Assignment 3 ( RESEARCH ) - Faustina Starrett

ND Media Production Y1
Semester 1 – 2014-2015
U3: Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industries
Assignment Details
Title: Research Techniques for the Creative Media
Assessors: Faustina Starrett
School: Media, Multimedia & Performing Arts
Assignment number: 1
level: 3
Issue date:
Interim hand-in (if applicable): N/A
Due: 6.12.2014
This assignment brief covers the
first Outcome, in both of which
you must achieve a Pass. The brief
outlines what you must do to
achieve a Pass, Merit, or
Distinction. Read the Scenario and
Tasks and follow them closely
using the notes and guidelines
covered in class and resources
IV date:
1 Understand the nature and purposes of research in the creative media industries
The aim of this assignment is for the student to demonstrate an understanding of and skills in
research relevant to creative media production.Learners will present their findings in a formal written
report and cite and reference their sources
1 Understand the nature and purposes of research in the creative media industries
Types of research: quantitative research, eg programme ratings, readership circulation figures, hits on a
website, box office figures, sales of CDs and DVDs; qualitative research, eg film reviews, game
fanzine websites, attitudes to media products, responses to news coverage, responses to advertising
campaigns, discussion
Methods and sources of research: secondary research (books, journals, reference-based books and
directories, periodicals, newspapers, film archives, photo libraries, worldwide web, searching internet
forums, CD Rom databases, audio material, ratings, circulation figures, government statistics);
research (interview techniques, observations, questionnaires, surveys, types of questions, focus
audience panels, participation in internet forums); data gathering agencies, eg Broadcasters’
Research Board (BARB), Radio Joint Audience Research Ltd (RAJAR); self-generated eg, own video,
or photographic records of events
Purposes of research: audience research (audience data, audience profiling, demographics,
geodemographics, consumer behaviour, consumer attitudes, audience awareness); market research
(product market, competition, competitor analysis, advertising placement, advertising effects);
research (content, viability, placement media, finance, costs, technological resources, personnel,
ND Media Production Y1
Semester 1 – 2014-2015
U3: Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industries
ND Media Production Y1
Semester 1 – 2014-2015
U3: Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industries
Write a report in 3 parts
Types of Research used in media industires
Part 2
Methods and sources of research with illustrative
examples ( you may reference research sources
from other projects as evidence in your answer)
Part 3
Purposes of Research
Discuss with examples what research is used for.
Part 4
Examples from my working portfolio 2014-2015
Blog(Cross-Ref. ICT & Interview Techniques)
To achieve a pass grade, learners must achieve all the
criteria at pass level. For each of the criteria learners
must present evidence that addresses each italicised subheading of the content for the learning outcome.
P1: learners will outline the main purposes of research,
covering audience research, market research and
production research.
They will also outline the main methods and sources of
research covering primary,
secondary, qualitative and quantitative. All aspects of these
descriptions will be accurate and relevant.
Whatever is being dealt with will be covered substantially –
though not necessarily absolutely completely.
To achieve each outcome a
learner must demonstrate the
ability to:
P1 describe the nature and
purposes of research in the
creative media industries
with some appropriate use of
subject terminology
ND Media Production Y1
Semester 1 – 2014-2015
U3: Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industries
Merit Criteria
Distinction Criteria
Merit: - Pass criteria plus following
Distinction: - Merit criteria plus
M1 explain the nature and
purposes of research in the
creative media industries with
detailed illustrative examples
and with generally correct
use of subject terminology
D1 comprehensively explain
the nature and purposes
of research in the creative
media industries with
elucidated examples and
consistently using subject
terminology correctly
Delivery of personal, learning and thinking skills
The table below identifies the opportunities for personal, learning and thinking skills
The table below identifies the opportunities for personal, learning and thinking skills (PLTS) that
have been
included within the pass assessment criteria of this unit.
Skill When learners are …
Independent enquirers applying research methods and techniques to creative media production and
creative media products.
Although PLTS are identified within this unit as an inherent part of the assessment criteria, there
are further
opportunities to develop a range of PLTS through various approaches to teaching and learning.
Skill When learners are …
Creative thinkers developing a proposal from the research they have undertaken
Reflective learners assessing their individual contribution to a group research project
Team workers working in teams to undertake primary and secondary research and make a
ND Media Production Y1
Semester 1 – 2014-2015
U3: Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industries
portfolio of findings
Self-managers working independently on any areas of the research, such as conducting individual
secondary research on a specific area or interviewing on a one-to-one basis
Useful Sources - ( General – from specification)
Guidance and Sources for use.
Websites – Reuters news agency – an internet archive site – BBC film archives – British movie archive – a great business site with lots of information on research techniques,
demographics, etc – a sister publication to the print magazine Game Developer – The Guardian and The Observer – internet movie database – BBC Worldwide News Monitoring – Research Councils UK site – portal site with links to game research and technology – Sony game research – Research Magazine website
Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals specification in Creative Media Production
– Issue 1 – January 2010 © Edexcel Limited 2009
Further general information on work-related learning can be found at the following
websites: – work-based learning guidance – local, regional business links – National Education and Business Partnership Network – Learning and Skills Network – Centre for Education and Industry, University of Warwick
– work
Experience and workplace learning frameworks.
Primary Sources - (from original sources for project based work)
Emails from client; crew; contacts list; journalism mentors where relevant; telephone
logs; diary records; minutes; photo files; cutaway footage/screen grabs; scripts;
production logs; production templates; appraisal & peer review records. Source
websites. Quantitative & Qualitative Research findings where possible.
Secondary Sources
ND Media Production Y1
Semester 1 – 2014-2015
U3: Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industries
Baylis P, Freedman A, Procter N et al – BTEC Level 3 National Creative Media
Production, Student Book
(Pearson, 2010) ISBN 978-1846906725
Baylis P, Freedman A, Procter N et al – BTEC Level 3 National Creative Media
Production, Teaching Resource
Pack (Pearson, 2010) ISBN 978-1846907371
Baylis P, Holmes P, Starkey G – BTEC National in Media Production (Heinemann
Educational, 2007)
ISBN 978-0435499198
Abercrombie N, Long Hurst B – The Penguin Dictionary of Media Studies (Penguin,
ISBN 978-0141014272
Branson G, Stafford R – The Media Students Book (Rutledge, 2006), ISBN 9780415371438
Briggs A, Cobley P – The Media: An Introduction (Longman, 2002) ISBN 9780582423466
Clark V, Jones P, Malyszko B, Wharton D – Complete A-Z Media and Film Studies
Handbook (Hodder Arnold,
2007) ISBN 978-0340872659
Gillespie M, Toynbee J– Analyzing Media Texts Issues in Cultural/Media Studies (Open
University Press, 2006)
ISBN 978-0335218868
McDonald K – Film and Television Textual Analysis (Auteur, 2005) ISBN 9781903663547
O’Sullivan T Dutton B, Rayner P – Studying the Media: An Introduction (Hodder Arnold,