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Allen Serrell Period 2
Measles is a non-genetic disease but is still very contagious. The Measles Virus
Pathogen can spread through air, saliva, cough, surfaces, blood… pretty much any
way it can get into the body. The Virus itself can float through the air and can even
float into the innocent mouths of the victims and spread through the lymph nodes by
the upper respiratory tract. It is a viral disease of childhood, though adults can get it
too if they are not vaccinated. You are most likely to find the measles in another
person, or from germs in the air. (the germs coming from the person) they can also
be found to be associated with the following medical conditions: Rubeol, Koplik
spots, Measles virus, MV, Rubeola virus, Coryza, Conjunctivitis, Pathognomonic
enanthem, Otitis media, Bronchopneumonia, Acute encephalitis and Subacute
sclerosing panencephalitis. Symptoms of this nefarious criminal include runny nose,
red and runny eyes, irritability, hacking cough, fever, diarrhea, skin rash, high
temperature and kolic spots. Though the Measles have been almost completely
driven out of the United States thanks to the vaccine, many third world countries who
do not have access to the vaccine (and on top of that) lack of vitamin A, are still
endanger of it and have an estimation of 900,000 measles deaths in third world
countries per year. You can help prevent the measles by simply covering your mouth
when you cough or sneeze and washing your hands thoroughly. You should also
drink lots of water to prevent dehydration. If prevention fails (prevention also
meaning not having the shot for measles) then bed rest, pain relief, symptomatic
treatment, and vitamin A can help keep the body strong enough to prevent further
symptoms until the disease passes. Five facts about this criminal: There is no real
cure for the measles. Droplets in the air with the measles virus in them can live for up
to two hours. Babies are vaccinated at one years old. Vaccines are now given in two
doses. Though the deaths are considerably less, there is an estimated 43 million
cases a year of measles.
Allen Serrell Period 2
Allen Serrell Period 2
Good Citizen Award
On a side
Lets talk about something good on these wanted posters for a
change! Surprisingly, it was actually HARD to find a good bacteria
-citizen in our bacteria-invaded community…but we finally found
one! And the lucky winner is…cowpox. For all of you thinking,
“What?! A POX?! How did a POX get the good citizens award?!” I
will have you know that just because something has “pox” in its
name does not mean it causes pox! In fact cowpox…actually
does…ummm…cause pox. BUT, it acts as a natural immunization
for smallpox and fights against it when both of them are in the
same organism! It actually causes LESS pox than smallpox so
even though you still end up with pox in the end…you end up with
less of it.