QBotic Pro Configuration v1.0

QBotic Pro Configuration v1.0
QBotic Pro uses many configuration files to make sure that all revalidations and
reissues take place exactly as you want them to, according to your understanding of
the carrier’s instructions. And I’m sure you’ll agree that these requirements change
almost daily. Being familiar with QBotic Pro’s configuration will allow you to make
sure that QBotic does the right thing every single time you use it.
All QBotic Pro configuration files are CSV or comma separated values files. That
means you can easily open them with a spreadsheet application such as Excel or
Numbers. You could also upload them to Google docs and download your changes
back to the appropriate location. But be careful! If you change the structure of the
file by mistakenly adding or deleting a column QBotic will not perform correctly. So
to keep QBotic Pro working the way you want it to be sure you are very careful with
your modifications. It probably makes sense to make a backup copy of each
configuration file before making any changes. That way, you can always revert back
to your copy if you have some unexpected results.
Where should you keep your configuration files? That depends entirely on you. If
you will be running multiple copies of QBotic Pro you may wish to maintain a single
configuration source. This will keep everything running the same. Or, if different
users have different configuration needs, you can maintain separate copies for each
of them. Each instance of QBotic Pro allows you to configure where the
configuration files are stored. The file location is specified at QBotic Pro start up.
Just click the System File Location button on the start up screen.
QBotic Pro maintains three groups of system files; configuration, temp and log.
Configuration files are your portal to QBotic Pro’s behavior. Temp files are system
files used by QBotic Pro during normal execution. Log files give you information on
each PNR processed by QBotic. The log files are given a unique name each day and
they will remain indefinitely.
The first time you run QBotic Pro you should click System File Location and set the
locations for the three types of system files. If you skip this step QBotic will assign a
default location on the local machine for these files. The default locations assigned
Even after these default locations are set by QBotic you can change them by clicking
System File Location at start up. Of course, if you change the location of the
configuration files you should be sure to copy your current configuration files to the
new location before running QBotic Pro.
QBotic Pro Log Files
Log files are created and stored in the location defined at start up.
Column A is the date the PNR was processed.
Column B is the PNR record locator.
Column C is the owner PCC of the PNR.
Column D is the ticketing PCC configured.
Column E is the validating carrier code.
Column F is the number of tickets to revalidate or reissue.
Column G is the status of this attempt.
o REVAL OK means that revalidation was successful.
o REISS OK means that full reissue was successful.
o ITIN OK means that the ETR itinerary was in agreement with the PNR
itinerary and no revalidation or reissue was necessary.
o PARIAL OK means that a partial reissue was successful.
o FAIL means that revalidation and/or reissue was not successful.
Column H gives some additional information about failures. When there is a
WFR failure QBotic Pro tries to capture the error message generated by
Sabre. There are two robotic mode failures that should be successful in assist
mode. This is when XF tax definition and/or baggage allowance is missing
from the ETR. Robotic mode will fail but assist mode will stop and ask the
user to provide these details. When this happens in robotic mode the
message in column H will alert you to this.
The remainder of this document will discuss each configuration file in detail.
QBotic Pro Configuration
PCC & Printer Address
The name of this file must be “qbri_prt.csv”.
This file must be located in the configuration directory identified at start up.
This file tells QBotic how to reissue your tickets. QBotic looks at the PCC in
the last ticket listed in *T and sets this as the ticketing PCC. If the ticketing
PCC is different than the PNR PCC it changes work area and AAAs to the
ticketing PCC and assigns the printer.
Column A is the PCC where the PNR was ticketed.
Column B is the printer address or printer assignment command, such as
PPS1, in the ticketing PCC.
o A setting at start up controls which value the app expects in this field.
The difference is that in the first case you are just listing a printer
address and QBotic makes the entries PTR/(address) and W*AT. In
the second case where you just provide the printer command then
QBotic simply enters whatever is in this field, such as PPS1. Then
your printer profile controls how the printers are assigned.
Column C is your comments or remarks.
QBotic Pro Configuration
Validating Carriers
The name of this file must be “qbri_cfg.csv”.
This file must be located in the configuration directory identified at start up.
This file tells QBotic how to handle each validating carrier. QBotic allows a
wide variety of behavior according to the validating carrier. Use this file to
control how QBotic revalidates or reissues the schedule changes it handles.
Column A is the 2 letter validating carrier code of the original ticket. A * can
be used as a wild card to either allow all remaining carriers or disallow all
remaining carriers. This should be the last row in the file if used.
Column B tells QBotic if revalidation should be attempted for this carrier.
Enter Y to attempt revalidation or N to skip it. Even if you enter Y in this
fields QBotic will not attempt revalidation if there are mixed carriers in the
Column C tells QBotic if the original ticket numbers should be added to the
PNR after successful revalidation. If you don’t want to do this just leave the
field blank. If you want to send the ticket numbers using TKNM format just
enter TKNM. If you want to send the ticket numbers using OTHS format just
enter OTHS. A separate OSI is created for each segment.
Column D tells QBotic if reissue should be attempted for this carrier. If you
enter Y for both revalidation and reissue (columns B and D) QBotic will
always attempt revalidation first, unless the itinerary has mixed carriers. If
revalidation fails then reissue is attempted. If you enter N for both
revalidation and reissue the PNR is sent directly to the reject queue. This
prevents processing for carriers that don’t want you to do it or are having
o You may also enter a number in this field, like 30, for example. By
entering a number you tell QBotic not to attempt reissue for this
carrier until within the number of days of departure indicated by the
number entered. For example, if you enter 30, QBotic will not attempt
to reissue the ticket if it is more than 30 days from departure. If you
enter a number in this field you must enter a value in column G for
future queue place.
o You may also enter MW in this field. This tells QBotic that this carrier
requires a unique waiver code in a PNR Control remark. If the PNR
control remark for a waiver code is missing the reissue will be
rejected. This prevents reissues when the unique waiver code is
missing. Please see the PNR Control document for more information
on the use of MW and waiver code PNR remarks.
Column E tells QBotic where to queue place the PNR in the event of
revalidation or reissue success. If you don’t include the PCC then the queue
place will go to the PCC of the current work area. You must include the
queue number and prefatory instruction code (PIC) separated by a slash.
Column F tells QBotic where to queue place the PNR in the event of failure for
any reason. If you don’t include the PCC then the queue place will go to the
PCC of the current work area. You must include the queue number and
prefatory instruction code (PIC) separated by a slash.
Column G tells QBotic how to set up a future queue placement for PNRs that
are not reissued because of being too far from departure, as configured in
column D. If you don’t include the PCC then the queue place will go to the PCC
of the current work area. You must include the queue number and prefatory
instruction code (PIC) separated by a slash.
Column H tells QBotic to use an override tour code on the reissued ticket.
This tour code is entered into the WFR command. If this field is blank the
tour code found in the ETR is used for the reissue.
Column I tells QBotic how to enter the override tour code from column H.
Enter I* or B* if desired. Leave this field blank if IT/BT fare type is not
configured for this carrier.
Column J tells QBotic about endorsement text for the reissue. This would be
the place to put a waiver code if it applies to every reissue on this carrier. (If
you have a waiver code for a single reissue only please see the section on
Waiver Codes elsewhere in this document.) Be careful about the length if
adding this text to the existing endorsement.
Column K tells QBotic how to handle the endorsement text entered in column
J. If you want to add the text to the existing endorsement then enter A in this
field. If you want to replace the existing endorsement then enter R in this
Column L tells QBotic how to enter the endorsement text into the phase IV
record for a full reissue.
Column M tells QBotic how to handle the baggage allowance on a reissued
tickets. Entering /E in this field tells QBotic to take the baggage allowance
from the extended ETR for each ticket. But you can also put a valid baggage
allowance code in this field that will cause all baggage allowance to be the
same for this carrier regardless of what baggage allowance was on the
original ticket. If you use /E and the baggage allowance is missing in the
extended ETR record a separate configuration file (qbri_bag.csv) allows you
to set the baggage allowance using a variety of criteria. See instructions for
this configuration file elsewhere in this document.
Column N contains the full OSI remark desired for a successful reissue.
Column O contains the full OSI remark desired for a successful revalidation.
QBotic Pro Configuration
Default Baggage Allowance
The name of this file must be “qbri_bag.csv”.
This file must be located in the configuration directory identified at start up.
This file tells QBotic how to set the baggage allowance when the normal
configuration for this carrier is to take the baggage allowance from the
extended ETR but the baggage allowance is missing. You can use a variety of
criteria to control how QBotic sets the baggage allowance for different
passenger types, different city pairs, and different travel dates.
Column A is the validating carrier code for this reissue.
Column B is the passenger type code for this baggage allowance. Use this
field to set a special baggage allowance for infants, for example.
Column C is the coupon departure city code for this baggage allowance. Use
this field to control baggage allowance by city pair. Use * for wild card.
Column D is the coupon arrival city code for this baggage allowance. Use this
field to control baggage allowance by city pair. Use * for wild card.
Column E is the earliest coupon departure date for this baggage allowance.
Use this field to control when this baggage allowance goes into effect. Use *
for wild card.
Column F is the latest coupon departure date for this baggage allowance. Use
this field to control when this baggage allowance expires. Use * for wild card.
Column G is the valid baggage allowance code.
QBotic Pro Configuration
Revalidation Email
The name of this file must be “qbem_rv.csv”.
This file must be located in the configuration directory identified at start up.
This file tells QBotic how to send the email after successful revalidation. A
separate configuration file is used for reissue.
A different email can be sent depending on the PNR PCC and the PNR DK
number. This could be used to configure emails in different languages or
different email messages.
Column A identifies the PNR PCC. Use * for wild card.
Column B identifies the PNR DK number. Use * for wild card.
Column C identifies the data in column D. Valid entries in column C are
Subject, Text 1, Text 2, Text 3 and Entry. The value in column D for Entry
tells QBotic how to send the email.
Column D holds the text data identified in column C. Do not use any
characters that are not valid for Sabre in your text. See Sabre documentation
for valid email send commands and usage. You may also use %RL% to
indicate that you want the PNR record locator inserted at this spot in the text.
This is valid for the subject line or the email text area.
QBotic Pro Configuration
Reissue Email
The name of this file must be “qbem_ri.csv”.
This file must be located in the configuration directory identified at start up.
This file tells QBotic how to send the email after successful reissue. A
separate configuration file is used for revalidation.
A different email can be sent depending on the PNR PCC and the PNR DK
number. This could be used to configure emails in different languages or
different email messages.
Column A identifies the PNR PCC. Use * for wild card.
Column B identifies the PNR DK number. Use * for wild card.
Column C identifies the data in column D. Valid entries in column C are
Subject, Text 1, Text 2, Text 3 and Entry. The value in column D for Entry
tells QBotic how to send the email.
Column D holds the text data identified in column C. Do not use any
characters that are not valid for Sabre in your text. See Sabre documentation
for valid email send commands and usage. You may also use %RL% to
indicate that you want the PNR record locator inserted at this spot in the text.
This is valid for the subject line or the email text area.
QBotic Pro Configuration
Robotic Queues
The name of this file must be “qbri_qs.csv”.
This file must be located in the configuration directory identified at start up.
If your agency plans to use QBotic Pro in robotic mode this configuration file
can be used to store a list of PCCs and queues that you want to process. You
need to be sure that PNRs placed to these queues are suitable for QBotic Pro
in robotic mode. Please see other information concerning robotic mode
elsewhere in this document.
Column A is the PCC to process in robotic mode.
Column B is the queue to process in robotic mode.
QBotic Pro Configuration
Local Processes
Qbri_lcl.csv is a special configuration file that tells QBotic about local processes that
are unique to your agency. Do not use this file without assistance from Travel