body
language), and verbal skills (elocution and ability to engage the
audience, spark constructive conversation), and creativity.
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d. Extra Credit option:
i. Students will write a 4-5 page paper summarizing an ongoing public
health problem or challenge in Philadelphia or in their native city or
country and then briefly propose a public health intervention or
campaign designed to improve specific health outcomes in their chosen
location. Student will identify a theoretical model could be used to inform
the intervention or campaign. (Details to be discussed in class).
7. Evaluation - The assignments and class activities will be given the following
Quiz 1 (15 points)
Quiz 2 (15 points)
Term Paper
(35 points)*
Oral Presentation (20 points)
Class Activities & Class Participation (15 points)
Extra Credit Option (1-5points)
*The term paper should be clearly written, well conceptualized, and cite relevant
literature. Papers should be double spaced, 12pt font, 1” margins, AMA or APA format
and submitted both electronically and as a hard copy on or before the last day of
8. Academic Integrity:
a. Students are expected to adhere to the University’s Code of Academic Integrity.
Care should be taken to avoid academic integrity violations, including:
plagiarism, fabrication of information, and multiple submissions (see
descriptions below). Students who engage in any of these actions will be
referred to the Office of Academic Integrity, which investigates and decides on
sanctions in cases of academic dishonesty.
i. Plagiarism: using the ideas, data, or language of another without specific
or proper acknowledgment. Example: copying, in part or in its entirety,
another person’s paper, article, or web-based material and submitting it
for an assignment; using someone else’s ideas without attribution; failing
to use quotation marks where appropriate, etc. Fabrication: submitting
contrived or altered information in any academic exercise. Example:
making up data or statistics, citing nonexistent articles, contriving
sources, etc. Multiple submissions: submitting, without prior permission,
any work submitted to fulfill another academic requirement.
b. Clearly, submitting a paper written by someone else is completely unacceptable
(i.e. papers purchased from an internet paper writing services).
c. It is the student’s responsibility to consult with the instructor if the student is
unsure about whether something constitutes a violation of the Code of Academic
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9. Weekly Agenda and Readings:
G = Glanz, Rimer, Viswanath Text
BB= Article/Link/PDF on BB
1. Overview of the course
2. Theory at a Glance
3. Understanding health behavior
(G) Chps 1 & 2
(BB) NCI: Theory at a Glance
(BB) Glanz, K Bishop, DB.
(2010)The Role of Behavioral
Science Theory in Development and
Implementation of PH Interventions
(BB) Painter, Borba, Hynes, Mays
& Glanz (2008). The Use of Theory
in Health Behavior Research from
2000 to 2005: As Systematic Review
1. The Role of Theory / Public Health
2. Models of Individual Health Behavior
a. The Health Belief Model
b. Theory of Reasoned Action
c. Theory of Planned Behavior
d. The Integrated Behavioral Model
(G) Chps 3 & 4
(BB) Krieger, N. (2002) A Glossary
of Social Epidemiology Part I & II
(BB) Herbert, Vincent, Lewycky
and Walsh (2010). Attrition and
Adherence in the Online Treatment
of Choric Insomnia
(BB) Ashing-Giwa (1999). Health
Behavior Change Models & Their
Relevance for Breast Cancer
Screening in African American
1. Models of Individual Health Behavior
a. The Transtheoretical Model and
Stages of Change
b. The Precaution Adoption
Process Model
c. Perspective on Health Behavior
Theories that Focus on
(G) Chps 5, 6, & 7
(BB) Plotnikoff, Lippke, Johnson,
Courneya (2010). Physical Activity
and Stages of Change: A
Longitudinal Test in Types I and II
Guest Lectuere: Bryan Kim, PhD
Postdoctorate Fellow Center for Health
Behavior Research
(G) Chps 8, 9 &10
(BB) Bandura (2004). Health
Promotion by Social Cognitive
(BB) Krieger (2001). Theories for
Social Epidemiology in the 21st
Century: An Ecosocial Model
1. Models of Interpersonal Behavior
a. The Interaction of Individuals,
Environments and Health
Behavior (Social Cognitive Theory)
b. Social Networks and Social
c. Stress, Coping and Health
DRAFT 8.25
1. Models of Interpersonal Behavior
a. Interpersonal Functions and
Health Outcomes
b. Health Communication / Health
c. Perspectives on Models of
Interpersonal Behavior
1. QUIZ 1
2. Community & Group Models
a. Web of Causation
b. Improving Health Through
Community Organizations
c. Diffusion of Innovations
Guest Lecturer: Joel Fein MD, MPH
Professor of Pediatrics and Emergency
Medicine, The Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia at the University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine
(G) Chps 11 & 12
(BB) Rudd, Comings & Hyde
(2003). Leave No One Behind:
Improving Health Risk
Communication Through Attention
to Literacy
(BB) Berkman & Kawachi Chp 11
(BB) Krieger, N (1994).
Epidemiology and the web of
causation: Has anyone seen the
(G) Chps 13 &14
(BB) Maticka-Tyndale &
Tenkorang (2010). A Multi-level
Model of Condom Use Among Male
and Female Upper Primary School
Students in Nyanza, Kenya
(G) Chp 15
(BB)Young, Borland, Coghill
(2010). An actor-Network Analysis
of Policy Innovation for Smoke-Free
Places: Understanding Change in
Complex Systems
1. Considering Developmental Levels when
Planning Public Health Interventions
1. Community & Group Models
a. Mobilizing Organizations for
Health Promotion: Theories for
Organization Change
b. Communication and Health
Behavior Change: The Media
Studies Frame Work
c. Perspectives on Group,
Organization and Community
(G) Chps 16 & 17
(BB) Merritt, Taylor, & Mullany
(2009). Ancillary Care In
Community-Based Public Health
Intervention Research
(BB) Merzel & D’Afflititti (2003).
Reconsidering Community-Based
Health Promotion
1. QUIZ 2
2. Theory in Research & Practice
a. Theory The Precede-Proceed
b. Social Marketing
c. Ecological Models of Health
(G) Chps 18, 19, 20
(BB) Shattell, Quinlan-Colwell,
Villalba, Ivers & Mails (2010). A
CBT Group Therapy Intervention
with Depressed Spanish-Speaking
Mexican Women Living in an
Emerging Immigrant Community in
the US
DRAFT 8.25
1. Theory in Research & Practice (Continued)
a. Evaluation
b. Perspectives on Using Theory:
Past, Present and Future
Guest Lecturer: Bridgette M. Brawner, PhD,
APRN, Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow
Center for Health Equity Research
(G) Chps 21 & 22
(BB) Cassel (2010). Using the
Social-Ecologic Model as a research
and Intervention Framework to
Understand and Mitigate
Obesogenic Factors in Samoan
Populations (Ethnicity and Health2010)
(BB) Jonathan Mann’s Health and
Human Rights Framework
1. Theory in Research & Practice (Continued)
a. Health and Human Rights
b. Understanding Health
Inequalities and Disparities
2. Presentations
1. Presentations
1. Presentations
2. Recap / Close
1. Presentations /Group work
a. To be schedules with
students during first class
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DRAFT 8.25