CS1103 電機資訊工程實習 What Is State? Prof. Chung-Ta King Department of Computer Science National Tsing Hua University (Contents from http://ai-depot.com/FiniteStateMachines/FSM-Background.html, www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~ahw/comp_arch/L3.ppt ) How many “states” can a motorcycle have? 這是什麼爛問題? State有不同的類型! • 新、舊 • 運作良好、堪用、待修、報廢 • 停止、行進、牽行 • ... A Better Question 機車的「運作狀態」有幾種? 熄火靜止、熄火行進、 發動靜止、發動行進 不同「運作狀態」之間如何轉換? State transition 熄火 行進 推動 熄火 靜止 停止 發動 熄火 啟動 發動 行進 發動 熄火 發動 靜止 煞車停止 Finite state machine 4 Outline What is finite state machine? Finite state machine for program modeling The important concept of “state” Finite state machine for circuit control Finite state machine for embedded control Finite state machine for recognition Modeling with finite state machine 5 Finite State Machines (FSM) or Finite State Automation (FSA) 4 main elements: Models of behaviors of a system or object, with a limited number of defined conditions or modes, where modes change with circumstance States: define behavior and may produce actions State transitions: move from one state to another Rules (or conditions): must be met to allow a state transition Input events: externally or internally generated; may trigger rules and lead to state transitions An initial state and a current state Good for representation and modeling sequences of behaviors 6 Outline What is finite state machine? Finite state machine for program modeling The important concept of “state” Finite state machine for circuit control Finite state machine for embedded control Finite state machine for recognition Modeling with finite state machine 7 Consider the Program main() { i=5; j=6; k=0; k=i+j; if (k>0) i=0; else j=0; } Can this program be modeled with a FSM? What is its “state”? 8 Initial State main() { i=5; j=6; k=0; k=i+j; if (k>0) i=0; else j=0; } Memory CPU 6 j 5 i 0 k 9 State 1 main() { i=5; j=6; k=0; k=i+j; if (k>0) i=0; else j=0; } Memory CPU 6 j 5 i 11 k 10 State 2 main() { i=5; j=6; k=0; k=i+j; if (k>0) i=0; else j=0; } Memory CPU 6 j 0 i 11 k 11 State 3 main() { i=5; j=6; k=0; k=i+j; if (k>0) i=0; else j=0; } Memory CPU 0 j 5 i 11 k 12 FSM Representing the Program V k=i+j 1 2 k<=0 4 k>0 3 13 Compare with Flow Chart k=i+j yes i=0 k>0 no j=0 14 Some Questions Can FSM be used to represent any program? Any algorithm? What is the “state” of a program/process? Or a computer? Why is this important? 系統更新的回復點 電腦休眠之後回復原來畫面 Context switch Interrupt and resume Is there a machine that can model any computation? Turing machine 15 State of a Procedure? Fibonacci number (iterative version) unsigned int fib(unsigned int n) { unsigned int i=1, j=0, k, t; for (k=1; k<=n; k++) { t=i+j; i=j; j=t; } return j; } What need to be stored when the procedure is suspended and later resumed (as if nothing had happened)? 16 Why Is It Important? Fibonacci number (recursive version) unsigned int fib(unsigned int n) { unsigned int i=n-1, j=n-2; if (n<2) return n; else return fib(i) + fib(j); } What happens when n, i, and j each refer to the same memory location across procedure calls? 17 How to Solve for Recursion? If we could save the “state” of the calling procedure in a safe/separate place that the called procedure will not overwrite, then the recursion can be executed correctly Big idea: “procedure state” in run-time stack Allocate the “state” of each called procedure in the run-time stack procedure frame All references to the “state” go to the stack Each invocation will push “state” down the stack How to write assembly code to do that? Memory reference relative to stack pointer Chapter 8 of CS2422 18 Summary: A View of a “State” Storage contents of the code/system that must be saved away when the code/system is suspended and resumed later, as if nothing had happened State of a procedure on procedure calls State of a thread/process on context switch make time-sharing possible State of a process on migration to another PC State of a computer on error recovery State of a computer on hibernation ... 19 Implication of the View We can do anything as long as we do not disturb the “state” z = x * 3.1412; if (z > 10) j = j + k; Since FP multiplication takes a long time, can we execute the addition at the same time? out-of-order, speculative 20 Outline What is finite state machine? Finite state machine for program modeling The important concept of “state” Finite state machine for circuit control Finite state machine for embedded control Finite state machine for recognition Modeling with finite state machine 21 FSM Also Good for Hardware Processor AX BX Memory Register … x a data 01 0000001 1000010 11 0000001 1000110 01 1000011 0000001 Controller ALU b MOV AX, a ADD AX, b MOV x, AX … clock IR PC address PC: program counter IR: instruction register 22 Step 1: Fetch (MOV AX, a) Register AX BX … Memory x a data 01 0000001 1000010 11 0000001 1000110 01 1000011 0000001 Controller ALU b MOV AX, a ADD AX, b MOV x, AX … clock IR PC 01 0000001 1000010 0000111 address 23 Step 2: Decode (MOV AX,a) Register AX BX … Memory x a data 01 0000001 1000010 11 0000001 1000110 01 1000011 0000001 Controller ALU b MOV AX, a ADD AX, b MOV x, AX … clock IR PC 01 0000001 1000010 0000111 address 24 Step 3: Execute (MOV AX,a) Register AX BX Memory 00000000 00000001 … data x 00000000 000000001 a 01 0000001 1000010 11 0000001 1000110 01 1000011 0000001 Controller ALU b MOV AX, a ADD AX, b MOV x, AX … clock IR PC 01 0000001 1000010 0000111 address 25 Concept of the State Machine Computer Hardware = Datapath + Control Qualifiers Registers Combinational Functional Units (e.g., ALU) Busses Control FSM generating sequences of control signals Instructs datapath what to do next Control State Control Signal Outputs Qualifiers and Inputs Datapath 26 FSM of the Computer For this highly simplified computer, the controller can be described by a FSM Decode Fetch if (ADD) ADD if (MOV) MOV if (JNG) ... JNG Each state will generate certain control signals to control the datapath 27 Internal Structure of Controller Next state (state transition) State Register Combinational circuit Clk Output To datapath Controller Instruction Reg EFLAGS ALU zero,carry,overflow,... 28 Combinational & Sequential Logic Combinational logic does not have memory It generates output solely according to the input and does not care about history Often, we need a different reaction on the same input depending on the current state E.g. Current state is 7 and input is 1, the new state and output are 8 Current state is 15 and input is 1, the new state and output are To make the new state depends on the previous state, we need memory 29 Sequential Logic and FSM Computers are made of sequential logic blocks Truth tables are used to design combinational logic, but can’t be used for sequential logic Finite state machines (FSM) are used instead FSM describes a sequential logic block in terms of: Set of states, State transition function (defined on current state and input), and Output function (defined on current state and input, or on current state only) 30 Two Types of FSMs Differ in how outputs are produced Moore Machine: Mealy Machine: Outputs are independent of the inputs, i.e. outputs are produced from within the state of the state machine Outputs can be determined by the present state alone, or by the present state and the present inputs, i.e. outputs are produced as the machine makes a transition from one state to another Any Moore machine can be turned into a Mealy machine (and vice versa) 31 Moore Machine The Moore State Machine output remains the same as long as the state machine remains in that state. The output can be arbitrarily complex but must be the same every time the machine enters that state. Output condition that results from being in a particular present state State 1 q,r i,j a,b Input condition that must exist in order to execute these transitions from State 1 State 2 x,y 32 Mealy Machine The Mealy State Machine generates outputs based on: The Present State, and The Inputs to the M/c. So, same state can generate many different patterns of output signals, depending on the inputs. Outputs are shown on transitions since they are determined in the same way as is the next state. Output condition that results from being in a particular present state State 1 i,j x,y a,b q,r Input condition that must exist in order to execute these transitions from State 1 State 2 33 Outline What is finite state machine? Finite state machine for program modeling The important concept of “state” Finite state machine for circuit control Finite state machine for embedded control Finite state machine for recognition Modeling with finite state machine 34 Safety Belt Control We want to design a controller for safety belt If the seat is seated and the belt is not buckled within a set time, a buzzer will sound until the belt is buckled event driven Inputs: seat sensor, timer, belt sensor Output: buzzer, timer System: specialized computer for reacting according to events sensed by the sensors 35 FSM for Event-driven Systems no seat/no seat/ buzzer off idle seat/timer on no seat/buzzer seated Belt/buzzer on belt/ buzzer off no belt and no timer/- belt/- belted no belt/timer on 36 C Code Structure Current state is kept in a variable State table is implemented as a switch Cases define states States can test inputs and produce outputs while (TRUE) { switch (state) { case state1: … } } Switch is repeatedly evaluated by while-loop 37 C Implementation #define IDLE 0 #define SEATED 1 #define BELTED 2 #define BUZZER 3 switch (state) { case IDLE: if (seat) { state = SEATED; timer_on = TRUE; } break; case SEATED: if (belt) state = BELTED; else if (timer) state = BUZZER; break; … } 38 Another Example in1=1/x=a A B r=0/out2=1 r=1/out1=0 in1=0/x=b s=0/out1=0 C D s=1/out1=1 39 C State Table switch (state) { case A: if (in1==1) { x = a; state = B; } else { x = b; state = D; } break; case B: if (r==0) { out2 = 1; state = B; } else { out1 = 0; state = C; } break; case C: if (s==0) { out1 = 0; state = C; } else { out1 = 1; state = D; } break; 40 Outline What is finite state machine? Finite state machine for program modeling The important concept of “state” Finite state machine for circuit control Finite state machine for embedded control Finite state machine for recognition Modeling with finite state machine 41 FSM as Recognizer/Translator Outputs a ‘0’ if an even # of 1’s is received and outputs a ‘1’ otherwise What is state? Two states: whether an even # of 1s have been received, or an odd # of 1s have been received Mealy Machine Moore Machine 0/0 Even 0 Even Input Output [0] 1/1 1/0 Odd Output 1 1 Input Odd [1] 0/1 0 42 Finite State Machines Language recognizer (acceptor) y recognizer of L yes, y in L no Problem solver problems strings (languages) machines answers 43 FSM as Recognizer/Translator How to recognize words in a document? Assume characters in the document are input sequentially What is state? others/[word] State 2 State 1 [a-z, A-Z] [a-z, A-Z] others 44 Example A FSM that outputs a ‘1’ whenever it receives a multiple of 3 # of 1’s on a serial input Relevant information to solve the problem: (A) A multiple of 3 # is received (B) A non-multiple of 3 # is received Questions to consider: (1) How do we go from (A)(B) Ans.: If a ‘0’ is received (2) How do we go from (B)(A) Ans.: Not clear; need to consider (B1): 3y+1 # of 1’s received. y is an integer 0 (B2): 3y+2 # of 1’s received. 45 Example Transitions between 3 classes of information: (A) (B1) (B2) (A) 1 received 1 received 1 received They can be considered states of the FSM: 00 Reset 0/1 i=0 0 Output Input Reset i=0 [1] 0/0 1/0 1/1 10 01 i=1 1/0 i=2 0/0 Mealy Machine 1 1 0 i=1 [0] i=2 [0] 1 0 Moore Machine 46 Outline What is finite state machine? Finite state machine for program modeling The important concept of “state” Finite state machine for circuit control Finite state machine for embedded control Finite state machine for recognition Modeling with finite state machine 47 Scenario 1 入侵偵測系統: 某一房間的麥克風偵測到有不正常的聲音,即 提高偵測頻率,並通知房間內的攝影機追蹤聲 音的來源,且將影像傳到管理員手機。 同時,通知走廊及其他房間內的麥克風提高偵 測頻率,攝影機追蹤移動物體。 What are the states? What is the FSM? 48 Scenario 2 大富翁: What are the states? How states transit? Are the transitions deterministic? What are the expected outcomes? Markov chain, stochastic process, ... 49 Quiz 每天早上小明的爸爸開車送他到學校,然後到 公司上班。小明的媽媽處理家務。 每天下午下課時,小明的媽媽用機車來接他, 並送他去補習。 小明補完習,媽媽再來接他回家。 爸爸下班時間比較不固定,他直接開車回家。 What are the states? What is the FSM? What are the states for 小明? hierarchy 50