Reductions & NP-Completeness •See 2001 slides •More Classes for 4111 •More Detailed Steps for 6111 Jeff Edmonds York University Thanks Intro & COSC 3101/4111/6111 Reductions & NP-Completeness More Classes For 4111 Jeff Edmonds York University COSC 3101/4111/6111 Non-Deterministic Machines Acceptable Computable A Problem P is said to be computable/decidable/recursive •if on every input the machine halts and give the correct answer. Non-Deterministic Machines Acceptable Computable Three equivalent definitions for a problem P Acceptable: TM M •On every yes input, the machine halts and gives the correct answer. •On every no input, the machine could halt and gives the correct answer or could run for ever. •Witnesses: computable Valid such that P(I) = S Valid(I,S) •Enumerable: TM M •Every yes input I, is eventually printed. •No no input is ever printed. Non-Deterministic Machines Acceptable Is there a language that can be accepted but not computed? Halting Halting(M,I) = Does TM M halt on input I. Turing proves uncomputable. Alg: Run M on I. If it halts halt and say “yes” If it does not halt run forever. Computable Non-Deterministic Machines The Post Correspondence Problem (PCP) •The input is a finite collection of dominos b a ca abc I = ca , ab , a , c •A solution is a finite sequence of the dominos a b ca a abc ab ca a ab c I can give a solution as a •So that the combined string on the top witness. is the same as that on the bottom abcaaabc abcaaabc Non-Deterministic Machines Acceptable But how big is this witness? PCP? With Repeats Computable Exp a b ca a abc ab ca a ab c NP PCP? Without Repeats •If dominos can’t be repeated, |S| |I| •If dominos can be repeated, |S| can be arbitrarily long. I can give a solution as a witness. Poly Non-Deterministic Machines Acceptable CoAcceptable Halting Not Halting Computable Non-Deterministic Yes instances I •have accepting computations •have witness/solutions. No instances I •Do not. Co-Non-Deterministic No instances I •have accepting computations •have witness/solutions. Yes instances I •Do not. Exp CoNP NP SAT not SAT Poly GCD Reductions & NP-Completeness •Non-Deterministic Poly-Time •Reductions •NP vs Co-NP Preserving Reductions •NP-Complete •K-Clique vs K-Independent Set In More Depth •12 Steps •Any P ≤ Sat •3-Col ≤ 3-Sat •Sat ≤ 3-Col •More Problems Jeff Edmonds •12 Steps in More Depth York University COSC 3101/4111/6111 Non-Deterministic Poly-Time Decision Problems (NP) •An optimization problem •Each solution is either valid or not (no cost) •The output is •Yes, it has a valid solution. •No, it does not •the solution is not returned •Eg: Given graph and integer <G,k>, does G have a clique of size k? Non-Deterministic Poly-Time (NP) •Key: Given •an instance I (= <G,k>) •and a solution S (= subset of nodes) •there is a poly-time alg Valid(I,S) to test whether or not S is a valid solution for I. •Poly-time in |I| not in |S|. |S| can't be too big. Not Valid Valid k=4 Formal definition: Prob NP iff poly time Valid such that Prob(I) = S Valid(I,S) Non-Deterministic Poly-Time (NP) •Key: •If the instance has a valid solution •A non-deterministic (fairy god mother) could prove it to you by giving you such a solution as a witness. •You could check that it is valid. •You could convince your boss. Valid k=4 Non-Deterministic Poly-Time (NP) •Key: •If the instance does not have a valid solution •A non-deterministic (fairy god mother) could prove it to you by giving you ???? •You have no way to convince your boss. k=5 Non-Deterministic Poly-Time (NP) •Example: 3-Col: •Instance: A graph G. •Solution: Colouring C nodes of G with 3 colours such that every edge has two colours. •G is a Yes instance if there is such a colouring. •Given an instance G and a solution C, there is a poly-time alg Valid(G,C) to test whether or not C is a valid 3-colouring of G. 3-Col NP. Col G Col Non-Deterministic Poly-Time (NP) •Example: Not 3-Col: •Instance: A graph G. •Solution: Colouring C nodes of G with 3 colours such that every edge has two colours. •G is a No instance if there is not such a colouring. •Given an instance G and a solution C, there is a poly-time alg Valid(G,C) to test whether or not C is a valid 3-colouring of G. Not 3-Col NP. Not 3-Col Co-NP. I can't witness Yes instances G Col Non-Deterministic Poly-Time (NP) Computable Exp CoNP NP 3-Col Jack Edmonds Not 3-Col Steve Cook Definition is asymmetric. There is a witness that a graph has a 3-Col. There is no known witness that a graph has no 3-Col. Poly Known GCD Non-Deterministic Poly-Time (NP) •Example: Sorting •Instance: A list of numbers X=[x1,…xn]. •Solution: Sorted order X’. •Given an instance X and a solution X’, there is a poly-time alg Valid(X,X’) to test whether or not X’ is a sorting of X. Sorting NP. Sorting is not a decision (Yes/No) problem. X=[5,3,7,2] X’=[2,3,5,7] Non-Deterministic Poly-Time (NP) •Example: Parity •Instance: A list of bits X=[x1,…xn]. •X is a Yes Instance if the number of xi=1 is odd. Parity Poly-Time NP. X=[0,1,0,1,1,0] parity=1 What Don’t do Ibegive lazy. as a You can witness? solve this on your own. Non-Deterministic Poly-Time (NP) Computable Exp Games CoNP NP 3-Col Jack Edmonds Not 3-Col Steve Cook Poly Parity Poly-Time NP. Known Parity Non-Deterministic Poly-Time (NP) •Example: Airplane Wing: •Instance: Requirements I of the wing. •Solution: A description S of how to make the wing. •I is a Yes instance if there is such a wing. •Given an instance I and a proof S, there is a poly-time alg Valid(I,S) to test whether or not S is a valid solution for I. Airplane Wing NP. I = [weight, lift, cost, …] Non-Deterministic Poly-Time (NP) •Example: Math Truth: •Instance: A math statement I •Solution: A proof S. •I is a Yes instance if there is such a proof. •Given an instance I and a proof S, there is a poly-time alg Valid(I,S) to test whether or not S is a valid solution for I. in |I| Math Truth NP. not in |S| Witness is way too big! I = [ a,b,c,r 3 ar+br cr] Non-Deterministic Poly-Time (NP) •Example: Math Truth: •Instance: A math statement I •Solution: A proof S. •I is a Yes instance if there is such a proof. •Math Statement I can encode whether a TM stops •Halting problem poly Math Truth Math Truth Undecidable. I = [ a,b,c,r 3 ar+br cr] Non-Deterministic Poly-Time (NP)Math Truth Computable Halting Exp Games CoNP NP 3-Col Turing 1936 Not 3-Col Poly Known GCD Non-Deterministic Poly-Time (NP)Math Truth Acceptable Computable Halting Exp Games CoNP NP 3-Col If the program does halt, I can give you its computation as a witness. It the statement does have a proof, I could give you a proof as a witness. Not 3-Col Poly Known GCD Reductions Palg ≤poly Poracle •Reduction: Design a fast algorithm for one computational problem, using a supposedly fast algorithm for another problem as a subroutine. NP vs Co-NP Preserving Reductions Computable Exp CoNP NP 3-Col Jack Edmonds Not 3-Col Steve Cook Definition is asymmetric. There is a witness that a graph has a 3-Col. There is no known witness that a graph has no 3-Col. Poly Known GCD NP vs Co-NP Preserving Reductions 3-Col ≤poly Not 3-Col <G> No G is not 3-Colorable <G> BUILD: 3-Col Yes G is not 3-colorable GIVEN: Not 3-Col NP vs Co-NP Preserving Reductions 3-Col ≤poly Not 3-Col <G> Yes G is 3-Colorable <G> BUILD: 3-Col Poly time If not poly time No G is 3-colorable GIVEN: Not 3-Col If poly time Not poly time NP vs Co-NP Preserving Reductions 3-Col ≤poly Not 3-Col <G> Yes G is 3-Colorable <G> BUILD: 3-Col If NP-complete No G is 3-colorable GIVEN: Not 3-Col ??? NP vs Co-NP Preserving Reductions Computable Exp CoNP NP 3-Col Jack Edmonds Not 3-Col Steve Cook Definition is asymmetric. There is a witness that a graph has a 3-Col. There is no known witness that a graph has no 3-Col. If NP-complete Poly Known GCD ??? NP vs Co-NP Preserving Reductions Palg ≤poly Poracle Cook Reduction: Design any fast algorithm for Palg using a supposed fast algorithm for Poracle as a subroutine. Karp Reduction: The algorithm for Palg calls that for Poracle only once Yes Yes & No No NP vs Co-NP Preserving Reductions Palg ≤poly Poracle Karp Reduction: Yes Yes & No No We will only consider reductions of this simple form. Because they preserve NP vs Co-NP NP-Complete Problems Problem Pnew is NP-Complete •Pnew not too hard. •Pnew NP Test in poly-time if a given solution is valid Computable Exp NP Sat complete Pnew Poly Known GCD NP-Complete Problems Problem Pnew is NP-Complete Computable •Pnew not too hard. Exp •Pnew NP •Pnew sufficiently hard. •PNP, P ≤poly Pnew NP •Easier: Sat ≤poly Pnew Sat •Cook: P ≤poly Sat complete Pnew Poly Known GCD K-Clique vs K-Independent Set Clique: Given <G,k>, does G contains a k-clique? Independent Set: Given <G,k>, does G contains a k-Ind Set? A K-independent set A K-clique is a set of K nodes is a set of K nodes with all edges between them. with no edges between them. K-Clique vs K-Independent Set Clique: Given <G,k>, does G contains a k-clique? Independent Set: Given <G,k>, does G contains a k-Ind Set? Brute Force: Try out all n choose k possible subsets. If k = (n) then 2(n) subsets to check If k=3 then only O(n3) K-Clique vs K-Independent Set Clique ≤poly Indep Set <G,k> G has a k clique or not <G*, k> BUILD: Clique Oracle G* has a k Indep. set or not GIVEN: Indep. Set Oracle K-Clique vs K-Independent Set Clique ≤poly Indep Set <G,k> G has a k clique or not <G*, k> Proof of correctness: G* has a k Indep. set BUILD: Our oracle says yes to <G,k> or not Clique iff Old oracle says yes to <G*,k> iff G* has Oracle a k indep. set iff G has a k clique GIVEN: Indep. Set Oracle K-Clique vs K-Independent Set G G* G* has edge if and only if G does not K-Clique vs K-Independent Set G This graph contains a clique of size 4. if and only if G* This graph contains an independent set of size 4. 12 Steps Steps for proving that Pnew is NP-Complete 1) I am addicted to solving NP-Complete Problems 2) I trust in my higher power to help A witness 12 Steps Steps for proving that Pnew is NP-Complete 0) Pnew NP 1) What to reduce it to 2) What is what 3) Direction of reduction & Code 4) Look for similarities 5) Instance Map 6) Solution Map 7) Valid to Valid 8) Reverse Solution Map 9) Valid to Valid 10) Working Algorithm 11) Running Time 12 Steps Step 0: Pnew NP Formal definition: Pnew NP iff poly time Valid such that Pnew(I) = S Valid(I,S) Design poly-time algorithm Valid(I,S) which determines whether a given solution S is valid for a given instance I. 12 Steps Step 1: What to reduce it to Palg ≤poly Poracle Choose a problem Pis NP-comp that is as similar to Pnew as possible and that is already known to be NP-Complete. 12 Steps Step 2: What is what Pnew = Independent Set Pis NP-comp = Clique Inew Iis NP-comp Snew k=3 Sis NP-comp k=4 12 Steps Step 3: Direction of reduction & Code Reduce Pnew to Pis NP-comp or Pis NP-comp to Pnew? Pis NP-comp ≤poly Pnew Palg ≤poly Poracle 12 Steps Step 3: Direction of reduction & Code 12 Steps Step 4: Look for similarities Clique Independent Set Both instances are graphs: nodes & edges A clique solution is a subset of the nodes with edges. An Ind Set solution is a subset of the nodes without edges. 12 Steps Step 5: Instance Map 12 Steps Step 5: Instance Map Ialg Ioracle = InstanceMap(Ialg) 12 Steps Step 5: Instance Map Ialg no yes Yes mapped to Yes No to No Ioracle no yes 12 Steps Step 6: Solution Map 12 Steps Step 6: Solution Map Ialg Potential Solution = SolutionMap(S). Ioracle Potential Solution S. 12 Steps Step 7: Valid to Valid Ialg Valid Salg = SolutionMap(Soracle) Ioracle = InstanceMap(Ialg) If Soracle is valid solution for Ioracle, then Salg is valid solution for Ialg Valid Soracle 12 Steps Step 8: Reverse Solution Map Ialg Potential Solution S. Ioracle Not part of code, but of proof. Potential Solution = ReverseSolutionMap(S). 12 Steps Step 9: Valid to Valid Ialg Valid Salg Ioracle = InstanceMap(Ialg) If Salg is valid solution for Ialg, then Soracle is valid solution for Ioracle Valid Soracle = ReverseSolutionMap(Salg) 12 Steps Step 10: Working Algorithm Our Algalg says yes to Ialg iff old Algoracle says yes to Ioracle iff Ioracle has a valid solution Soracle iff Ialg has a valid solution Salg iff Ialg is a yes instance. 6&7 Steps 8&9 12 Steps Step 11: Running Time Algalg(Ialg) is poly time if the following are poly time: Algoracle(Ioracle) Ioracle = InstanceMap(Ialg) Salg = SolutionMap(Soracle) Assumed Your job Palg ≤poly Poracle or Palg Poracle Scheduling Graph Colouring Clique Independent Set Circuit Satisfiability Any NP-Problem This will prove that Cir-SAT is NP-Complete. Reduction Any NP-problem ≤poly Cir-SAT I I don’t even know what problem I am trying to solve!!! ? BUILD: Oracle for arbitrary NP Problem GIVEN: Oracle for Cir-Sat We need to solve some unknown NP-Problem. What do we know about it? Formal definition: Parbitrary NP iff poly time Valid such that Parbitrary(I) = S Valid(I,S) We have a poly-time alg Valid(I,S) to test whether or not S is a valid solution for I. Valid k=4 Reduction Any NP-problem ≤poly Cir-SAT I Please, give me a solution S such that Valid(I,S) is true. BUILD: Oracle for arbitrary NP Problem That looks like a Turing Machine. I only know about circuits GIVEN: Oracle for Cir-Sat The Circuit Satisfiability Problem An instance is a circuit C. A solution is an assignment X = [F,T,F…]. C(X) evaluates to T or F. x1 F x2T x3F AND AND F F OR F OR NOT F OR T One bit output No feedback The Circuit Satisfiability Problem An instance is a circuit C. A solution is an assignment X = [F,T,F…]. A valid solution has C(X) = True. x1 F x2F x3F AND AND F F OR F OR NOT T OR F Given a circuit, does it have a satisfying assignment? The Circuit Satisfiability Problem Turing (and friends) prove that any algorithm computed by a JAVA program in poly-time can be computed by a Turing Machine in poly-time. Very Powerful Cook proves that any algorithm computed by a Turing Machine in time T(n) can be computed by a family of circuits of size [T(n)]2. But clearly, circuits compute. Reduction Any NP-problem ≤poly Cir-SAT I build a circuit VI(S) equivalent to Valid(I,S) I Please, give me a solution S such that VI(S) is true. BUILD: Oracle for arbitrary NP Problem Thanks for the circuit. But what is S? I can only find assignments. GIVEN: Oracle for Cir-Sat Reduction Any NP-problem ≤poly Cir-SAT I I build a circuit VI(S) I decode X equivalent into S to Valid(I,S) and am done. Please, give me an assignment X such that VI(X) is true. BUILD: Oracle for arbitrary NP Problem My pleasure. Here: X GIVEN: Oracle for Cir-Sat 12 Step Program Let's be more formal. And flow the 12 steps. Step 0: Cir-SAT NP Design poly-time algorithm ValidCir-SAT(C,X) which determines whether a given assignment X is valid for a given circuit C. Easy: Evaluate C(X). Step 1: What to reduce it to Palg ≤poly Cir-Sat Choose a problem Pis NP-comp that is as similar to Cir-Sat as possible and that is already known to be NP-Complete. Have none. Any NP-problem ≤poly Cir-SAT We have a poly-time alg Valid(I,S) to test whether or not S is a valid solution for I. Step 2: What is what Pnew = Circuit-Sat Inew x1 F AND Snew x2F OR NOT OR OR Iarbitrary = I x3F AND Parbitrary = some NP problem Sarbitrary = S Step 3: Direction of reduction & Code Given oracle for Cir-Sat, we need to be able to solve any NP-Complete problem. Parbitrary Cir-Sat Step 4: Look for similarities x1F AND x2F x3F AND S I OR NOT OR ? OR Step 5: Instance Map Step 5: Instance Map I circuit We have a poly-time alg Valid(I,S) to test whether or not S is a valid solution for I. Let Validn(I,S) be a circuit: •I is a bit string representing an instance I. •S is a bit string representing a solution S. •Outputs T if S is an encoding of a valid solution of I. Eg: Clique G,k I S {u.v} E OR uS OR vS |S| k And over pairs of nodes Step 5: Instance Map I circuit Given an instance I Circuit VI(S) = Valid(I,S) Valid I (I,S) nV I(S) S I hard wired Outputs T if S is an encoding of a valid solution S of I Step 6: Solution Map Step 6: Solution Map S assignment X=[T,F,F,T,F,T] X is viewed as a bit string S representing a solution S. If X is not a bit string representing a solution then “what ever” I VI(S) S I hard wired Outputs T if S is an encoding of a valid solution S of I Step 6: Solution Map S assignment X=[T,F,F,T,F,T] X is viewed as a bit string S representing a solution S. solution S I VI(S) S I hard wired Outputs T if S is an encoding of a valid solution S of I Step 7: Valid Valid VI(X) = T Valid(I,S) = Validn(I,S) = VI(X) = T S is a valid solution of I. I VI(S) S I hard wired Outputs T if S is an encoding of a valid solution S of I Step 8: Rev. Sol. Map solution assignment solution S S bit string representing a solution S X=[T,F,F,T,F,T] I VI(S) S I hard wired Outputs T if S is an encoding of a valid solution S of I Step 9: Valid Valid S is a valid solution of I. VI(X) = Validn(I,S) = Valid(I,S) = T VI(X) = T I VI(S) S I hard wired Outputs T if S is an encoding of a valid solution S of I Reduction Any NP-problem ≤poly Cir-SAT I Yes/No i.e. S, S is a valid solution for I VI BUILD: Opt. problem satisfiable or not i.e. X, VI(X) GIVEN: Alg for circuit problem Palg ≤poly Poracle or Palg Poracle Scheduling Clique 3-Col ? Graph Colouring Independent Set Circuit Satisfiability Any NP-Problem 3-Col Graph Col: Given graph G & k can G be coloured with k colours? 3-Col: Given graph G can G be coloured with 3 colours? 3-Col ≤poly Graph Col If you can decide whether you can colour with k colours, then you can decide whether you can colour with 3 colours. G,k C G C Palg ≤poly Poracle or Palg Poracle 3-Col Scheduling Graph Colouring Clique Independent Set 3-SAT ? Circuit Satisfiability Any NP-Problem 3-SAT Cir Sat: Given circuit C does it have a satisfying assignment X? 3-SAT: Given an expression: •A circuit consisting of a big AND of clauses •Each clause is the OR of at most 3 literals •Each literal is a variable or its negation. does it have a satisfying assignment X? FT F F T F FT F F T F xoryorz AND xorwora AND … 3-SAT Cir Sat: Given circuit C does it have a satisfying assignment X? 3-SAT: Given an expression: does it have a satisfying assignment X? 3-Sat ≤poly Cir Sat If you can decide whether any circuit is satifiable, then you can decide whether a circuit that happens to be an expression is satisfiable. FT F F T F FT F F T F xoryorz AND xorwora AND … Palg ≤poly Poracle or Palg Poracle 3-Col Scheduling Graph Colouring Clique Independent Set 3-SAT ? Circuit Satisfiability Any NP-Problem 3-Col ≤poly 3-SAT Graph Col ≤poly Cir SAT Step 5: Instance Map Graph G Expression V Given an instance G Circuit VG(C) = Valid(G,C) Encoding C of C: u is a node r is a colour x<u,r> = T if node u is colour r. G C hard wired Outputs T if C is an encoding of a valid 3-colouring C of G Step 5: Instance Map Graph G Expression V Given an instance G Circuit VG(C) = Valid(G,C) G hard wired C Encoding C of C: u is a node x<u, r> = F OR x<v, r> = F r is a colour x<u,r> = T if node u is colour r. And over edges <u,v> and colours r clauses with 2 literals Step 5: Instance Map Graph G Expression V Given an instance G Circuit VG(C) = Valid(G,C) G hard wired C Encoding C of C: u is a node x<u, r> =T OR x<u, g>=T OR x<u, b>=T r is a colour x<u,r> = T And over node u if node u is colour r. clauses with 3 literals Reduction 3-Col ≤poly 3-SAT I Yes/No i.e. C, C is a valid 3-colouring for G VG BUILD: Opt. problem satisfiable or not i.e. X, VG(X) GIVEN: Alg for circuit problem Palg ≤poly Poracle or Palg Poracle 3-Col 3-SAT ? Scheduling Graph Colouring Clique Independent Set Circuit Satisfiability Any NP-Problem This will prove that 3-Col is NP-Complete. And so are Scheduling, Graph-Colouring, and 3-SAT. Sat ≤poly 3-Col Computable Given a circuit, find a satisfying assignment. Exp NP SAT complete Poly Steve Cook 1971 SAT is NP-Complete! Known GCD Sat ≤poly 3-Col Given a circuit, find a satisfying assignment. Colour each node with 3 colours. Nodes with lines between them must have different colours. Two problems that are cosmetically different, but substantially the same Circuit Satisfiablity ≤poly 3-Col This will prove that 3-Col is NP-Complete. Step 0: 3-Col NP Design poly-time algorithm Valid3-Col(G,C) which determines whether a given 3-colouring C is valid for a given graph G. Easy: Check that each edge is bi-chromatic. Step 1: What to reduce it to Palg ≤poly 3-Col Choose a problem Pis NP-comp that is as similar to 3-Col as possible and that is already known to be NP-Complete. Pis NP-comp = Cir-SAT Step 2: What is What 3-Colouring •instance = graph •solution = green/red/blue to each node. Circuit Problem: •instance = circuit of gates •solution = true/false to each variable FT G T x y z OR NOT Col OR Output Step 3: Direction of reduction & Code Given an oracle for 3-colorability, how can you quickly solve circuit SAT? BUILD: Alg for circuit problem GIVEN: Alg for 3-colour problem Reduction Circuit ≤poly 3-Colouring C satisfiable Graph composed of or not gadgets that mimic the gates in C BUILD: Alg for circuit problem colourable or not GIVEN: Alg for 3-colour problem Step 4: Look for Similarities Circuit Problem: •instance = circuit of gates •solution = true/false to each variable •true/false to internal wires FT 3-Colouring •instance = graph of gadgets •solution = green/red/blue ? to each node. T x y z OR NOT G OR Output Col A Graph Named “Gadget” Steven Rudich had computer search for graph with some key properties. Graph Colouring Colour each node. Nodes with lines between them must have different colours. No Could you do it with 2 colours? Graph Colouring Colour each node. Nodes with lines between them must have different colours. Yes. Could you do it with 3 colours? How do we know? Because we colored it! Y X Output x y OR Output variables&wires gate ~ gadget ~ nodes T F Y X Output FT x y OR Output T true ~ green red false ~ red yellow ? ~ yellow green Consider your colouring T F Y X Output FT x y OR Output T true ~ green red false ~ red yellow ? ~ yellow green Re-map your colouring F T Y X ? Output FT x y OR Output T gate function ~ gadget “function” X Y Or F F F F T T T F T T T T T F Consider your colouring Y X F F F ? Output F F x y OR Output F gate function ~ gadget “function” X Y Out F F F F T T F T T T F Y X T F T Output FT x y OR Output T Consider your colouring gate function ~ gadget “function” X Y F F F T T F T T Out T T F Y X F T T T F Output x y OR Output T Consider your colouring gate function ~ gadget “function” X Y F F F T T F T T Out T T F Y X T T T Output TT x y OR Output T Consider your colouring gate function ~ gadget “function” X Y F F F T T F T T Out T T F Consider your colouring Y X Or - Gadget Output FT x y OR Output T gate function ~ gadget “function” X Y Or F F F F T T T F T T T T T F Proof Y X T F Or - Gadget T Output FT x y OR Output T gate function ~ gadget “function” X Y F F F T T F T T Or T T F Proof Y X F F Or - Gadget F Output F F x y OR Output F gate function ~ gadget “function” X Y Out Or F F F F T T F T T T F X NOT - Gadget Output X NOT F T T F Reduction Circuit ≤poly 3-Colouring C satisfiable Graph composed of or not gadgets that mimic the gates in C BUILD: Alg for circuit problem colourable or not GIVEN: Alg for 3-colour problem Step 5: Instance Map Step 5: Instance Map x y z OR NOT OR Output circuit graph Step 5: Instance Map x y z OR NOT circuit graph y x OR Output variables&wires ~ nodes Output z Step 5: Instance Map x y z OR NOT circuit graph y x OR Output One ~pallet for gate gadget “defining” truth. Output z Step 5: Instance Map x y z circuit graph y x second input first input OR NOT The Graph Named “OR-Gadget” OR output Output gate ~ gadget Output z Step 5: Instance Map x y z circuit graph y x second input first input OR NOT OR output Output gate ~ gadget Output z Step 5: Instance Map x y z circuit graph y x z input OR NOT The Graph Named “NOT-Gadget” OR output Output gate ~ gadget Output Step 5: Instance Map x y z circuit graph y x z input OR NOT OR output Output gate ~ gadget Output Step 5: Instance Map x y z OR NOT circuit graph y x z OR first input Output gate ~ gadget second input The Graph Named “OR-Gadget” Output output Step 5: Instance Map x y z OR NOT circuit graph y x z OR first input Output gate ~ gadget Output output second input Step 5: Instance Map x y z OR NOT OR Output One extra edge from “False” to “Output” circuit graph Step 5: Instance Map x y z OR NOT OR Output Done circuit graph Step 6: Solution Map assignment colouring F T F F T x y z OR NOT OR x Assume these are the colours of these nodes. Output Output y z Step 7: Valid Valid F F T x y z OR NOT correspond F T x OR Gadget F correspond OR Output Output y z Step 7: Valid Valid F F correspond T T F x x y z OR NOT y z Not Gadget F F correspond OR Output Output Step 7: Valid Valid T F F T x x y z OR NOT F F F correspond OR Output F OR Gadget correspond Output y z Step 7: Valid Valid T F F T F x x y z OR NOT y z F F OR Output F One extra edge from “False” to “Output” Output Oops this is a bad coloring Step 6: Solution Map assignment colouring F T F T T x y z OR NOT OR x Assume these are the colours of these nodes. Output Output y z Step 7: Valid Valid F T correspond T T F x x y z OR NOT F T OR correspond correspond Output T correspond Output y z Step 7: Valid Valid T F T T F x x y z OR NOT y z F T OR Output T One extra edge from “False” to “Output” Output T Can’t be F Step 7: Valid Valid T F T T F x x y z OR NOT F T OR Output T Must be T valid colouring correspond Output T satisfying assignment y z Step 8: Rev. Sol. Map F T T x y z OR NOT assignment colouring y x OR Output Rest of colouring follows Output z Step 9: Valid Valid F T T x y z OR NOT y x OR Output Edges in Gadgets bi-chromatic Output z Step 9: Valid Valid F T T y x x y z OR NOT z OR Output T valid correspond Edge? Extra Edge bi-chromatic Output Must be T Step 9: Valid Valid F T T x y z OR NOT y x OR Output T valid satisfying assignment valid colouring Output z Step 5-9 F T T x x y z OR NOT F T OR Output T Satisfiability of this circuit = Output 3-colourability of this graph y z Satisfiability of this circuit = 3-colourability of this graph Reduction Circuit ≤poly 3-Colouring C satisfiable Graph composed of or not gadgets that mimic the gates in C BUILD: Alg for circuit problem colourable or not GIVEN: Alg for 3-colour problem Palg ≤poly Poracle or Palg Poracle 3-Col Scheduling Graph Colouring Clique Independent Set 3-SAT Circuit Satisfiability Any NP-Problem This proves that 3-Col is NP-Complete. And so are Scheduling, Graph-Colouring, and 3-SAT. Palg ≤poly Poracle or Palg Poracle 3-Col Scheduling Clique Graph Colouring ? Independent Set 3-SAT Circuit Satisfiability Any NP-Problem True but we will not do this here. Palg ≤poly Poracle or Palg Poracle 3-Col Scheduling Graph Colouring Clique Independent Set 3-SAT Circuit Satisfiability Any NP-Problem NP-Complete Problems If we can solve one of these quickly, then we can solve all NP-problems quickly. Palg ≤poly Poracle or Palg Poracle 3-Col Scheduling Graph Colouring Clique Independent Set 3-SAT Circuit Satisfiability Any NP-Problem NP-Complete Problems If we can prove one takes exponential time, then all NP-complete problems take exponential time. 3-Col Scheduling Graph Colouring Clique Independent Set 3-SAT Circuit Satisfiability Any NP-Problem NP-Complete Problems ? Network Flows Yes: If we can solve Sat fast, we can solve Network Flow fast, because we can solve Network Flow fast. 3-Col Scheduling Graph Colouring Clique Independent Set 3-SAT Circuit Satisfiability Any NP-Problem NP-Complete Problems ? Network Flows No: We can solve Network Flow fast, but we cannot solve Sat fast. 3-Col 3-SAT Scheduling Graph Colouring Clique Independent Set Circuit Satisfiability Any NP-Problem NP-Complete Problems Network Flows ? Bipartite Matching Yes: We use the fast alg for Network Flow to give a fast alg for Bipartite Matching. 3-Col Scheduling Graph Colouring Clique Independent Set NP-Complete Problems 3-SAT Circuit Satisfiability Any NP-Problem ? Math Truth Network Flows Bipartite Matching Halting problem poly Math Truth Math Truth Undecidable. 3-Col Scheduling Graph Colouring Clique Independent Set 3-SAT Circuit Satisfiability Any NP-Problem NP-Complete Problems Network Flows Bipartite Matching Yes: If we can solve Math Truth fast, we can solve Sat fast. ? Math Truth Undecidable 12 Steps In More Detail Steps for proving that Pnew is NP-Complete •Designed after collecting lots of wrong answers. •Understand and follow them carefully. •Keep the steps separate, because errors happen when they are intertwined. 12 Steps In More Detail Steps for proving that Pnew is NP-Complete 1) Pnew NP 2) What is what 3) Direction of reduction & Code 4) Look for similarities 5) Instance Map 6) Solution Map 7) Valid to Valid 8) Reverse Solution Map 9) Valid to Valid 10) Working Algorithm 11) Running Time 12 Steps Step 3: Direction of reduction & Code Reduce Pnew to Pis NP-comp or Pis NP-comp to Pnew? People get this wrong. Don’t memorize it. Go through it each time. •I want to prove Pnew is hard •hence that Pis NP-comp poly Pnew •hence that Pis NP-comp is easy •hence I need to design an algorithm for Pis NP-comp •hence I start with an input instance Iis NP-comp for Pis NP-comp •to get help, I must map it to an instance Inew for Pnew Pis NP-comp ≤poly Pnew Palg ≤poly Poracle 12 Steps If and Only If Palg ≤poly Poracle Ialg Ioracle Salg Soracle •Step 5 Ioracle = InstanceMap(Ialg) •Steps 6,7: Salg = SolutionMap(Soracle) •Steps 8,9: Soracle = ReverseSolutionMap(Salg) Not part of code, but of proof. 12 Steps If and Only If Algoracle gives the correct answer (whether yes or no) Our algorithm gives the correct answer. Algoracle says yes to Ioracle Ioracle has a valid solution Soracle Ialg has a valid solution Salg Ialg is a yes instance. Steps 6&7 Algoracle says no to Ioracle Ioracle does not have a valid solution Soracle Ialg does not have a valid solution Salg Ialg is a no instance. Take to contra positive. No witness to map! 12 Steps If and Only If Algoracle gives the correct answer (whether yes or no) Our algorithm gives the correct answer. Algoracle says yes to Ioracle Ioracle has a valid solution Soracle Ialg has a valid solution Salg Ialg is a yes instance. Steps 6&7 Algoracle says yes to Ioracle Ioracle has a valid solution Soracle Ialg has a valid solution Salg Ialg is a yes instance. Steps 8&9 Take to contra positive. 12 Steps Wider net Ialg Salg = SolutionMap(Soracle) Ioracle = InstanceMap(Ialg) Every solution Soracle needs to be considered. Not just those you intended when you created I oracle. Soracle 12 Steps Wider net Ialg Potential Solution = SolutionMap(S). Ioracle = InstanceMap(Ialg) To be safe, cast a bigger net. Potential Solution S. 12 Steps Wider net and Separate steps 6 & 7 It is best to separate the steps of •defining the entire solution Salg being mapped to in a well defined and clear way. •the proof that Salg is a valid solution. A false proof •defines part of Salg •proves that this makes some aspect of Salg valid. •Later to make some other aspect of Salg valid, •it redefines the same part of Salg in an inconsistent way. 12 Steps Step 5: Instance Map 12 Steps Step 5: Instance Map Ialg no yes Yes mapped to Yes No to No Ioracle no yes ok mapped to twice ok not mapped to 12 Steps Step 5: Instance Map Ialg no yes InstanceMap does not know if Ialg is a Yes instance. Ioracle no yes 12 Steps Step 5: Instance Map Ialg no yes InstanceMap does not know if Ialg is a Yes instance. Ioracle no yes A useful mapping but not poly-time. 12 Steps Forward vs Reverse Solution Map Ialg Potential Solution = SolutionMap(S). Ioracle Potential Solution S. 12 Steps Forward vs Reverse Solution Map Ialg Potential Solution S. Ioracle Potential Solution = ReverseSolutionMap(S). 12 Steps Forward vs Reverse Solution Map Salg Salg = SolutionMap(Soracle) Soracle = ReverseSolutionMap(Salg) In this case, bijective Soracle 12 Steps Forward vs Reverse Solution Map Salg Salg = SolutionMap(Soracle) Soracle = ReverseSolutionMap(Salg) ok not mapped to ok mapped Even the unexpected solutions to twice need to be mapped. Soracle The End An early version of these slides produced by Steven Rudich from Carnegie Mellon University Things Cut Out of More Detailed NP Talk Computational Complexity Theory Computational Complexity Theory is the study of how much of a given resource (such as time, space, parallelism, randomness, algebraic operations, communication, or quantum steps) is required to perform the computations that interest us the most. 2 CRAYOLAS Given a graph G, what is a fast algorithm to decide if it can be 2-colored? PERSPIRATION; BRUTE FORCE: Try out all 2n ways of 2 coloring G. Sorry Things Cut Out of intro theory talk Boss assigns task: Given a computer program, will it halt? Everyday industry asks these questions. Example: Halting Problem loop a = 1 … 1,000,000 s := s+a end loop loop a > 0 s := s+a end loop Halts Does not halt Example: Halting Problem loop a,b,c,z > 2 Proof of not halting = exit when az + bz = cz Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem end loop loop chaotic behavior exit when special event end loop Chaotic behavior = not knowing what it will do without doing it. How can we know it will not halt without running it forever? Your answer: Sorry. No algorithm exists that tells you for every computer program whether it halts! Halting Problem Suppose there was a working algorithm: Halt(P,I) = whether program P halts on input I Construct from it another algorithm: Nhalt(P) = if(Halt(P,P)) loop forever else halt = halts ↔ program P does not halt on input P. Paradox: Nhalt(Nhalt) = ? program Nhalt halts on input Nhalt ↔ program Nhalt does not halt on input Nhalt Contradiction! Your answer: Sorry. No algorithm exists that tells you for every computer program whether it halts! Or any other useful thing about what the program does. Research in Computer Science •Vision •Graphics •Robotics •Systems •Data Bases •Networks •Real Time •Artificial Intelligence •Theory Theoretical Computer Science Useful Fun Doable by you So you want to be a computer scientist? •Micro soft packages. •Programming It is important to learn theory! Boss assigns task: Given courses students want, schedule them to minimize conflicts. Everyday industry asks these questions. Your answer: Um? Tell me what to code. The demand for mundane programmers is diminishing. Your answer: I learned this great algorithm that will work. Soon all known algorithms will be available in libraries. Your answer: I can develop a new algorithm for you. Great thinkers will always be needed. Alternatively, your answer: Sorry. Very likely no fast algorithm exists that always finds best schedule. (else worthy of wealth & Nobel prize) This too will impress your boss. The future belongs to the computer scientist who has A large collection of tools to draw on. Rudich The future belongs to the computer scientist who has Creativity The future belongs to the computer scientist who has Logical Thinking The future belongs to the computer scientist who has Abstract thinking. The future belongs to the computer scientist who has It is important to learn theory! Andy Mirzaian Suprakash Datta Franck Van Breugel Jeff Edmonds Patrick Dymond Zbigniew Stachniak Joseph Liu Theoretical Computer Science George Tourlakis Research Eric Ruppert Theoretical Computer Science at York •Complexity Theory •Algorithms for solving problem •Determining time and memory used •Proving can’t do better Theoretical Computer Science at York •Many machines working together •Different speed clocks •Different memory and programs •Communication Networks •Parallel Algorithms Theoretical Computer Science at York •Other Topics •Large-scale scientific computing •Sparse matrix technology •Computational geometry •Combinatorial optimization •Graph algorithms •Computational logic, •Knowledge representation Some Typical Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science Computer Science Started with Theory The theory of computation and algorithms was developed well before the hardware was invented. This is one of the reasons that progress was made so fast when the hardware was developed. Please feel free to ask questions! Professors at York are accessible. A Hotdog A combination of pork, grain, and sawdust, … Constraints: •Amount of moisture •Amount of protean, •… The Hotdog Problem Given today’s prices, what is a fast algorithm to find the cheapest hotdog? Abstraction There are deep ideas within the simplicity. = Goal: Understand and think about complex things in simple ways. There are deep ideas within the simplicity. Rudich Abstract Out Essential Details Amount to add: x1, x2, x3, x4 Cost: $29, $8, $1, $2 Cost of Hotdog: Constraints: •moisture •protean, •… 29x1 + 8x2 + 1x3 + 2x4 3x1 + 4x2 – 7x3 + 8x4 12 2x1 - 8x2 + 4x3 - 3x4 24 -8x1 + 2x2 – 3x3 - 9x4 8 x1 + 2x2 + 9x3 - 3x4 31 Abstract Out Essential Details Minimize: Subject to: 29x1 + 8x2 + 1x3 + 2x4 3x1 + 4x2 – 7x3 + 8x4 12 2x1 - 8x2 + 4x3 - 3x4 24 -8x1 + 2x2 – 3x3 - 9x4 8 x1 + 2x2 + 9x3 - 3x4 31 A Fast Algorithm For decades people thought that there was no fast algorithm. Minimize: Subject to: Then one was found! 29x1 + 8x2 + 1x3 + 2x4 3x1 + 4x2 – 7x3 + 8x4 12 2x1 - 8x2 + 4x3 - 3x4 24 -8x1 + 2x2 – 3x3 - 9x4 8 x1 + 2x2 + 9x3 - 3x4 31 Theoretical Computer Science finds new algorithms every day. Doable by You How can I solve problems that smart people have worked hard on? Doable by You •We will teach you how to do it. •You will come upon new problems that no one has thought about before. •Hence, you will have the first chance to solve them. Theoretical Computer Science Think Be Creative Arithmetic Sum Gauss S=1+2+3+...+n Rudich 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n-1 + n = S = number of white dots. 1 2........n 1 + 2 + n + n-1 + + ... + n-1 + n = S = number of white dots n-2 + ... + 2 1 = S = number of yellow dots 3 n ....... 2 1 + 1 2........n 1 + 2 + n + n-1 + + ... + n-1 + n = S = number of white dots n-2 + ... + 2 1 = S = number of yellow dots 3 + n 2S dots = n(n+1) dots in the grid n n n n n (n 1) S 2 n n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 Perspiration Search Try all possible combinations to find the cheapest Too many to try. With 50 ingredients, number of valid combinations is more than the number of atoms.