
Angelina Arnold
Her head quickly arose from the water; the only sounds made were her gasping for air and the
splashing of water. She slowly moved her feet, trying to keep afloat. Her hands went to her eyes
to wipe away the water that was beginning to burn her eyes. She looked around at her
surroundings, having no clue where she was and how she got there. She swam in a small circle,
taking in her surroundings. "Where am I?" she quietly asked herself. She was in the middle of a
lake, the water a dark, thick, substance. She lifted her hand out of the water, observing the liquid
on her arm. Her eyes widen in realization that the liquid wasn't mucky, dirty, water, but blood.
She began to look for the quickest way to shore before swimming at slow rate to a bank about 17
yards away from her.
She crawled onto the sand, drenched in blood, and out of breath. She shivered and stared at the
gray, cloudy sky. The clouds looked as though a storm was approaching. She sat up looking at
the black t-shirt and black shorts that ended mid thigh on her body. She looked at her
surroundings once more as though she never did while in the lake. The sky's clouds looked as
though a storm would be approaching, the lake filled with blood, and the only trees were dark
evergreens, looking as though they had been in a wildfire.
As she slowly got up, a pain in her leg instantly pierced her, making her cry out in pain. She
looked at her left leg and saw a deep gash that she never noticed before. Whimpering, she limped
to the tree line, wondering what lied before her. She began to make her way into the burned
looking forest when a hand grabbed the back of her shirt. The grip so strong, pulling her back
into the blood lake.
She instantly jumped up, letting out a scream as she realized it was only a dream. Her parents
dashed into the room, scared to what might have happened to their only child. "Nevaeh! Are you
alright?!" her mother asked her daughter that was covered in a cold sweat. "Y-yea... I'm fine. It
was just um.... a nightmare." Nevaeh said as she looked around her room. "You scared us. Are
you going to be alright? Do you want to come Sleep with us?" Her mother asked, annoying
Nevaeh already. "I'm fine. Go back to sleep and I'm 16.... Don't you think I'm a little too old to
sleep with you?" Nevaeh asks, looking at her mom as though her mom was a three year old
asking for a cookie after doing something bad.
"You are, but I was just worried about you. We'll go to bed now. Sleep well." her mother said
before kissing Nevaeh's forehead and exiting the room. Nevaeh laid back on her bed.
couldn't have been a dream. It felt, too real.' Nevaeh thought as she tried to go back to sleep. She
looked over at her clock; it was 3:33 A.M. She felt uneasiness sweep over her as she broke out
into another cold sweat. Glancing around the room, she froze when she thought she saw a man
standing on the other side of her room. She turned on the light, instantly regretting it as she
shielded her eyes from the bright light illuminating her room
. 'No man in here. I knew it was
my imagination' she thought, letting out a sigh of relief. She turned off the light, glad no man
was in her room, as she fell back to sleep.