7th Grade American History Fall Semester Jamestown Essay Project Overview: Over the course of the year, we have followed the establishment and development of the English colonies in North America. After failures at Sagadohoc and Roanoke, and “starving times” in others, by the mid 1700s, the thirteen English colonies were thriving. Objectives: To analyze the challenges faced by the Jamestown colony and the reasons why the colony was able to survive and thrive Points: This paper counts as a test. A letter grade will be given. Late Penalty: ten percent will be deducted per day late Assignment: What challenges did the Jamestown colony face, leading it to lose seventy percent or more of the colonists and what factors led it to not only survive, but thrive? Choose at least two challenges that threatened the survival of the colony. Include at least two reasons why the colony suceeded and write a three page paper on how these events/factors contributed to its success. The goal is to prove your thesis statement (The British lost the American Revolution due to the disadvantages of fighting at a distance, inferior leadership, and strategic mistakes, including Yorktown.) with specific details. You will be working on the essay in class and at home. Specific assignments and deadlines will be given along the way. Colony Virginia (beginning with the Jamestown settlement) o Over time the colony grew from just Jamestown to the Virginia colony Deliverables: 1. Outline with introduction, including a thesis statement 2. Rough draft of essay 3. Final draft of essay with Works Cited page and rough draft (with comments) attached Final Essay Requirements: Title page with name, class (History 7.1, 7.2, 7.3), Mr. Hughes, date, and title of your essay three pages, double spaced (no header or footer) 12 point font, Times New Roman Introduction, Four or more body paragraphs, and conclusion Separate Works Cited page in proper MLA format (does not count as one of your three pages) Rough draft with my comments clipped to final essay Sources: o 2 book sources including your textbook o 2 online sources (ABC-CLIO, Britannica Annals of American History, and InfoTrac) found on the Stanwich library web page Quotes: o At least five, from at least three different sources o May be direct (what someone said) or from a secondary source Resources: Your textbook, books provided in class National Geographic: Beyond the Movie: The New World: Nightmare in Jamestown ABC-CLIO, World Book, Encyclopedia Britannica Various articles given to you by your teacher Pre-approved and unblocked websites – list will be provided by teacher In-Essay Citations and Works Cited Within your essay, you will need to cite all outside work using the MLA format. In addition, you will be required to have a separate Works Cited page in MLA format for your essay to show what outside information you included. Examples and formats will provided.. If you have ANY questions at all you should contact your history teacher Email address: o Mr. Hughes – chughes@stanwichschool.org Note Cards: 4 Source Cards in MLA format (one for each of the two books, one for each of the two online articles) 2 Information Cards from each source o Include letter of source (A, B, C, etc.), number (#1, #2), and subject (Leadership) Above number of cards are the minimum. Thoughtful use of note cards will go a long way towards writing a well-written and coherent essay. Class work: In order to do well on this essay, it is imperative that you make effective use of class time. Essay work is to be done in class and at home. Please make an effort to see me with any questions during class or study hall. Disruptive behavior will result in a lower grade. SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENTS AND DUE DATES History 7.1 Thursday, October 31st Class work: Introduction to project, expectations, and format Outline, notes, resources Work on outline/notes Homework: Take notes on 3.1 related to the challenges faced by Jamestown and reasons for its success Homework: Finish notes Friday, November 1 Class work: Introduction to outline, Work Cited, in-essay citations Work on outline Homework: Outline with introduction and thesis statement due Tuesday Tuesday, November 5th Class work: Feedback on outline and introduction Introduction to rough draft Homework: Work on rough draft, adding specific details Rough draft due: Thursday (beginning of class) Wednesday, November 6th Class work: Homework: Work on rough draft, adding specific details Introduction to conclusion, transitions Rough draft due Thursday Thursday, November 7th Class work: Feedback on rough draft, work on rough draft Work on Works Cited Homework: Final essay with Work Cited due Tuesday, November 12th Friday, November 8th Class work: Work on final essay, incorporate edits from rough draft Homework: Final essay due Tuesday, November 12th Tuesday, November 12th *Final essay due with rough draft with my edits stapled to the back of it Work Cited is the last page SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENTS AND DUE DATES History 7.2 Wednesday, October 30th Class work: Introduction to project, expectations, and format Outline, notes, resources Work on outline/notes Homework: Take notes on 3.1 related to the challenges faced by Jamestown and reasons for its success Homework: Finish notes Thursday, October 31st Class work: Introduction to outline, Work Cited, in-essay citations Work on outline Homework: November 4th Outline with introduction and thesis statement due end of class Monday, Friday, November 1st Class work: Feedback on outline and introduction Introduction to rough draft Homework: Work on rough draft, adding specific details Rough draft due: Thursday, November 7th (beginning of class) Monday, November 4th Class work: Homework: Work on rough draft, adding specific details Introduction to conclusion, transitions Rough draft due Thursday, November 7th (end of class) Tuesday, November 5th Class work: Feedback on rough draft, work on rough draft Work on Works Cited Homework: Final essay with Work Cited due Monday, November 11th Friday, November 8th Class work: Work on final essay, incorporate edits from rough draft Homework: Final essay due Monday, November 11th Monday, November 11th *Final essay due with rough draft with my edits stapled to the back of it Work Cited is the last page SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENTS AND DUE DATES History 7.3 Wednesday, October 30th Class work: Introduction to project, expectations, and format Outline, notes, resources Work on outline/notes Homework: Take notes on 3.1 related to the challenges faced by Jamestown and reasons for its success Homework: Finish notes Thursday, October 31st Class work: Introduction to outline, Work Cited, in-essay citations Work on outline Homework: Outline with introduction and thesis statement due Tuesday Monday, November 4th Class work: Feedback on outline and introduction Introduction to rough draft Homework: Work on rough draft, adding specific details Rough draft due: Thursday (beginning of class) Tuesday, November 5th Class work: Homework: Work on rough draft, adding specific details Introduction to conclusion, transitions Rough draft due Thursday (end of class) Wednesday, November 8th Class work: Feedback on rough draft, work on rough draft Work on Works Cited Homework: Final essay with Work Cited due Tuesday, November 12th Thursday, November 9th Class work: Work on final essay, incorporate edits from rough draft Homework: Final essay due Tuesday, November 12th Monday, November 11th *Final essay due with rough draft with my edits stapled to the back of it Work Cited is the last page RUBRIC FOR ESSAY Categories A B C F Revision Essay shows thorough and thoughtful revision from outline and rough draft based on teacher and peer feedback. Essay incorporates most feedback from outline and rough draft based on teacher and peer feedback. Essay shows preparation, and clear separation from paragraph to paragraph, but does not always flow from section to section Essay demonstrates little revision from outline and rough draft based on teacher and peer feedback. Essay lacks revision from outline and rough draft based on teacher and peer feedback. Organization Argument Detail and Supporting Evidence Introductions and Conclusion Essay has a clear flow from start to finish, topic and transition sentences Student is able to defend thesis statement, with specific details in support of argument Student refers to required number of factors, and uses appropriate factors to support thesis statement Introduction is clear, providing insight into the essay using the “funnel” technique,” and includes a wellwritten thesis statement Conclusion is well written Student defends thesis statement in most areas, and provides satisfactory detail Student refers to required number of factors, but does not always use them appropriately to defend thesis statement (use of factors is confusing) Introduction is clear, and includes adequate insight into the paper. The thesis statement is properly placed, but is awkward Conclusion is too long, and includes details that should have been included in a body paragraph Essay shows some preparation, but paragraphs do not always relate back to thesis statement, and there is a lack of decent topic sentences Student refers to thesis statement from time to time, but argument is weak, and there is a lack of detail Essay shows little to no preparation Student does not have a thesis statement, and no argument is made Student uses less than the required amount of factors, and paper is lacking sufficient detail Student uses less than the required amount of factors, and paper has very little detail, and is very difficult to follow Introduction is too short, and does not provide enough detail. Introduction is lacking any insight into the paper, or has not been written Conclusion is too short, and does not seem to “wrap up” the essay Student uses a variety of sentence structures appropriately and confidently; no spelling errors found Student varies sentence structure, but makes occasional grammatical errors; very few spelling errors found Student’s writing is repetitive, unclear, or has many grammatical errors; multiple spelling errors found Essay Citations & Works Cited Student properly cites all outside sources within essay and on Works Cited page in MLA format Student cites nearly all sources within essay and on Works Cited page in MLA format Student does not sufficiently cite sources within essay and on Works Cited page; MLA format not used Numerous omissions of in essay citations and on Works Cited page; improperly formatted references used Classwork/ Effort Student consistently takes advantage of class time to work diligently on essay; asks questions and seeks assistance in and out of class. Also, student works consistently and effectively at home to meet deadlines and produce best possible work. Student makes good use of time to work on essay; seeks some assistance in and out of class. Also, student typically makes effective use of time at home to make progress on the essay to produce good work. Student makes poor use of class time to work on essay; rarely seeks assistance in or out of class. Also, student does little quality work on essay at home. Student consistently disrupts class or does not engage with the work athand, thus making little progress. Little or no work is done at home and student does not seek or is receptive to help from the teacher. Grammar, Sentence Structure, and Spelling Revision Organization, Introduction, Conclusion Content Grammar & Spelling Citations & Works Cited Classwork/Effort TOTAL Points Possible 20 20 40 10 10 10 110 Points Assigned Grammatical errors make the paper hard to understand; numerous spelling mistakes found