Leadership Reflection Paper: Self-Assessment & Development

Becoming a good leader is important in today’s educational sector. With student
achievement as an overall primary focus, it is crucial we have instructional leaders that have the
commitment, planning, motivational skills, and communication necessary to meet the needs of
our society. Leadership theory assists us in knowing the type of leader we already are and the
type of leader we want to become. Therefore, my reflections, strengths, and thoughts on my
current leadership capabilities and those that need refining are outlined below.
Survey Reflections
Note: what is missing in these individual survey reflection sections is the applied strategy
also requested – added this semester. Also, note the survey listed has been modified – follow
our session list
Leadership Trait Questionnaire
According to the leadership trait questionnaire, I possess many strengths as a leader
today. Some of the qualities mentioned in the survey include persistence, dependability,
outgoing, and determined. I find these true in all aspects. As a persistence and determined
leader today, I often stay focused on my desires to achieve certain outcomes. This includes
being certain I can accomplish the task at hand with little or no direction and complete
confidence. I am seen as a team player who lends into being dependable and outgoing. I am
always committed to any endeavor and can be relied upon to get the job done. Since all of these
play an important part of accomplishing goals, it is beneficial that I have an outgoing and
friendly personality. Getting along well with others helps everyone feel at ease, welcome and
useful to the job at hand.
I learned that some traits are not strengths of mine. These include being sensitive and
empathetic. The qualities indicate that I am not sympathetic to others or acknowledge their
feelings. In addition, not being empathetic to others means I find it difficult to understand other’s
problems or identify with their plight. I would have to agree with this survey information as
well. I often have a tendency to always want to get the job done and not allow feelings to play a
part in any decision making or job related duties. While I understand everyone has inner
struggles and face issues of their own, I tend to not acknowledge this for the purpose at hand.
This particular instrument taught me a lot about myself as a leader. I feel proud that
many expressed their confidence in me as a leader. I feel strongly that my leadership traits are
inborn but have matured over time. I am able to focus on these strengths and continue to
improve upon others. I am aware of the qualities it takes to be an effective leader and plan to
embrace these qualities to further improve upon myself as a leader.
Skills Inventory
In response to the skills inventory, I achieved overall high scores throughout all three
measured levels, with conceptual skill being the lowest in number by only one point. The high
technical skill indicates I possess credibility as a leader along with strong technical skills that
allow me to create solutions to problems or overall general ideas. Having a high human skill
indicates I am a people person. This along with the leadership trait questionnaire confirms my
outgoing trait. While I also have a high conceptual score, it was lower than the other two.
Therefore, this would be the quality I would need to address in regards to my skills inventory.
To do this I would need to work on the sensitivity issue that was discovered in the other
questionnaire. Becoming more aware of other’s feelings, being reflective, and being attentive to
others would assist me in this skill.
The skills inventory taught me to focus more on others than myself. While I am
confident in my own skills as a leader, this tool helped me recognize that I need to be more
sensitive to those who are struggling leaders or that do not possess the same qualities as me.
Differences in leaders should be embraced because it takes all these qualities to become an
effective team.
Leadership Behavior Questionnaire
I received a score of high in regards to the technical skills and a score of moderately high
on the relationship section of this questionnaire. Again, I see that being technical is one of my
strengths while relationships are not my strong point. This information reinforces that I am
successful when it comes to performing duties, tasks, and goals. I am always committed to the
goal at hand and consider organization to be necessary to completing activities. This score
further indicates that I am proficient in the leadership aspect. However, relationship issues arise
again. While I am comfortable interacting with others, this tool indicates I do not have the
ability to form close, personal relationships with others as a leader. The questionnaire has helped
me discover that I need to work on my personal skills. Specifically, I should interact more with
my colleagues, join clubs or social media, or work on encouraging or complimenting others to
form friendships.
Situational Leadership Questionnaire, Sample Items
Depending on the situation, leadership skills can change. According to situational
leadership and sample items, it is the situation at hand that allows leaders to determine the style
that is needed. My strengths in this aspect includes being able to recognize that each situation is
different and should be approached in a different way. This includes being able to shift from
delegating, directing, coaching, or supporting styles. Each situation calls for change. I was able
to recognize that each scenario was unique and needed a leader who could adapt to each
problem. As a situational leader I am able to switch gears and address problems that arise.
Knowing your strengths and weaknesses as a leader assists you in these decisions. I am able to
guide those who need help with tasks, goals, and activities since those are strengths of mine,
while I need to adapt more to the person who lacks personal skills since that is not a strength of
mine either.
Path Goal Leadership Questionnaire
According to the path goal questionnaire, I have high scores in directive and
achievement styles and received common scores in supportive and participative styles.
Directive and supportive continue to reinforce that I possess strong leadership qualities and feel
confident excelling at my assignment, activity or goal. Furthermore, the questionnaire indicates
I need work on being sensitive to others and participating in a group. With path goal, a good
leader will remove obstacles to clear the path for others to be successful. I can understand my
problems with this approach. Since I am not strong when it comes to helping others or
understanding their feelings, I see where this would be detrimental. I expect others to be goal
oriented and accomplish their tasks as I would. This has reinforced the lesson that I must be in
tune to other’s situations and feelings in order to be an overall effective leader.
LMX 7 Questionnaire
After taking the LMX quiz, I learned that I work well with leaders. Specifically, I am
depended upon, trusted, and favored among the group. I continue to work hard on assigned tasks
and always get the job done. I stay committed to activities and expect high-quality results.
LMX continued to confirm my strengths are dependability and ability to accomplish any
assignment that has been given. In addition, I remain outgoing and friendly and work as a team
member. These qualities indicate I am strong leader and seek relationships with those who
possess these same qualities. Serving on the school leadership team enforces this quality. On
the other hand, while I have effective partnerships in work related content, I could still reflect on
more sensitive approaches to others and forging more personal contact. Again, being more
sensitive to others continues to play a role in my development as a leader.
Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Form 5X Short
Based on the multifactor questionnaire as a transformational leader, I learned that I excel
at confidence and perform above expectations. I could be a role model to others and motivate
them to their fullest potential. Similarly as a transactional leader, I am encouraged to create
positive, encouraging members of an organization. Knowing this information helps to move
some passive styles I do possess towards a more transformational leadership style. This would
be accomplished by making goals to respond to others on a more personal level and developing
relationships with those at the organization. Continuing to improve upon my strengths as a
leader and empower change on my shortcomings in the definition of a transformational and
transactional leader.
Authentic Leadership Self Assessment Questionnaire
The authentic leadership questionnaire contained several components. I scored the
highest on the internalized moral perspective component. A high score on this section indicates I
possess strong authentic leadership qualities. I choose to do the right thing based on my beliefs
and principles. These continue to be my strengths. To maintain these qualities, I need to remain
honest and stay flexible in my core values. On the other hand, my lowest score was on balanced
processing and relational transparency. This score lends itself towards the continuing belief that
I can not relate to others thoughts, feelings, ideas, or beliefs. To become a more intuitive leader,
I should understand these qualities and continue to improve on becoming a more authentic
person. I learned that my decisions and ideas affect others. In order to have better relationships
with others I need to be sensitive to their needs. While I can handle being an effective leader and
have strong values, not everyone is the same as me, and I have to learn how to embrace those
that are different.
Servant Leadership Questionnaire
Servant leadership addressed many leadership qualities. The range on each of the
qualities was broad in some aspects. My highest scores were based on conceptual skills and
behaving ethically while my lowest scores indicate a need to help my subordinates. These
results were no surprise. I continue to see the trend of my morals and values coming into play
with my leadership style as indicated on this questionnaire. These continue to be my strengths as
a leader. In contrast, I do not have strengths when it comes to helping others grow, or putting
their needs before my own. I need to work on overcoming these obstacles. In order to improve
upon this quality, I would put other’s needs before my own. I should engage in practices that
foster personal relationships and make an effort to understand their feelings and emotions.
Based on the survey results, I am a paragon of sorts. The results revealed I am a highachieving, hard-working member of my organization. In addition, I set high standards for myself
and lead by example. These are essential qualities for a good leader. I relish organization and
thrive on well thought out projects. I seek control and management of all tasks. I am truly at my
best when I can create a project and see the end result. Therefore, a good educational leadership
position for me would be in educational management. I perform well in a directive style of
leadership, which requires me to have a plan for every assignment. I am able to complete
activities from start to finish with no assistance. Managerial tasks that use my organizational
skills, persistence, determination, and other leadership qualities will continue to enforce these
traits. Others, as well as I, see these qualities in me as a leader.
Additionally, the survey results reveal I would not do well as a team builder. I am not
happy when I have to share the spotlight and request the help of others. Therefore, the results
continue to show I exhibit problems when relating effectively to other people. However, there
are solutions to assist me in overcoming this obstacle. I should not take control of other’s
projects. I need to consider people’s feelings and emotions before moving forward with
assignments. Also, motivating others and mentoring would be essential to my growth. Upon
learning this information, I would not be a good fit as a counselor or coach. I become impatient
with others who do not handle things effectively. I show little tolerance for not getting the job
done. I do not want to surround myself with indecision or ineffectiveness. Therefore, positions
that are people focused are not my strength.
In conclusion, leadership theory and practice has taught me a lot about myself as a leader.
I now know my strengths and limitations. I am able to enhance and refine myself those traits
that are necessary as a leadership member. Knowing the qualities I possess will assist me in
future endeavors. Therefore, my future as a leader looks bright.