Deborah Gentry, Instructional Development Center Randi Sutter, Library 14th Annual Illinois Community College Assessment Fair Focus of this presentation Instrument development Project background Knowledge and skills addressed Procedures for administering Opinio survey software Honors Seminar I student participation Pre-test Librarian facilitated lessons and consultation Post-test Findings and implications for teaching and learning Background Assessment at Heartland Community College Instrument questions Range from basic to advanced and quiz students about various information literacy concepts Require students to demonstrate research skills Allow students to voice questions by answering open-ended questions Implementation Wrote and piloted questions Spring 2009 Received final IRB approval May 2009 Tested ENGL 101 and Honors students during Fall 2009 Survey created using Opinio online survey software 7-10 minute assessment includes several short answer and multiple choice questions Administered at the end of English 101 library instruction sessions Honors 1 Seminar is the only class that used the assessment as a pre- and a post-test. Course description, objectives, and intended outcomes Course placement within Honors Program Class composition, Fall 2009 Online pre-test taken 1st day of class before library instruction Formal library instruction in Honors Seminar I including a session on evaluating online resources Librarian also present at several workshop sessions Formal instruction in ENGL 101 Honors section Throughout the semester Honors students used library resources to complete projects in English 101 and Honors Seminar I Online post-test taken on last day of class Students’ results showed heavy dependence on Google Knowing when to cite a source was an issue Students struggled to evaluate sources: “Differing between credible and [non]credible information.” Students had trouble choosing controlled vocabulary: “Finding the right word choice to bring up helpful resources and decrease the number of resources found.” “Finding the right words that a particular search is looking for.” Students admitted they have trouble sifting through results: “There were too many sites.” Students’ research problems in the post-test were more complex and their responses indicate database use instead of Google searching: “Key word synonyms” – highlights an understanding that effective searching involves using multiple keywords “Out of date sources” – students are paying attention to the currency and publication date Other responses: “I have learned a lot about the research process and am pretty clear on the best way to research topics.” “It definitely made the research process easier and less stressful.” “The library tab on Heartland’s website. I now use it all the time.” Method of data analysis Side-by-side comparison of Honors students’ responses in both the pre- and the post-test Comparison with other students who took the assessment in Fall 2009 Conclusions Students indicated that they understand that it is important to use credible sources from the library for college-level research Assessment questions modified to include fewer questions for Fall 2010 Continuing partnership with the Honors program Opportunity to evaluate students from first Honors at the completion of the two-year Honors program Questions Comments Similar experiences Insights Suggestions